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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. "want a Juniors vs. Seniors season, so these kids can mop the floor with their adult counterparts."

    Yes, please. Can we start an online petition...they would bulldoze thru the adults. How about Junior all stars vs. Senior all stars? Love this.

    • Love 7
  2. Pepper Mostly,

    That black dress was so perfect for summer in NY...and the crop top and skirt from the last episode...girlfriend could set up an online site and I would be buying. That goes for Maya as well...even that asymmetrical hoodie she designed looked fresh, which is a very tough thing to do.

    I agree about the cargo pants though...i have seen cargo pants, cropped or not, for 20 years as well. How is this innovative or fashion forward? And that heavy sleeveless turtleneck...in 90 degree NY weather with soaring humidity, you would be reduced to a sweaty mess before you walked half a block.

    Why Samantha, judges? She has neither the talent nor the skills or Maya or Peytie, and none of the charm.

    • Love 1
  3. What I really want is the black dress Peytie was wearing in the opening street scenes. i find myself checking out whatever she is wearing...I am sure she designs her own clothes, and they look great. That said, I loved her two tops but the pants were so voluminous, they lost any sense of the body underneath.  Her sense of color and pattern is the best, and the black and white top was cut and fitted so beautifully.

    Maya's look was exactly what was on order...fashion forward and editorial, and it looked great. Any of the pieces was wearable alone or together.

    Peytie and Maya blow away the adult designers of season 14...yes, Candice and Ashley, I am looking at you. 

    Didn't notice Zachary's skirt until the judges pointed it out...the jacket was so matronly, the print so awful, that wondering about the sleeve length seemed ridiculous.

    It was not salvageable. A serious eyesore. But I am glad he is still in contention. 

    Samantha's cargo shorts...did they have a black line up the rear? Or was I imagining that? They were ok, but the top killed me...summer in NYC, where I live, is hot, humid and the thought of a sleeveless turtleneck makes me sweat just thinking about it. Still, the judges continue to love her. She's their pick.

    Expected Jaxson to get the chop, but not Zach.

    • Love 5
  4. Grandma Saracen, you read my mind. Peytie has won me over as well. Normally, a gorgeous California girl would not be my fave, but girlfriend is genuinely kind and talented, and her designs and construction skills are better than most of the adults on PR...including the winner of season 14. Zachary is a charmer and a whiz as well, and I continue to root for Maya, since I would happily wear every outfit she has sent down the runway.

    Samantha...wearing that outfit to a job interview in marketing or fashion would send you out the door, unhired. I'm guessing that Christian was just screwing around when he lavished praise on it...if he didn't like the hemline on Zachary's outfit, the hole in the back of Samantha's skirt should have given him a migraine. and Jaxson's skirt...the fabric had a 70s palazzo pant vibe, which was unfortunate, but the guy cannot construct a skirt. Compare the pleating on Zachary's pants with the whale-hipped effect from Jaxson...the difference in skill level is amazing.

    If Samantha is the designated winner, it smacks of the hugely untalented Ashley being crowned by the judges last season. Does she merit some sort of sympathy vote? It sure isn't her designs, her construction skills or her charmless persona.

    • Love 2
  5. I do not understand the Samantha love from the judges. Since even Christian loved it I tried to see what her work brought to the party, and failed. The jacket was awkward, the sleeves neither 3/4 nor full length and the material made it hang awkwardly on the body. The skirt was a train-wreck, and the back had a gaping hole in the hem, while the length, mid calf, was unflattering. Army green and orange, well ok, but the subdued green that Zach used for his wide pants was a much better choice..far more chic, and it worked beautifully with his black top. In a fair world, except for the hem length, Zach's work was so beautifully designed and should have won. That said, the sassy effort from Zachary was very well done. 

    Maya can tailor to beat the band, her pants were great, but the subdued top did not thrill the judges. I kept looking at the top she was wearing on her own dress on the first day...maybe she should have copied that. I am sure she designed her own look. And Peytie as well, her two piece outfit on the first day was really eye-catching, even better than her runway design.

