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Posts posted by halkatla

  1. On 1/25/2022 at 1:54 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Serene is beautiful, but oh my god.  She needs to cut this out.

    Oh my god Susie too.

    This is verbatim:

    Susie:  I really like Clay-en.  I feel really good about our connection, and like, based on everything I've seen so far, and like our conversations, and like our physical chemistry, like, all of that has me wanting to be here til the very end.

    This right after she told Clayton that she was "happy" that he has body dysmorphia issues.

    Teddi is a doll but she said like more than any of them, and Clayton started saying "like" a lot too when he was talking to her.

  2. On 1/15/2022 at 6:21 PM, queta said:

    He's giving me a bad vibe, like the popular guy in HS who was a little too smooth. I hope he chills the hell out cuz right now he looks douchey. And the last thing I'd want to do is make out with a guy thirty seconds after someone else had their tongue down his throat. Maybe that's just me.

    And to just take someone's word that another contestant is "two faced" just seems incredibly naive.  Mimbo?

    His tongue is the star of the show, I could see it jutting out as soon as a woman started talking about something serious and I felt like I could read his mind.. It went "listen, smile, listen, 5-4-3-2-1 KISS". And these are not just regular bachelor-kisses, they are full on make-out sessions.

  3. On 1/11/2022 at 6:09 PM, Koalagirl said:

    It’s unfortunate that Clayton’s season followed Michelle’s because the comparison is pitiful.

    Michelle´s season started off great (the first episode) and I like/d her but it soon turned into the most boring season ever, by far. It was incredibly dull and life-less. But only 2 episodes of Clayton and his non-stop kissing, thigh-grabbing, mad blondes fighting and uncomfortableness all around, has me laughing non-stop. I absolutely love this season. I hope it stays "light". It might not be "the most dramatic ever" or "right reasons - love ever after" but at least it seems more relaxed and genuine in a weird way.


    ETA: What I mean by "genuine" is basically that this season feels literally like it´s just a competition for who gets to make out with Clayton exclusively for a couple of months. We don´t really know anything about Clayton other than he´s a cute and jolly guy who had a scene involving kids with Michelle and because of that he is now classified as the "kid-guy". He hasn´t sold himself as something more or made intense promises about his character and intentions, so the likely-hood of him disappointing us is less than it often is with the leads on this show. It is totally wrong reasons but that is basically what makes it more real. If he does fall madly in love and finds "his person" that will be an unexpected bonus. Felt I needed to clarify, lol.

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  4. On 1/4/2022 at 2:05 AM, Bluesky said:

    Too big, you can see every tooth, and there are many, in his mouth. I don’t think he’s attractive at all.   Didn’t see the Bachelorette but he seems like the type they pick lately.  Ex athlete, tall , pale, Christian, Midwest, goofy haircut.  Yuck  

    I thought he was by far the most handsome guy on Michelle´s season, he´s very cute and handsome at the same time. A proper bachelor pick imo and I just hope he isn´t faking how nice he is as well.

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  5. On 1/4/2022 at 1:30 AM, EllenB said:

    When do we get an eyeroll reaction emoji? This was the phoniest thing I've ever seen on this show.

    I know I could be wrong already, since I just started watching the season last night and it´s already 8 episodes in, but I´m sure this horrible person will be back at some point, when she´s "ready" and "open". Ugh, she was awful and there are enough stunning blondes in the mix already. Something about the way this one spoke was very annoying and she had a popular mean-girl vibe.

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  6. I loved the first episode of this season, and thought I would love it. Michelle is great and she had so many interesting and handsome men to choose from. But this is the most boring season I´ve ever watched. I can´t remember anything that happened since the first episode, at least not the specifics, and I know no names of contestants, except Ola (?). I think the guys she has left are incredibly unattractive (well most of them, I´m probably forgetting one cute one that is still there), she sent the last good looking ones home tonight. Michelle keeps being sad and I´m also very sad about how this is turning out.

    • Love 5
  7. On 9/22/2021 at 1:52 AM, Kiss my mutt said:

    I think I heard a collective groan here when Tia brought up her vagina again. It gets more airtime than Ivan. It’s not as cute as she thinks it is which is not at all neither is her transient hillbilly accent.

    She kept bringing it up over and over again, I cringed at first but then I got used to it. It was dancing and singing and having a jolly good time in paradise, except when she´s kissing James.

