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Posts posted by amaranta

  1. The guy that does my lawn (am no longer able to do it myself) has a landscaping business, including tree work, gutters, etc.  I chose him because at $40 a cut & trim, he's more reasonably priced than the teen I used to use. He employs five people and services neighboring towns as well.  When he has his off season, every year he boards a plane and winters in Fiji.  I'm jealous!

    I enjoyed this episode.  I love Pops, and I love Pops and Ruby playing off each other.

    The Diane is evil stuff is getting a bit much.  I wouldn't mind her being taken down a peg.  And I'm beginning to wonder why Dre still continues to  work for a company with such an overtly racist boss.

    But otherwise I thought this was a well balanced episode about what parents want and dream for their kids, doing a good job of showing both sides.

    • Love 2
  2. I did not know this thread was here.  Oh, how I wish I had found it a week or two ago!  Right now I need to get ready for an appointment, but it's so hard.  I've been up most of the night, I can't seem to stop the tears.  If I cancel I'll have to pay a penalty but right now I'm thinking it might be worth it.  I'm shell-shocked, grief-stricken and having anxiety attacks -- all at the same time.

    I still don't understand.  I wish someone could help me to understand, but I don't know if I can.

    I'll likely be back later.  I'm finding a bit of comfort in this forum and I didn't think that was possible today.

    • Love 12
  3. Quote

    I can;t believe we have to wait till January!! 

    What!?!  I did not know this.  WTF?  (Yes, it stands for fork.)

    This is my favorite new show; I'm loving Bell and Danson, Harper, Carden, Jamil and Jacinto.  And now, having thrown in Adam Scott - guest arc I assume - bonus fun!


    For those of you who have seen Bored to Death, does Michael at times remind you of the way Ted D. played George?  Not that I mind, since I loved George; he had a marvelous aura of childlike wonder.  Especially when he was high...

  4. So anyone else have way too much post-game adrenaline running through their veins last night and end up staying awake until 3:22am watching ESPN?  (I am such an idiot.)

    Congratulations, to the Cubs and their fans.

    I liked seeing Bill Murray's beaming face.  I'll always fondly remember the games he called for Harry when Harry was ill, so for me it would take a lot for Bill to wear out his welcome.


    And I'm sorry to all the long suffering Indians fans.  Wait till next year...when the Os win!!  :-)

    Ditto on the condolences AND your optimistic outlook for the O's.  However, over the break, can you teach the Orioles to freaking win on the road?  Playing .600 ball only at Camden ain't going to cut it.

    I need sleep.   Must have more sleep...

    • Love 5
  5. I want Laura and Kevin to be a super couple, in the vein of Alan and Monica or Bo and Nora from OLTL.  Yes, super couples as we knew them are indeed over, but adjusted to today's scale of audience and attention, I would just enjoy that it happened with not Luke/AG.  (And I liked AG, and Luke and Laura, way back when.)

    • Love 6
  6. Yeah, Roger we get it.  You got a B+ in mime class.  Now cut it out.

    I've been waiting for Griffin's brow to unfurrow since he joined the show.  Now I feel bad; I've realized that may be his resting face.

    Good tantrum by Charlotte.  If we're going to have kids on the show, so far she seems like a good cast.

    I'm wondering if Chloe L. is being hurt by no rehearsal time.  I was thinking since those were "very special" episodes - the Luke's childhood stuff - they may have been blocked and rehearsed in a way the day to day episodes are not.  Because she was quite good in those and now she seems so stilted.

    This Halloween actually has me missing Faison as Beetlejuice and Obrecht in pigtails. That was fun. Don't miss Joss as corn though.

    • Love 7
  7. Quote

    Newhart:  Bob waking up in bed with his The Bob Newhart Show wife.  I'm almost hesitant to mention this one because I don't know if the show's demographic would have been the internet demographic.  I don't know if I would have watched if it hadn't been my parents.  But it was so amazing that I do think it would have gone viral pretty quickly.

    This is the one the popped into my mind first.  I think the moment Suzanne Pleshette sat up in bed next to Bob the internet would have imploded.