    I am sorry that Bridget is gone, I was sure that Jaxson was finally out. 

    Peytie, Maya and Zach are amazingly talented.

    • Love 7
  6. This pageant is a really big deal in Latin America...strange, but true. It gets huge ratings and is watched as avidly as a sporting match.

    That said, it was hilarious to watch Harvey botch it so completely. I loathe the guy since he made public statements after the Michael Vick arrest, defending Vick since his torture of dogs didn't matter, since they were "just dogs"

    Vick has since redeemed himself, and done good work with animal organizations, but Harvey is still a major douche.

    That his tweets, since deleted, misspelled both Colombia and the Philippines, only amused me further.

    Harvey, your failure was a pleasure to watch, and demonstrating that you are semi-literate, a bonus.

    • Love 3
  7. i do love watching these designers...they really are not only talented, but incredibly decent human beings. That said, I am really rooting for both Peytie and Maya. They made a great team, and they totally redid their effort with less than 2 hours to go...amazing to watch. Both took Tim's criticism to heart...smart move on their part.

    Glad that Zachary was saved...his effort to work as a team with Matt really undermined his work...Matt is a very nice kid but he doesn't have Zachary's chops.

    The cape thingy by Samantha and Zach overshadowed the ill-filling top on their outfit. Not impressed with their skills. I'm thinking, would any stylist dress her star to look like Batgirl on the runway. I think not.

    • Love 2
  8. Nobody who competes the way Joe does in the challenges is any kind of slacker. Interesting guy, not just an athlete, but artistic as well. Of course I think he's gorgeous, but your mileage may vary.

    Though I also love Keith...not gorgeous, but a tough challenger and a firefighter as well. i had hoped he would bag the win when Joe was booted, but once again my hopes were crushed.

    I don't get all the Jeremy love, and I think his backstory...pregnant wife, firefighter, et. al. were major elements for him,  as did his social strategy, but he was meh at any challenge, and I give props to those who have real survivor skills. No IC or RC wins, no puzzle chops...but luck in finding idols, and a good social game. A popular choice, though, so others are happy. 

    • Love 9
  9. scrub,

    It wasn't just you...and I don't think it was just sour grapes from the other racers. They were happy enough for Kelsey and Joey, so I think the Greens were seriously difficult to be around. And by difficult, I mean gratingly obnoxious. If what we saw was enough to put us off them, imagine having to be in their vicinity for the duration of the race. Though I don't know if I could stand being in earshot of the Paps.

    • Love 4
  10. In a rare moment, Karma makes an appearance on the Amazing Race...and bitch-slaps the undeserving. 

    So Justin, en route to a big win, stiffs the cabbie a few bucks, and loses a million. Oh, how sweet it is. 

    Go ahead, baby, keep crying. And cry some more.

    I bet Diana's ride home with Justin was less than cheery. Wonder if they tried to catch a cab.

    The green team has finally provided me with some entertainment. 


    Happy enough for Joey and Kelsey...I still have no idea who they really are, but they were competent racers, and were civll and polite to one another and to others.

    Good for you. Enjoy the cash.


    And the paps continue to live in Bickertown. So be it.

    • Love 8
  11. Just read the PT review....totally disagree with the "infighting". Did you miss season 14 of adult PR? Or previous seasons? Only during the talking heads did a couple of designers criticize one another's work...and you know, from watching Unreal, that production assistants pulled that quote from him. Unprompted, Zachary said that Victoria was a seamstress, not a designer, which, though not kind, was true enough.

    And why so down on Peytie...sure she's gorgeous, optimistic, hugely talented, and genuinely enthusiastic. Reason enough to dislike her, i suppose.

    • Love 1
  12. I echo what others have said, these designers are not only talented, but refreshingly decent as well. Aside from Zachary calling Victoria a seamstress, not a designer, which was astute, there has been little snark or backbiting.

    Peyote is designing wonderful stuff. Her choices would not be mine, but they are beautifully made, and she has a adventurous eye for color and fabric. 

