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Posts posted by Knuckles

  1. I do think the only reason she came back on the show is because Beam told her to...they wanted the free publicity. Her deal with Andy seems to include product placement in every episode.  If the sales for Beam are slipping, that's a problem. But acting out and having screaming rampages is hardly consistent with trying to sell  the brand. You'd think the marketing department would have a word with her. And her bestie Carole has reneged on her book deal, and her editor has walked. Neither of them seems to realize that their behavior reflects on their business interests. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    Hmmmm.  I mean no disrespect but man this is very insulting to those of us that do not hate Bethenny.


    that post was  in response to an earlier one that mentioned the fanatical way Beth's fans defend her on twitter. those frankel defenders are on a different planer from the posters here. If you took my observations on the twitter bots as an attack on the posters here, then I do apologize. I do recognize that people have different responses, and most here are articulate, if not downright shrewd and funny, in taking opposing views. Again, I am sorry for having offended you.

    • Love 13
  3. 11 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

    They are a strange & passionate & fanatical bunch, the Bethenny super fans.

    I'll take a stab at that. They are the quiet, cringing sorts you run into at offices all over America, who are routinely walked on by everybody. They rarely speak up, and are passed over for promotions and pay raises. But man, they will cheer on old Bethy. The badly used will be the first to cheer on an authoritarian control freak...who insults and crushes any opposition...even if said authoritarian has to start a fight in order to win one.  They have Bethy acting out their revenge fantasies. That the other housewives are actual people means little to them. The skinny chick's monologues about her terrible childhood and her relative poverty, now overcome, are compelling to them. That most of it is a fabrication doesn't matter...Beth's real branding is herself as a victim who has risen from the ashes. And they love watching poor, victimized Beth dominate the other rich bitches. She's turned a princess into a lapdog, and it explains why she keeps going after Luann...she needs to bring down the Countess.

    Lu of course ain't playing, and if she marries Tom, she can blow this pop stand. Beth is probably tied to the show as it provides endless free advertising for Beam...I am sure that Beam was behind her return.

    • Love 7
  4. 5 hours ago, film noire said:

    Beth roamed that bus -- like Lear on the heath, hoping  to create chaos and fire, hoping someone -- ANYONE -- would notice 

    film noire, 

    that's two weeks in a row you had me laughing. Now all I need is a new keyboard after I spilled my coffee. You know, if old Bethy does not have an audience to absorb her attacks and anger, does she cease to exist? If she were a tree, and she fell down in a forest, would the other trees applaud?

    • Love 15
  5. I'm watching Coleman and seeing him almost frightened as he watched the manic and ruthless Rachel at full throttle in Alabama...and then telling her later that he thinks she is wonderful...are we to believe the shrewd network player is entranced by a human trainwreck? I liked that the family in Alabama was genuinely welcoming and decent...apparently that was too much for Rachel to allow. Had to smash it somehow. We know Rachel has plenty of buttons to push...but there seems to be a hole in the characterization of Coleman. Who is this guy?  He's fully committed to the crazy after sleeping with her a few times, and nothing she does deters him?

    I'm amused this week by Chet doing a Quinn...welcome back Adam. Love Freddie Stroma. Time for Coleman to get kicked to the curb. And no, Jeremy will not go quietly...he's union, and without a police report, he has ways to hold onto his job.

    And Quinn in love...can't be. The only significant relationship she has is with Rachel. 

    • Love 8
  6. Was not hooked by the trailer, but watched when a friend raved about it. And she was so right. Agree with the posters above, this is really wonderful.

    Richard Price wrote some of the best episodes on the Wire, and the dialogue reflects his work. Beautifully shot too, and kudos to the supporting cast...they seem very individual. Awesome job so far.

    • Love 3
  7. 9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    their granddaughter having such a volatile mother. 

    Just the words "their granddaughter" would be enough for Beth to go ballistic...she wants her daughter to have no family, no connections, no one but Beth as the center of her life. Beth is a perfect example of a woman who should never have married, and even more, should never have had a child within that context. She's ensuring that Bryn will grow up to be in the same position as she is...essentially alone. Beth has decided to create her own mini-me.

    • Love 14
  8. 6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    She's not nearly as funny as she thinks she is.

