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Posts posted by Jel

  1. Remember the movie When Harry Met Sally? In it, Harry is explaining how he sees different types of girlfriends, and he tells Sally that she's the worst kind: High maintenance who thinks she's low maintenance.

    This is Tom Schwartz to me -- basically a mean, passive aggressive assholey boyfriend/husband who thinks he's a a really nice guy. So nice to other people, but shitty to his partner -- the worst kind!

    Katie's hating fed his assholery and Tom's assholery fed Katie's insecurity, which fed her hating. 

    Neither of them receives my Human of the Year award.



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  2. To me, Katie is a just an old mean girl with decades of experience at rationalizations and justifications for her mean girl behavior.  The flashbacks really reminded me of this. She gloms on to what she decides is a "legit" reason to dislike someone (doesn't have to be something done to her, can be on behalf of someone else) and then works tirelessly to ensure that grudge is carried.

    Please, Katie, "hating" is not a hobby. It's just such a terrible look and terrible way to live. Her friends seem to really love and value her friendship, and that says alot of good things about her. So if she could just drop the recreational hating it would be awesome.


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  3. 40 minutes ago, Pattycake2 said:

    After rewatching last season’s reunion, there is a big difference in Kyle’s face that is not attributable to her weight loss.. She’s about to be 55 and there is no softening at her jawline, etc. She’s had some work done for sure.  Plus, I now better understand Kathy’s anger with Kyle.  Kyle should have told Rinna that if Rinna had no proof to present of the many  outlandish claims she was making regarding the Aspen event, she stands with her sister.  But Kyle was too chicken shit to confront Rinna and rock the boat.  All the “But it’s only hurting me!”  No, Kyle, it hurt your sister’s reputation far more than your cowardly, little feelings.

    Yes, Kyle is very passive aggressive towards her sister. Lots of “Yeah it was bad, but *I* didn’t say it!” No, but you sat there and mhmmed and laughed along. I’m beyond sick of her. No doubt there’s a complicated family dynamic there with plenty of dysfunction, but the fact that she still feels like a little kid when sshe’s talking to Kathy is on 50 plus year old Kyle. 

    This may be just me, but not getting to hear Kathy’s rant— theft! 😜

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  4. 19 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    I doubt she is Native American, or enrolled in a federally recognized tribe. I base this on the BS she blathers on her website. She does not state her tribal affailiation, which most tribal members do. If she is not NA, she is grossly appropriating traditional NA medicine and cynically using NA terminology for profit.

    The outrage over Ozempic is that it is meant for diabetics and is in short supply because of people - often of means and privilege - who are using it off-label for shallow reasons while people who need it to survive cannot get it. Thus the lies by all of the suddenly-skinny celebrities who understand they are resented. It's similar to lying about having had cosmetic surgery. Surgery doesn't hurt other people, but claiming "it's my face creme" or "it's my new hair cut" is a lie and that bugs some people.

    I dug deeply (as much as the Internet allows) into Sutton's background when she first appeared on the show. I posted about Sutton's $300K monthly alimony, child support, properties, and so on. Sutton and her former husband married young and worked together, like many couples, to build their wealth. (Same as Keyle and Mauricio have done, with Kyle as a homemaker who dabbled in acting.) Without question Sutton's former husband worked hard in his profession, and she benefited from that in the divorce. I don't recommend it, because there is danger in relying on a spouse for financial security long-term, but it appears to be working for Sutton.

    Somebody needs to make a joke about money not buying style, because Sutton has horrible fashion taste. Bless her heart.


    My objection was the cast's "confusion" over her name.  I don't know her background, but I do know that Eagle Woman is a Native American name and it's rude and bigoted to openly mock the "unusual" (to some) names of another culture.  It's not acceptable.

    If she's a fake, a phony, a cultural appropriator is another matter entirely.  But even if she is all of those things, it's still wrong to mock Native American names. 

    Is this debatable? Surely you didn't mean, she's a fake and phony cultural appropriator, so therefore it's fine to mock Native American names, right?

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  5. 37 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

    Okay, but claiming she is modeling  "financial freedom" for her daughter while cashing spousal support (aka alimony) checks was ridiculous. 

    And speaking of ridiculous, what was the expensive looking Heidi costume in Sutton's talking heads?   She may have the money but not too sure about the taste. 

    Lovebean may have another new face but I think she's found a good cosmetic surgeon and continues to look great. 

    She makes me think of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Just surrounded by a bunch of people who will tell her what she wants to hear as long as, in her case, she keeps writing cheques.

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  6. 9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    I think that Ryan didn't show up because he didn't have enough time to create an original art piece on graffiti a denim jacket.  Or possibly, the producers told him he was required to wear a shirt.

    I bet he had a Bedazzler in the 80s and probably Bedazzled the life out of every jacket he owned. 

    Tamra’s presence ruins the show, and that’s really not good because it appears to be hanging on by a thread. I can barely look at her, she disgusts me so much. 

    We almost made it through an entire episode without Emily mentioning she’s an attorney! 

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  7. I just watched a few episodes and man was I sorry to see Hisam go. He was, by far, the best worst player the game has ever seen! Danielle Murphree levels of delusion! Frank levels of incompetence! The dramatics! The thousand yard stares in the very small rooms. The lecturing somehow strangely combined with the guilt tripping! We were robbed. 

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  8. On 8/16/2023 at 10:29 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

    Back to the lime juice and the margaritas, I will always ask why the stews don't make a pitcher of the drink the guests are drinking especially margaritas, especially if Aesha is worried about how long it takes to make and serve the drinks, put the glasses in ice, make extra garnish and have that pitcher ready. The stews never seem to make a batch of any drink that is constantly being ordered, why not?

