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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. Unfortunately, Candice may have seen the McQueen show at the Met, which was a huge hit, while she was here in NYC. Explains the extreme hats and the gloves, et. al. Using accessories that are hallmarks of a great, late designer really got Garcia irritated. Stripped of hats, and gloves, and with different makeup and hair...Candice could edit out some of the most telling references. I don't like her work, but the lace jacket was lovely and she can sew and fit clothes. Actually, I think she's a student of reality television, and was carefully working her edit...so that the smackdown from the judges was especially devastating.I also think she's a tough enough player that she will rework her collection as fast as she can.


    Ashley should have been gone weeks ago. It kills me that Bucket 'o Tears expects to be coddled. You dyed some fabrics..so freaking what. Kelly's fabric creation for her jumpsuit was leaps of innovation past that. Quilted circle skirts, badly fitting crop tops, visible bras, see-thru lace that would emphasize a full-size woman's underwear?? I could scream. And that acid yellow skirt she was wearing herself...that cut her waist and make her seem blocky, not feminine...she dresses herself with the same lack of insight that her collection shows. Clothing for a larger woman should suggest that she is voluptuous, not just big. Use lace if you will, but do so strategically. If Mexico is your theme, then use strong color, but cut your clothes to skim the body and draw the eye to a sleek, polished line. Larger women need a sophisticated look, anything else looks apologetic, as if their size needs to be excused. This is wholly unacceptable..clothing should make you feel wonderful and empowered.

    • Love 13
  2. I'm convinced Tim Gunn is not well...and that that has affected both his temperament and his ability to give focused, useful mentoring. I think it explains some of what has happened this season. That said, I am surprised how little serious guidance has been given to the designers. This group really needed to be drilled on some of the basics...sewing, for a start, fabric selection (I'm looking at you Ashley) and fit. Did I mention fitting the clothes (yo, Ashley). And before sending them off to do their FW collection, why not have Posen give a brief summation of what comprises a successful collection...what pieces, what variety of looks, how to think it through. This is not the strongest collection of designers, which must be clear to the judges, so don't set them up to fail...make this work. It would be interesting for the viewers as well.

    This is not Christian, or Laura Bennett or my own fave, LeeAnn, they need more direction, so give it. 

    • Love 10
  3. I love TAR, and even with these teams, I am enjoying it. I am guessing that with things as they are, the show will skip most of north Africa, and the middle east, and I pray they are heading for India instead of Europe. India has always  managed to fracture the teams in astonishing ways, and I cannot wait to see Chris and Logan try to navigate their way there. Makes up for them not being eliminated. Maybe they can hold on until we see the final megabitchfest and then the meltdown. A girl can hope.

    Anyone else remember the temple in India devoted to rats...and overrun with them? I am hoping for fun times ahead.

    • Love 2
  4. Chris and Logan...what a perfect pair. They so richly deserve each other, but why have the viewers been so afflicted? Both of you, STFU. Or lose, and get off my screen. Neither of you is interesting, attractive, or a good racer. Begone.


    I wanted the track stars to do well...but fail to read the clue? Again, gone and deservedly so.  The cheerleaders surprised me, so good for them. Nicely done.


    Africa stuns, and as the poster upthread mentioned, this episode could be best enjoyed with the sound off.

    • Love 8
  5. Ashley cannot design for plus sizes...no how, no way. She demonstrated that in the crew member challenge when she sent a peplum-adorned monstrosity down the runway which cruelly emphasized every possible flaw a full featured woman might have. It was an appalling fabric choice, the peplum was attached so as to make the poor woman look severely short-waisted, it hugged her hips in an unflattering way, and its length further cut her height. I live in Manhattan and I have seen larger women dressed beautifully in sexy but nuanced designs which glide over the body, suggesting they are voluptuous while still preserving a sleek line. Clearly expensive clothing, with great fabrics, but it can be done. Ashley can't pick appropriate fabrics, for a start, and she insists often on circle skirts with a waist...why??

    I look at how she dresses herself and if I were plus size I would be reluctant to trust her taste. 

    • Love 8
  6. I am happy that Kelly gets her chance. I was also stunned that Garcia fessed up that she was ready to auf Kelly early on, but was slowly won over by her efforts.

