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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. I rewatched the episode last night and I was struck by the High Sparrow's genial humility act: one that Cersei seemed to buy on sight.  The Sparrow is the head of a new movement, with plenty of followers who have arrived in King's Landing, and Cersei thinks she has his measure, because it suits her to believe that. And yet, her own cousin and former lover  Lancel has made a point of telling her that he has made a full confession of his sins...including their adultery and his part in the regicide of Robert at her behest, and she brushes him off. The High Sparrow has the goods on her, and can have her arrested and tried as he chooses. If he knows about the regicide and the adultery, it's a sure bet he knows about the incest as well, as well as Tommen's bastard-birth. 

    Cersei is truly not a player...she dismisses Lancel's confession, because she thinks he's a lightweight. She can't put 2 and 2 together and figure the top Sparrow has enough ammo to have her executed. As for Tommen, what's his kingship worth, as a product of incest, or for that matter,  Margaery's crown as well?

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  2. There's no room for compassion in a military command, especially one under threat. Slynt openly challenged Jon's leadership, in the most disrespectful way possible.

    And, thanks to Sam, all the Night's Watch know that Slynt hid during the battle, so he's a cowardly bastard as well. Jon had to execute him, or lose his command.

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  3. The lingering shot of the line-up of Ramsay's women, with Myranda looking none too pleased at Sansa's arrival, suggests it's not just Ramsay that Sansa needs to beware...Myranda is herself one scary psycho. Sansa's decision to smile and be gracious to Ramsay made me hope that she will not be a victim...but she is up against a man even worse than Joffrey.

    Loved Jon at the Wall, and his interplay with Stannis...and was so happy he executed that miserable Slynt. Even Thorne gave up his homie. 

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  4. I would just like a shout out to Sawmill Tarlly...his scene with Gilly and Shireen was wonderful, and his speech at the Night's Watch election was so well done. The Wall is my favorite storyline, and yes Jon has come into his own, but Sam is really delivering as well.

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