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17 Good
  1. Seeing that announcement and seeing the picture (and some of the media coverage "Congratulate them"?! ) gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Josh has never received adequate professional treatment or faced the consequences of his actions. His parents seem determined to minimize and deny their son's crimes and have failed him. Worst of all, his wife is brainwashed and stuck in a cult where women have no options, she doesn't seem to be able to protect her children. Children are precious. I lost my youngest child (age 25) unexpectedly last week and it really saddens me that no one is protecting these little ones
  2. I thought this blog entry on Jim Bob & Michelle`s body language (showing signs of deception, ignorance and blaming others) was spot on... https://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/04/duggars-show-deception-ignorance-and-blaming-others-through-body-language-on-fox-interview-as-they-leak-out-their-intention-to-sue-for-releasing-child-molesting-sons-records/
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