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Posts posted by takalotti

  1. Here’s what really bugs me about the Jack-grieving. They focused on the wrong thing.


    Once the writers decided to have Jack get sick, die, and come back, I'm guessing they saw the situation as "the boys have lost parents, parental figures, a sibling (each other), and peers. Rather than rehash the same grieving, let's go the 'losing a child' route like a bookend." So they focused on how young he was and how they all felt like his fathers.


    I would have had a much better reaction to a "grieving someone the audience knows will be back soon" episode if they had instead focused on Jack's original role as "bringer of paradise."


    Cas could have felt lost and confused. "I saw it. With such clarity. He would bring paradise. How can he do that if he's dead?" That could drive why they thought Jack was a special enough case to bring back.

    Also "I died and was brought back from the Empty. I was so sure I was brought back for a purpose: protecting and helping Jack so he could bring paradise. But apparently that’s not my purpose. So why am I here? What do I do now?" 


    It still would have been our main characters only being framed in reference to Jack, but to me it would have felt more authentic and thus more about their own character development.


    I also feel like it would have worked better if whatever appropriate loss they felt when Jack died (regrets or whatever,  not "I’ve lost a son!" anguish) was what DROVE them to see/treat Jack more like a son when he came back.

    • Love 2
  2. On 12/11/2018 at 5:30 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

    I hope this is the right thread and that this video isn't too old. I remembered the characters and  the episodes but, totally forgot about the actors.



    The Vampire Diaries connection blew my mind as much as the tweet I saw from Paul Wesley the other day...I totally forgot he played Lucas Luthor on Smallville way way way back in the day.

    Their Number pick got me, I'm ashamed to admit I didn't make the connection and I just saw that season on TNT within the last 2 years.

    Am I crazy for finding "WEN-dih-go" super distracting? 

  3. 19 hours ago, Wateroflife said:

    When watching, I l thought that Lily used the last sliver of her soul to ressurect Jack so his soul could stay intact and that sacrifice is why she got into heaven. I admit my attention was wandering at that point, but if not then why did she drop dead just at that moment? However, that doesn't really make sense either because the show has established that you don't need a soul to be alive. *shrug*


    This is exactly how I read the scene. But all the other comments related to the soul used in the spell are saying it was Jack's, or will this have dire consequences for Jack. And I’m like "Whuh? But his soul didn’t get used."

    I don’t see any reason why performing the spell would result in Lily's death unless the last piece of her soul was used.

    I don’t see why just sharing the spell with the guys even after finding out she was currently destined for hell and there was nothing the guys could do to change that would be a big enough kind act to tip her abacus reading.

    Anubis said something like "Did you know what that would cost you?" and I swear she replied in the affirmative. What about doing the spell would "cost" Lily anything if her soul wasn’t involved? I was sure his question meant "Did you know that using your soul in the spell instead of Jack's would use up the LAST of your soul, resulting in your death, which you expected would send you to hell? So you gave up your chance to see your daughter or to continue living on your borrowed time for the sake of other people, making a true and pure sacrifice?"


    I don’t get anything related to the Empty Keeper. Jack woke Cas up. Cas being awake woke up the EK who REALLY likes its sleep. Cas threatened to stay awake and annoy the shit out of it so it could never sleep again, implying if it would just send him to earth with the Winchesters like he asked, then it could go back to sleep. And then Cas was sent back to earth so I assumed the EK went back to sleep. So far, I’m fine with this.

    The fact that the EK was up and about trying to find Jack could just be that it felt was owed a being and woke up to find it. Okay.

    But then Cas saying something about "I could live for eons and you like your sleep" made no sense. He made it sound like EK has been up this whole time. Maybe that's what ended up happening, but why would that be the assumption when the whole point of getting booted out of Empty was to let the EK go back to sleep and there was another plausible reason for it being up (Jack)? So nonsensical.


