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Everything posted by kristywoods

  1. This: I think Elliot and Mr. Robot(his dad) are dead/have been dead. Tyrell has always been a real person. People have always been able to see him. Who is Tyrell? I feel like that's the real question. Also, It would make sense that Elliot's mom had that cassette recorder of him and Darlene as a kid. Why would she? Because he died when he fell out the window. That was my crazy speculation for the day. I liked this episode. It could also be that a time machine did exist and Elliot has been trying to stop it ... like Terminator.
  2. It's not the old music. I set my dvr to record the series hoping it would be original music and got so sad when Jann Arden's song started playing. I'm so bummed.
  3. One of my least favorite characters when she first arrived was Fiona Coyne. I grew to like her eventually. While driving in my car yesterday the song Fiona Coyne by Saint Pepsi came on. The dj said it's named after a Degrassi character. Weird. I am not sure if linking to you tube is allowed but you can see the video there.
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