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Posts posted by pdlinda

  1. 14 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I’m getting a funny feeling that the show may not return.  Hope I’m wrong.  I really like it.  Relaxes me.  Lol. 

    Same here...I am fascinated by that show but am thinking that Dr. Lee may prefer to refrain from all the demands of having a TV show and running a practice at the same time. 

    I'm not sure how old she is but I'm sure she's financially secure and perhaps, she feels that all the episodes available online of her excellent treatment of her patients over many years, is enough.

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  2. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    have seen Dr. Lee remove many larger than mine

    So glad to see a posting for this show. 

    I keep looking for new episodes as I really enjoy seeing Dr. Lee do her surgeries to alleviate situations like yours in a very professional and efficient manner. I wonder if the show has been renewed???

    As an aside, I had a small lipoma for over 20 years and it never grew much.  My derm always mentioned that he'd aspirate it out if it every bothered me. 

    For some reason, it's disappeared.  I keep checking but there's nothing there! 

    Also, I lost 100 lbs 17 yrs ago and have kept it off, so it seems counter-intuitive that I didn't experience the need for surgery as you did after a sizeable weight loss.


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  3. 13 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    This was a really creepy case ; when I heard about him pulling her teeth out with pliers and pre-ordering acid it made me pray no one I know ever meets someone so evil. It was obvious he was the killer from the start. I always wonder too why the Dateline forum gets so much more traffic than this one and 48 hours. I watch all of them!

    I also watch all 3 shows. 

    In this case, my overriding comment is (after doing criminal defense work for MANY YEARS) that this was DEFINITELY, 100% a DEATH PENALTY CASE because of the extremely ATROCIOUS manner of her death!  Also, the premeditation and planning. 

    I was also very interested in how effectively he covered his tracks at each and every point on the timeline connecting him to the crime with credible alibis. 

    He's no "dummy" and he, obviously had a decent lawyer to have gotten the State to offer him that RIDICULOUSLY LENIENT PLEA AGREEMENT!


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  4. 1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

    Wow, that woman's family really did not like her. I mean, sobbing at the verdict?! Between Dateline, 20/20 and this show, it seems like being murdered by a partner/spouse/ex is a major cause of death for women. 

    It IS!!  Domestic Violence (including murder) is a MAJOR FELONY OFFENSE throughout the Country.  The precipitating events usually involve issues around sex and $$$.  In most cases, the women do not have the financial means to leave the marriage (relationship) and start over, especially with children.



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  5. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I think it's more likely the fight happened upstairs, she ran off and fell down the stairs and he just left here there.

    The original prosecutor explained that Suzanne's injuries were not consistent with her falling down the stairs. 

    She said the blood "lividity" (pooling of blood that changes into a blue color after death) didn't match that theory of the crime.

    The thing that STUNNED ME was that Dr. Sills agreed to be interviewed by the police on numerous occasions WITHOUT REQUESTING A LAWYER?? HUH? Also, that he didn't know how to do CPR "on the spot" and waited until the 911 operator explained how to do it. 

    Last, the woman who brought a complaint about his mishandling of her IVF case when she saw a menacing, scary side to his personality wasn't a witness at the trial.

    The Dr. may have had some book smarts but he emerged as a complete DOOFUS in handling real-life situations.  I would say, most especially, that he was STUPID ENOUGH to believe he could get away with murdering his wife!

    IMO, he will spend no more than 10 years in prison and that's if his appeal isn't won before that time on some legal technicality.  Killing a middle-aged spouse in a manner that's not especially heinous (and has other theories of how it happened) doesn't carry that much stigma and/or legal consequence in our society today, UNFORTUNATELY!!

    • Like 7
  6. 8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    lists Hannah as a grandchild.   I think she's Nathan's daughter.   Amber never was shown with Nathan and Hannah.  

    Nathan, himself, referred to her as his "step daughter."

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  7. On 5/2/2024 at 10:54 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    The one bonus scene that added anything differnt was Nathan going to a go-cart track with his daughter. 

    I was curious who the mother of his daughter was???  Is she Amber's daughter?

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  8. 16 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

    So does being obese but able to walk without assistance automatically qualify someone for a handicap tag?   And does Nathan not drive, ever?

    I think if you're over 75 yrs old, you can qualify for a handicapped tag and YES, I wondered about why he doesn't drive???

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  9. 7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

    I'd need to go back to watch the backstory at the beginning, did she want to move in the first place? They ended up with the house in the neighborhood she didn't want and she didn't pretend to look happy about their final choice.

    I hope it was producer driven that the wife was as OBNOXIOUS as she was throughout the episode.  I noted that the husband referenced how "cute" he found her..."cute" enough to marry her. 

    My only comment is that the moment she opened her mouth it's quite remarkable that her "looks" weren't immediately obliterated (such as her looks are)...😉

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  10. 6 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

    Mr. Angeltoes and I agreed that she was probably not real and the husband was being catfished.

    I don't exactly know why but I found that conclusion hilarious...I can't stop laughing...what a DOOFUS he was (just looking at his pajamas was enough to convince me he was a rube). 

    Also, when I saw their house (maybe a rental?) it didn't comport with what I know about salary-levels of  high-level intelligence operatives who have foreign duty assignments.  NOOOOO....I thought they would be living in a much more upscale setting and she wouldn't be working at WalMart😆

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  11. 57 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    And then her husband's behavior in the aftermath certainly did him no favors, either.

    I agree with you on that.  Also, lying about her life insurance,his controlling nature being challenged by her later emails and his emotional infidelity with the online gal. 

    When I did criminal defense work I frequently retained a forensic psych to assess the defendant's culpability (for non-violent crimes) in light of his/her background circumstances. 