    Lat thing I don’t need get: Why on earth would Naomi give Michael's possible location over to the people who want to kill him? Last time we saw her, she was all about how there weren’t enough angels to keep heaven running. Many of us thought this meant Gabriel or the AU angels would be a factor. With him gone and no AU angels around, I would at least think Naomi would want to try to convert AU Michael to their cause and save Heaven. Maybe it’s all a ruse and she’s hoping to use TFW to do the dirty work of trapping Michael and then she can swoop in and suggest an alternative.


    Also, it’s about time the creator of this meme added a few new faces to it...



    • LOL 1
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  4. THEN

    What does it say about the direction the show has taken for a while when they have to remind us about ghosts, salt and iron? And did they even use iron in this one?



    Did anyone watch Wonderfalls? Panthro's animation reminded me of the chotchkies in that show.


    Okay, I know no one, including me (and especially not @catrox14), is gonna complain about the guys wearing short sleeves. But outdoors in October in Ohio? 🤨


    S: M-I-R-L, meet in real life.

    D: Why do you know what that means?

    Me: 🤣


    D: Hmm. 'Cause your hospital report said that you had marks on your face (draws circle in air), your legs (gestures with whole hand), your back (gestures with whole hand), and your ... (cupping motion) genitals.

    Me: 😂😂😂


    I’m not gonna say "What was up with Dean's outfit?" But I AM gonna ask what was up with the slow build up of the outfit? First a short sleeved button down, THEN the glasses, THEN the plaid sport coat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


    The awkward ducking in Baby had me rolling! Plus the seat creak. And then sitting up being all smooth.


    Sorry, but with the amount of injuries these guys have seen, why wouldn't Sam immediately administer first aid by applying pressure? It’s like fanning the lit paper all over again.


    Samantha's deliveries were excellent!...


    S: Hey, are you okay?

    Samantha: No!


    S: You sure?

    Samantha: I-I was pretty busy screaming, but yeah I’m sure!


    Samantha: I’ve been taking money out of his checks to make up for it but .. I guess ... a ghost wouldn’t know that.


    Also, I only just now noticed Samantha/Dirk and Sam/Dean.


    I nearly laughed to tears when Hatchet Man was just walking around in plain sight. I didn’t even need the trick or treaters to react to him. That was hilarious all on its own. Has the show ever done that before? Had the monster walk around on Halloween or some other acceptable context?


    D: Unless it’s Godzilla, it’s real.

    Me: But they saw Godzilla in the Bad Place!


    Hahaha! I loved Dean prepping to bash the glass for the axe, and then checking the door. Reminds me of that episode where he kicked a bunch of doors open and then Sam held him off and just tried the knob.


    The hospital chase/security guard scene was pretty silly, but still fun.


    Sorry, but no. That explosion would not have blown the door off AND left everything on the desk untouched. Also, what door was that? A back door?


    Liked the VHS tracking effect on the "trailer."


    What other show would use bedpans in a fight scene? 😂


    Pretty cool effect with the flaming ghost leaving Hatchet Man.


    Haha! Moose and squirrel! Shaggy and Scooby followed by two more duos with a dog in them. Shout out to both the Scooby episode and the one where Dean acted like a dog? But then Thelma and Louise... I hope that’s not foreshadowing!


    What does that ending mean? Did Michael also amp up ghosts so that regular methods of dispelling them aren’t permanent? Or just going along with the cheesy horror movie theme? 


    It wasn’t until the end credits I realized NO other recurring characters were in this one.

    • Love 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Katy M said:

    Brought over from Gods and Monsters:

    Actually the whole situation with Raphael and that vessel was weird.  The deputy said that there was a bright light like an explosion at the gas station.  I'm assuming that's when Raphael entered the vessel.  There were 30 or 40 involved in an kill or be killed combat.  Were those all angels deciding to kill each other for some odd reason?  We weren't really up to the angel civil war that point. At any rate, as far as I can gather Raphael ditched out of that vessel soon after and went back to Heaven, I guess.  Back in the good old days (that didn't last very long) where angels left their vessels when they went back to Heaven.  And, in that short amount of time, possibly a few minutes, maybe a couple of days, his vessel went catatonic?  I think maybe there was an inherent problem with this particular person.  Already had a predisposition to psychiatric problems.  Possibly PTSD from war or something.