    Zachary's design was a little old for the high-school set, but the top was better than anything shown on Season 14, from the adult designers.

    i am loving Maya's stuff though...I echo the judge from 17...I want that jacket. It is a standout, and the asymmetrical zipper and collar options are killer.

    Jesse had a standout look from the car wash episode, and he can tailor as well...I am sorry that he was sent home. Jaxon's effort was truly awful though, so I wish he had gone instead.

    Loving this show...reminds me of PR when it was so much fun to watch.

  13. Spencer would be an ok win...he's won ICs and he has a good strategic/social game. And, as noted above, he also gets the "most improved" vote. 

    Jeremy, though he wins as the puppet master...has not won a single challenge. I have long thought he was sandbagging, but it is also possible that he just doesn't have it. Maybe that is why no survivor seems to view him as a real threat. Still boggles me, though.

    I am all for Keith though...loved watching him race through that RC...for his second win at that effort. And on a rewatch, the tension between Keith and Tasha was totally visible...those two just don't like each other. Tasha looking as sour as could be, until Probst called her on it, and she piped up in pure corporate speech with a "I take advantage of all my opportunities" word mash. Sure you do. She and Keith...daggers drawn. 

    • Love 3
  14. Finally got a chance to watch this episode. The 40s team deserved the win. Zachary clearly knows his fashion history, and his outfit was a very modern take on the 40's...cigarette pants and all. Zach's was beautifully done, and though the judges liked Bridgett's red number, it was a little ordinary for my taste...but her fabric was fabulous.

    And the 60s...not a single tie-dye, no fringe, no suede, no aged denim, no Indian prints..has Woodstock evaporated from the collective memory? Or, from earlier in the decade...when the team decided "no prints" I was sure they had never seen even an old episode of Laugh-In on Nick at Night. Vibrant, acid colors, hot pinks, yellows, flower prints...No one remembers Mary Quant or Biba? Maya seems to know her stuff...her dress was clearly a 60s influence but the back and the choker neckline made it modern.

    Samantha ain't all that. Disliked her dismissing Maya's vest idea and not getting fabric for her design. And then "standing by her design" despite good advice from Tim. The neckline was uneven, the pocket flaps were not well made, and it hung in a baggy fashion...and of course the edges were unfinished. I was waiting for Tim to bring out the dreaded "mumsy".

    • Love 1
  15. If none of the players go after Jeremy, they might as well just hand him the money now and they can all go to Ponderosa and eat. Jeremy seems to command a cloak of invisibility while Kimmi is just invisible. And what is up with Spencer...he seems mesmerized by the power of Jeremy.

    So far, Jeremy wins the social/strategic game, but he has never won an IC or a RC. He looks good, but he hasn't shown anything. Maybe you have to be in his vicinity to feel the force field.

    I loathe Kelly for her hostile fixation on Joe. And Tasha...no IC or RC wins, she just runs along with the big dog Jeremy.

    Keith for the win. He is all out at challenges and he is no one's lapdog. 

    • Love 5
  16. Absolutely gripping. I am so invested in Lou and Hank. Peggy, now fully actualized, is a one-woman army. And the cops, all suitably undercover in identical t-shirts and jeans...perfect. 

    Can't decide which cops were more infuriating...I might vote for that trooper who smirked at Lou and told him to turn around and go back to Minnesota.  That while the poor convenience clerk was lying dead. Though the idiot in charge of the Dakota forces is right up there.

    I love the camera work, the split screen truly pulls you into the story.

    For all the actors, the writers, the prop folks...top work, all hands.

    • Love 7
  17. Justin is the classic manchild. He is incapable of handling disappointment. He breaks down into soggy tears or reacts with rage, blaming everyone around him for his difficulties. He has never shown any resilience, or even a spirit of teamwork with his partner. Either Diana is performing adequately to support his victory, or she is obstructing his chances. There is nothing in between. This is Justin's world, and Diana is valued by him only as she supports his goals. And for Diana, this meager portion is enough. Says a lot about her that this is what she will accept.

    I was amused when she told him she was putting him in a time out...and he reacted with outrage. Inadvertently perhaps, the truth is there...she has to coddle and manage him as if he were a monstrous child.

