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call me ishmael

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Posts posted by call me ishmael

  1. That's what I thought when The Doctor told Missy to run and she had that brilliant idea. First off, why did The Doctor have Missy leave on her own? He's always trying to save The Master, not send him/her to his/her death. Plus - Batman reference - the Penguin or Joker et al always had Batman and Robin hanging over a vat of acid or pit of vipers and then they'd leave before the Dynamic Duo died. And every time, they escaped. Note to The Doctor: if you want to keep Missy out of trouble, keep her with you. Don't send her off to run amok amid panicked daleks. Hilarity will not ensue.

    I think we are supposed to take his telling Missy to run as a sign of how angry he was about what she has done to Clara.

    • Love 4
  2. I have been confused by nearly every episode in the Moffat Era. My big question for this episode was: How did Clara and Missy survive being zapped in the previous episode?

    That was supposedly "explained" when Missy told Clara about the time that the Doctor tricked the invisible androids to recharge his teleportation device. It was also a rare moment of humility for Missy since she had to admit she had set it up before hand whereas the Doctor had to create it on the fly.

    It wasn't clear to me if the prophecy was of a Time Lord/Dalek hybrid or something else. Wasn't it supposed to be something the Doctor had helped with before he left Gallifrey. I imagine the Doctor has met Oedipus. He would know getting away doesn't always solve your problems.

    I thought this one was okay. I was really put off when it looked like Davros was softening. That seemed too emo for me. So I was happy there was a twist although the ending seemed forced (since when can't Daleks die? Didn't the Dalek in "Dalek" just die not to mention the millions of others). So you had a forced solution saving yourself from what would have been bad writing.

    I enjoyed Clara. But i generally do (he says ducking).

  3. If she was in Derricks season or vice versa no question he'd beat her he'd have had her out the door.

    I'm not a Derrick fan by any means but gotta admit this. If she was up against Dan, Will, Jun. same thing she'd be schooled .

    I think Derrick is widely overrated. Besides america's team he had a season of players who didn't want to win, they just wanted to work for Derrick. No other year would have failed to notice he was manipulating them. Even this group knew that about Vanessa. She just had enough strategy to survive.

    • Love 4
  4. I'm glad Missy is there to remind us the Doctor was  once one of many, rather than the all powerful being he seems to have become in the RTD / Moffat era. Exploring Classic Who, I enjoy the dynamic where he speaks truth to power, rather than being the power itself. I appreciate that this world wide phenomenon shtick may need him to be a superhero, but the thief in the night trope, to me, is more interesting. 

    I agree.  Part of it is that it is hard to take the opponents that seriously (the Silence was the last ones who seemed really threatening).  The Doctor as world power is derived from his having "destroyed" the Daleks and the Time Lords in the Time War (which of course we now know he didn't).  But rewatching some of the Baker episodes you realize that in the old days he was just a very, very smart guy who came up with ways to outwit his foes (when he was lucky).  The notion that the whole universe would be scared of him is a bit much.  Scared of the time lords I can see.  But the Doctor?

    • Love 2

    How did the Doctor land on Skaro in its ancient past without realizing it?

    But i don't think the Doctor had ever been to Skaro that early. By the time he got there the atmosphere was much more polluted, there seemed to be more destruction, etc

    • Love 2
  6. yes. which in my mind cheapens it. the whole thing is - Pan never grows up, Wendy does, and dies. Pan can't change that. in Doctor Who, twice now, his companon ages and with 1: Doctor doesn't even see it/isn't there, just sees the gravestone (so robbed), and with Clara, it's like. HAH! we can just wibbly wobbly timey wimey it away (I can't remember how it actually ended in Last Christmas). I just felt like it would have had more gravitats has Clara just had died (regardless of my feelings towards her - Doctor gets there, and unlike everything else he can just escape. he can't stop human aging, he can just be there with his friend as she passes on in the night).


    Season 9 - deal with that sort of like with season 3 - and it hits him that Clara (Rose) is indeed gone (and unlike Rose - gone gone.).

    Do you mean Rose or Amy?

  7. Clara and Missy obviously got teleported (well, at least Missy)......like how Missy survived that shot from the cyberman...teleported.

    I assume that for Clara it will turn out to be the time wristy thing. They made too big a point of that. And we never actually saw the Tardis get destroyed. I think that Missy was goading them into trying to destroy it if she couldn't trick them into letting them inside. The Daleks already know what the Tardis can do. That is why Nine sent it away in "Parting of the Ways."

    I enjoyed the various trips down memory lane and i didn't guess from the original soldiers that it was Scaro until Davros said his name. But i agree there was a lot of throwing things against the wall and hoping it would stick to this episode. And even my wife who isn't a fan was basically "haven't we seen this debate with Davros before?"

    I did enjoy Clara and Missy (although agree about Unit) and also that it was Missy that he sent his will to. Although you have to wonder if that wasn't because he wanted her there when he confronted Davros.