    Agree, make a pitcher! Also, not a fan of Laura but she was not wrong about the fresh lime juice.

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  9. On 8/22/2023 at 4:35 PM, dosodog said:

    I'm already over "Do you think Cheffy will be mad"?  Repeatedly through the episode.

    Ma'am.  You were told she has a crush on him.  You chose to shrug that off and target your sights on Culver.  You hit the bullseye.  Blantly.  In front of the entire crew.

    And now you're so concerned about Cheffy's feelings?  And trying to make me feel like somehow I should have sympathy for you?


    Would Jamee been as interested in Culver if they hadn’t said “you can’t have him, he’s cheffies”? I think the competition was what spurred her on. She was really all over Culver that first night. Just throwing herself at him like it was her job. Culver. Don’t see the culver appeal. Don’t care for her at all. As George Costanza said, “You can stuff your sorries in a sack, mister!”

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  10. I don’t want to have to watch this show! Please, corporate greedy people, come to your senses and pay the writers fair wages. I also don’t want to watch shows written by AI, unless they become our overlords, in which case, yay AI and their awesome tv shows!

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  11. I’m thinking once bitten, twice shy? Lisa is probably pissed as hell about it, but given the reaction last time a dog was dumped on one of these shows, afraid to say anything. 
    Wonder if Rachel is going to accuse her of selling the story to Radar Online. 😜

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  12. 41 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

    James and Ally have posted Instagram shorts of them with Graham. James has posted Pics.

    I think the fact that neither James or Lisa have talked to the press, is because this is going to be filmed/or already has been filmed for Season 11.

    The pics and Insta-stories show a calm and happy Graham.


    THis is wonderful news! Thanks for posting, KFB!

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  13. I hope she doesn’t sign. Let her try her luck at the C and D list shows before she retreats back into obscurity. If she is worried about the reaction from “haters”, this latest move with graham is not going to help her cause. I can’t imagine there are enough pro-betrayal and pro-dog dumping fans out there to defend her.

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  14. 1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

    Now, we can see where Raquel learned how to be a “Professional Victim”. Anyone notice how the dog is being blamed by Raquel and her famewhore mom? They are both minimizing their responsibility for Graham’s well being and care. They are also painting themselves as people who went above and beyond.

    Adopto-mom is saying Raquel put Graham into behavior classes after she and James broke up. Bullshit – if this was true Raquel would have mentioned it on the show anytime during season 10. Other castmates would have talked about it – including Scheana, Ariana as they were very pro Raquel. She would have mentioned it to James when she allowed him to see Graham at the park. All of Season 10 – she was living at Scheana’s – you don’t think Graham wouldn’t have attacked Summer Moon? – toddlers aren’t very gentle with pets – they tug and pull. Scheana has mentioned that they watched him when he interacted with Summer Moon because his behavior was different after Raquel took sole custody.

    When Scandoval broke at the beginning of March, Graham went with Raquel back to her parents. March 23rd they taped the reunion and March 29th Raquel went and taped the last 5 minute confession full of lies. According to Adopto-mom, Raquel went into a MH facility right after the taping and that Raquel asked them to care for the dog. Sorry? They weren’t caring for the dog, the whole month of March?

    According to Adopto-mom the doctors she saw for her wound told her to euthanize the dog. Not a vet – but 2 doctors she used for her wound made a diagnosis without ever seeing the dog.

    According to Adopto-mom, they surrendered Graham to California Doodle Rescue so that he could be rehabilitated and re-homed. Again, BULLSHIT – their website clearly states the following: “we CANNOT accept doodles with a history of extreme anxiety, aggression, or biting” Why California – you live in Tucson Arizona?

    According to Adopto-mom, Graham bit 2 people at California Doodle Rescue, and was adopted by someone who returned Graham 3 days later after Graham bit his new owner. Again, BULLSHIT – any reputable rescue would not put up a dog to be adopted if he was presenting aggressive behavior.

    According to Adopto-mom, California Doodle Rescue contacted Lisa Vanderpump for financial assistance to hire a different trainer. Again, BULLSHIT – why would a rescue ask for financial assistance – don’t they have their own trainers? How did they get LVP’s contact info?

    Do shelters normally keep the people who have given up a dog in the loop? Like is it normal to tell them that the dog you surrendered but the new owner and that the dog was returned? And that they contacted another shelter for financial assistance? I would think you surrender a dog and that’s the end of their obligation to you. None of that adds up to me.


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  15. 1 hour ago, Marley said:

    Lol that response from her family. They should just stfu at this point. They only make things look worse somehow.

    This dog stuff may make me hate her even more then the Scandoval stuff lol.

    It sure isn’t helping. And I agree about keeping a pet for life. Just like a kid, you have got to work with what you’re given. It sure looks like she was an irresponsible, negligent dog mom. 

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  16. On 7/16/2023 at 9:56 PM, dancingdreamer said:

    I was trying  to think of something to say about cheese,  nope,  nothing.

    Erin looks like Jennifer  Aniston, Brynn  reminds me of a young Mandy Moore,  (with less brain  cells) what restaurant  we're  they dissing  ? Olive Garden.?

    I'll decide  next week if I continue,  tonight  was scattered, to say the least. 

    Mandy Moore, yes that’s exactly it! And I think Erin looks like a cross between Jenn Aniston and Sarah Jessica Parker.

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  17. 4 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

    I could watch a whole hour of this, not a Daisy fan.

    I’m not really either, and I really don’t understand her appeal. I asked my husband what it was and he said “She’s fun”. I said, “Daisy, the Irish lady seems like fun to you?” And he said “Yes”. 
    My husband is under her spell too!

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