    And Christian, glad to see you. His critiques were so on point...as he said of Kelly's work...the fit was perfect, alone of all the designs, and her fabric design was innovative and work intensive. I also applaud her for saying that she envisioned her design on the red carpet at the music awards...which made perfect sense, though I was thinking Oscars or Emmys...a totally different environment. The come-from-behind kid wins it.


    Candice is a drag to listen to...I mute the sound so I am spared her self-serving thoughts...And as Christian pointed out, the fit was an issue...I saw rolls of belly on a skinny model, not good in a look intended to be sleek. For fashion week, we will be seeing black, corset backs, black, sweetheart necklines, black,neo-pirate ensembles, black, and leather. Also did I mention black. I am sure we will all be surprised.


    Ashley's effort was more Fredericks's of Hollywood than fashion.  As usual, she picks terrible material. Even moving your arm against your dress will give a messy, clumpy effect. And sitting will make your backside a rumpled mess. The bodice was just not well designed and fit badly. As noted by other posters, Aube sold it...as she has sold everything on the runway. That woman is a killer model. There was a brief shot of Aube trying on the outfit and I swear they caught a look of dismay on her face...but girlfriend soldiered on...congrats to her for outstanding work. 

    • Love 13
  7. Karmic justice...so rare in life, but there it is, right on the Amazing Race. Texas, you deserved that. So busy hating on Justin that you didn't think through your strategy, and I use the word strategy very loosely. I was amused at Team Texas, having made so much of their prayerful natures last week, making a deal with Kelsey and Joey to crush Team Green and then without missing a beat, saying to the camera they would screw both teams without any qualms,  because hey the money. Since the other teams saw their weak move in action,  I doubt there will be much enthusiasm next week for any deal-making with Texas. 

    • Love 6
  8. "They should have used the printer to make structural elements, like actual bra cups, shoulder spikes, fasteners & zippers. Use the printer to be actually foundational, not just plastic gew-gaws."


    Thank you for this comment. I am still confused by the 3-D elements that needed to be added to the designs...they seemed like tacked-on extras, rather than essential pieces. Also, as posters noted above, the previous designer who used them to create collars. That's what I was missing...I couldn't see that these printers could be integral to the design. Like me, the designers were coming to them for the first time, and were a little baffled. If they had a better intro, and some examples of what the printers could really do, it might have set their imaginations running. That's an error for the production team that gamed this episode.

    • Love 11
  9. I thought this was a tough challenge...I love the idea of 3-D printing, but I was also baffled by it...thank you video team for close-ups on the machine. Loved the Kelly win...Candace was so sure that Kelly was headed for disaster, and yet Kelly pulled it off. Truly, you could see the bridge in her design, and the criss-crossing made sense in this context. Even that awful fabric, as Kelly herself noted, was perfect for the challenge. You go girlfriend. 

    Edmond's look was very cool...that veil detail was killer. I think easily he could have won, and though Candace is no favorite of mine, that dress was beautifully filled and sewn, and the bodice was wonderfully done.

    Congrats to Merline, for chosing a beautiful fabric and sending a well-made dress down the runway..she went home, and she was a champ in her reaction to being afed, but I think it was unfair. No way did that costume of Ashely's beat Merline's effort. The pants were screaming Vegas, baby, and the cape was straight out of Marvel comics.

    Even the glorious Aube could not sell that mess. Straight up, the judges have decided to save Ashely, though how she could produce anything  as part of the final 3 

    is beyond me. She should have been gone for that disaster last week. 

    Swapnil would have been in his element with this challenge...he is missed.

    • Love 16
  10. Loved the cold opening, and the split screens, almost as much as the opening minutes of Better Call Saul. i'm ready to sit back and follow along, just like the Trooper's daughter. Looks like the seventies...especially the rust belt seventies. And the cars...

    Took me a minute to recognize Jesse Plemons..he's heavier, and that might be a good thing...i so wanted him dead on Breaking Bad, that he reminds me of his former character, but the weight gain helps mask the former...I can surrender to the new story.

    With Justified done and Saul on hold until January, I am thrilled to have Fargo back.

    • Love 9
  11. "I love the show Unreal, and I thought that Shiri and Constance's comments were on point and not "mean".  That was a terrible runway show, and they were probably looking forward to judging and were so disappointed."


