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Posts posted by TattleTeeny

  1. I am such a slapper! The minor bit of pain with the tender new tattoo is nothing compared to that infernal itch! However, my Ramones (it's sooooo beautiful!) one on my calf was a tricky one to slap at, especially in public (not that any of the slapping looked particularly normal). 

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  2. Quote

    I'm with you on that.  The heat and the itching that comes on after a few days makes me crazy.  I keep telling myself 'don't pick the scabs!'  and then I answer myself 'but it itches!'.  I don't know if it's recommended, but spraying some Bactine is the only thing that kept me sane on a refresher last year.

    You know the people who say, "You'll regret that when you're older"? Well, my answer to them*, if they say this within a week or two of getting it, is "I regret it right now!" And it's 100% true, haha. That fades though as soon as the stupid itching mercifully goes away. Honestly, with the crazy sensitive skin I have in general, I am surprised I can even get a tattoo.

    * Luckily, I don't deal with this too often (and mine are not all hidden!). I have friends who are always complaining about judgmental people approaching them about their tattoos and I am skeptical.

  3. Haha--maybe they tell them something awful, get reaction shots, and then say "Just kidding--do an American Traditional!"



    For shits and giggles:  here's what Ollie was like getting a palm tattoo from the zenmaster Thomas Hooper (who has a very light and deft hand): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a8EfS-3nyo (I linked it instead of embedding it)

    Ahahhahahahaaaa, oh man! Again, I am good with tattoo pain (it's the &%&^%^$##%$#@$#!! subsequent itching that makes me crazy) but I do not much enjoy the biceps at all! Seeing that the description below the video states that the palm is far worse, I doubt I'd ever consider it. Not that I was--I don't think I'd like having a hand tattoo of any kind; I think it would make me feel like my hands were always dirty.

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  4. Random question: how do you guys feel about the term "tramp stamp"? Generally, I don't really care--whatever, I've referred to mine as such a million times. But when I think harder about it, it find it a bit gross. Even my tattooist catches himself if he refers to them that way because he doesn't really dig the term either.

    For one thing, it is a very attractive spot to have a tattoo, particularly for women, IMO--and we are not necessarily tramps for it (not that I subscribe to the ides of tramp/slut/whatever)! And if someone is a "tramp"? So what, who cares? Also, that spot on the body hurts--it's no girly little "I want a tattoo but I don't" silliness (although some of the people asking for them may not realize that, haha!). I sit really well for tattoos and have a whole bunch including a "tramp stamp" I got back in 1993 maybe (I didn't even know the phrase "tramp stamp" then!); it was one of the more painful ones I've had.

    I do get that there is a certain...style...of chick who asks for that spot to be tattooed, and I guess people think of the stereotypical sorority "whoooooo!" girl, maybe--I do at times, maybe because of the popularity of the spot? But arms and ankles are popular too and they don't have a sexist nickname. I don't know what I'm getting at...just musing, I guess. And I kind of think that Chris and Oliver shouldn't use the term "tramp stamp," or at least not on TV.

    • Love 7
  5. I may have mentioned this before but there's an asthma meds commercial that is bizarre too. It starts with a lady saying something like, "I love the outdoors. So when my asthma symptoms came back, my doctor said blah, blah, blah."

    "Came back"? Why is she talking like we are already familiar with her history with asthma? I forget the name of the product but it seems like the commercials have been badly edited for time. 

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  6. Quote

    "And Hillbillies prefer to be called "sons of the soil", but it ain't gonna happen."

    HA! I don't care if you're mocking me; it was good to laugh for a minute at this stupid-ass job today.

    Meh, call me crazy or jaded by working in an editorial capacity for approximately 2,650 years (with most of that trying to get people who should know better to call shit by its official name in print), but it's not a matter of what someone wants to call it; it just is--it is happening! With so much fodder to mock this woman (whom I do enjoy in the confines of the show), I really don't get the zeroing in on "camp" (or "away").

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  7. Quote

    I see your point, but it was not phrased like that. I wish I could remember the product. I would  get the distinction between those. "Not recommended for" would have tipped me off to the difference, but this one was so oddly phrased that it sounded like the same warning for both age groups.

    It's Latuda, I think! Maybe! All I know is that I probably brought it up in the past because it makes me nuts! My friend is a managing editor of medical copy for some health company or other, and she was baffled by it too!