    • Love 16
  18. Usually skip anything labeled junior or kids...but on a whim watched this and was really taken with the designers and even the judges. As others have noted, it reminds me of the old PR...lots of time showing the designers working, minus the hair/makeup, the "thoughtful" accessories wall, and endless shots of their dorm rooms.

    Christian Siriano is a favorite, and his critiques are on target, but softened, which is really nice. And the editor from 17 is very astute. And Kelly Osborne surprises by asking to see the backs of the designs and kudos to all of the judges for noting the finish and the detail work. In a first in a long time, I agree with the judges. I give them credit for the sensitivity with which they deliver straightforward criticism. And Tim Gunn is actively mentoring, just like the old days.

    I am liking this.

    These are talented designers, and a pleasure to watch.

  19. I had so much hope, but at the last minute it was sadly crushed.

    It was possible that the big green ugly was out, but no, his ugly mug will be back next week. Gee, can't wait.

    I was yelling at the TV at poor Krista...they were doing great and I so wanted the cheerleaders to bag a win. Or the reporters. Even the Paps. Anybody but the ugly green.

    So we have his full range of emotion...bawling like a spoiled toddler, being nasty to his partner, insulting his cab driver who was inconsiderate enough to not speak English, and then returning to his full dickish, braggart self within seconds. How I despise you, ugly green.

    In the interests of American foreign policy, his passport should be voided and he should be banned from imposing his ugliness on innocent foreigners.

    • Love 19
  20. She did not show any glee whatsoever at Joe's injury. She was one of the ones rushing over to see if he was ok.


    With respect, do watch it again, if you can. She moved only when the group moved. Prior to that her eye-rolls and dislike of Joe were evident all during the challenge.

    And her behavior at TC was snide and adolescent.

    None of the rest of the survivors make much effort at ICs if Joe is there...only Keith tries. The rest just bag it early. 

    • Love 13
  21. I will miss Joe...not only an athlete, but a truly nice guy. And one gorgeous hunk of man. Loved seeing him with his dad...very cool.


    The IC challenge was interesting for a number of reasons, not least watching Jeremy bag it again. The assumption has been that he is a challenge threat who hid behind Joe...but where is the evidence? He's never won an immunity challenge, he doesn't demonstrate endurance or balance, and he sucks at puzzles. He is a player, and good at strategizing, but as a physical threat...he comes up empty.

    Abi is just a cold, heartless piece of work. Her smirking while Joe was unconscious was just vile. And Wentworth, with her eye-rolling and glee at Joe's injury...I can only hope that karma bites you in the ass. 

    Kimmi with her girl's alliance...yeah, that will happen. Tasha is a man's woman...she will stick with Jeremy and Spencer. And Abi...sat there at TC while Joe correctly described the fact that everyone wants to take her to FTC, since no one will vote for her...didn't seem to register on the clueless bitch.

    Keith for the win...at least he gives his all in the challenges, doesn't back down, and voting for Tasha...I give him points for that. He can smell duplicity.

    • Love 16
  22. "if Kimmi can do anything other than sit around and applaud moves at tribal council, she will abandon Jeremy and sell herself as a goat."


    I have been wondering what Kimmi is doing? Since she orchestrated the blindside of Monica, pretty much nothing, just riding along with Jeremy and friends.

    Is there some moment when she makes a move or just waits to be voted out. Even she must see that she is low on the Jeremy/Tasha totem pole, and Stephen's exit doesn't improve her position.

    Make a move, Kimmi or be gone.

    • Love 2
  23. I do wonder if Logan and Chris  are watching themselves as TAR airs...and how do they see themselves?  It's one thing for a team to have a bad leg and a cringe-worthy fight, but these two have not had a kind word for one another since the start of the race. They are toxic together and the way they speak to one another is straight-up ugly. Are they embarrassed at seeing themselves, or oblivious? When Chris joked about them getting married, and Logan seemed to think that was a real possibility, I was stunned. From the editing it is hard to tell if the other racers are interacting with them at all or avoiding them. Just being within earshot of them would be unpleasant.

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