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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. I think it was a set-up by Bravo. They've been editing Lu so that all she says is "I'm so happy, I'm in love" and deleting anything else she might have said. And who better than Andy to hire some woman to tail Tom, wait till he has had a few drinks or more, and then plant herself on him? And of course he sent the pictures to his bestie, Bethy. Without his help, she has no story, except her fibroids, and how exciting is that. This is the Andy Cohen show, and being a dirt-bag is his m.o.

    And who took the pictures, anyway? And sent them to Andy? Had to be someone he paid.

    • Love 3
  2. 8 hours ago, shoegal said:

    No one there to keep any connection alive, no piece of Bethenny for Bryn to be around. 

    BS. If she wants to know who her mother was, she can watch reruns of RHONY...the Christmas episode in the Berkshires should explain everything to her. And getting a good look at her mom plotting to smash another woman's happiness and cackling about it...yeah, there's that too. She has left a video trail.

    • Love 11
  3. 20 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

    after Luann left in tears Bethenny went to the mirror and was talking to herself about how this was meant be and how good her hair looked? Sociopath, right?

    Interesting, but I had turned the thing off by then, the whole set-up with Beth was revolting. She is, of course, a perfect hypocrite, as are all the other women for playing along with this. She is the one screwing a married man who has children, not Lu. She is the one demanding privacy, while interrogating Lu as if she is a criminal.

    I've lived in NY a long time, and have a handful of incredibly close friends, and I would never ask about the details of their marriages. Never. Some things are sacred between the people involved and a close friend understands and respects that. And truth, there is no knowing what is really between two people, unless you are one of them. I wish my friends all the best and would never insert myself into their relationships. 

    It is no one's business how Lu conducts her life, or her relationships, unless she chooses to share that information. None of these knuckleheads seem to know how to live an adult life. Lu should never have responded to inappropriate questions...or simply parried with "and why do you feel you need to ask that question"?  Why not ask Bethy "so, did Jason ever find another woman, or did you simply discover that you hated one another"? or words to that effect. Or. better, let the question hang in silence.  

    • Love 13
  4. There is something amusingly ironic in that Bethy tried to hide her whole life from the show, while tearing down Lu's, and succeeded in totally exposing herself as utterly vicious and soulless. She misjudged her audience...thinking the rest of us were as cruel and fucked-up as she is. And like most bullies...when her play fails, she'll slink away. At least she has found her level...she's hooked up with that bottom-feeding shylock, whose business model is lower than a payday loan scam.

    • Love 17
  5. The cackling in anticipation of humiliating Lu was truly disturbing...does Bethy live to be cruel? She has been milking this gossip for weeks, just waiting to deliver the coup de grace. And bringing in some blond, smarmy looking snitch to double down on the attack. What decent human being would do this?

    Old Bethy looked oiled up, like a snake, waiting for her prey in her thong and bolt-ons. 

    What I wouldn't have given to see Lu slap that ho across her ugly mug. 

    • Love 24
  6. Sex and money...the two issues that spin many of the Law and Order episodes. I have been waiting for Stone to focus on the money...stepdad affects to have no interest, yet dead stepdaughter lives alone, without a job, in a townhouse worth multi-millions. Really? And it takes him until now to wonder about how much money is involved, and who inherits? He knows Andrea's mom is dead. I would have figures a NY defense lawyer would have been on that in a heartbeat.

    The mortuary guy was freaking terrifying...but probably just a red herring. And yes, Chandra gave him her card...and she opens the door without checking thru the peep-hole to see who is actually there. And has no money if she is indeed expecting a food delivery. Not like any New Yorker I know.

    Stone last week gave his judgement on Naz...'we don't know him". So, this ep gave us more info...a kid bullied after 9/11, with plenty of internal rage, and a history of violence...throwing a kid down a staircase. Though it looks like the prosecutors aren't on to that yet. Still, he looks every day more the thug.

    Freddy may spring him...but he will owe Freddy big time.

    • Love 5
  7. 4 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

    She really is becoming a messy trashy idiot

    She has been like this for a long time. A smart woman would have handled her divorce like Lu did...quietly and with dignity. Not fighting it out for years, only to basically lose, and have to shell out major bucks to lawyers. And of course, keeping her kid in the middle of it. She has, if nothing else, a brand to protect.

    She is doing her best to devalue it. If you enjoy white trash behavior...it goes even better with Skinnygirl.

    • Love 15
  8. That everybody at that event seemed to be middle-aged or older probably saved her from payback after throwing that drink, but in other places, behavior like that will have some consequences, occasionally very serious consequences. I suppose her answer to the teacher when her kid starts throwing things at other kids will be #zerofucks. 