    Also already mentioned - ".... the plane spun in.  There were no survivors."   That would come in a close second. 


    Maddy and David finally do it on Moonlighting.

    Magnum dies at the end of what was supposed to be the last season.  And then the real finale when he doesn't.

    When Don Knotts came back for a guest stint on The Andy Griffith Show.  His final show stayed in the top ten of most watched TV shows until the 1980's, which I still find impressive.

    Seinfeld's The Contest, aka Master of My Domain

    And for some reason, the season finale of Knots Landing's which I'll call Val's Babies. I was in college and it was all anyone talked about.  For what seemed like forever.  Then years later I got hooked on Knots when it was on cable and I got it it.

    And one for my grandparents, since this was before my time.  It seemed that at least once a year they brought up how Arthur Godfrey fired a singer live on his show, and then Muzz and Pop-pop would fight about it. Seriously, they argued about this for decades. (Okay, Google tells me it was Julius LaRosa.)

    ETA to add the MTM finale.  Aside from the moment when Mary turns out the lights, I seem to remember much ado about the curtain call.  Was this the first scripted series to a do a cast curtain call?

    • Love 5
  8. Watching some Frasier reruns and realized that James Patrick Stewart (Valentin) was the Guy the ski instructor in The Ski Lodge, probably one of Frasier's better farce episodes.  Then the IMDB trivia notes popped up on the screen - his father was the Chad half of the 1960's Chad & Jeremy. 

    My aunt was getting rid of what she called junk a few years back and gave me all of her sixties vinyl (approx 200 albums total) and from what I can see from the album cover, as auntie had written "I love you" all over it, Dad was the one who wore glasses.

  9. I think the writers messed up a bit (surprise!).  After reading the ID that said Mariah Maxmilliana, the big bad guy called her Maxie.  She never told him that's the name she goes by.  Mariah would have made sense, not the immediate jump to Maxie.  Then she could have corrected him.

    So Ava left a message for Scott she might be going to her death, and then waltzes in and out with only minor roadblocks when getting the meds.  What a non-build.

    I also think the gloved hand was Curtis.  Oh, and Ava?  You find a public toilet and flush the pills, hon.

    • Love 13
  10. Except you KNOW that Carly will now be pregnant again.

    Now you take  that back!  And turn around three times, then throw salt over your shoulder (Please and thank you.)

    That idea does not belong out in the universe.

    Chants: No more Conrinthi!  No more Corinthi!

    • Love 11
  11. So I shouldn't be this upset at Netflix taking Chuck off at the end of October, right?  But I am.  I watch it every year, usually when most shows go on holiday break.

    Damn it.

  12. Why is Claudette wearing a large green doily?

    Writers, you had better not kill Tracy Quartermaine.  I'm willing and happy to let the GH wormhole do it's thing, now that Anna has found the invoice for the psych hospital.  Let her and Jordan swoop in to save the day.  After Tracy is allowed to make a few bad ass moves of her own, of course.

    And really, is the third or fourth mental health care facility?  Wouldn't Shady Brook have worked, where Laura was for a decade or so?  But I guess living near or in PC is enough to push anyone over the edge so I can see where they'd need the extra room.

    When Jason said "Preggers" I expected Sam to say "who ARE you?"

    It was good to see Laura and Kevin.  I think they're pretty.

    • Love 8
  13. Quote

    Wow, how cool that so many people mentioned Defending Your Life! One of my favorite movies of all time, which is why I can say with confidence that it was about how fearlessly you lived your life, not how good you were.  Since I am pretty much a quivering blob of cowardice, I sometimes watch that movie as a form of pep talk.

    You are me.  Right down to the pep talk viewing.  I love that movie.

    I'm in for at least the first season.  I have a lot of good will for Schur for Parks and Rec, which I still miss.  It took some time for the ensemble to gel on P&R so perhaps the same will happen here.  I enjoyed the opener; I also am bringing in a lot of like for Danson and Bell.  If it's akin to Parks, it may never be a laugh a minute type of show, but rather one that just makes you smile, chuckle and have an occasional laughter burst.

