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Posts posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Quote

    One of my favorite leisure activities is tracking packages online!

    Ahahahhaaaaaaa, I do this too! What is my problem? Once, I "watched" a vintage '70s disco maxi dress (oh my god, this thing is awesome, but tough to find an event to wear it to: halter-style top but in a heavy, questionable '70s fabric--for what temperature was this made?!) set out from Texas and proceed to head west and take a cross-country drive before finally arriving to me in NJ! I have no idea what the hell happened there, but I contacted the Etsy seller (just as an FYI, not as a complaint--wasn't her fault), who became as obsessed as I was about where "our" dress would visit next. That thing is better traveled than I am.

    Yesterday, I realized that I can waste a whole lot of time screwing around on Google Maps' satellite street view! Seriously, I was like a kid with a new PlayStation game, "visiting" my old apartments and "driving" down the streets with the cursor. Ironically, I am also the person who has never once ever explored the games in my phone because I find them boring.


    Yeah, I've had some friends and acquaintances from the south (not to offend anyone here, I'm not stereotyping)  who didn't understand why schools up north (Illinois)  didn't have religious things in public schools - like nativity plays, religious carols at Christmas.  When I tried to explain it, they said that not believing in Jesus is "un-American" and if people weren't Christian they should "go back where they came from."

    Ugh, this reminds me of a huge peeve of mine that rears its ugly head every November: Facebook posts of the "It's not Happy Holidays, it's Merry Christmas!" kind. Oh my god, the rage I feel at the (deliberate?) obtuseness of this attitude! Just take the fucking well-wishing sentiment for what it is, people, and return it and/or say thank you, and go about your damn day. No one is hurting you by saying "happy holidays," which, for the record, does not equal "fuck Christmas" and is not some liberal agenda. And not that this is important, but I'm not even an atheist; I'd categorize myself as agnostic, so my ire doesn't not even stem from "bible thumping"--it's more at the narrow-mindedness and people's refusal to understand the simple semantics of "happy holidays"...which is not only a way to avoid saying the "wrong" thing but also covers from Thanksgiving right through the New Year, no matter what you celebrate! Efficient, and even more generous with the well-wishes!

    • Love 4
  2. Quote

    Why are there always holes in the bags when I go to scoop the cat box?

    I use two at a time (shhhhh, I know I am horrible for this).


    My first thought - with those kitty ears and exaggerated eyeshadow, is she aiming for the Japanese-inspired fashion fans? I've got friends who do that, but it's a very tiny market.

    She probably is? IMO, she's a huge copycat--which is fine, everyone from celebrities to regular people mimic styles they see and like. But I heard her years ago on Howard Stern touting her unique style as if she came up with her Betty Page-ish look. It was super-annoying and she's rubbed me the wrong way ever since! Also (and this is mean of me), she looks pretty in profile but, I'm sorry, head-on...ugh, I do not see the appeal.



    What are you supposed to do with the litter? Is anyone suggesting anything other than putting the bag in the outside garbage?

    The kind I use can be safely flushed but the only time I do that is when I am present at the time of the poop crime. At the end of the day (in the literal sense, not the figurative way people use that phrase), I don't flush 24 hours' worth of clumps from two litter boxes. The instructions say it's OK but I feel skeptical.

    • Love 3
  3. 8 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

    Today my biggest pet peeve is my hair. I am so over it. I have thin, fine, horribly frizzy hair. I live in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and its constantly humid year round which doesn't help. I am so tired of it. My hair is so annoying that hairdressers always complain about it.  No anti-frizz serums work; they just make my hair look greasy. Tried volumizers and they don't work either. Just putting it in a decent ponytail takes 10-15 minutes.  Ugh. If it weren't so hot down here, I would just put a wig on and call it a day.  Trying to put it in a bun as I'm getting ready for bed and it doesn't want to cooperate w/that either---I wish I had one of those faces that could pull off short or even bald hair---no such luck.

    I hear you. I am the only one in my family who doesn't have blissfully pin-straight hair. It's not curly so much as bent. I get a halo of "cappuccino foam" fuzz at the slightest humidity, and it becomes wider than my shoulders. A ponytail with my natural hair is two loops of the elastic, while my straightened hair takes three (and I can barely get the elastic out when it's in its natural state). I tried super-short cropped hair once and it looked awesome...for two weeks; after that it was poofy and crazy. Once, my hair guy stopped drying my hair for 30 seconds when he took a phone call; he came back and cursed out my vicious cowlicks!

  4. Honestly, I myself personally would not care if someone asked that (depending, of course, on who and in what context). Still, though, I am surprised by people who find it appropriate to do the asking. I don't even know if that makes sense considering I just said I wouldn't care. But then, I would be on the receiving end and probably almost never the asker (unless I knew the person well enough to do so, I guess).

