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Posts posted by JayD83

  1. 12 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:


    I don't know much about this family or their reality show, other than Toni Braxton, who I love. Did Tamar get some work done?



    Yes, Tamar admitted to a nose job but rumors are she had much more than that. 

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  2. Monique wasn't blackballed because she refused to promote the movie.  She got blackballed because not only did she not promote it abroad, she went on rants online (just like now) about how they expected her to work for free - and got on stage and said that Oprah, Lee Daniels, and Tyler Perry that they could s*** her d*** if she had one. 

    I'm glad that Whoopi pointed out to her that it's not the same thing, and she TOLD HER everyone promotes their movies for "free"  what Whoopi couldn't say (because they ran out of time) is that they get per diem, and other perks like free clothes, jewelry etc.  She's just mad because she didn't and apparently still doesn't understand how Hollywood works.  I heard she's a nightmare to work with. 

    • Love 18
  3. 3 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    I don't think being this angry at a talk-show host is good for my health. I don't know how much more of that bitch I can take.


    Exactly.  I'm at home screaming at the TV and think I've frightened the dog! She's absolutely ridiculous! 

    • Love 14
  4. I get so tired of repeating myself.  MM is such a bitch.  She has NO business interviewing ANYBODY about ANYTHING.  Her contempt is palpable! 

    ETA did she just take it upon HERSELF to go to commercial?  Oy vey! 

    • Love 22
  5. OMG MM REALLY hates the audience doesn't she?  "That's a terrible applause line, but we're against pedophilia on this show" - WTF is wrong with her?  FIRE HER NOW!

    • Love 20
  6. 1 minute ago, Bronzedog said:

    I'm not sure why Meghan would ever think she could win an argument with Sunny.


    And she had the nerve to think she was "calling Sunny out" yesterday while she wasn't there, and got her face cracked.  I loved every second!

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