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Posts posted by Daisy

  1. 22 minutes ago, ciarra said:

    And have Willow with a second SIDS baby?  Even I don't hate her that much.

    The wedding venue looked more like a masoleum, or discount statuary store.

    to be fair. I forgot about the first one
    She can have the heart condition all Q's seem to have but they can't do the operation or something and then she can die


    2 hours ago, jacourt said:

    Is this going to be a replay of the Portia Curtis wedding?  Can't Nina have a stretch of happiness?

    no. because how dare she be rightly upset at a person who was going to hide for the rest of her life that her daughter had died, had a child, and was living in the same town as her - because that woman decided "well why should Nina know anything." then did it again and only said something because the other daughter was dying and Carly wanted something. and then everyone rubs it into Nina's face how much she is scum and she sucks - and she lashes out like any normal human being did they all point and go "seee. crazy." 

    I will say, if Sonny turns on her, I want Nina to unleash the ever lasting can of screw you and the horse you rode on on everyone and just peace out. 

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  2. 52 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

    not complaining, but when did Willow become so accepting of Nina that she actually hugged her and volunteeered to help with the wedding?

    because. when the shoe drops and it comes out that Nina ratted them out like the horrible demon she is. Willow can be extra salty about being nice. 

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  3. 25 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    The best solution to that was to not give Michael and Willow another baby in the first place. Nobody needed that, least of all these two putzes. 

    dream scenario [only for storyline purposes etc etc]

    Amelia gets SIDS, Willow and Michael fight in regards of wanting to have kids again so soon, and they get divorced.

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  4. 56 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    Willow worshipping Harmony the way she does is extremely tone deaf. Again, she kidnapped Willow as a baby and facilitated Willow’s rapes to curry favor with a cult leader. Not a single thing about that is a mom who looked out for her. 

    but Nina was mean to her. Trumps all of that

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  5. 5 hours ago, lala2 said:

    Oh, I was always in support of Esme dying and AP returning as a new character. lol When she went over the parapet the first time, I didn't care and was hoping it was the last we saw of her. And my dislike for her has nothing to do w/Sprina. I have always felt Esme was a pointless character who was just floating around w/no story or anchor. I

    see not me. my thing had been - she is the "foil" to Joss (who needed/needs one). and they were really working off great there. I would have kept everything but eliminating a few things - 

    1: not having her being related to Ryan (or anyone on the show) that was just stupid

    2: not bothering with the torching of the car or anything like that, I really feel basically everything after that point was just... really pointless and wanted to show that Esme was loco crazypants. wasn't needed. 

    (obviously big ole 3: not sleeping with Nikolas and getting pregnant)

    I would have kept the Sprina triangle thing and setting up Joss & Cam. but as Cam is genuinely being nice to her and she really starts to feel bad about trying to set them up for a sex tape thing. the sex tape thing happens - [and i would have kept the Laura come to Jesus moment conversation - but it happens AFTER it]


    So Now Esme feels really bad and she (in typical soapy fashion) keeps the video- but doesn't play it. She still has the conversation with joss & trina, and Joss still acts like a big cow.  but because of that Conversation, Trina realises how not a great friend Joss is (that she always has to "win" just like Carly). Cam realizes that too.  someone who gets mad at Joss finds the tape on Esme's computer and releases it. so now the drama is "Who aired it" [not Esme]. and how did it get filmed [is Esme]. 

    and then Esme/Cam fall in love and it's soapy drama from there. eays peasy.  eliminate everything else. 

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  6. 10 hours ago, lala2 said:

    ETA:  This episode also highlighted how completely useless Esme is. They really need to do something with the character. Kevin pointed out today that she has no friends. That’s her own fault though. The baby is such a drag on the character, IMO. I’ll never understand why they took her down this path. 

    i remember someone saying it was like what happened with Carly, giving her a baby w/a major family to keep her firmly planted. but this one sucks and truthfully, if i had known this was the way they had planned on keeping AP, i wish they had just killed her off, and brought her back as like something else  like a few months later or something. (or you know.... use one of my many ideas to keep the spirit of what she wanted to do but give her a moral conscience and have someone else do the actual sex video thing instead. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I think it's gross she's falling in love with Eddie because he's "creative," but if it spares me her whining about ELQ, I guess it's better?

    you know what. 
    I am glad it's happening, because then when Ned gets his memory back, they can get divorced. Ned deserves better. 

