shady lane
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57 Excellent-
Just washed the episode so a bit late to the party. MTV's wonky/selective editing really showed this week. Leah: I have no idea where she went after they dropped her off at the airport and where she was in that hotel room. Why would she need to leave the girlses just to sit in a hotel for a few days before rehab - sorry - therapy? Hair changed a bunch of times as well. Mama Dawn is the devil and a terrible enabler. Jenelle: It seems obvious to me that Nathan checked out of the relationship after Jenelle's antics in the Caribbean. The weird voice-over the producers threw in that just referred to a "big fight" really doesn't highlight the fact that she attacked his friends and family in an extremely disgusting way. Even if they were mooching off of her, to laugh at someone's death and then say you wish another person would die in the same way is sickening. Nathan as low and verbally abusive as he is, apparently has a limit and Jenelle reached it for him. The smartest thing Nathan has ever done (by a long shot) is to break up with her and explain clearly that they were toxic together. Unfortunately for Jenelle she is toxic with everyone, including her mother and children. She has never had a stable relationship and every single one has ended in violence and/or an arrest. I fear for Kaiser. Jace is very lucky to be living with Barb.
Definitely the most crazy Catfisher since the guy a few seasons ago who pretended to be a girl online and then did a terrifying slow clap when confronted. Something that the show didn't pick up on was the fact that Tracey is a dark-skinned black girl of Ghanaian descent, and chose to terrorize and impersonate Falesha a very pretty light-skinned light-eyed biracial girl (guessing as her mom appeared to be white). She also went after fake online relationships with white guys. I think there's some self-hatred going on at the root of her behavior. She simultaneously wants to be Falesha and to destroy her for having what Tracey does not. And I do not for one second believe she has a new boyfriend as she claimed on Skype at the end of the episode.
I honestly think people just have a very harsh view of Maci - and I am no big fan of hers. It is nothing more than speculation that: - Maci got pregnant to trap Tyler - Maci told Tyler she was unable to get pregnant - Maci is so desperate for a husband that she thought pregnancy would get her an engagement Those things might be true but I have no reason to think that they are. If they are why would Tyler still be with her? And he said on one of the aftershows that when he first met her, he had never watched "Teen Mom" and didn't know her, so it's not like he's some fame-hungry Matt type who is going to stay with her after she lied about her fertility issues just to be on camera. And I maintain that telling high schoolers 14-18 years olds to use birth control and prevent pregnancy - and then becoming pregnant at 23 in a committed relationship when you own a house and a car - is not even remotely hypocritical. I wonder if people would have a problem with Kailyn giving the same speeches, who got married after dating Javi for about five minutes and had a second kid before she was even 21. Is marriage the magical solution here?
I hate to defend Maci, but I don't think her getting pregnant at 23 means she's unfit to talk to teens about avoiding pregnancy. A lot of women have planned pregnancies at that age. She's in a committed relationship and can afford the child. She basically admitted this kid was planned and the fact she's not married is really her own personal issue. That's why she initially made it seem like a "miracle baby" because she's self-conscious about having two baby daddies and no husband, even though she decided to do it this way. Amber is really getting my last nerve. I can't believe Dr. drew actually went after Matt and her for their failures in recovery - good job for once. "We're HAPPY" is not a reasonable response when asked why you have this guy you barely know living with you, drinking together when you're recovering addicts, not having a relationship with his kids (which is surely worse no what he's moved away), and not letting you spend any time alone! Even worse was her line "we're not beating on each other" like that's the mark of a good relationship! We also saw the true Matt - Amber storms off in a huff, Bubba goes to comfort her, and Matt slides down the couch for solo camera and Dr. D time. Superman indeed. BTW isn't it interesting that he spent so much time harassing Jenelle on Twitter and ended up with the girl from TM1 most similar to her?
Gary previously had a job, as some sort of health care assistant. Has he quit?
Just choked on my drink!
We all know it wasn't the MTV crew causing the bad mood. It was his lunatic girlfriend pushing marriage and fatherhood on him when 99% of their relationship consists of going to Farrah's nightclub appearances together and drinking free booze.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I hear Farrah say she has been dating Simon for four months. FOUR MONTHS? Long-distance as well. And she is saying she loves him and badgering him about marriage? What a psychopath. And when she asked him in the car if he's ever dated someone with kids and he said no - surely she knew that information already? Why introduce a young guy who obviously has a party lifestyle and has no experience with children to your daughter? UGH she makes me so mad. However he is clearly with her for the fame and to attend all of her club appearances for free, so I doubt he will ever dump her. If it ends it will be because she realizes he's not going to marry her. Amber is not a good parent, she is the female equivalent of the every-other-weekend dad who only takes the kids for ice cream and to amusement parks while the mom has to do all of the heavy lifting for the rest of the time. It doesn't matter if Leah's fever is gone, she could still need antibiotics to prevent her from spreading strep throat to her family and classmates. The doctor might also charge a missed appointment fee, I bet she thinks Gary will just pay for that. When did April get remarried and who is that guy? How long have they been together? Tyler and Catelynn were saying "I love you" to him - is it just me or do they have a tendency to say that too often to too many people? Maci - yawn. Give all of her segments to Ryan's dad and Taylor's barber.
