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Everything posted by mangosplums

  1. But I think all of these performers have done great other nights. It was just this episode that was off. I donno. They are did way worse than they have perviously.
  2. Is it me or were all the performances this episode low quality compared to what we're used to? Not sure what happened, but it's odd.
  3. Collin looks thin, depressed and medicated. Doesn't look like participated in the game said anything, nor did any of his family care.
  4. Oh yeah, what happened to Shoka, the adult German Shepard they had? Did they give him away and then get two puppies instead?
  5. I agree. It really doesn't sit well with me that they are filming, not even mentioning him, except for a small mention by Kate on their birthday, like he's been wiped from existence. I remember on a previous season they were visiting a "pirate ship" and the pirate joked they wanted to take one of the kids. All the children yelled "take Collin" and pushed him forward, then in the interview chair they said that he starts fights and they didn't want him around. It comes off as if Kate's way of dealing with the problem is to give him away. I understand that it's been difficult parenting him, and that as a single mom she doesn't know what to do, but I can't help but think that this approach, just getting rid of him, is going to make everything worse. I can't imagine how he's feeling right now. Probably thinking his whole family hates him, that he's a bad kid. This will shape him for the rest of his life. I hope it turns out ok, and that Kate and the whole family are participating in group therapy that will foster a better relationship with him. But the way they are filming vacations without him, without even a mention of him, makes it seem like they just got rid of him and are moving on with life.
  6. Umm, is this a homophobic hint or what? Oh seeing the banner on the top of the page, I see it must have been political. I love that "You Don't Own Me" song and I definitely could see a new surge in interest in that song given the climate right now. Miley really does choose cool songs.
  7. I watched them on YouTube. I don't like how you have to vote off two from each team. If all the talent is concentrated in one team, it kind of screws people over. For example Simone should have gone through over some of the other black female singers, but she didn't because she was on team Adam. I was dissapointed in We tonight. She was the only one I was excited about. Either she was having an extremely off night or she's not as amazing as I had thought. Billy Gilman will win the show, it's pretty obvious at this point. He rubs me the wrong way, so I'm not thrilled about that. No point in watching the rest of the show for me.
  8. There was also a different viewer demographic in the first few seasons. The voice was marketed as a more urban, edgier American Idol and had viewers like that. I don't recall any Country performers in the first few seasons.
  9. Honestly I'm finding the song choices/performances this year lacking inspiration or creativity. Nobody has chosen something unique, or put an interesting spin on anything. Any female who has anything unique or interesting about her gets eliminated in favor of generic, white men. The performances tonight that had the most competent singing were Ali and We. I quite liked Courtnie and Sundance, their song choice were slightly more interesting than the rest, and Whitney/Shannon are interesting because they very pretty to hear when they harmonize. It's too bad that they're gone. And is it me or was Riley completely out of tune the whole time?
  10. On the season I watched Pharrell was the most sought after coach. All the best singers picked him because he was the one who was actually connected and could get them a career.
  11. I notice that the battles that tend to get montaged are the female/female ones. Subtle bias on their part I think. There were some male/male battles tonight that were real snoozefests and should probably have been chosen over them.
  12. I agree that We is the best on the show. She's like on another level entirely to the rest. I've been reading a few different Voice forums and the lack of enthusiasm for We (especially on Idolforums) is interesting considering how incredible she is. Something tells me that if she was a pretty white girl there'd be more recognition of this, her fandom would be enormous. I also can completely believe that she was bullied.
  13. Maye was more unique in her look and possibly her sound, but Khaliya was more unique in terms of demographics. We don't see many Native Americans or gay women on TV, especially gay women who sing country. I think the demographic aspect is just as, or more important, than the look/sound to people. Yeah, I honestly don't think either Josette or Charity should have moved forward, but both Maye and Khaliya should have. Miley should have paired Khaliya and Charity together, the two country girls, and Maye and Josette together, will Maye/Khaliya as the chosen ones to move forward. Although I agree they are flawed, I think they are important to have a change from the rest of the show. The entire rest is them singing solo. Plus there have been some amazing battles in the past that sound more like duets. Have You Ever Seen the Rain is my fave thing from the show ever.