    She's amusing herself at someone else's expense...always. Check out the dig at Ramona...you are 1983 re her diaphragm story...knowing that Ramona's whole effort is to appear younger than springtime. We all have our cherished delusions, but Ramona's are such an easy target. And this is from a woman who wears a suit with power shoulders from the 80s herself. Self-aware, not old Beth. And if any of the wives took similar shots at Beth, it would bring on a repeat of the Berkshires rampage.

    • Love 7
  9. I rewatched part of this and Ramona should give up on the dancing lessons and head for a hairdresser...lose the extensions. She'd probably look good in a bob like Quinn in Unreal wears...anything except trying for long tresses suitable for a 20 year old. And stop causing trouble. No one would want Ramona as a friend, but even trying to manage her as a work colleague must be exhausting. 

    I do feel for Sonja though...it's clear that Beth and her wingman Carole are trying to get her fired from the show...knowing that she needs this job more than any of them. Which is all kinds of cold. 

    Most of these women are in late middle age and most have given birth...none of them seems to have a clue about basic anatomy. Maybe this explains why when selecting medical help, Jules turns to Dr. Crazy-Eyes and Beth has a chat with some whack job who nixes surgery and hands out prescriptions without a physical exam. Avery seems to have a brain..invite her and some diagrams to have a little talk with the ladies...they may be experts on botox and Juvederm, but they know nada about their reproductive organs.

    • Love 4
  10. 5 hours ago, film noire said:

    They have fashion fibroids. 

    Luann continued her "Lace" winning streak tonight -- "Which one of you bitches is my friend!!?" -- none, Countess, not a one. And that's okay, because who needs these people as friends? Just fuck 'em (what a crew: Carole and her crazed Anne Boleyn sleeves,  Bethenny, desperate for attention,  eyeing the crowd like a hungry lemur dressed in a Dynasty costume, Jules counting up her sex holes and relieved she'd been able to throw her sweaty tights on the Kleenex box in the doc's office, giving her at least one scene not involving food -- unless you count swallowing all your pride as a meal plan -- and Sonja, poor Sonja,  delighted to be anywhere but standing in front of the hoarded multiple bottles of Wesson in her basement. Go ahead and fuck em, Countess.  You do you: red lips a-quiver while looking at your phone, not even bothering to look at Singer while throwing out your first question about loyalty,  because Ramona is your fucking Fredo:  "I know it was you!"  Yes, you did know that, Luann. Everybody knew that. What you don't know is Dorinda is Mrs. Corleone, whipping up lasagna from Mama's recipe and believing she can walk both roads, talk trash about people talking trash --  "Who's naive now, Kay?" -- pick a goddamn side, Dorinda.  Luann has met her soulmate and we're going to the mattresses, pick a GODDAMN SIDE. You'll need a consigliere, Lu -- perhaps Carole will suit? That "I'm happy for you" had all the sincerity of John Gotti's lawyer calling  him a "simple businessman" -- with benefits, one presumes -- you're in waste management with these women, Luann, and this shit doesn't flush itself. But I think you know that too.)

    Absolutely on the money....Film Noire for the win. Have you considered a career as a RHONY show runner? You could whip this sad mess into watchable TV in no time. And Ramona as Lu's Fredo....a insight of pure genius. Kudos.

    • Love 7
  11. i loved this episode. Though I cringed when the cameras were rolling in the bedroom with Ruby and Darius, her dad and a camera crew. But Darius is more intelligent and insightful than I expected. Good work on the writers' part. Sending Ruby home was the kindest thing he could have done for her...she was destined to be further exploited to her detriment, and he got her out of that jam...though she did not see it that way.  If they choose to pick up after the show is over, they can do so in private, and with some dignity...and she has time to make peace with her dad, as well as hopefully resume school.

    Saving Yael, yeah, why not. Nobody likes a snitch. 

    Coleman and Rachel...not such a power couple. Quinn is the master here, but her new billionaire pal is a bigger shark. She may dominate Chet, but this guy is much smarter and more ruthless, albeit much smoother. She may be overmatched here. Rachel looks like she took the worst of it, but Quinn may not be doing a victory lap either.

    • Love 11
  12. 9 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    she's had work done, no question.

    Could just be the photos, but I think she looked better before. The after seems to make her look much older, though the smirk doesn't help. And getting a new haircut after facial work is pretty standard advice from plastic surgeons, as it serves as a convenient answer for your new look. 