    Girlfriend, I so agree. Caught Unreal this summer, and could not believe how cynical, snarky and truly twisted it was. Totally loved it, and the leads, who were the judges this week, absolutely nail it. Should have been a great payoff, but no, a terrible runway collection killed it.   Watch a few episodes of Unreal and it is impossible to not see the manipulation in Project Runway, especially now in its downmarket iteration. 


    Reading the comments, many of us are more interested in the contestants, than the designs, which are largely a washout. And many of us remember when really talented folks were on the show, with skills, and the judges had some enthusiasm and some interesting critiques on design and fabric choices. It may be time to put this show quietly to bed.

    • Love 3
  12. Agree with almost all the comments, but there was something unreal about having Quinn and Rachel as judges, given that their show is all about the backstage manipulations of reality show contestants. There should have been more of a payoff...but the designs were so sad and uninspiring, there was not much to say, except no, never.

    As for the crew members, Swapnil was burdened with an awful choice...her comfort zone was grey hair, unstyled, with no makeup and formless jeans. Add in her body issues, and a contentious, whining personality, and it was a unpleasant, rather than interesting match-up. Girlfriend should stay behind the cameras in future.

    Unforgivable was what was done to Ashley and Candice's crew models...both were charming, pretty and willing to engage. Both were rewarded with hideous, unflattering efforts that maximized their discomfort. Both are owed an apology from the designers and the producers. 

    Heidi saying the designers this season were lousy was unprofessional and unnecessary...that is clear to anyone watching. But having seen what she wore to the Emmy's, who is she to criticize anyone.

    • Love 14
  13. Not just Laura Bennett, or Christian Seriano, but lots of past contestants were blow these designers out of the room. And all of Heidi's wide-eyed enthusiasm can't disguise the fact that the show is now simply limping along.

    Why isn't Ashley gone? Her crew member was very sweet and engaging, and old Bucket of Tears puts her in lilac top with a sweetheart neckline and skirt with a peplum that made her look short-waisted, dumpy and graceless. Hit every wrong note you can, Ashley, and prove that you have no clue how to design a flattering outfit for a full-figured woman. Epic fail.

    Second worst, though it was close, Candice, the Gothic one-note wonder. Same sweetheart neckline, same body-hugging leather, same lack of refinement or taste.

    And her model was so pretty and had a great bod...and looked hideously embarrassed at having to parade in that nightmare. Even the pop-up stores for Halloween have more variety in their costumes.

    None of the designers seemed to have a useful conversation with their clients...none asked what have you worn that made you feel fabulous, or what colors, fabrics do you love, or even, since they work in TV, offer to design them a look they can wear on the red carpet at the Emmy's...which would have given the designers a chance to do something really fabulous.

    I like Kelly and her work effort...but that hers was the best when it was merely a variation on what the client was already wearing, shows how little effort or imagination the designers were employing.

    Swapnil was not even wearing his contacts..I think the Gunn explosion was based on off-camera issues. And I agree that the editing was retconned to explain his downtrend. Would not be surprised if he were using...he looked spacey and disconnected, and his energy and attention were flagging. It might explain Tim's anger...he's throwing away a chance others might have used to better advantage. Though Tim himself looks so unwell, that he may not have the patience for bs anymore.

    Not a happy episode.

    • Love 7
  14. After reading the comments, all I can think is where is Christian Seriano or Laura Bennett? Those two set a standard...if we have guest judges, why not ask them?


    As for JustFab, I thank those that posted those links...reminds me that H&M has been in the same game...cheap clothes at low prices, with fast turnover. Most produced in dangerous sweatshops in Vietnam or Bangladesh, where workers are grossly overworked and underpaid, often in unsafe working conditions.


    Partnering with JustFab and MaryKay should be a major clue that the show is now running on fumes. The fashion industry is built on class consciousness and the tells that are embedded in clothing choices...and Garcia knows she's now in the wrong venue, though probably locked in contractually..and she likes to express her frustration by going after Kelly who is openly working class and honest about it. Being on the show is no longer a good move for Garcia or for Marie Claire.

    It's downmarket.

    • Love 10
  15. I'm watching a runway show with truly terrible clothes. I'm watching the Queen of Mean who looks permanently displeased. I 'm watching Zac who looks like a sixth grader presented with awful choices in the cafeteria. i am especially watching Tim Gunn who does not look well, and seems to be completely off his game this season.