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  8. So I am rewatching Doctor Who - and so I started with Rose and it really cracked me up. that you can sort of see some of the issues I really had with Rose rear its head in the last few episodes. When Lynda (with a Y!) tells the Doctor that she doesn't want to leave and maybe they can travel together and the Doctor goes, "oh sure!" and they take hands and a few scenes later, Rose is glaring at Lynda for existing in the Doctor's space. It's the same attitude that she has  with Sarah Jane in Series 2. 

    It's kind of funny that it never even occurred to Rose that yes. the man is 900 years old, traveling through time and space and he might have had other companions.. He even says it more than once "he chose another stupid ape." But i figured it must have been in her mind - the other stupid apes were always male.

    I also didn't really like how she treated Mickey at the end of Parting of the Ways when she flat out tells him there was nothing worth staying on Earth. that was such a cheap shot. and I just really hate how they leaned into the love story. I think it would/could have been stronger had it been more of a "Daughter"/"Father" love (or even just family in general, not romantic). Especially with all of the Pete stuff. 

    But to give Rose a lot of credit - I did love her strength, and her adaptability in all the situations that she was in, and how caring she was to all she met. It didn't matter who or what you were, Rose always cared and that was wonderful I thought. 

    Now - on to the Martha year. 

    • Like 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    "Michael is a brilliant businessman"  The definition of Tell, not show.


    so brilliant he didn't even know what insider trading was or that he was letting his uncle or mother walk right into a class case. soooo brilliant


    37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    Like no one has ever had that idea before. This Deceptor lawsuit is so stupid. Ex wife had an idea but she couldn't make it work; Deception did.

    if the argument is Martin knew about the idea from Ex Wifey and told Lucy - (and Deception had no concept of said idea before hand) then I think Ex Wifey does have a case? I did see it on Drop Dead Diva lol so take it with a grain of salt. (but i mean. yeah if it's a personal face scrubber thingy - then like everyone makes them so what's the glitch- and naturally the writers can't telll us. 


    1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

    Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!!

    Happy thanksgiving, friend!! :) 

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  10. 17 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    Nina and Sonny deciding to elope out of town is clearly being done to ensure that no one truly on Nina’s side with be there once she gets exposed. Michael and Willow are acting like it’s literal torture for them to show up and you suddenly have Kristina saying that she hasn’t forgotten what Nina has done to Michael and Willow just to make it obvious that she would turn on Nina that minute she fell out of line. Sonny didn’t bother to invite one person who would be there for Nina. It’s what makes that relationship exhausting to watch because while they have chemistry Nina has to deal with all of these assholes simply because she’s with him. It’s not like she’s the town outcast and everyone except Sonny hates her. She has plenty of people who do like and care about her. Pretty much everyone outside Carly’s circle 

    which just makes it frustrating. because regardless of why Nina turned in Carly and Drew. (which so many people go. "well she did it because she was jealous/mad" who cares. Nina did the right thing. You only keep that kind of secret for friends and family, and these people go out of their way to alienate Nina like screw them. 

    and the worse part is every single one of them would have picked up the phone and turned in NIna the second they found out vs. the weeks Nina kept it quiet trying to keep peace. 

    • Applause 12
  11. 2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    They really are disgusting people.  If--IF--they end up going you know there will be a scene of Michael apologizing to Carly for it, because the Carlys must always capitulate to the Head Carly.

    per usual i would have more respect (like a 1/4tsp of of it) for Willow if she flat out said, No she doesn't want to go, but she will send the nanny with Wiley so he can experience it but right after he'll be fly back home so Nina daren't contaminate him with Gramma Cooties. 

    but they'll go and Sonny and Nina will get so excited and they'll barely hide their contempt and just ruin their day. so like... just don't freaking go. geeze. 


