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Posts posted by TattleTeeny

  1. She probably took the cab to wherever her car was parked, or to the train. I don't actually mind meeting someone for a date; if I don't like him, I can leave whenever I want. Or, if he's a crazed maniac, he won't know where I live or shove me into a trunk (when I'm not watching this nonsense, I tend to keep the Discovery ID channel on the TV). 

    • Love 8
  2. I have no strong feelings about Dina one way or the other, but the heels I saw are just... regular-woman shoes. Not that hookers can't be "regular" women, of course. That's sometimes what shoes with heels look like, no? They're  (the style, if not the $$$ brands that Dina has) in just about any shoe store around.

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  3. Kind of a small thing but I absolutely loved when Dina called Jim out for being condescending and he answered in the most condescending way imaginable. "Do you know wwwhhhhyyyyy I'm being condescending? I'm tiiiiirrreeeed." (While speaking slowly and with exaggerated gestures).


    Oh my goodness, I know--it was like dealing with a little kid! Yikes, make him a PB&J with the crusts cut off and send him to bed.

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  4. I wasn't debating any of that. But never mind--it's not that interesting. Semantics and other confusion-inducing stuff...


    Whatever; they're all idiots--those twins for believing Melissa before talking to their close friend first, Amber for saying it at all, Melissa for sticking her nose in to protect a friend of 12 whole hours… but again, I'm applying real-life logic to reality TV.

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  5. Words are said so people can gather meaning from them. How someone puts a sentence together does change the meaning of the words they say.


    Yes, I know; I make a living with words. But even if I didn't, I can see (and have freely admitted that we don't see everything) that what Amber said is not a flat-out indication that she believes this rumor.


    You have one view, not the only view.


    Right, which is why I didn't do the whole "opinion as fact" thing or anything at all to imply that mine was the correct assessment. All I said at first was basically that Melissa's a douche. If I were telling a friend that I'd heard something, I'd say it similarly to Amber. If I were telling a friend that I knew something, I'd say that. Never said I didn't think Amber was being shady or using "grapevine" as an umbrella; just that I don't presume to know what a complete stranger on TV means outside of her words.

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  6. The way Amber said she had "heard through the grapevine" didn't seem to imply that she didn't believe the rumor.


    I'm just going by the words I actually heard, not reading into what "seem to" be. I don't know the woman (though I have a nagging feeling that I've met her in the past…or maybe it's just because I've seen the low-budget local commercials she's in); I have no way of gauging whether "the way" she deliberately spreads a rumor is any different than "the way" she orders a pizza. Either way, Melissa should butt out. 


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  7. Melissa's a dolt--she probably has no idea that we can all see that Amber said "through the grapevine." I think it's Melissa who's a shady ass for telling some nobody she just met what her "friend" said (and not even all of what Amber said). I mean, if any of this actually not manufactured, that is. 


    Also, that was the tattoo place where I get my stuff done.

    • Love 4
  8. The girls who make everyone fall in love with them, are amazing in anything they try, the most special snowflakes ever even tough I as a viewer find them annoying, onedimensional and eyerolling. Thinking of you, Joey Potter.


    UGH! I immediately thought of that simpering ass Jennifer Love Hewitt on that short-lived show of hers set in NY. Oddly enough, I so wish I could find it and watch it--even though it made me rage out like crazy.

    • Love 1
  9. Oh, Melissa Gorga, busting up your car every three days is not cute or endearing, no matter how itty-bitty you (pretend to) think the "scratch" is. 

    So annoying. Amber you did say Nicole wrecked a family.


    Not that I saw. I mean, I don't know that I doubt she ever said it, but that is not exactly what she said on the show; she claimed that she heard it through the grapevine.


    I dont think Melissa did anything wrong telling the twins what was said.


    I do, at least in the confines of this narrative. She just met those twins (as far as said narrative goes) and is entirely willing and can't wait to tattle on her long-lost friend (without even waiting for the conversation to turn naturally toward the topic!). That is trashy as hell in my book. And then those twins just take Melissa's word without giving the benefit of the doubt to an existing friend.  


    I thank the FSM that the Kims seem to be gone. They were a waste of skin.


    My doctor's office is right across the street from Kim D's store. I always have an urge to go in there and just gawk.

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  10. I'm very familiar with an area about 45 miles west of NYC and no one I know there sounds like these people. I think there's a huge difference between the twins' NY accent and the people that I know in NJ.


    I've lived in North Jersey all my life (within 10 minutes of the cast, and 30 from the city) and while I have heard accents like these women's here and there, it's not often--it's definitely odd enough that I've specifically noticed it as opposed to being used to it. But I have had people ask me while I am traveling where my "New Joisey" accent is (incidentally, the people who ask this are the only ones I've ever actually heard say "New Joisey). 

    • Love 1
  11. There have been several instances over the seasons where Rosie is put with the men while the women do "ladies thing".


    So we know for a fact that she was "put" somewhere, then? No. We know for a fact that we saw her hanging out with the men.


    Rosie goes where production tells her to go. She is a paid employee of Bravo. I don't think it says anything about "those who assume it does" other than we see Bravo perpetuating a stereotype. Whether Rosie prefers Activity A to Activity B has no bearing - she does as told by production.


    Forgive me for not knowing all of this absolutely 100% irrefutable information about what Rosie does. I am neither Rosie nor employed as part of the RHoNJ production team, and thus don't have all the absolute details one would have if one were Rosie or Andy or a member of the RHoNJ crew. Clearly, others do have that solid, indisputable data, and it couldn't possibly be any other reason but stereotyping and oppression. God forbid the lesbian actually like a "boy activity."

    • Love 2
  12. Again, I'm putting the blame on the producers, not necessarily on Rosie (she's playing along, so she's participating in the producers' stereotyping). They arranged two parties - one for the ladies, one for the guys. Rosie was only invited to bowling night with the guys. Whether or not she enjoys bowling is besides the point - she only went because it was the only event she was invited to/paid for.


    I apologize then; I was going only on what I saw on the show, not behind-the-scenes insider facts to which I wasn't privy. Maybe Rosie will blog that she was bullied into bowling by Bravo.

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  13. Sure, she's allowed to do whatever she wants, but she's being used by production to reinforce a lesbian stereotype. And of course it was all designed this way. All the ladies were invited to Teresa's house for a dressy and frilly "tea party," juxtaposed next to the "guys night out" - bowling and beer. All guys and one lesbian.

    OR…she prefers bowling. I tend to think that this unfounded assumption says more about those who assume it than it does about Rosie (or production). And that it's more insulting to Rosie (or any minority) to assume that she's incapable of knowing she's (allegedly) being mistreated or that she's so downtrodden that she needs strangers to stand up for her. I'd say good for Rosie for not declining shit she likes to do just because it might be taken for blah-blah-stereotype, but I really doubt that there's anything more to it than she prefers Activity A to Activity B.

    And was Kathy at the party? She's a hetero girl. (Not being snotty--I really didn't see her if she was there. I probably looked away during Amber's weird crying in a chair as everyone looked on.)

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