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  1. I would it more interesting to have more bushcraft challenges without the drama. I could do without the 'I'm in his head' crap, and how someone is outsmarting a competitor. Too much Survivor and not enough skill challenges. I do enjoy every forum member's thoughts and comments.
  2. Quite surprised that Patrick is still in the game, good luck to him. Surprised Gary shot and tracked a wounded impala. Gary and Jeff have the same goal, but their paths vary a bit as far as their presence on N & A. They are both dicks. I'd enjoy any N & A episode more if they were not i n it. Poor Dani. Stole a rope early on and kept her early egg bonanza to herself, and it still was not enough. Fernando is solid in this XL. Funny, I don't remember his episode(s) either. Thinking the participants were notified by production about what the elimination challenges would be. No way Dani would have known how to make a figure 4 deadfall trap. No way Jeff would have known a single survival skill without prior knowledge.
  3. Jeff sounds like everyone is out to get him, poor guy. I was thinking that in order to build 4 similar Aripoca bird traps, production had to have provided some sort of training to each team. So many said they had no experience. Surprising how well Trish's net idea worked. Funny how I will not miss any of the first three out. It seems they were poor choices from start to finish.
  4. Those episodes were pretty nice. Thanks for mentioning them.
  5. Hope they don't save this to the later episodes.
  6. This XL has become very difficult for me to watch. I have only had a couple of shots per episode, and almost forget it is "40 miles in 40 days". Honestly I thought I heard Adam say "a few small fish", which suggested to me he ate more than just a catfish and eel, and likely snuck out without a film crew. Additionally when he admitted to the camera he had some "small" fish in a brief monolog, he followed the statement with an 'aren't I cute' grin. I was wondering during the celebratory shrieks and screams after a success was achieved was a copy of Jeff the Felon's behavior. The next last one only has a couple of people I care about, Bulent, Ky, and less Fernando (who was super in his first N & A appearance). I don't like the 'Survivor' aspect. Kaiela and Malorie are worthy of my respect. Poor Terra, really wants to be a leader but is stuck with a jr. High School mentality. Here's a link about XL's future https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/naked-afraid-xl-production-paused-by-discovery-for-creative-refresh/ar-BB1osXrx
  7. I really like this idea
  8. It was a cute ending, not knowing who Kaiela ended up with. Surprised at Terra's unpleasant behavior. There is no longer any shame in para-medical attention. Way back in season 1 EJ Snyder got an antibiotic shot for a foot infection after stepping on a thorn and Jeff "Mr. Insurance Fraud" Zausch spent a night in the medical tent. Now production provides fire-starters, pots for boiling water and medical house calls😕
  9. We take a shot every time someone says '40 miles in 40 days' That Kaiela is sure tough.
  10. "These rocks are really hot", Heather is really a quick learner. Other than demonstrating how to make a fish trap, did she do anything except complain? I thought I had seen every episode of every show, but so many of these people I could swear I had never seen. There was an ad for the new season of N & A, which I believe is scheduled to start October 15, I quiver with excitement that it is less than 1 month away.
  11. It's kind of sad. When Bulent did not awaken to see the pig in his trap was a real tip off. It was the first trap where a lasso around the abdoman killed it quarry in a matter of hours. The production crew could not even get the lasso around the pig's neck. Production probably worked out a deal with Bulent to share his 'kill' with everyone. Heather's outfit has evolved, a blue skirt with the helmet is a 10 on the N & A runway. There is a way out of all your pain and sorrow Heather, quit. Funny how when she and Andrew had some food, their characters returned. Have given quite bit of thought to how the plane, jeep and boat were placed on the set. Guessing a helicopter was used. We have yet to see a path big enough for a jeep, and the plane crash could easily have been placed by a helicopter. Bulent lost a lot of ground in my book. Anyhow only us dedicated fans made it to the end of this miserable iteration of the show.
  12. This link showed up on my MSN homepage. Thought this link may be interesting. 3 best episodes
  13. This addition to the N&A franchise is certainly not bringing out the comments or viewers I'm thinking the most comments on this forum were generated by the 40 day N&A XLs. Who knew how tough it was to start a friction fire, certainly not Heather, "Mr. Insurance Fraud" Jeff or Steven "I'm a big deal" Hall.
  14. It is interesting that some of the characters do not mind doing things that will portray them as 'villains'. Although I do not have the knowledge, skill, tenacity (and other characterstics) to participate on N&A, I would want to be recorded for television as a kind, generous and caring person.
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