    The only thing for me, though, is that Dean asked Cas if that’s what would happen to him if he said yes to Michael and Cas said he’d be even worse off (I don’t remember the exact dialog). If it was an inherent problem with this particular person, why would Cas have responded so definitively?

  6. D: And as far as my memory goes, I mean everything from the second I said yes to the moment I walked through those doors is blank.

    So he doesn’t remember fighting/killing Lucifer? Or is this mistake a clue that something is amiss? Or is it just lazy writing?


    Please tell me they did some sort of offscreen test with holy oil to confirm Dean is Dean before meeting up with Cas again. Please tell me they didn’t just take Dean's word for it.


    I’m so fucking confused right now. When Jack and Cas greeted Dean, Dean seemed really standoffish. Though he nodded at Cas, he stepped/leaned back at the same time. He seemed like he cut off Jack's hug (not that they’ve had a very huggy relationship, but just the way he jerked away). And after he said "Cas," I really read his expression to be "Don’t touch me." 


    All of this (plus the first person POV scan of Dean's room) really gave me the impression that this must be Michael (or a stowaway Michael) and he doesn’t want Cas to sense he’s still there.


    And then he’s all, "Read my brain," to Cas so nope, I guess this really is 100% Dean? And his standoffishness was just because he was feeling shitty for not being able to evict Michael and feeling out of place with all the people?


    Warning: Destiel interpretation ahead 😉

    D: Yeah, well speaking of clean up, I need a shower. (Bolts)

    C: (Scrunchy face) Wait, why didn’t he invite me?


    Dean removes long sleeved shirt.

    Dean rolls up t-shirt sleeve.

    Whoosh! Supernatural!

    Dean with a new shirt sleeve rolled up.

    Dean spends the whole rest of the scene with the sleeve up.

    Me: @catrox14 must be having a conniption right now.


    Really? Jack is so sulky he doesn’t notice someone being assisted down the stairs he’s walking toward? Doesn’t hear the shouted "A little help here!" request when he only took two steps into the hallway? Oookay. Also, I think the phrase some of us are looking for is "threenager."


    No Witch-ita puns? Boo.


    Dean's 'Yeah yeah, lets go without Cas' hastiness once again makes me think there's some Michael-y part of him that wants to keep Cas at a distance to avoid being detected. But I guess it was just his urgency to get something that can take out Michael.


    The nonverbal exchange over Jody's head about Sam's beard made me chuckle.


    Heehee re: Sam's serial killer geekitude.


    I’m no expert at the bunker's layout, but where was Jack going? He bypassed the curved stairs which have an exit at the top, and I thought the exit to the garage was somewhere out the hall system but that’s where Jack came IN from when he paused by the stairs.


    Jack: Who’s that?

    Me: The girl you walked directly toward and couldn’t be bothered to notice?


    I enjoyed the fight scenes with Dark Kaia. I didn’t think anyone was made to look stupid in order for her to best them, so that’s good.


    C: It’s marked "Gross stuff."

    Me: 🤣


    Lora: Is that your Dad?

    Jack: One of then, yes.

    Me: It’s "My Three Dads!"


    Lora was shot at a really weird angle. It looked like her eyes were closed the whole time.


    Lora: She gave us nice things (touches necklace)

    Spouse: Uh, maybe take that off her?


    Lora: Because I left. I ran away. ... I hated her rules. I was sick of being treated like a kid. I thought I could make it on my own.

    Me: (hands miming dropping something over and over) Bccchww! Bccchww! Bccchww!

    Spouse: What was that?

    Me: All the anvils falling.


    Jack: Cas is gonna fix this. I promise.

    Cas' face: Thanks for making empty promises on my behalf.