    • Love 3
  14. Quote

    Someone on Twitter noting that Brad hasn't been on-screen in 14 weeks (!) made me angry all over again about how absent he and Lucas are from two stories they should be a part of - the hospital serial killer (Lucas was one of the goddamn victims!) and Julian's trial.

    I seriously keep forgetting Julian is Lucas's father. They've had, what, two stories?  Lucas gets shot because of Julian. Julian gets weirded out for a week or so that his son is gay.  And then done for the next two years.

    Way to write families, Show.

    • Love 10
  15. When Alexis fainted and she was asked what was wrong I hoped she would answer "My freaking jacket's too tight!"

    This trial is really boring.

    Also, Dr. Joe works at GH now yes?  So the person who has known Sabrina the longest and is actually related to Teddy is MIA?  Why even bring the actor back if you're not going to use him?

    I still cringe when Michael calls Sonny Dad.  Michael's anger at Sonny for AJ's murder could have had legs and been a cornerstone of stories for years.  Bad move, having Michael returning so easily to the Clan of Corinthi.

    • Love 8
  16. Very happy for JLD's win.  But in doing so, her speech broke my heart.  When her hands started to shake, the tears began to flow.  Condolences to Ms. Louis-Dreyfus on the loss of her father.

    • Love 2
  17. I really like what I've heard so far from Barns Courtney.  Doesn't have an album yet, just released singles, but I think once it's out he might do well.  The song I heard first was Glitter and Gold (soundtrack, but don't remember what), went straight to Amazon Music and bought what I could find to download. 

  18. Quote

    I surprised myself today. I wasn't expecting to be sad at the thought of Sabrina dying. A couple of years ago, I would have been the first cheering her off my screen, but she's grown on me and, god help me, I like her and Michael together. So the question now is, who will get Teddy?

    Please let Michael or Tracy be the one to catch Paul. And not Sonny. 

    Me too!  And I have no idea where it came from!  I hated the Pygmalion transformation into a Disney Princess and her whole romance with Patrick, hated the stupid Not Alone song, hated the Sabrina propping at the expense of Robin ... and so on.  Maybe it was the writing I actually detested and not TeCa.  I'm not sure, but starting yesterday with the scene of her about to be murdered, which I thought she played well, I realized I didn't want her killed off.  Perhaps it's losing a female in that age range; they're in short supply.  Unless Nell is going to be our new younger female focus, along with Lauren.  Huh.  I'm so conflicted!

    Anyway, I wish her well. 

    Julian's trial?  A wrong address? Really? Oh, the stupid of it all.

    • Love 10
  19. Quote

    A couple I never cared for:


    Aw.  And I was just thinking how much I liked Chuck's opening.

    I have always loved the Frasier opening with the quick draw of the Seattle skyline.  I particularly like that it changes, often in relation to the subject of the episode.  Though sometime it's just the building lights, or an object in the sky.  Kind of elegant in its simplicity, yet clever.

    • Love 7
  20. Billy Gilman?  The name sounded familiar so I did a search.  Will he be the first Voice contestant with a Grammy nom in his background?  I also read he sold platinum back in the day.  That doesn't seem like discovering a "new" talent but rather helping with a comeback.  I'm not sure I like that direction for the show.

    Nothing against Gilman; not being a country person I'm not familiar with his music.  It just seems like he's much more of a pro than past contestants, even including Javier, Alisan and Cassadee, with all his sales from an earlier solo music career. 

    • Love 1
  21. Quote

    I'd love to see MEK get it.  He just finished up a run on Y&R, and he was one of the only good things going on that show, so he's available.  (And MEK will always be one of my favorite soap actors, regardless of some of the shit they wrote him towards the end of AMC). 

    MEK is also one of my favorites; I'd love to see him on my screen again.

    I've always been an ABC soap person.  I liked AMC, OTL and GH.  I hate that GH is my last soap.  As for actors from the cancelled shows being cast on GH, can I be Switzerland?

    • Love 4
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