    I am wondering why I am watching. At one point I turned off the sound so I could simply watch the work in progress. It helped, but not enough.

    Edmond deserved the win...that dress in red or black will sell. His work met the parameters of the challenge. 

    Merline has ideas but her skills are lacking..her work is badly fitted, often uneven or half sewn. The dart seams on her top were amateurish, and the back straps just ballooned pointlessly. She repeats the same structural effort, but it is never coherent or finished.

    Laurie is worse...she can't sew or finish a garment either...even a simple top. And she repeats her mistakes...again with the model's breasts exposed. 

    Swapnil...are you kidding me? If you use an animal print, then you need restraint. Otherwise it is a costume, not a design. I question his taste.

    As for Candice, that skirt with studs was already overly fussy...would have loved to have seen it with the peplum as well...because I am evil and I so dislike the woman.

    This show has had some seriously good designers in the past...now it seems to be limping along. 

    • Love 8
  16. Laurie should be long gone...in what world do you not line that top. The jacket was uneven, the skirt did not cover her butt, the bell sleeves fought with the length of the skating skirt..the thing was too wretched for even a hooker to wear. That model deserves an apology.

    Mean Queen Garcia did not like Lindsay, as she has made clear week after week with withering looks and dismissive criticism. Something about Lindsay just brought out the worst in Garcia, and that has been uncomfortable to watch. The green color was fine, and from the back it was ok...but it was clearly an unfinished design.

    If she hadn't been so beaten down, she might have been encouraged enough to finish her idea. Garcia just sucked the oxygen from this poor woman.

    Loved Kelly's fabric choice, Edmund can rock a pair of evening trousers, and Ashley is ever less impressive.

    Candice please shut up...you are not as endearing as you imagine, you are becoming tedious. 

    • Love 19
  17. Having watched Unreal, I just imagined Quinn deciding that they needed a storyline, and  since Swapnil is a viewer favorite, they made him the focus of an edit as a talented guy just phoning it in. Could have played a variation on that game with any designer. i would prefer to see more closeups of serious work, or even their preliminary sketches...i watch this show because I am interested in the process as well as the people.

    That said, is it my imagination or is Ms Klum reliving the '80s in her outfits this year...seriously, the woman needs a new stylist.

    • Love 7
  18. I was surprised that Edmond was picked last, but his teammates may have remembered the disaster of his partnering with Tommaio and wondered if he would work well on a team. If so, that's pretty reasonable. Ashley has won 2 challenges, and partnered successfully with Candice, so getting picked last was something of a surprise, especially as they picked Amanda and Lindsey over her, and they are incredibly weak designers. Still, it was the way that the self-appointed Candice ignored Ashley's efforts to get a group design theme introduced that grated. Candice's patronizing efforts to help struggling Amanda seemed designed to give herself a good edit...but failed miserably. Amanda is weak on design and construction and seemed just clueless...child, you are on the bottom because your work is not good.

    Lindsey can go home any time now, her work is undistinguished, and Laurie is ready for the mall. 


    Edmond's dress was beautifully done, but the real winner was the fabrics...wonderful and inventive. Go blue team.

  19. I'm trying to think why Beth is even on this show. All I recall is her making a salad that no one wanted and of course her public urination scene, always a Bravo favorite.

    Her marriage/divorce is off-limits, her private dating is off-limits, her child is off-limits, and aside from callously insulting the homeless, what is her function? Presumably Jim Beam insisted on her visibility as her talk show tanked and their investment in Skinnygirl is not really going anywhere, but for the viewer where is the payoff? Her non-stop talking at Reunion? Please. Put a sock in it.


    Luann is such a sleaze...The Discountess is pretty quick to take offense, but hooking up with a married guy and causing a divorce...well, in her own words, "it happens".

    Kristen gets a bad edit, and has a worse husband. I wish her the best; for a kindly woman who also happens to be gorgeous, she is having a hard time.

    Carole looked great, and I think she is less a "lackey" of any sort, but simply more restrained than this crew. And my fave Heather looked horrified at the hug from Luann...as would anyone with an ounce of decency. Luann's tin-foil dress could have given her a serious rash.

    Ramona, ever the Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland...girlfriend wasn't asleep, she just passed out. 