    I know this is shitty of me, but if Jack hasn’t learned not to make empty promises by now, then I wish they had fully failed and Lora had stayed dead so he WOULD learn to say something more like, "We’re gonna do everything we can to fix this. We won’t give up on you." That's hope-giving, supportive, AND fair.

    And that was a lot of awkward just standing around and looking at Lora when she died. I get they couldn’t stop it, but not even handholding or other comforting as she died?


    Well, Dark Kaia's spear isn’t the ONLY thing they know of that hurts Michael. They just don’t know where an archangel blade or another archangel to wield it are. Side note: Can Jack kill an archangel with an archangel blade? They said a nephil is more powerful than its angel parent, so it stands to reason (did I just say 'reason'? Ha. Ha. Hahahahahaha!) that he could.


    Holy exposition, Batman. Not the explanation of Jack's theory, but the timing. She’s lying there dead, and I know magic is involved so the normal rules of "if you’re gonna resuscitate someone, better do it quick or they’ll end up braindead" don’t apply, but they don’t know if time is a factor or not! Also...

    C: Jack, are you sure?

    Jack: (Firmly) No.

    ... gave me a good chuckle.


    Not surprised, but I liked how differently Jensen fights as Michael. I agree it didn’t make sense that he chose to fight her instead of zap her, but I like the theories I read here (perhaps low on grace from making his super monsters, perhaps wanted to test her out a bit). And as far as her being able to best Michael goes, she was only able to stab him because he hit his head on a rock. He didn’t blackout like a human would, but I’m ok with there being a second of recovery while he heals his concussion.


    Okay, can the actors really talk that clearly with those teeth prosthetics in? They must overdub that, right? Which makes me wonder what the undubbed version sounds like and how many times J2 cracked up.


    J: (coughs)

    Me: No one on TV ever coughs unless it means something.

    J: (coughs up blood)

    Me: He has consumption!


    D: And it’s all on me, man. I said yes. It’s my fault.

    Me: Okay, sure. And it’s also all on you that Lucifer didn’t torch the planet. That’s your fault, too.

    • Love 1
  7. I didn’t remember Michael saying that, so thanks! I should have also remembered that YoungJohn seemed fine after, or was that a different timeline?

    True. I didn’t think about how Lucifer's used vessels weren’t the same. Of course, it seems like Nick is royally fucked up in the head. So maybe Raphael actually understood how hosting an archangel can derange a person (perhaps other vessels he had before Donnie) and chose to mentally incapacitate them to keep them from being harmful.

  8. Wait a second. Remember Raphael's drooling vessel? And the words of warning that Dean would be worse off than that if he let Michael in?


    What ever happened to that?

    • Love 1
  9. Then...


    Just thought it was weird that all of the previouslies were from season 13; none from 14.01




    So was that Michael's grace? Just wouldn’t have expected him to be okay wasting his own on the experimentation phase. Maybe Jo? 


    Speaking of Jo, my closed captioning has Mary's line as "Joe was pretty specific" and that messed with my head. I figured it was some hunter who found clues in Duluth that made Team Winchester figure it had to be Michael, and I kept wondering, "Why hasn’t there been any reference to Jo's call to Sam?" I must not have been paying attention to the details of what Sam said when he talked about the police reports and how he JUST found them. Duh! 


    ARRRGH! I love Cas, more than I probably should, and I’m totally neutral/ambivalent when it comes to Sam, but WTF, Cas?! Griping to SAM of all people "And yet every time I look at [Nick], all I can see is the supreme agent of evil."

    1 ) First Mary, and now Cas. WTAF is up with people complaining to SAM about how they can’t look at Nick? And why isn’t Sam's response a terse, "Hey, if I can look at him, then anyone can"?

    2 ) Why does Sam need to explain to Cas that Nick was just housing Lucifer and deserves a chance at rebuilding his life? Cas should be the most sympathetic to Nick since he also housed Lucifer.

    3 ) Okay, Cas, is that how everyone else should feel when they look at you? "Cas, every time I look at you, all I see is the supreme agent of evil."