    • LOL 4
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  8. I´ve never had a problem with Lala before but she totally grossed me out with that breast-milk stuff. She is revolting, I don´t think I can ever get back to liking her, there´s almost something sinister about her. I´ve actually enjoyed it up until this point. It´s creepy that she now has a kid. Another favorite of mine, James Kennedy, also fell out of favor with me this episode, he is just kind of boring now. Everything about this show has become either totally off or boring. And I also thought there was something weird about Ariana´s and Katie´s faces, like they have had too much work done and it´s starting to show - in a bad way.

    • Love 6
  9. Riley is extremely unattractive imo. When I saw him and heard how everyone was saying he was so hot, I got cognitive dissonance. I would personally like to use a much bigger word than just unattractive to describe him but I don´t want to be too rude. Just on the scale of 1-10 in looks he´s a 2. And I did not like his personality either, it has nothing to do with him sleeping with Maurissa, he just sounded fake and stupid tbh. I think Tre looks so much better and I like his personality, it´s a weird universe where the majority seems to disagree with me on that so completely.

    ETA: I´ve also been having a problem seeing Brendan´s supposed hotness... something about it is not coming across on television, that is for sure. I guess you have to see him in real life to believe it. But compared to Riley Brendon is super cute and handsome.

    • LOL 1
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  10. 52 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    Chiming in as a licensed mental health professional, I do NOT see that Greg is "clearly mentally unstable," not at all.  He thought he was in love, he realized he had been fooled, and he bailed.  If he didn't want to PROPOSE MARRIAGE , he pretty much had to leave, rather than go through with fantasy suite and rose ceremony.  


    I would have loved it if he had said that he wasn´t ready or wasn´t feeling it when he was dumping Katie. I thought the way he handled it was so rude and just very mean. So totally out of the blue also, which is why I feel he is unstable and wasn´t ready or really feeling it like he thought.

  11. 29 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    Perhaps I "heard" between the lines. His mother said, "So great to see the light back on in him--but getting hurt, getting crushed...that would be my biggest fear."

    His mother's using the words "crushed" and "biggest fear" regarding an adult male (on television)? They seem like "doubts" to me.  I think there's some history that causes her worry.

    It´s probably true, I just saw them being so happy and easy-going, they seemed like a caring and care-free family so I wasn´t really paying to much attention to what could lie beneath.

  12. 31 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    So the armchair diagnoses coming from the this thread, which I know you didn't read anything before your own post since you announced it, but there are tons of people ahead of you also turning on a dime over this one piece of edited video and deciding that Greg is a psychopath/gaslighter/emotional abuser.

    And who knows, maybe he is? But the fact that it's being determined from a short, edited clip of a much longer discussion is reminiscent of people watching soap operas and deciding that the actor playing the "villain" is a bad person in real life and sending the actors hate mail based on lines they recited on television. 


    My opinion is that he was an abusive jerk in that moment and all through-out the dumping of Katie. So what? It´s what happened... It doesn´t mean that he should be labeled and excluded from life because of this one thing. But is it so horrible to think that he was awful and Katie didn´t deserve it? Lets just try to agree to disagree, I can´t rehash this endlessly. I just wanted to went.

  13. 42 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    I did not write "mentally ill," nor did I excuse Greg for anything.  He has deep-seated issues and should NEVER have been on a shallow program like this.  Surely his family already knew this.  He took every nuance too seriously. I disagree with the use of the word "vile."  I try to remember to blame the producers before I blame participants (even those cuties who are perennial contestants).  (Other woman have been treated worse on this franchise)



    42 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    I did not write "mentally ill," nor did I excuse Greg for anything.  He has deep-seated issues and should NEVER have been on a shallow program like this.  Surely his family already knew this.  He took every nuance too seriously. I disagree with the use of the word "vile."  I try to remember to blame the producers before I blame participants (even those cuties who are perennial contestants).  (Other woman have been treated worse on this franchise)


    Sorry, I meant "mental health issues" too. I thought it was the same basically. I´m very sorry for Greg. I thought what he did was vile but he´s also clearly mentally unstable and shouldn´t have come on the show. Agreed. However I didn´t see much indication with his family that they saw anything wrong with it or had doubts about his abilities to go through with it all. If they said anything I missed it. There have been so many anxious families scared about how getting hurt will impact their family member but Greg´s family just seemed rather chilled. And I adored Greg up until that moment on the couch when he "changed". That´s probably why I´m so angry and using all these "big" words to describe him like vile and the worst. His dumping of Katie was just so cruel and cold (from what we could see). He didn´t seem to show her any compassion, there almost has to be a reason for it but if it´s just his mental issues then there isn´t one. I´m 99% sure that she had made her feelings for him clear, she tried to explain why she couldn´t do it on camera before the final rose ceremony and people are using that to explain why he did what he did and why he left. I don´t think that makes sense. Such a terrible ending and a mess of this season.