    • Love 17
  20. Can I join in the chorus of WTF on the "winning look". Pants too short, a double cowl and the second rung of said cowl bouncing on the modlel's ass below the multi-colored capelet/jacket. And this earned the enthusiasm of the judges?  I'm trying to imagine some poor woman wearing this as she walks into a restaurant for her dinner reservation. I assume the maitre 'd would put her near the kitchen.


    Edmund and Hammiao..a trainwreck in action. Neutral on Edmund, but she is a stubborn, unyielding bitch, unwilling to consider moving outside her design vision even slightly. And using non-stretch cotton to make a bathing suit screamed clueless right there. Agree or disagree on doing a bathing suit, but at least choose the right material. Also, I read her bathroom stunt with the model as disrespectful bordering on racist...why listen to the black guy, or even try to work with him? Glad she is gone.


    Yeah, I thought Russia as well...so lavender threw me. They're designers so they could have done a pre-Revolutionary take, circa YSL in the seventies, if they could find some decent fabric, or modern Russian oligarch's wives...who favor very sexy, very gilded lily looks. Whatever, it was a basic sheath...that did not even fit. 

    Again, lose the cape thing..


    Swapnil's sari take was wonderfully done, but Laurie's pants did not fit well. His work saved their effort.


    Tracee Ross was a fabulous judge...on point, clear, professional and fair to each contestant. Nice to see a self-confident judge not need to score snarky points...looking at you, Garcia. 

  21. "I feel like the Carole-Luanne debate can go on forever ."


    For the Countess, yes. What else does she have going on in her life? She's now into quick hook-ups with any young guy who's willing and using gay walkers at more formal events. Is this really how an intelligent woman would want to present herself on national TV? Isn't she the one who is so concerned about what her son thinks?

    Or not? She's also foolish not have made a friend in Heather, the only really successful fashion expert in the bunch. Judging from what she wore at the reunion, she really needs a lot of help. 

    I still can't fathom why Carole agreed to be part of this train-wreck. Does she need this? As for her relationships...she's an adult, as is her partner. It is no one else's business what she does...as the Countess should know. Waiting for Carole to tell to her "Be cool, yo.  Don't be all uncool."

    • Love 6
  22. I watched the festivities from the comfort of my sofa last night, and when I got bored, I flipped to the Bad Girls club...which made things interesting. Supposedly one is looking at radically different social and economic strata but in fact, the similarities are striking. They all drink too much, get sloppy, obsess over slights, insult and catcall one another, and spend their time in an endless round of shifting alliances. Their interests are boys, money, clothes, boys, money and did I mention clothes. Toaster ovens are mentioned, but only among the matrons.

    For what it is worth, I think Sonja may have Aspberger's syndrome...she seems to be somewhere on the spectrum. Not that drinking and meds aren't there, but she misses social cues, and seems to be on another astral plane. Watch Beth try to talk to her about her drinking...Sonja is trying to get it, she's trying to respond appropriately, but it just eludes her.

    I don't think this is just denial, there is something else working there.

    As for Luann, that dress with the shoulder straps made her look like a foil-wrapped linebacker. That she was hunched over and ready to lunge at Carol did not help...not the bulging veins in her neck. Not her best look. Also, she sounds distinctly working class with her repeated use of the term "the help". She probably calls a driver the chauffeur. Very, very non U.

    All this storm because her niece was dumped...not buying it. Either she tried to hook up with Adam and failed, or she did and is humiliated because she was a quick fling while Carole was relationship material. The old girl was raging, and it was likely the whole rejection saga replayed her being dumped by the Count. Totally out of proportion. Lu would be perfect for Bad Girls Club...geriatric or no, she'd tear the place up.

    • Love 7
  23. I would wear the glittery black dress in a heartbeat...but the Vegas outfit by Blake looked good because the model sold it...the same model who did such a great job for Edmond last week with the black tube dress and color pop train. Props to her.

    The silver dress was well done, and I like the designer.

    The cupholder dress by Joseph? deserved to lose, and Amanda's skirt was hideous. 

    Poor Ashley...lucky she was saved.

    David seemed to have a lot of design ideas...give the man some fabric to work with, and he would have been fine. But crazy Merline get to stay...and that annoying child from Texas with the attitude, both their efforts should have hit the shredder, not the runway. Yes, they followed the rules and used paper but to what end...neither fit, neither was remotely flattering, neither suggested any sense of style. 

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