    You too, Jack?! I don’t know how Sam doesn’t slap all these people silly and shout "Go ahead and complain about Nick, but quit doing it around me, FFS!"


    Reminding an unstable man about past trauma before he’s ready. Good plan!


    I don’t remember much about the original episode where we see the lead up to Nick saying Yes to Wife-ifer. Was it really just a man who killed his family, or wre there hints it could have been supernatural? Could be why the neighbor changed his story if the cops were doubting his first statement ("But there were no footprints where you say you saw the man," "Security cameras around the houses don’t show what you described") and he would sound like a crazy person if he kept insisting he saw weird shit?


    Interesting to get a specific time stamp on how long ago the AW apocalypse started. But I’m not curious enough to see how 15 years ago lines up with all the other passing comments made from AW people to figure out how parallel the two worlds are supposed to be.


    Not really sure why a nephil's human component would slow down the process of regenerating grace. I would have expected the opposite, considering how a nephil is more powerful than the angel/archangel parent, which I assumed was due to having grace with a soul to power boost. But, whatever is convenient to plot, right writers? ??‍♀️


    J: You don’t understand what I’m going through.

    Me: ??‍♀️ Oh for Pete's sake!


    You know you watched the Jus in Bello con videos too much when this makes you laugh (emphasis mine)...

    C: Even though he's departed, there may be some of his influence still within you.


    Were werewolf teeth prosthetics always that weird?


    N: You don’t understand.

    C: No, I do.

    Me: Is this supposed to be a drinking game?


    Also, I thought that conversation was going to be about Cas dying a million times and getting a second(/millionth) chance at life. Wasn't expecting the whole 'morality of angels possessing humans' debate.


    So based on Michael's "Why do you think I dumped your brothers and sisters in plain sight? Why do you think I let you escape?" explanation of wanting to draw Team Winchester in, does that mean that maybe all he wanted from Jo was for her to see him because he knew she’d report back to the Winchesters? Or was he really trying to recruit her for active help and she called Sam at Michael's request? The real question is, will we ever find out ??‍♀️


    Cas, I know you don’t want your boyfriend to die ... again. And I know you don’t want to play an actual part in making him dead. But Jack is technically right.

    And the whole time Jack was making his arguments for killing Michael even if there's was no way to do it without taking Dean out, too, I was like, "Cas, you know Dean would be nodding along with everything he's saying." So when Jack finally said, "Do you think he’d want it any other way?" I was like Yasssss! And I loved how Cas' face went from 'How can you say such a thing?' to 'Well shit.'

    Also, Cas was fine hugging Dean before his Kamikaze mission to Amara. So how is this different? Also, was Cas talking about the same kind of angel cuffs that Lucifer melted back in AW? Why is Team Winchester assuming they’d work on Michael?


    Okay, so of course the question is "Did Michael really leave, or is he playing stowaway?" They should be saying things like "It’s me, but don’t take my word for it," "Let’s use the angel cuffs until Cas can check him out to be sure."


    And why did he leave? Is this all part of his original plan/trap that he referenced to Lydia? Or was the trap only the weregels and when that didn’t work he bolted? But why would bolting and sending Dean back home be better? Oh, or maybe like an overconfident villain, he left before the weregels attacked because he assumed they’d be successful, and then Real Dean would walk in and either be devastated to see his family dead or be taken out as well.


    I know this isn’t important, but if Michael really did leave, WHEN did he do it? Before the doors opened? Angels leave a vessel kind of like demons do, just more gently/prettily, right? We didn’t see that happen, it seems most likely that took place before the doors opened. But then why would RealDean approach them like that? Was he just coming out of a fog? As far as his behavior goes, it seemed like Michael left and Dean came back just as he grabbed the beam. Also, his first words should have been, 'Sammy. Why am I wearing this ridiculous outfit?' Also, also, that was quick.