    Why they can't just use the reasoning of both to make the statement once, "not under 18", and then cite both things later if prompted, I do not know

    More often than you'd think, it's because of no other reason than the copy writers and execs (mainly the latter) for the product are idiots.

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  8. Quote

    I love Dolores but that just seemed shady.  Had she called and left a message saying that she was thinking of Jac and wanted her included, there would be no room for misinterpretation but that is not at all what she did so I was glad she apologized for that, but only that. 

    I don't see the shadiness. Maybe some nagginess, but shady? Maybe Dolores thought there was a possibility that Jacqueline felt better? I myself wouldn't call--I'd just assume that if a friend felt better, she'd just show up. But I really fail to see how that labels someone as shady. I understand even less how it's a "setup"! For what?!

    • Love 6
  9. Quote

    This! So much of this. I hate the "fake" narrative as well here and other reality shows. Sometimes it is nice to just be cordial and polite in situations so there is not any drama. I also hate the "keeping it real" garbage when many times it just means they are being an asshole.

    RIGHT! I hate the "keeping it real" excuse, as well as the "I'm just saying what everyone is thinking" one. Tact is underrated, and arguably more mature than "keeping it real." If the situation is serious, yeah, then maybe say what you really mean. If it's just some dumb dustup with someone you'd like to keep in your life, suck it up and be an adult--even apologize if you don't mean it, if it smooths over some silly shit. I do it all the time with my BF--who cares?

    ETA: That's not actually my comment that MissLindsey quoted; I replied to it though.

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  10. Quote

    I'm really sick of her "they're being fake" narrative. She thinks SHE'S the only one who is upfront, because she's a nasty bitch who likes to get digs in every other second. She can't see that there's a difference between being fake and genuinely just trying to put shit behind you. Some shit will NEVER get resolved to everyone's satisfaction. So, often, the best thing to do is just let it go and not bring it up anymore. That's not fake. That's adult. I really don't think Tre was faking being Jac's friend again. I just think she wanted to leave certain shit behind, but Jac can't let ANYTHING go. So it was never going to work out. 

    Seriously! What's faker than trying to remain friends with someone you think is garbage?

    • Love 4
  11. Commercial for some kind of makeup remover that is effective enough for all kinds of various "proof"--waterproof, kissproof, food-proof, etc...and "stayproof." If the makeup were "stayproof," you would not need a special thing to get it off!

    And one for Secret: dumb nervous hipster girl practicing to speak to her boss about some shit--"Mr. Boss, I need a favor." Really? You're gonna start by telling him what you need? I suppose Mr. Boss might be casual and very approachable and all...but confidence is one thing, an attitude of entitlement is another! 

    • Love 4
  12. On 10/26/2016 at 5:00 PM, peacheslatour said:

    If you think those are bad (and you have an afternoon to kill) check out James Lilek's website Regrettable Food. There's a whole section on the horrors of Jello Past.

    Oh my goodness, I love you! Confession: when I get bored or bummed out, I Google "ugly foods of the past"--and then I cackle at it all night. It's to the point where, if my BF hears me laughing from another room, he might yell, "ugly food again?"

    • Love 4
  13. Quote

    Do we work in the same office, @TATTLETEENY? I do the same kind of work, and my office has the same issues yours does.

    I wish! But as it is, I am the sole writer/editor here (though we have other writers...who are awful). So, yay--I simultaneously get to do even the most basic of writing (really? You need me to help you say "Buy This, Get That Free"?) while also being told I am doing shit wrong because they kind of don't understand proper grammar and usage (used to have an exec who crossed out apostrophes because she didn't like how they looked). Makes me wish I worked in real publishing as opposed to a business that publishes.

    • Love 1
  14. I like Nathalia's jacket, but I couldn't tell if it invisibly met the model's hips under the "bubble" or just stuck out free like that. If it's cold enough for a heavier coat, I do not want that open space for stupid winter to blow into!

    Dexter's was eh to me. Like the colors, hated the dumb shoulders, and wondered why the shorts weren't hemmed. Also, I don't know why the judges liked the crotch of them--the bagginess looked too minimal to be deliberate but too big to be anything but an error.

    I think Laurence's fabric was too stiff to do what she was hoping it would do in the crotch region.

    I laughed at Mah Jing freaking out on behalf of Erin that the runway was happening soon! Speaking of Erin, she seemed like kind of an entitled jerk after learning that she was in the bottom.