Ryan gave the exact same reason for why Bentley didn't need to go to preschool - that he didn't go and he turned out fine. Maci bit her tongue HARD at that comment. He is a terrible parent. Also how did I not know that Ryan is 3-4 years older than Maci? She said he's 27 years old and she must be 23. So when she got pregnant she was 16 and he was 19/20?
Tyler is a jerk in many ways, but he's not wrong to encourage Catelynn on this weight issue. She has for years made excuses about why she has carried extra weight. First it was having Carly. Then it was pregnancy cravings. Then it was her baby shower (even after she'd been diagnosed with gestational diabetes). Now it's that she doesn't think it's healthy to diet while breastfeeding. She really needs to ask herself (for many reasons) if Tyler is the person she should be marrying because there is no question that her weight is going to be a lifelong struggle for her. Rather than add stress to her relationship, maybe she can find someone who likes bigger women. It's also clear that their environment is bad with most people eating junk food and having a lack of knowledge about healthy eating. There's a big gap between McDonald's and a steamed chicken breast but no one in her family seems to know that. It's very scary that Amber and Matt are fighting and that alcohol is playing a role given they are recovering addicts. It already was a disaster waiting to happen and now it's even more apparent. Also, is her anxiety the reason she doesn't work, go to school, go to therapy, or do anything productive with her life and sits on the couch all day? By the way, did anyone notice the bathroom of the hotel room when they were leaving Vegas? What a MESS. Towels and crap all over the floor. I wonder what her bathroom at home looks like. I don't understand why Farrah spends so much time with her parents when she cannot stand them. They are all in a dysfunctional, enabling relationship. I have never seen divorced people and a child who claims her parents abused her spend as much time in the same house as these three. Farrah is awful but they must all feed off the drama (or her $$$) to continue this. And they way they shout and swear in front of Sophia - sleeping or not - is shameful. She is as bad as Jenelle.
The real problem with Farrah is that she won't admit she did porn, she keeps lying and saying it's a sex tape with an ex-boyfriend. If she's so comfortable with her choices then why does she lie about them? Maci unfortunately loves to talk smack behind people's backs but can't put up face to face, maybe she should have brought that up instead of running away like a scared kitten. Her reaction to Farrah coming back was just a tantrum. If I were, as Maci claims to be, deeply concerned about being associated with porn/sex toys/erotic novels/strip clubs, my response would have been to ask MTV for a guarantee in writing that none of Farrah's segments would include any discussion of those topics. I believe in the "Being Farrah" special she talked about her sex toys and books, so it wasn't a stretch for them to think she would do it on Teen Mom as well. Personally I differentiate Farrah's career from the other bad behavior we've seen - drugs, abuse, lots of baby daddies - in that porn/adult entertainment/etc. is a business for Farrah. When she promotes that stuff through Teen Mom she is actively making $$ for herself. Maci being pregnant by her boyfriend isn't a source of income for her. Neither is Amber talking about her time in prison. Someone has posted that Maci has a lipstick line. I know TM2 Kailyn also has some kind of makeup business, as does Leah. I don't see any of them doing long segments getting to promote those things. So I would be pissed off if Farrah got to come back and mention her sex books and sex toys if the other girls can't talk about their side businesses either. Simon is SO not into Farrah. Why is she talking about marriage with a guy she is in a long-distance relationship with and only sees when she invites him along to her press and media appearances? Is that in her mind the basis of a lasting lifetime commitment? What an idiot.
Steven is the second young guy we've seen this season who is planning to establish a life/marriage/family around a girl he's been chatting to online (Felipe being the other). Steven wants to move to CA, get a job and support Samm through college, while Felipe was planning to move Jasmine to his town so he could build a family home on that plot of land. I don't know if this is a regional thing - both guys are from Texas - but honestly they need to sort out their own education and job situations before running after every hottie with a Twitter account. Had I met a guy like that when I was 18, I would have RUN FOR THE HILLS! Samm is a pretty, talented girl planning to play sports in college. Why would she settle down to be someone's wifey before she even graduates from high school? Good for her being honest, and shame on Steven for his reaction with Nev and Max trying to make it seem that she just totally blew him off - "She said she doesn't need me at all" um no she didn't.