    Regarding all the chatter about too much time spent on this storyline, not enough time spent on that storyline: While I don’t like it either, I don’t feel the need to complain about it only because I think it’s basically at J2's request, isn’t it? They asked to lighten their load so they could spend more time with family, which means other characters carrying other storylines to share the load. It would be nice if SPN could become a candidate for having shorter seasons. Then it could be focused on TFW (2.0 if need be) without being more work for J2.

    • Love 1
  10. Sam was listening to music and then turned it off, driving in silence. I feel like that means something. Being in silence and then turning on music or the tv usually means someone wants to be distracted from troubled thoughts. So is this the opposite? The music is a distraction, but from what? From having the troubled thoughts (like he wants to have them due to being guilt ridden)? From concentrating on the problem of how to find/save Dean? Or does he just not want to cover up the silence that Dean's absence has left?


    I feel like the scene between DeanMichael and Jamil were meant to make DM seem more threatening than he’s going to be. Maybe he's just strolling through our world, trying to get to know it, trying to understand the people inhabiting it (good and bad) in order to learn from his mistakes in AW and do things differently with his second chance. He decided that Jamil isn’t one of the good ones, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to smite all the bad people he meets. Just taking inventory of the range of people before he finally makes his big move for Apocalypse 2.0.


    Not that I have any experience with making bullets, much less bullets that kill supernatural beings, but why not make one bullet with silver, devil's trap, holy oil, dead man's blood. I guess the ingredients are scarce enough that you don’t want to waste 3/4 of the bullet's use when shooting for the 1/4 use? But wouldn’t that be worth the seconds saved from not having to go "Oh! It’s werewolves, not vamps. Gotta change out my bullets!" or "Were the devil's trap bullets in the gun on my hip or the one in my shoulder holster?"


    I didn’t get any vibe that Sam had given up on finding/saving Dean. I got quite the opposite feeling. He’d been to Atlanta, hadn’t been sleeping (or at least it was implied), and turned down sleeping once back at the bunker. To me, this seems more like Sam is going overboard with NOT giving up (or sitting idle) to make up for playing house with Amelia instead of looking for Dean. The vibe I AM getting is that he finds Mary's platitudes useless and annoying. He can’t just cheer up and not worry while he’s looking for Dean. He’s going to be scared and worried while he does so, and doesn’t want to be told "it’ll all work out." I also didn’t even think about people calling Sam Chief and Boss, but if I had to read anything into it, I’d guess that it’s more that for some reason they’re choosing to look to Sam for leadership and he just accepts the responsibility even though he’s feeling overwhelmed because he doesn’t want to let anyone down.


    As a Destiel Realist, the Destiel part of me is always going to giggle at lines like "I thought the two of you were joined at the, you know, everything," but the Realist part of me is kind of over other characters saying stuff like this. Save it for lines like "He’s an angry sleeper. Like a bear," writers.


    Rant disclaimer: I am no Sam-girl by any means. Frankly, most of what Sam does or what happens to Sam just goes in one ear and out the other such that I rarely notice when his character has been wronged or when he's done something great. Similarly, I am not a Mary-hater. She’s just kinda THERE as far as I’m concerned.




    After Mary informed Sam that "He's awake" but before we find out who 'he' is, she answers Sam's question with "I didn’t talk to him. I can barely look at him" and leaves Sam to go 'look at him' and 'talk to him' on his own.


    Not long after the reveal (I think during Nick's flashback flickers), I paused the show, gripped my head in my hands and just seethed "SHE can’t look at him?! She only had to interact with Lucifer for, what, months?! Sam was TORtured by him for YEARS! Are you fucking kidding me?!!!"


    She can’t stand to talk to or look at Nick? Fine. She’s allowed to feel that way. But you don’t gripe about it to SAM of all people! And you don’t leave that job to SAM!FFS, Mary! Even Nick gets it and he’s not Sam's family!




    Cas wasn’t gagged when Kip called. I have a hard time believing he wouldn’t be shouting "Don’t deal, Sam! I’d rather die than be your bait!"


    Sam, you wanna let Jack come along? Fine. But you at least say "I’m not gonna decide if you come on this rescue. You’re going to decide that, but only after you weigh how much you can help Cas against how much help you might need that would take away from Cas' rescue."