  5. Quote

    Seriously. Fuck me with a chainsaw.

    Rethink this--that kind of thing sounds like it will result in a whole lot more Medicare mayhem!


    I hate when people have terms that they use everyday, because it's their JOB, and expect those of us who don't do their jobs, to understand the meanings.

    Ugh...yes. I actually deal with this from a different perspective: I write and copy edit for a niche retail catalog and website, and am constantly arguing with the purchasing department (which supplies the information I need for the copy) that no, we cannot use the wording that you gave me as is! It's meant to be read by people who don't work in the industry--you know, I think we call them "customers"!--and there is no reason they should be expected to understand your abbreviations and nicknames and shit (not to mention misspellings, lack of punctuation, and typos). And, no, if you cannot supply the complete information for something we are selling, I will not make it up (though I am often left with no option but visiting competitors' websites to see if I can find missing details...which is not my job, by the way). Pull it together, assholes.

    • Love 2
  6. 18 hours ago, friendperidot said:

    It's going to take a minute, but I'll get to the drainers and drinkers.

    I was taken by ambulance to the ER the other day for heat exhaustion. It was around 4PM. I got a lot attention when I first got there, put in a room, vitals, nurses, doctors, etc. I had drunk 2 bottles of water by the time I got there and then was hooked up to an IV for fluids. Well, you know what happens when you get a lot of fluids. A nurse helped unplug the IV, and helped me walk to the bathroom - walking was a problem and it was a long process to get there. I don't know what happened in the few minutes while I was in the potty, but I came out to a line of gurneys with patients and EMTs in the hallway. None were bleeding, so it didn't look there had been a big accident or anything. But after that, no one came to check on me. I have no idea how to hook up an IV, it didn't get done, but I found a hook for it, crawled back on my gurney and went to sleep for about an hour. When I woke the line of gurneys were gone, but I still hadn't seen anyone, went to the bathroom by myself, came back, found my tv/call button thingie, turned on the Olympics. But after about another hour, I was very upset with the entire situation. I didn't know officially what was wrong, I was freezing cold - sweating a lot then going in a/c does that, asked a woman emptying the trash if I could have another blanket - she was very kind and helpful. Finally called for a nurse, but I was so upset by then, freezing and starving. The nurse had no idea why I hadn't been checked on and went to find the dr and had someone bring me a tray. There was a container of peaches, a horrible but wonderful roast beef sandwich, Sun Chips and a diet Sprite. Hate diet, but I drank every drop. But those peaches! I didn't care if they were drainable or drinkable, I ate every bite! When you are hungry - who gives a bleep!

    I'm fine, was discharged after I ate. Except now I have shin splints from my little 6 mile walk in the heat. 

    Can I share a non-commercial-related IV story too? It's so ridiculous; I'll to not to ramble.

    Years ago, I woke up with a terrible, horrible pain in my lower back. It got worse fast so I went to the ER. I got there and they did all the usual tests they do (except a catheter because I practically kicked it out of the nurse's hand). They started me on IV fluids because they needed me to have a full bladder for that test with the jelly-smeared abdomen rolly-ball thing. Anyway, I had not one but two of those fluid bags, which boggled the mind of the nurse (she said it usually takes less than one*). Finally, I had to pee so they took me to the rolly-ball test. When I was done, I really had to go but they left me on a gurney in the hallway, still attached to that damn IV! No one came, but there was a bathroom not far away. So I started, like, pushing along the wall with my hands to move the whole gurney. I got to the bathroom and didn't know how to navigate the IV so...

    I pulled it right out of my hand! I went in, took care of business, and came back out to find an angry nurse who showed me that I could have simply wheeled the IV apparatus in with me. 

    Turns out I had a kidney stone, but by the time they told me that, it must have worked itself out because the pain was pretty much gone. But they sent me home with a coffee-filter-looking thing, which I was apparently supposed to use to catch the stone the next time I went to the bathroom. I didn't use it because I didn't care anymore!

    * I apparently could withstand multiple bags of IV fluids because I had become adept at holding my pee for long stretches of time due to the fact that the bathrooms at the Barnes & Noble where I worked at the time were always in atrocious condition. The doctor told me that that may have contributed to why I ended up with a gnarly kidney stone in the first place. Cut to years later--when I have to pee, I now find a way! I also find that, ever since then, I always am slightly...I guess "aware of" (the best term I can come up with) my general kidney region.

    I hope you're feeling better, friendperidot!

    • Love 4
  7. On 8/17/2016 at 11:40 AM, ginger90 said:

    I don't know who Jacqueline thought she was playing to. If she had acted like a "friend" and just went the small talk route I would have been impressed. Instead she came off as a crazy person and to me, if I didn't watch previously, Teresa came off as the sane one.