    • Love 3
  13. 26 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

    Suppose Robert knew that Lyanna wasn't kidnapped but left him for someone she loved but he lied about it to call the banners and get Ned involved.

    Now that is interesting. And that Lyanna, with the Stark sense of honor, might have left Robert a message. I doubt in this scenario she would tell him directly...he had a terrible temper.

  14. 15 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

    Bethenny was the one putting it out there the product was "all natural"

    You want an all-natural product...get some Patron, some limes and some sugar. No preservatives or chemical additives needed. I've never understood this product anyways, as making a margarita is hardly time or labor intensive. 

    17 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

    "drink like a lady". 

    If that's the direction Beam is going, then the scenes of a screaming, rampaging Beth should make them very happy. Girlfriend does not even need to be drinking to be lit up.

    • Love 8
  15. On July 2, 2016 at 3:54 PM, kittykat said:

    As far as who could be Hand.  I would like to see it be Davos but I'm guessing the Northerners might take offense if an outsider (in their eyes) is promoted to #2 in the North.  Sansa would be a good choice

    Lyanna Mormont would be a great choice. But, Jon needs Sansa to have an active and important role to keep her onside, and away from considering the toxic suggestions of Littlefinger. Even smarter move, convince Lyanna to agree to a marriage with Robyn...that would keep the Vale on Jon's side, and Lyanna could manage Robyn, and even Lord Royce would be cool with that. For Lyanna's sake, just make it an official engagement...the Mormont women are an independent crew, who often don't name the fathers of their offspring, let alone marry. Maege was an example of that.  One of her daughters was known as the she-bear...supposedly could turn herself into a bear at will. Maybe she was Tormund's hook-up.

    • Love 3
  16. 13 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    There are not clear standards for what is natural and what is not.

    Thank you for this post...really informative. Are there clear standards for what is carcinogenic...say, what levels of those ingredients are permitted? Or is it up to the retailers to decide? Is Beam held to any sort of standard? Nice to know that her booze product is as natural as her breasts. 

    • Love 2
  17. 2 hours ago, BookElitist said:

    Why, periodically, does Dorinda cast Queens' residents as untutored, uncouth, and uncultured wretches?

    Isn't Dorinda originally from Queens...and isn't her John also from Queens?  Unfortunately, she was not to the manor born. Though keeping moldy curtains in your basement is akin to holding on to a bloody pillow...have these women no sense of elementary hygiene? Clean out your damn basement and ditch the pillow in a plastic bag before trashing it so the sanitation men are not exposed to blood. Simples.

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, ryebread said:

    "You can't play stupid and smart at the same time."


    So much this. She had the pre-op appointment and signed all the relevant legal paperwork when she had her breast enlargement surgery. She is not some lost little lamb who just wandered out from the woods. Interesting that her tear-fest was  interrupted by a spike in fury that her hated in-laws might see her child. I do wonder if Bravo is kicking in some money for Kevin as he is doing a nice turn in a supporting role in her drama. 

    • Love 11
  19. 3 hours ago, AGuyToo said:

    She's traveling to Westeros with overwhelming strength, including three dragons, the Unsullied, the Dothraki, a huge armada, and alliances with Tyrell/Greyjoy/Dorne.

    Dany has overwhelming numbers and dragons on her side, but I am not inclined to think it all will be that easy for her. Dorne has a former mistress of Oberyn and the assassin of Prince Doran currently running things..but given the acute class consciousness of Westeros, will the Great Houses of Dorne follow her commands?  Winter is here, not just in the north, but will be moving south. Neither the Dothraki nor the Unsullied are used to snow, nor fighting in ice and snow.  Olenna has made clear she is only interested in revenge...in show Highgarden, their are no surviving heirs. She despises Dorne, so this is a short-term alliance of convenience. With the Lannister army destroyed, and the Lannisters themselves dead...presumably both in KL and in Casterly Rock...what further use has she of Dorne? Further, she has no reason to continue to supply food to KL...so the people there might be already in near revolt from hunger. Where are Dany's armies supposed to get their food supplies...from an empty city?  You would have thought Tyrion might have had some thoughts on the supply issues.  And Randyl Tarly, described by Stannis as the best general in Westeros, will have command of the remaining Tyrell forces. Can you see him joining the Tyrell army with the Dothraki hordes and the Iron Islanders? Not for long. 

    Just my opinion, but Dany's invasion looks to be a cakewalk...but I am inclined to think it won't be.

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