    I won’t bother rehashing what everyone else said about the awful fight scene, but I will add that Mary's back was to the bartender when she leapt, and then when it cuts to the bartender landing on Mary, Mary is on her back. Way to go, editing!

    • Love 3
  11. ... you check into an AirBnB (your first, incidentally), and when you lie down on the bed...


    spouse: Is this memory foam?

    me: I think so. "It remembers me!"

    spouse: ?

    me: (pulls up the clip on YouTube)


    (I didn't realize that the emoji might not show up on all platforms. It's the face with one raised eyebrow and straight mouth that can often be used for "huh?" "you're crazy" or skepticism)

    • Love 3
  12. Every time I hear Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man, I picture a potential Dean Winchester fanvid. I’ve done a few searches and only found a short Casifer piece and one made up of Behind the Scenes clips. I have no technical skills to create what I’m seeing in my head so I would be beyond thrilled if someone took this outline of ideas and rolled with it.


    Can't keep my hands to myself
    Think I'll dust 'em off, put 'em back up on the shelf
    In case my little baby girl is in need
    Am I coming out of left field?

    Ooh woo, I'm a rebel just for kicks, now [plenty of "Dean being a rebel" clips or kicking, or for fun, that time he clicks his heels]
    I been feeling it since 1966, now [clips from Dean sent into the 60s]
    Might be over now, but I feel it still
    Ooh woo, I'm a rebel just for kicks, now
    Let me kick it like it's 1986, now [Weechesters being wee]
    Might be over now, but I feel it still

    Got another mouth to feed [either clips from when they take care of the baby shapeshifter, or Wee!Dean taking care of Wee!Sam]
    Leave her with a baby sitter, mama, call the grave digger [so many grave digging clips]
    Gone with the fallen leaves [raking leaves at Lisa's]
    Am I coming out of left field?


    We could fight a war for peace [lots of war-type clips]
    (Ooh woo, I'm a rebel just for kicks, now)
    Give in to that easy living [clips from their sitcom? Or life with Lisa?]
    Goodbye to my hopes and dreams
    Stop flipping for my enemies [no clips of enemies, unfortunately. Oh wait...]
    We could wait until the walls come down [when they try to sledgehammer the bunker wall]
    (Ooh woo, I'm a rebel just for kicks, now)
    It's time to give a little to the
    Kids in the middle, but oh 'til it falls
    Won't bother me

    Is it coming? [slow-mos of Dean looking over his shoulder for a supernatural entity]
    Is it coming?
    Is it coming?
    Is it coming?
    Is it coming?
    Is it coming back?

    Ooh woo, I'm a rebel just for kicks, yeah
    Your love is an abyss for my heart to eclipse, now
    Might be over now, but I feel it still


  13. This isn't about SPN, but I thought other Fanfiction aficionados might enjoy this...


    I finished reading Matilda to my 4 year olds. My son started blubbering about the ending because


    "I want Matilda and the brother to be together."

    After all the normal discussions


    ("you and your sister will be together, we won’t break up the family")

    I explained "Maybe we could write a fan fiction story of Matilda where


    she and her brother get to stay together.

    Sometimes when people don’t like how a story went, they write their own version that they do like." He was Down To Fanfic. If he ever writes for SPN I’ll make sure to post here ?


    Start 'em young!

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  14. Am I overlooking a "Ratings and scheduling" thread? I was looking for info about whether or not there would be more episodes (and maybe where to see past episodes). I stopped watching in the middle of the first year at the LA studio and am considering catching up.

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  15. On 2/5/2018 at 6:18 PM, Commando Cody said:


    On 2/5/2018 at 5:54 PM, catrox14 said:

    You need to tweet at Mark Shepard and tell him you adopted a cat named Mr. Crowley. I think he would get a kick out of that.


    That's a good idea. Maybe I will when I get a good picture of him. 

    Totally random, but did you ever get a good pic and send the tweet?

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