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Posts posted by srpturtle80

  1. I loved this. I was impressed with Ne-Yo and SUPER impressed with Nastia! I know Akbar was a defensive end so he’d be a decent size but I was blown away by how ginormous he is lol! His kids were so freaking cute.

    I loved how supportive both and ninjas and celebs were being of each other. This is one of the reasons I love ANW as a whole, even while competing against each other, the ninjas always appear to show so much support and love for each other. Warms my cold heart lol. 

    • Love 6
  2. I love Darnell too! I was thinking how much I liked him a few weeks ago when I was watching the episode he was on with his mom, and so I was happy to see him again. I was bummed he didn’t take it but I was happy for Mackenzie as well. 

    • Love 2
  3. @Rachel RSL I too spent the majority of the episode having absolutely no idea what was going on lol. 

    However, I was entertained which is all I can ask. I never minded Ralph so I’m not mad that he’s back. 

    Loved seeing Wally again although I saw his name in the opening credits so I knew he’d pop up somewhere along the line! 

    Thought we’d get some Killer Frost but I guess we just have that to look forward to next season (eye roll)! 

    • Love 3
  4. Just finished it as I was unable to watch last night. That was so much fun and got me super excited for the season to start! 

    Sean Bryan KILLED it on the salmon ladder. I was hoping Najee could edge out Drew on the wing nuts (just because he’s one of my favorites) but damn that was exciting to watch. I do like Drew and he is masterful at landing those flying jumps, he had more control than Najee on almost all of his landings so I wasn’t surprised he won.  Tyler is lucky he didn’t knock out all his teeth on that first landing! Ouch!

    Kinda funny to see Mighty Kacey come back and fail yet again (I know, that’s not very nice!)

    The team portion was fun too, I thought for sure Matt’s team had it when JJ was struggling so much on that one obstacle. I was disappointed for them! 

    I’ve been watching Ninja vs. Ninja but this really got me pumped for the season ahead! Bring it! 

    • Love 2
  5. 15 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    So glad they let Winston and CeCe have a first and last Mess Around!

    The wedding hijinks/ugly eye patch/depressing hospital setting/Phil Collins (sorry but his voice makes me want to die) were not my favorite but I never rooted for Nick and Jess anyway so whatever. 

    For some reason, Schmidt’s line about the Baby-Sitters Club hit my funny bone HARD. Easily in my top ten lines of the series. 

    I agree, I lost it at the Babysitter’s Club line! Especially since I freaking loved those books and owned every one. 


    I really loved it. I cried at the wedding and again during the flash-forward. During season 1 I loved this show so much i thought it would be the show that could match my love for “Friends.” I lost the love as the seasons went on and the show lost some of its charm, but I felt like it came back a bit and I was thrilled to have this mini season to wrap things up! 

    • Love 2
  6. 4 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    So, the "Council of Rejects" consist of Hugh Hefner/Matthew McConaughey Wells, a Stereotypical French Wells, and a Low Rent Soprano/Mafia Wells.  Kind of already getting bored of this gimmick.  I love Tom Cavanagh, but it feels like its just a lame excuse for him to goof off for a couple of moments.

    I haaaaaate the Council of Wells. I can’t even understand what they are saying half the time with those ridiculous accents. I’ve loved TC since Ed, but I can’t handle those scenes and pretty much just tune out until it’s over.  And you are so right, it seems like it serves no purpose other than to let TC play the different, over the top characters. 

    • Love 12
  7. I’m about as over the Reign storyline as I am the Devoe storyline on the Flash (though not quite as much). I am getting tired of watching Odette Annabelle scream. 

    I am in the total minority in that I like Mon-El and want him to stick around. It may have something to do with the fact that I like looking at Chris Wood for an hour each week (Melissa is one lucky girl lol). Jumping out of the shallow pool though, I just don’t see how they are going to get him back to Kara without making him look like an ass. 

    • Love 4
  8. I was sort of dreading watching this one since I am a cat lady and I've lost two of my fur babies in the past year and a half. It wasn't as sad as I thought although I will admit that I started bawling when Winston was recounting the story of how Ferguson died.

    Loved seeing Robbie and Sam, who are two my favorite exes of Jess. Loved Sam's shirt and wish we could have seen Robbie's interpretive dance lol.

    The new baby kitten at the end was a doll!

    • Love 1
  9. I HATED the entire lunch scene with Jess and Cece. I couldn’t stand the way CeCe was speaking, it drove me up up the wall. 

    I still think Ruth is adorable and I enjoyed the rest of the episode! Although I did find it strange that there was no mention at all of the proposal storyline. 

  10. Wow, I thought that was awesome!

    Najee is INSANE. I can’t believe how quickly he got through that zig zag climb. Cassie on his team sure is the weak link. I hope she can get her stuff together or they aren’t long for the next round. 

    I also really like Nick Hansen so I was sad his team had to lose. Zhanique was an absolute beast; I am looking forward to her ninja season.  All in all their team was stronger but since Najee can basically fly...

    • Love 1
  11. I personally loved it. I found myself eagerly anticipating tonight’s episode and I wasn’t disappointed. The only thing that would have made it better would have been an appearance by Ferguson. 

    ”Porn star relief pitcher” had me rolling, as well as Schmidt: “is he saying he hasn’t washed his hands since Europe?”

    Schmidt and Cece’s daughter is adorable. Finally, loved the callback to the doorbell chime at their house. 

    Overall, I’m glad for this abbreviated season to really wrap things up with this gang. I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet!  

    • Love 10
  12. OMG! I freaking love this show! I’m not sure why I’ve never watched it before this season, as I’ve been a NW fan for the past 3 or 4 years (can’t remember - but my first season was when Isaac Caldiero made it all the way). 

    Anyway, Daniel Gil is one of my top 5 favorite ninjas, so I was holding my breath for about the last 15 minutes lol. I’m so glad they pulled through.

    It doesn’t seem to me that those two footed giant hops across the skipping tiles (or whatever they are called) is the best way to go. Too easy to miss and/or slip off and get wet! 

    Excited for next week, I love Najee Richardson! 

  13. I am enjoying it after two episodes. I will keep watching, which is probably not a good thing as every new show I seem to enjoy doesn’t last. I’ve been in love with Oliver Hudson since he played Joey’s boyfriend on Dawson’s Creek, so that is why I’m here lol.

    I also noticed that someone involved with the show must be a big Ben Folds fan, as that is now two of his songs that have been featured in as many episodes. 

    • Love 2
  14. 11 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

    Was Derek (Rafael's not really half-brother) ever caught? If not, I could see it being him. For some reason that I couldn't explain if my life depended on it, when the feet first appeared (before the evil voiceover) my first thought was Michael.

    Derek was on the list that Rose gave to Luisa of all the people she had killed. 

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