    • Love 8
  15. Quote

    Sounds like, at least to me, a manager who expects you to get something done, but won't tell you how to do it, so you get it done the best way you know how, only to have that manager scream at you that you were supposed to get it done another way.

    Haha--very close! No one yells here though (I mean, I do, but I'm not a manager). 

    While my manager lets me do stuff how I want it for the most part, other departments here do not tell you what they need (again, I'm in creative--writing and editing. The rest of my department is design). So, these other departments--promotions and customer relations--want correspondence and event posters/flyers/e-mails, etc., but they have no idea how they want it done! They're not well versed in writing or in design. And they all think that the best approach is trial and error! Oh my goodness, no. Without tight deadlines, fine. But with them? No way--there's no time! I mean, "Hi, I know this is last minute but could you write up an e-mail blast ASAP about this event for which we don't know how to spell the guest's name...or what will happen there...or the time...or the incentive deal yet? Oh, and we don't know if we want an "every guy" style of writing or something more upscale, so just see what you come up with and show us...and then we'll send it back 10 times asking for something different (i.e, what we don't want as opposed to what we do want) instead of conveying what we'd like before you stop your real job to help us out at 4:45pm, an hour before this thing must be sent out."



    On the flipside of that, there's a brownnoser in another office that WILL NOT email me, despite me asking her several times to do so. She calls because it looks like action to the people who are always on the phone. In reality, she shoves off her work on me. I NEED emails for the work I do (writing and coordinating); it's detailed and I am often asked to prove if I did this or that.

    Oh my god, right there with you! I have many things to do/write/edit/proof--if you run up to my desk while I am doing something else and say, "We need you to change this to that, and on page 12, add this and take away that..." it's just not effective! E-mail me--I mean, what is easier than e-mail? I have it in writing (also great for the "CYA" aspect, thank you) and won't have to ask again later. But it's as if everyone here thinks I'm doing only work for them--I'm sitting doing nothing until this person wants something! 

    We also have a designer here who will walk over to answer me after I have sent an e-mail or an IM! NO, NO, NO! Get the hell away from me with your timid tippy-toeing up behind my chair and simply type a reply! She's nuts anyway--she blesses herself when she sneezes and tee-hees all day at a podcast of some kind in between coughing fits. She also gives me nearly empty pages to edit. WTF, lady?!


    Ya know, just because I admire someone or think they're good looking, be it celebrity or real life acquaintance, does not mean I'm sexually attracted to them. I can have a crush on someone of the same sex without it being sexual. Get your mind out of the gutter, world!

    Exactly! I feel bad when my BF thinks I "like" some guy because I notice that he's objectively good-looking. He's only half-kidding when he mentions it, you know (though he thinks he's coming off as completely kidding)? Obviously if my friend has a new guy, I am going to say, "Yes, he's very cute," whether I mean it or not--and yes, there are attractive (again, objectively) celebrities just because they are, which doesn't mean I am attracted to them. For example, Brad Pitt...and Ryan Reynolds and Jensen Ackles and Christian Bale, are "meh" to me, even though I totally understand their appeal to others! And as far as same-sex, yes to that too--Sheri Moon Zombie for one (who is incidentally married to the most attractive of celebrities, and my sweet baby!).

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  16. Quote

    I say this as someone who manages people.  I get at least 250 emails a day (and that is the low side) and most of them need a response of some sort from me. I also have conference calls for 50- 80% of the day. There are not enough damn hours in the day to even read them all much less do my actual work.

    I'd cut him slack if this were even remotely the case. It is so incredibly not. We just have a tons of super-disorganized people in this place, and he's one of them.

    To be fair, and on the bright side, he doesn't care what I do. He has no doubts that I do my work on time and well, and never micro-manages me ever (and he knows that, with 20 vacation days and 5 sick, I'm sometimes going to be random and spur-of-the-moment about it; I know our production schedule and when is OK to not show up, haha!).

    The downside to that, though, is that in the instances when I have run into the proverbial wall, and cannot move further in my work because I am lacking some pertinent information (like, absolutely cannot, as in I have exhausted all avenues to which I have access in order to find what I need; I never bother asking a thing of anyone until I run out of options), he is still too hands-off. Sometimes I just need a higher-up to step in and force an issue* so that I can do a good job, and I can't get that. Same with when I raise a complaint; he's "spoiled" in the sense that he knows I do not like leaving things unfinished or unpolished and, I guess, assumes that I'll effectively work it out myself. I mean, thanks and all. But when I do ask for help, it's because I actually do need it!