  14. The thing that annoys me the most about the battles, aside from montaging, is the fact that the judges always have their mind made up before they even sing. Even if the person they had labeled fodder does better, they still go with their original choice. Kinda makes the battles pointless. I still enjoy watching them, but it's annoying.
  15. I doubt it would cost much more to show the montaged blinds.
  16. Yeah, I know, regardless, I was just getting that impression with Alicia for a few of them. But I think in terms of them wanting more coaches to turn to bring more drama, it could be why we always see a second couch turn at the last minute on what would have been a one chair turn audition.
  17. Maybe, but Alicia wasn't turning for anyone for a while. I feel like they told her, you HAVE to turn already. The first video, it really doesn't look like she wants to to me, but I could be wrong.
  18. I think that happened this season with Alicia on this audition. You can see Alicia doesn't really want to push her button, and at 57 seconds Blake says, "you gotta do it." Alicia makes a face like she REALLY doesn't want to and then pushes her button. It may have happened with this one two. I was a bit suspicious when she said she had a great feeling about the audition before he sang, then pushed her button automatically.
  19. According to this person on reddit they don't. I have heard people say other auditionees say were assigned a specific song to sing for the audition before too, so I think it's true that they don't choose them. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/2jib13/i_am_in_the_finals_of_the_voice_the_program_is/
  20. I really love We's voice and would be happy if she won. I'm surprised there's not more excitement about her. You know they don't actually chose their songs for auditions. They are given to them.
  21. I'm disappointed Katie didn't go through. I think she had the most purely beautiful voice on the show, of the people who were left.
  22. Someone put season 4 on youtube, so I'm finally getting to watch it. I've watched two episodes so far. Kate seems to have mellowed quite a bit. On an everyday level, she seems to be a pretty good mother actually. It's the larger picture that's potentially worrying. She has made her children famous, whether they like it or not, and the implications of that are yet to be seen. We won't know till they are adults whether this method of raising them was good or bad. We also don't know, as has been said, how much money she is saving for them. I think that she does genuinely care for them and is saving money for college, but we will see if that's true when they are older. The one kid that does worry me is Colin. Someone said earlier on this thread that he seems like he's medicated, and I agree. He's not himself. His eyes seem to be always half open and he seems out of it most of the time. He is not the bright-eyed child he used to be. I also noticed that he seems to be ostracized from his siblings. He is always off by himself when the others are together, and I don't see him being playful with his siblings like the others are. I hope he's okay. I think he has been treated like the "problem" kid by Kate and that may do some damage to his self-esteem. He always seemed to me in previous seasons like he was the smartest of the sextuplets. It doesn't seem that Kate notices that there's anything wrong. I felt bad for him when all the other tups were having fun in the pool with their friends at the "deck party" and he was standing watching them with the adults. One last thing: This is a minor gripe, but I wish that Kate wasn't so invested in gender roles, and didn't divide the kids up by gender so much. I understand that Kate is conservative, so it's not surprising. If any of the kid's grows up to be gay, they will probably have a bit of a struggle because they grew up in a household that puts such high value on traditional gender roles. Not all people fit into traditional gender roles and that's ok. Wish Kate would get with the times.
  23. I'm not Maddie. Though when I read my post back to myself, I can see why you think that I am. I am just someone who feels protective over her because I was so much like her when I was younger.
  24. you might be right, but i hope not. I want those kids to get some money.
  25. Kate thinks that her and Mady are really alike, but I don't think Kate could ever be as funny as Mady. Mady's relationship with Kate reminds me of my relationship with my mother. We would scream and yell at each other, and I wasn't very nice to her. I look back on it now, and I realize I wasn't a bad person to be mean to her, though I've lived with a lot of guilt about it. I was just trying my hardest to reject everything she was about, because she's not someone I like or respect as a person. There was never any love in our relationship, it was always just a battle of wills between us. It was just manipulation. That's the relationship Mady has with Kate. As soon as she can get away from Kate, she should. As soon as all the kid's can get away from Kate, they should, but I have a feeling she is going to keep their money from them. When they become adults they are going to want the money they deserve for the child labor they did. She isn't going to give it to them and they are going to have to sue her for it.
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