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Posts posted by buttersister

  1. Didn't Patton die from a car accident? Or is there some conspiracy theory Bill O wants to promote before Beck gets a hold of it?

    Why yes, yes he did and yes it is. He was babbling on some other show about Russia's poison production (true) and so of course, Stalin used it on the injured Patton (wtf?). His immediate response to any question or challenge, repeatedly loudly, as is his way, is "They couldn't wait to get him in the ground!" If Jon ever interviews him, take a drink every time BOR says it--you'll get a nice buzz.


    Nice to see Wyatt again. Get well soon, Jon!!

    • Love 1
  2. Pharrell's producer side comes out every time he tells a contestant how much he wants to help shape them/work with them. Really looking forward to watching him with his team. Won't surprise me if he takes it (albeit there are too many contestants for me to pick one or which team they're on).

    • Love 1
  3. I'm too cheap to have a DVR and Comcast is too evil to enable the FF feature On Demand. Maybe I should start checking my Twitter feed on the smart TV--because having to sit through the scenes that don't involve Spader is getting too painful.


    I'm rooting for the cutie-assassin, but then, I was on Tom's side, too.

    • Love 1
  4. I admire Gloria Steinem. Using her as a device to get Alicia to run is supposed to make me root for this. But that chat about things to come between Alicia & the bald asshole did nothing for me but preview a soapier soap opera to come.

    At which point show can stop pretending it's anything but.

    • Love 1
  5. Is there another reason it'd be during a different season?

    BearCat49, weather was what I meant by season. Huge mother of a snow storm vs. not looking so much like winter--as you say, could have been weeks and weeks between filming. Many here know how the show works; they were in my high-rise when one of our neighbors bought in, all of the filming was previously arranged. The alarm system was another annoying factor, not a related-to-the-weather one.


    I'd agree that sister cook took her time chopping those tomatoes on a cutting board on her granite, but they were mighty evenly chopped!

  6. While waiting for Lura, I googled "Kevin Gillespie's potato salad" and the Southern Revival potato salad recipe looks good--the intro talks about serving it to chefs. Very happy for Kevin's win.


    Interesting that Art pulled out Oprah's favorite fried chicken--I think that entire dish is on his restaurant's menu and is a big deal. Not big enough next to porkopolis, though.

  7. Oh, Aretha. There was a quick shot of her before Dave's introduction and she was tossing aside some sort of dress-matching cover up (clearly deciding she neither wanted it nor gave two shits how she looked without it). I thought the start of Rolling in the Deep was a bit rough (I may have been distracted by all of her uncovered self) but man, when she got rolling (no pun intended), you remembered why whoever is in second place is waaaay behind her. Extraordinary performance.


    Dave also called out Cissy Houston among the backup singers in the intro and she (Cissy) looked none too pleased about that!

    • Love 1
  8. I'm afraid to ask, but do you think Derek drove Mrs. Kelly home? Ugh. His tribute had the Kelly moves, but not Gene's magic (if you haven't watched the full routine in the film, get busy). Mr. Hough, I was a fan of Gene Kelly. I know Gene Kelly's work. And you are no Gene Kelly. He got a 10 for dancing with two props (umbrella and Bethany).


    Loving Tommy. Missing Len. Not giving much of a crap about this season.

    • Love 8
  9. I fell asleep after enjoying young Pete on WU.


    ETA: The vet sketch owes me back whatever time it wasted to watch it. Pointless. Poorly executed. And like a lot of what passes for skits these days, it ends when they run out of time, not when they get to an ending.

    • Love 1
  10. Hee, the magic gleaming teeth--twice. Well played, Show.


    Eliminating those hateful, ignorant realtors makes me give Show a save certificate of my own--play it when the dentists get on my nerves so much that I think about not watching.


    Still love you, Phil. That was a deft turn to body profile at the starting line--and you were working that hat!

    • Love 4
  11. Gumbo! Mardi Gras route. Beads. Beignets. Jackson Square. Cemetery # what, 1? Strained accents? Oy. Lucas Black is all grown up and fun to watch. Zoe Pixie Hair Cut with the apartment problem could meet an untimely and avenged death asap. And Scott Bakula makes me wish Dennis Quaid felt like bringing a version of Remy back. May give it a couple more views because seeing New Orleans is always a good thing. (These people and their clunky goings-on have to not get in the way, though. Here's hoping.)

  12. And isn't Red's wife at least partially responsible for the carnage, including to her ownself....or should wiggy and company have dragged her ass out of there? They sat there and let her tell her story and bam......

    Variation on the theme, stupid things bad guys do (like telling the good guy over and over how they will die until the good guy gets free). My Spader love is strong, I'm still here.

    • Love 3
  13. My favorite was "You have a meeting with the Chief of Staff and Secretary of Defense.....and because I know you're not an idiot but we need to lazily tell you these guys names in some way, I will tell you theirnames as if you are so busy or self absorbed you have no idea who the Chief of Staff or Sec. of Defense are."

    "I know their names." I'd have down a bottle of Cab to decide which of the clunker lines is the worst (no wait, maybe I should just finish off a BOX of wine).

    • Love 1
  14. Not sure (how old is he?) even Tim Daly on my TV can get me past the laughably hideous out-of-the-box lines. Or plot lines being telegraphed from miles away. Or going from shoveling shit to jeez, I get it.


    Not familiar with Barbara Hall, but if this is any indication, I'm not impressed.

    • Love 1
  15. Agree that, plot withstanding, Capaldi was clicking. Makes it tough to reconcile companion as caretaker as something he would sign up for. Awaiting Moffat leaving some of this by the side of the road and getting on with Doctor Who. (ETA: *sigh* I know, I'll be waiting a long time.)

    I cringed at the mention of the Silence, so it better have been a shout out to Eleven & co. derailing their hiding ability.

  16. Ok, wait. If you win a Knockout round you can compete to get back in and sit with Brooke and Wolfie? Then why did only Tiffani go sit with them at the end? Does this mean Mike will be sitting there next week when Tiffani battles whoever? (Btw, Tiffani, I've never rooted for you before, but happy Puck chose you.)

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