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Posts posted by Katesus7

  1. Was Scheana going for a CP3O in drag look? Because if so, she nailed it.

    I just roll my eyes at Lala narrating what Reality TV is at the end. She must Love that she finally got her moment she’s been desperate for since the Rand split but I still find her the least real of the bunch, aside from Sandoval. Is she really friends with ANY of this group? Apart from possibly James who she will also drag if it helps her storyline? 

    But yeah, I’ll watch the shit out of this reunion. I ain’t proud.

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  2. I enjoyed the hell out of tonight. No unbreakable alliance, no easy boots, and they did the smart play tonight by getting the challenge beast guy, although honestly if Hunter wasn’t SO BAD at the parts of the game that did not involve challenges, Q would have been gone, because he would have been smart enough to play his idol.

    Tiff threatened the same thing but was apparently savvy enough and good enough at actual tribe dynamics to know she didn’t need to use it. 
    To me, there’s several people left I like, there’s no boring “This is how the next several boots will go” nonsense, so yeah. I’m easy, but really enjoying this!

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  3. Wait, so when Ariana gets done with figuring out the furniture costs and her lawyers give Sandoval a counter offer, suddenly he’s not that into it? Meaning he realizes he actually CAN’T buy her out? And his solution is to get poor Schwartz to pay $6k a month in rent to be roommates? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Never would have seen that coming. Dumbass.

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  4. 51 minutes ago, bosawks said:

    If I was debating whether Jo loved Schwartz that dye job answered it.

    She hates him.

    I took it as her being “oh, you went on a date?? Cool. Cool. That’s really cool that you dig her. Cool. OK, here’s your fucked up hair that I’m going to be playing with all night! Good luck with that other chick!”

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  5. So Scheana and Lala are starting to feel a certain type of way about Ariana at pretty much the exact time she gets cast on Dancing with the Stars?  What a SHOCKING development I never would have seen coming! 

    Hippie wandering in for cuddles from Scheana & Lala before wondering back out was my favorite part of a very dumb episode.  

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  6. Yeah, I’m out. I’ll follow this thread but when I think of each individual player left winning? My thoughts range from meh, to of COURSE, to really??, to blech. I don’t even have a hate loser to root for like when Paul lost to Josh. Oh well. There was some good weeks/drama this season, we FINALLY got pressure cooker again and it lived up to my expectations! It just all came screeching to a stop during zombie week. Worst. Twist. Ever.

    • Like 11
  7. Y’all, I turned on the feeds a few hours ago because all of my football games were in commercials. Everyone was lounging outside talking about how boring it was with so few people. They asked America if people still watched feeds at this point and she said she didn’t watch as much she only checked in. “Daily” they asked? “No, hourly”. But only briefly! This is why I like her. She’s an “only hourly” live feeds watcher when the feeds get boring as fuck. I just watched that and then turned off the feeds and feel I’m good for a day or three. 

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  8. I’m at the point in my attention to this show where I don’t watch the episodes because whatever with the comps and bullshit DRs, and I don’t read jokers because it’s just the same conversations over and over and over. And I’m certainly not watching said conversations! 

    I know what’s going on thanks to you fine folks, especially @30 Helens and everyone else doing the heavy lifting of late night feeds.

    I was on the Cory/America train despite their faults so am very sad about this. I just need Jag/Matt broken up and by that I mean I want Matt gone because he annoys the hell out of me. Not gonna defend either stance because if you’re a fan of this stupid ass show, you will probably end up developing opinions. Strong opinions. Possibly irrational opinions. And that’s OK. 

    But I believe we’re heading towards a Cirie/Matt final two because that seems to be what the show wants and it will also be the worst case scenario for @peachmangosteen. And, well, THAT’S Big Brother!!



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  9. Blue/Felicia nominated. Blue whispering to Cirie right now that she trusts Matt/Jag way more than Cory/America. Oh Blue. You have no clue.

    Edited: Blue: Cory or America would make a strategic move (nom her). Jag would make the “easy” move which would be Cory/America.

    Last edit: Blue said to the camera while alone she thinks Cory or America won HOH. Jag gonna skate on this one, at least with her.

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  10. There's still a possibility of drama since Blue doesn't know.  I don't think she'll believe that Jag would nominate her, so will probably get even more pissed at Cory.  I don't really see her reigning in her emotions.  And of course, there's always veto.

    But yeah, it sounds like Jag is handling this about as badly as he possibly could, which he's very good at doing. 

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  11. I really hate this new trend of having to wake up the next morning to find out who HOH is. In the “olden” days, it was either live or an endurance I actually could watch on the feeds. It seems now it’s mostly just a punishment comp for us live feeders to watch (admittedly) cute animals for hours hoping for a glimpse at something. It’s pretty much ruined Thursday night shows for me, because tonight was just like a Sunday or Tuesday show. I KNOW all this, and I certainly didn’t care about Cameron’s interview with Julie. I miss that pit in the stomach I get wondering who will answer 600 and who will answer 49000, and which one is closer!

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  12. It’s my super busy week at work and baseball playoffs are happening so I’m only halfway paying attention, but it sounds like the targets next week will be either Cory or Blue, depending on who wins HOH. And I would think because of this, Jag/Matt don’t want to win and Cirie/Felicia aren’t all that interested. And Cory will think that he doesn’t want to win because he’s a dumbass. And America can’t win anything. So I predict a Blue HOH. Out of a general lack of effort/ability on everyone else’s parts. 

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  13. Y’all is it possible? Are we about to maybe, possibly, FINALLY get rid of Cameron? I would love that so much - he sucks all the energy out of any room he’s in. Can’t stand him, don’t want to watch him anymore and don’t want to listen to him pontificate on the feeds anymore. I’d rather hear Hisam and his million “right?”s. I will be glued to the feeds tomorrow! 

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  14. So we will have an exhausting couple of “will he/won’t he use it” days followed with a bunch of exhausting “who will we vote out” and also “it’s all Cory/America’s fault” days. This season is just exhausting to me. 

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  15. At this point with her relationships in the house I think it’s Cory/America. Especially after being lumped in with them by Meme’s eviction rant. But these people are all crazy flakes who change their opinions every hour. And it’s Bowie Fucking Jane. So who the hell knows what will happen. 

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