    Yeah, like why even have the damn dinner in the first place--especially after she made a big deal about moving forward with the renewed friendship? Of course, I say that as someone who is not on a reality show that needs drama to keep things going.


    I'm so impressed with Tre's yoga body now I want to take yoga!


    • Love 1
  8. Oh, thank you! I actually meant irrational ore about not being able to unsee it though. I have this problem with a lot of bad stuff; it really sticks, and it's maddening. (TMI alert: I'm working on this with a therapist.) I'm just glad I had on waterproof mascara that day.

    • Love 1
  9. Quote

    I have a peeve -  why is it that if you over-pluck your eyebrows, you risk the brows not growing back, and may have to deal with sparse eyebrows for the rest of your life  -

    Yeah, and why does it not seem to work for the eyebrow hairs one actually does wish would never grow back? Or other hair on our bodies? And furthermore, why is the hair I don't even want on my legs still as blond as it was when I was a child while I have to pay big bucks for the same privilege on my head?!

    • Love 2
  10. Ugh, I don't know where else to put this, so I guess I'll call it a peeve with myself! I just read an article about a a baby elephant who, after being rejected by his mom, cried...and now I am blinking like a crazy person so that the guy in the cubicle next to mine doesn't see me do the same! Even just typing this now...ugh, I can't. Even though the elephant is fine now and being cared for, I can't get the idea out of my brain. This happens to me often (particularly with animal-related stories) and it's irrational and silly and I can't seem to help it. 

    • Love 5
  11. Quote

    When you take into consideration what that article/blog says happened, then Teresa comes out looking worse than Jac. IMO, Teresa is far worse than Jac and always has been.

    If you take it into consideration. I just read it and it sounds like the same old unverifiable stuff that always shows up on these blogs (which is why I pay no mind to them--that and the grammatical errors that even a fourth-grader wouldn't make. And is this the site that has always been anti-Teresa from the get-go? If so, not exactly impartial). Further, most of it is from a source close to the Lauritas parroting stuff Jac reportedly said in the heat of battle; that doesn't necessarily equal cold, hard facts. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't; I'll believe it when I see it (and I hope that I do see it if it exists; it's why I watch these shows in the first place). And even then, I'd still have no proof that what Jac said is true anyway. But I can't for the life of me figure out why Bravo would ditch any of the stuff in that article, much less all of it.

    Either way, regarding what we saw on the show, I'm sticking to my opinion that it was Jacqueline being the true douche bag of the dinner date. 


    • Love 14
  12. Quote

    I can't wait to hear Tre bitch about how Jacq. started in on her and something to the effect of her damn ankle monitor isn't even off yet, LOL.  I heard something like that in the preview and it cracked me up. I think she picked her leg and pointed to the monitor for effect, bwaah, so funny. Like damn, can't you just let me breathe a little, let the damn monitor come off before you start up shit again? 

    I laughed at it too. And it's stuff like that that makes me feel like she is not at all trying to pretend she hadn't been in prison.

    • Love 5
  13. Eh, agree to disagree on all the above. For one thing, everyone knows she was in jail and why, especially her friends. Why are Jacqueline and whoever else so bent on getting her to say the words? Don't like being friends with a convicted felon? Then don't be. It's not Jacqueline's job to elicit some kind of TV confession out of someone who already served her time. 

    Sure, she can have it both ways. Anyone is allowed to basically tell anyone else that they "don't want to talk about it." If the other party can't deal with that, then the other party can end the friendship over it. Plus, magazines don't always work like people think they do; very often, the celebrity topic is paid for photos, and also answers only a few vague questions by e-mail or phone. Authors then do what they like with those answers, sometimes wording them carefully to imply provocative details but not outright lie. Teresa has no control over that, and especially not the cover copy or headlines. "Selling stories" in this context is kind of a misleading term.

    I don't like Jacqueline at all and my mind did not go to "stalker" simply because Teresa acted surprised that Jacqueline showed up. I'm actually confused as to how that's even a master plan to make someone look bad. I haven't seen anything on the show that is supposed to make J. look like a stalker, actually. She's nutty enough with her "come here/go away" nonsense. Hate Teresa so much? Then don't be her friend. It's easy! 

    And if Teresa wants to sell books, she better hope no one forgets she went to the pen. But considering she was just filmed for the show voluntarily telling the audience about her time in prison (granted, via weird non sequitur sex stories that made no sense at the party), I'm guessing she knows that everyone knows she went away for a real-deal felony.

    • Love 20
  14. And without getting into Jacqueline's possible motives for being so pushy about it all, I'm not even saying that Jacqueline asking questions of Teresa is all that weird in the grand scheme of friendships; it's not--it's normal to want to know what's going on with a friend. It's just more friendlike to drop it (and maybe even the friend, if reticence is such a deal-breaker for you) when said friend asks you to numerous times.

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