    • Love 9
  9. 1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    People talk endlessly about what Beth has done to the wife, even though they have no idea of the details.

    Given the way this wife's errant husband makes his money, and her willingness to go along with it, I am not inclined to much sympathy. I'm surprised that said wife has not yet filed for divorce, since there appears to be a lot of money in that marriage. On the other hand, if she is ready to lose the guy, she might have been willing to wait to file any papers until filming was over...especially if he made if worth her while. 

    On another note, I am guessing that Andy does not care that the audience has largely turned against Beth...that he believes any publicity is good publicity.

    I do however wish that Lu's Tom has enough money for her to blow off this show. Without her going toe to toe with Beth, and her engagement, there is no show at all. Beyond that there is nothing....who wants to listen to someone whining about her fibroids week after week.

    • Love 11
  10. I loved the look on Stone's face as he watched the drug transfer...he knew exactly what the deal was. And his best line.."we don't know him". Exactly, and this is the writing that Price is known for...we have been largely led to think that Naz is probably innocent, and that the justice system and its players are going to railroad him because of circumstantial evidence...i.e. running from the cops, holding onto the bloody knife, breaking into Andrea's house and going back for the knife...But, we don't really know him at all. We saw him as a nerdy kid getting verbally smacked while cleaning up for the basketball team. And an excited young man wanting to go to a party in Manhattan with presumably hot chicks. And taking his father's cab when his ride fell through. Nothing that would really set off any alarms. But really, we don't know him. 

    • Love 7
  11. 13 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    How in the world did Bethenny allow herself to sink to even lower levels than JillZ ever went?

    There was a reason they were such close friends...at bottom, they are soul mates, spiritual twins. Bethy only pulled away when Jill fully revealed herself to be an arid wasteland with tumbleweeds of malice and contempt blowing thru. Bethy pulled away when she saw the public blowback from Jill's actions. But, she has revealed herself to be just the same vicious gossip and malicious instigator as her former mentor. As for being a snob, as Bethy says, "Jamie Foxx's people" stop by her late nite bbq...one could hardly get more elitist than that.

    • Love 11
  12. On August 5, 2016 at 0:17 AM, zoeysmom said:

    She is with a shylock,

    Thanks to jinjer and zooeysmom for the heads-up on this jackal. Yeah, he's an "investment banker" all right...in his dreams. Like the guys who run payday loan scams, or the thugs who run loan-sharking operations. So, Bethy has finally found her level, hooked up with pond scum. No wonder she doesn't want this guy on camera...it would bring up so many ugly stories. But for the record, if she is with this guy, then she has no decency at all. And his abandoned wife does not get a pass on this either...she knows how he makes his money, and she lived with it for years. All three of them are repellent trash.

    • Love 9
  13. I would like to repost this from the Frankel thread...jinjer looked up the details on her squeeze Dennis and his business dealings...until jinjer posted info on his "work", I had no idea that the new man in Bethy's life is a complete financial jackal. Just in case anyone here is not familiar with this kind of financial scamming...this is what "settlement funding" is...


    Man, these guys are bottom-feeders. I used to work on Wall Street, and these vultures are disdained by even the worst.  The big companies that started this stuff are J.G. Wentworth and Peach Tree funding. Many of those awarded settlements are victims of auto injuries that are horrific...and many were reasonably poor to begin with. Lawyers for the insurance companies love these "structured settlements" as they are called, because the insurance companies are liable for relatively small payments yearly, while the payments go on for 30 years. Say you are awarded 250k...but over thirty years...the insurance companies are counting on holding onto the bulk of that 250k and deriving income/interest from it. They rarely award the total upfront...and most lawyers won't fight for their clients because it's an easy win with the insurance companies if they take the settlement deal...and they announce "hey, I got you a quarter mil" not mentioning that it rarely makes up for the lost job income and ongoing physical or mental therapy that a victim might need. Even worse, these companies go after the victims after their lawyers have gone...calling them directly at home, with a sweet sales pitch. Many victims are not financially savvy and many are not well enough to handle the pressure after finding that their big settlement in monthly dribs does not cover the month...they are easily baited and taken advantage of by these bastards.

    Never let anyone you know accept a structured settlement...fire any lawyer who would agree to it, since it is the easy way out (the lawyer will get his full pay from the insurance folks, for playing along, and it will also come out of the total settlement).  

    • Love 12
  14. 15 minutes ago, jinjer said:

      She is with a shylock, whose very companies are under Congressional scrutiny for usury loans to plaintiffs. 