    * Not enough people here know this about me--that I won't ask until I have run out of "leads" on my own--and I think they think that all I ever do is ask before I try (projection? I think so!). It's so not true, man, and it's very frustrating. Not to mention that all of my requests stem from one particular department repeatedly and consistently not supplying me with what I need (even though they are by now very familiar with what I need--they just don't feel like getting it!). Sometimes my asking gets me not the answers I need, but instead access to resources to get them myself. Fine in theory, but in reality it's just more work that I now have to do because someone else "won't." I will never understand the "explanation" that I have to do pieces of other people's jobs simply because they "won't." WTF? So that's another thing about my manager (who is great in other ways): he's a bit of a yes-man who's not willing to rock a boat. To other departments here, it may look like ours (creative team) can do anything no matter how tight a deadline; to us though, it feels like he isn't willing to stick up for his own department.

    Yikes, sorry for the TL;DR!

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  17. I recall catching Dr. House once or twice and actually feeling delighted by it!



    I cried over Herschel, too. I started to watch the second season again last weekend, but stopped at the barn reveal (the first one). I can't watch Herschel die again, so I probably won't watch much more. They almost lost me over that one! 

    Seriously, every single time there's a marathon on, I magically turn on the TV at a minute or two before the Governor says "liar"! Come on, man!

    • Love 2
  18. 3 hours ago, topanga said:

    Ah, I'll bet you were really cute. But yeah, get your "blocking" finger ready.

    I know we've had many discussions on this thread about social media. But I still don't understand why people try to friend me when they never talked to me in elementary school, high school, college, etc. Is it about acquiring as many online friends as possible? 


    I don't know if this is a pet peeve, but it must suck to be old and alone. And the thought of it really scares me. I just got off the phone with my husband's grandmother (age 99) who lives about 1000 miles away from us with her oldest son. She used to live in the town next to us, but she moved to Louisiana when her daughter died two years ago--my mother-in-law. She moved in with her son and his wife, and she was actually closer to her DIL than she was her own son. But then a year ago her DIL died. So now she's essentially alone. I mean, she lives with her son, but they aren't close. And she has health issues, so she can't get around to make new friends in Louisiana. All of her friends and family are in the town where she used to live, and she speaks to them on the phone, but now they're starting to die off, too. 

    People celebrate her for being 99, but I can't imagine what it must be like for her now that the people she loves are dying one after another. I wish I could do something to help her. 

    And that makes me wonder what my life will be like when I get older (shallow, I know). I mean, I don't have that many friends now, and I'm only in my mid-40s. I don't like talking on the phone, so I don't reach out to long-distance friends and family too often unless it's by text or e-mail. My marriage is iffy. I get along well with my kids, but it's wrong to rely on them for companionship. Maybe I'll wind up an Internet hermit with 10 cats. And a dog. And my only friends will be my cyber-friends. Maybe I should have friended some of those high school frenemies after all. 

    *sigh* It's raining outside. Maybe that's why I'm being so gloomy and pessimistic. 

    I think about this shit all the time--along with "will I have enough money?" (and countless ridiculous things s well). Logic says the BF is going to kick it before I will (though who really knows?). Someone recently posted an article on FB about old-people communal living with friends and I actually thought it seemed awesome in theory. However, I didn't read far enough to see how that gets put into motion, haha!

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  19. I don't think Sarah Paulsen's British accent on American Horror Story is terrible (sounds pretty much like my friend's, to be honest). Seriously, it seems like anytime an actor does one on TV, anyone and everyone is an absolute expert on each and every variation of British accent. I find that annoying.

    Also, I don't think I have ever taken part in the weird almost-clockwork phenomenon of going from loving a show/character to absolutely hating it. Glee, Tim Gunn, AHS, Modern Family, various Housewives, etc. It's really kind of remarkable.


    I've never threatened to riot. I don't get that, either. 

    Haha, no one is really threatening to actually riot! It's just "clever" T-shirt-slogan fodder and camaraderie, I suppose. And I'm not hurting anyone with my fierce love of Walking Dead Carl (a UO on its own, I assume) or tears at Herschel's death, a damn scene that I always seem to catch on repeat because the universe is mean.

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