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  1. The quality of the colleges matters if you are using their degrees as part of your justification for calling them "experts" Notice Dr. C's bio makes no mention of where he got his doctorates. Then look at Dr Pepper's bio. Just saying.
  2. Argosy is a joke. At least for mental health related programs. Are we really defending for-profit schools on here now? They are a cancer on federal education spending. More expensive, more students take loans, more students default, less students finish, less graduates get jobs, the jobs they do get pay less. Does Dr. C suck because of Argosy? Probably not. But citing his degree from there as any sort of expertise or defense of him at all probably shouldn't be done.
  3. I'm sorry, but regarding Ryan Douche and Jessica, if I had to put up with his psychotic, erratic behavior for six weeks and then found out he was cheating on me, I would have broken more than his watch. Everyone bagging on her for that, give me a break. Did you watch the show at all? And that's just what they didn't edit out! Every talking head and expert conversation was the same thing with him. "Owning up" to the things he was doing. I'm sorry, but if you just keep doing them, your "mature apologies" are meaningless. Where was the criticism from the experts for any of his behavior? Where was it on the reunion special when he shut down or stormed off? Then Jessica makes a lame burn with a hundred dollar bill. So hurtful. I guess handing someone some money is "sinking down" to the level of verbal and psychological abuse he gave her for six solid weeks? Give me a break. Nobody is blameless or perfect in a relationship. But to equate anything Jessica did with his awful behavior is patently ridiculous.
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