    Man, these guys are bottom-feeders. I used to work on Wall Street, and these vultures are disdained by even the worst.  The big companies that started this stuff are J.G. Wentworth and Peach Tree funding. Many of those awarded settlements are victims of auto injuries that are horrific...and many were reasonably poor to begin with. Lawyers for the insurance companies love these "structured settlements" as they are called, because the insurance companies are liable for relatively small payments yearly, while the payments go on for 30 years. Say you are awarded 250k...but over thirty years...the insurance companies are counting on holding onto the bulk of that 250k and deriving income/interest from it. They rarely award the total upfront...and most lawyers won't fight for their clients because it's an easy win with the insurance companies if they take the settlement deal...and they announce "hey, I got you a quarter mil" not mentioning that it rarely makes up for the lost job income and ongoing physical or mental therapy that a victim might need. Even worse, these companies go after the victims after their lawyers have gone...calling them directly at home, with a sweet sales pitch. Many victims are not financially savvy and many are not well enough to handle the pressure after finding that their big settlement in monthly dribs does not cover the month...they are easily baited and taken advantage of by these bastards.

    Never let anyone you know accept a structured settlement...fire any lawyer who would agree to it, since it is the easy way out (the lawyer will get his full pay from the insurance folks, for playing along, and it will also come out of the total settlement).  

    • Love 18
  15. 1 hour ago, izabella said:

    Is this a thing? 

    No, not among the sane. But Sonja has no storyline without her FWB, and Ramona has no storyline at all...unless you count her interpretive dance efforts...since she has nada going on in her life. Sonja has always let it all hang out, as if she is still 22 and on an endless loop from the disco era. But, that said, I think Sonja looks damn good, and I suspect she has a good heart...she may make a mess of everything, but I don' t think she intends to hurt anyone.

    Ramona is a mean, cold woman. She is riding Sonja to have some camera time herself, she staged a fight with Lu worthy of a pimple-riddled teenager, and she threw herself all over Tom. I thought he was doing ok with Sonja, but cut the man some slack, would you want a loud, drunken Ramona in your face?

    • Love 9
  16. 43 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    Ramona: "I don't need a man to dance, I can dance by myself."  Me: "Theoretically."

    Ok, now i need a new keyboard.  I was kind of hoping that Ramona would crash into that couch and take herself overboard...her inflated bolt-ons would have saved her.And yes that bartender looked as if he were trapped  in a nightmare...surrounded by geriatrics getting their party on. As awful as Ramona is, i still award the prize to one of the guests,  the woman in the very short, black sequined dress with four feet of hair piled on her head. Did the casting folks at Bravo hire her?

    • Love 9
  17. I do not care for sad, victim Rachel...I like tough, pro-active Rachel. And finally, she is clear that Coleman is a major dick. Finally. As for Yael, thinking she was so clever, working Jeremy, Coleman, et. al to further her agenda...she had it coming. Sure it was childish, but the whole premise of these shows is intensely childish. They are playing at being adults in high heels and evening wear, but the emotional level is middle school, and lunch room power plays.

    That said, watching Jay and Madison amp up their game is amusing, but poor Darius is getting lost in the cross fire. Hard to remember that he is the prize here, as he is more lost than the contestants. No surprise that Quinn ditched her lover...there is no way she is going to wander off and embrace domesticity.

    Quinn and Rachel may both be damaged goods, but together they have real firepower. Watching them blow up Coleman should be fun, but the collateral damage should include a high body count.

    • Love 16
  18. The whole Charlene's uncle thing threw me...exactly why should a con take Naz under his wing and walk him thru the rules of jailhouse survival?  His previous neighbor threw him a few tips, but walked when he found out what Naz had been accused of...and the other prisoners already burned his mattress, so the guy is marked. At some point, Naz should wise up and realize that "Trust No One" should now be his motto. Agree that Charlene's uncle is driving Naz to Freddy, and that the photo of Charlene is from Freddy as well. Throwing the boiling oil/water at Naz was the uncle proving to the other cons that he is no friend to Naz, I guess.

    So Crowe dumped the Khans when Naz wouldn't take the deal...who didn't see that coming. I was just surprised that she didn't milk it a little longer for PR exposure, but I guess she got enough of what she wanted. Nice look on their faces when they realized they had been used. Even Stone seems to think that the case is a loser...Naz may not have done it, but defending him on a non-existent budget is going to take a miracle. 

    Everybody wants him to take the deal...and if he had, I'm guessing that Freddy would now own him for the next 12-15 years.

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