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  12. On 10/5/2023 at 4:28 PM, PatsyandEddie said:

    I can understand Chase’s sense of betrayal. Personally, I want a misdiagnosis. GH has easy chemistry with NLG. Nothing wrong with a mature couple. 


    (I mean i like him. but. NOooooooo).  
    i get i am not watching but backing out of serious health storylines is what irritated me so much on this show.

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  13. Just now, YaddaYadda said:

    He drugged her for the money. When he got what he wanted, he wanted to inject her with something that would make her forget. Now it just seems like he wants to straight up kill her because she can sink him since she escaped and  one person (Cody) that he is aware of knows what he's been up to.

    He wants to tie loose ends.

    ah i see.

    you know I don't think the first thought that should come to my head is, does Sasha really make that much money as a model for Deception (even having some shares or whatever i knowshe's a partner) like they are making that much money? lol. ah well. 

    thanks y'all. 

  14. 49 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    To beat my dead horse one last time, I think Spencer arranging a BTS tour of one of Trina's Big 4 museums would have been super thoughtful, given her love of art. 

    that would have been nice too. 


    49 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    It does, lol. Maybe I'm just an old crone with a piece of coal where my heart should be.

    awww nah. you just see things differently, which is totally okay it's what causes discussions and debates and we all love those. trust me there are a lot of things that happen (on different shows) that make me feel that way but again it's just how we see the world. and I don't think there is anything wrong w/that. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, susannah said:

    I hope you get your standmixer! 😀

    i am hoping Black Friday/Christmas will finally be the year. :D but with the show. I don't really have an issue at all with Spencer giving Trina a night to remember with all the financial fixings he can muster.  there are sometimes [a lot of times] when Spencer crosses the line thinking he can make moves by using his name etc and there are times where to me it seems that's what people do. this is one of those times where i feel this is what people do to charm the people they love.

    • Like 7
  16. 1 hour ago, lala2 said:

    I see it as him wanting to take her on an awesome trip. I don’t think he was trying to impress her. He’s a prince. She knows he has money/wealth. He just wanted her to have an enjoyable weekend. She chose NY so he just made the plans. 

    if i had a boyfriend, I wouldn't mind one bit if he used everything to impress me with it. (though again I'd be happy with a standmixer - better to make cookies with!!)

    i mean admittedly, again - I'm not the kind of person to see.. i guess in this situation - stereotypes, etc. I don't think it's out of the realm in any kind of story if the girl/woman is less experienced/a virgin than a boy/man - because most times, that's the case. Girls may develop emotionally faster than boys, but sexually female sex drives take longer to develop. so 9x10 if you were to tell me a 19-21 year old+ year old woman was a virgin  over a 19-21 male i wouldn't bat an eye [but again, I don't really see things that way either]

    If this was reverse - and it was like Outlander (Jaime being the innocent virgin and Clair being the sexual master) - the ultimate goal of them being together would be just as YAY to me. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

    Judges being hard on criminals during election years isn’t some big controversy and I can guarantee that there would be absolutely no public outrage in the case of a rich, white man serving jail time for a white collar crime that he pled guilty to. This show is seriously delusional to think there would be some public outcry that someone like him finally had to pay. Wasn’t the max sentence either 20 or 25 years anyway? His sentencing was light compared to what he could have gotten 

    this is so stupid. like. they didn't know what Insider Trading was. they didn't realize that it is a serious crime with a serious sentence,  and the judge was every much in his right to laugh at the idea that Drew was like "I want a Martha Stewart sentence please."

    SHOULD he be in Pentenville, probably not - i doubt that's where white collar crime people go - but again YOU COMMITTED A CRIME. and it drives me bananas that they bend over backwards ignore the fact that had they NOT COMMITTED THE CRIME, and then double down and blackmail Tracy and Ned, and then double  double down on not just fessing up, and pay whatever hefty ass fine. then they wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.. but oh no. they want to ruin people's lives because they couldn't get away with the crime they did. 


    1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    Michael and Carly want Alexis to run a hit piece on the judge. I hope that she's better than that

    if Alexis does it she can go drop in a hole.


    2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    Some of us would rather have puppies than Diamonds 🤣

    i'd take a standmixer!!

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