    However, I never experienced that type of assessment being done by the defense on a dead victim and can't imagine it being any more effective than it was in this case. 

    As an aside, the cost of doing that type of forensic psych evaluation is substantial.

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  12. 6 hours ago, DonnaMae said:

    Since this probably final episode was filmed last year, I wonder if Matt and Caryn are now married.  She said something about May, so maybe that's next month.  I'd like to see the finished house.  

    They are on Instagram so I'm sure they'll post about their marriage and moving into the new house.  I'm also sure that if they can "monetize" publicizing those events, they will...perhaps start a You Tube Channel?  Who knows?  

    I do believe, however, that TLC is done with them and the show is officially kaput in syndication on cable TV.  The same thing happened (for different reasons) with the Klein's "Little Couple."  They, too, appear on social media; however, not with any frequency regarding their kids.  Maybe that's for the best.

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  13. 40 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    Zit will be front and center with their hand out

    I agree with you; HOWEVER, I think that ZiT better consider repairing relationships with an effective P.R. effort with the sibs.  For sure, MILLIONS of $$$ are involved.  That farm is worth a lot of $$.

    • Like 4
  14. 45 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I wish both couples many happy days and adventures ahead. 

    Yes, I also thought it was the perfect way to end the show.  Everything ended the way it was supposed to end.  

    My only thought (instigator that I am😉) is what will happen when Matt and Amy pass on and that "windfall" of $$$ from the estate has to be divided up and managed by the surviving children.  That farm is worth A LOT OF $$$!

    In that regard, I know ZiT wants no contact (or very little) with Matt and Caryn; however, I wonder how close they are to the 3 other sibs...after all, those dynamics will surely impact how harmonious the division of property will eventually be (whenever it is...hopefully, not for YEARS).  I don't recall any scenes with zach interacting with his siblings in the last few years.  Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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  15. 17 hours ago, OLynn33 said:

    If Zach wants nothing to do with his father fine. Drop Jackson and Lilah off on a Saturday morning and go pick them up Sunday night. Or whatever. 

    I wonder what ZiT's position is on their share of the proceeds of Matt's ESTATE once he passes on...are they also RENOUNCING any interest in reaping the benefits of that part of Matt's role in their lives? 

    If they hate him enough to ignore him (thereby causing him and Caryn such emotional distress) they should ALSO RENOUNCE the $$$ FRUITS OF HIS MANY HARD YEARS OF LABOR.

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  16. 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    (I'm suspicious this is a recut of the WATN about the family from their original episode which was several parts

    I'm with you 100% on that conclusion.  It seems they have enough material in those old shows to "slice and dice" through editing and create many "new" episodes.  

    I think I watched a few episodes in the beginning, but the cast didn't really interest me so I stopped watching.

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  17. 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Krystal S. success, Rose great success, Abi success, Delana success.  However, William, Shakyia, and Charles all failed.  

    After all the YEARS of me watching this show where I was rooting for the pounder to succeed, I would like to make an EXCEPTION in commenting on the Charles episode. 

    With the EXTREME disabilities with which he suffers (physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual) and the comfort/enjoyment he gets from eating (he and his bro eating in the Bar-B-Q restaurant for example) I say let the guy eat whatever he wishes.

    Of course, his body will wear out, probably in the near future but he will leave this world in a state of carbohydrate/fat/sugar nirvana.

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  18. 7 hours ago, BAForever said:

    She has totally checked out.

    They both look like they're in a "hostage video" on these last shows.  The final show will be next week.  They appear as if THEY DON'T WANT TO APPEAR ON CAMERA and/or have anything whatsoever to do with any of the family members.

    I will note, coincidentally, that I follow Tori on Instagram and she and Zach are going FULL STEAM AHEAD on producing and expanding their podcast to include the children.

    As the TLC filming apparently concluded last summer, the children are now older and able to do and say more things.  Of course, ZiT are producing each episode of the podcast.  Who is paying for the production (if there is any planning involved) is unknown as it is new.  However, I believe they may have an investor (or maybe using some of their savings) to pay for the equipment and advice on the script.  The kids are very cute.  Jackson is seated so there's no emphasis on his legs and Lilah says a few garbled things (little to no improvement from last year) while Josiah is basically along "for the ride" at this point.  

    Perhaps, they will find a sponsor, or more, for the podcast.  I know that must be their goal. 

    I believe the TLC show will NOT be renewed as there don't seem to be any storylines that the public will likely find compelling enough to warrant viewing.

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  19. 1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

    Zach doesn't dare do this or he would suffer the wrath of Tori. It would be nice if he could man up and tell Tori look I'm taking the kids to the farm. You are welcome to come but if you don't want to come then we will go without you.  I just don't see this happening.  

    She wouldn't even have to "argue with him".  She would simply give him A LOOK😃and that would end the discussion.  The issue with Tori (as with "alll control freaks) is that she has to "run the show."  If you assert yourself to her, she shuts you right down with a sarcasm or direct insult and the convo is closed. 

    There are couples who have long-standing marriages in my family whose dynamic is exactly as I describe.  For them, it's normal.  Zach knows he can have his "perks" (like that workshop and his beautiful kids) with Tori as his wife but he can only go "so far" with bridging the gap with his family or he will face consequences he is not prepared to face.

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  20. 18 hours ago, Dibs said:

    Again, from what I understand, ZiT didn't leave the show voluntarily although of course they're trying to put that spin on it for damage control.  Either the show is ending (Amy was also rumored to want out, as was Caryn) OR they were told their sparkling personalities and scintillating conversation were no longer wanted.

    May I ask what other details you may have about reaching that conclusion?  

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