  8. basically the Peter/Wendy storyline from Peter Pan. Pan, boy who never grows up, always visits Wendy until she can't anymore (because she's too old). I think it would be a really good story for Who. the Doctor, no matter what his face -  never really 'experienced' that (in my tenure and I'm only a NuWhovian, so there you are). Having the Doctor come and find an aged Clara and having him deal with that would have been awesome

    Didn't they already do that and then change it in Last Christmas when JC decided to stay?

    • Love 1
  9. I really don't think there was any thought given to that storyline at all. At first it seemed like Missy was deliberately collecting people who had some kind of association with the Doctor, perhaps specifically people who had died because of him. Instead it was all dead people! Everywhere! Which made no sense, was depressing as hell, and was completely pointless.

    I think it was misdirection tbh. We were led to believe that it was only people with some sort of connection at the moment of their death to connect to the "am i a good man" storyline but then it turned out to be all about missy.

  10. Liz and, particularity, Shelli really talked her out of it. Plus Austin gave her what she wanted by begging her and profusely apologizing for ever daring to not play the game for her. The only way Vanessa won't win is if she loses part 3 and Steve actually evicts her. She will beat them both at F2.

    If what people say about her neck being injured she might. I also think there is a chance Steve might at this point. He wouldn't have to deal with her at this point. The only other time that might have been true was when he nominated jackie andthere was no time to recover.

    So is part 2 going on now? I don't actually have the feeds. Just everyone's great play by play.

  11. I wonder how the game would've went, particularly for Vanessa, if she had went through with her plan to BD Austin in week 5? I think she probably would've ended up pretty fucked if that would have happened. And I give Liz and Shelli a shit ton of credit (blame?) for Vanessa not doing it. But she also might've still got to the end anyway, who knows.


    I think that she would have done fine.  I actually still wonder why she didn't at that point.  Austin had just outed the twins and if she used that as her excuse Julia would have been fine with it and even Liz probably wouldn't care (wasn't she at that point still in her "I'm just putting up with him phase"?)  In fact, that is the one thing I hold against her since then we wouldn't have had to put up with Austin all summer.  I think that she played the best game in the house otherwise and deserves to win.  But I think that she may not.

  12. I remember Cody last year around this time being on HOH room lockdown as the second part of the final HOH was being played. He was so restless up there he was losing his mind. Lots of talking to himself...the thing you could clearly make out was that he was counting jury votes and he knew there was no way that he was going to beat Derrick. A few days later Cody wins the HOH and takes Derrick anyways.

    I bring this up because I was reading on Jokers about a conversation from earlier tonight between Steve and Liz where they were acknowledging to each other that they cant beat Van in the jury vote. They didnt come out and actually say it in those words but it was obvious what they meant. I just hope we dont get a repeat from last year. I Know that Steve privately fantasizes about telling Van to get to stepping...but in the moment of truth will he have the guts to do it? And what about Liz (the one I am rooting for)...now that I know that she knows that she cant be Van, Im going to be so disapointed if she wins HOH and picks Van anyways.

    Im not sure how much I trust them to do the right thing. I almost hope that Van wins HOH and then that way she picks one (hopefully Liz) to take to their inevitable second place finish. I would rather see that over seeing one of them become this years Cody.

    I wonder if liz actually believes that. She knows she has two votes and may be counting on Austin to sway some votes or a bitter jury. She may be trying to get Steve to take her is he wins HOH.

  13. If Steve isn't the one to get Vanessa out I am not sure what leg he would have to stand on really.  He would have to make up 2 votes right away against Liz and everyone would know that Vanessa carried him all game.  His only hope would be to win at F3 and send Vanessa home but even that wouldn't be such a mastermind move at that point as it would have been earlier.

    • Love 3
  14. Gah he is awful.  Even if Vanessa doesn't win they should give her an extra prize just for preventing Austin from winning.  She was supposed to be grateful that he was "going to take" her to F2 when she had a better chance of winning if she got him out??


    By the way, does anyone have quick numbers on the relative comp wins of the remaining HGs?

    • Love 4
  15. Apparently there were multiple glitches with the timers. Someone mentioned that Steve and JMac got more time. But watching the comp I'm not sure exactly what happened and if it influenced the outcome.


    Vanessa was upset, to the point where she didn't even put the veto around his neck and just handed it to him. It's hard to really know for sure though because she's been a terrible sport all season when things don't go her way.

    It may be because both steve and john didn't stay on the bar but were never penalized.

  16. I think she's probably torn on whether to take out Liz or Steve.

    I'm gonna say she noms Liz/Austin. If Liz wins veto, she puts out Steve and take him out. If anyone else wins veto she takes out Liz.

    I guess. But i think she beats anyone at F2 except for austin. She should try to get austin out. Liz doesn't care about him anyway. Austin will use dumping Liz as an excuse.

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