  14. 42 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    I’m really confused by this take. I understand that Katie is trying to campaign that he “gaslighted” her, so maybe people are just really buying into that. But Katie had no reaction to him pouring out his heart. She had a blank face, and the most she could muster up was, “I like looking at you.” I think Greg had every right to decide in that moment that if he’s begging her to show that her feelings matched his and she just refuses to do so, that this isn’t the person for him. Is he supposed to just marry her simply because she’s the star of the show?!? I don’t see how he “trashed her.” He just decided to break up with her. She’s the one going on social media trashing him by calling him a gaslighter. And apparently her campaign is working. 🤷‍♀️

    I know nothing about what Katie has said. I don´t follow any of these people anywhere outside of the show. I just watched the episode and then came straight here and wrote what I thought about it. I was actually shocked for the first time ever from a bachelor/ette episode. I didn´t know she was using the word gaslighted. It´s become a very common description of certain tactics in abusive relationships and I was using it that way. I saw him showing signs that I felt were scary. Jmo.

    And I´m quite sure that Katie and Greg had talked about their feelings during conversations that weren´t shown on the show. It´s not really an explanation for his reaction that she didn´t tell him enthusiastically enough that she loved him right then and there. She was quite clear with him and even his family about him being f1 and no viewer was left in doubt (I don´t think). So the "gaslighting" is him saying that she said and did other things than she did, and managing to actually confuse her. I wonder as a viewer what his reasons for doing it this way was, maybe he wanted to leave and was faking most of those feelings but I don´t think he was. He seems very unstable. It´s just very strange and sad.

  15. 19 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    No, it's really not blaming Katie. Or Greg. 

    And how do you call something a Jekyll & Hyde transformation when you haven't seen the beginning, middle, and end in sequence? On TV, edited into a 10 minute sequence, of course it looks like a switch flipped and he changed instantly. But that's not how it happened in real life, so who the hell knows how it got to that point.

    Maybe he is the biggest asshole out there, maybe he is a gaslighter IRL. Or maybe he's not. Frankly I kinda hope he IS an asshole in real life since he's getting tagged with that label far and wide. Better that it be true than that a nice guy is getting raked over the coals for one argument.

    But I have no idea, I don't know him or Katie or the full story what happened.

    I call what I saw a Jekyll and Hyde transformation, because of the moment during their date when he suddenly "changed". He was euphoric after talking about how much he loved her and then suddenly it was like a flip was switched. You can call it whatever you want but I think the J&H thing fits. I´m judging what we saw on the show, of course we know nothing about these people in real life. I have my opinions on this character Greg from the show, I think he was acting scary, you and everyone else can completely disagree and that is fine. I didn´t see Katie do anything that warranted any of his attacks, but perhaps she said and did something during their "hours long" convo that explained it but was then edited out. I´m not going to give him the benefit of the doubt, I hope that´s okay lol. She has probably been very clear with him about where he stands on and off camera but it didn´t make it into the show. Even so, everyone knew almost right from the start that he was her f1, so him suddenly pretending to be in the dark about her feelings is laughable.

  16. 23 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

    He did? I've only watched a handful of seasons but I can think of 10 examples of worse behavior than this. In last week's episode thread, people were discussing the "roast" in Ashley's season (which I never saw) and she was treated horribly by several of her would-be contenders and the youtube video was horrendous.

    And again, it was an hours-long conversation edited into a few minutes so it's fairly ridiculous to assume that we know the entire dynamic of what went down.

    Yeah that was probably an exaggeration but I haven´t watched every season so for me it´s the worst. I don´t agree that something edited out must have made his Jekyl and Hyde transformation justified. That´s like blaming Katie, when it was obvious that she couldn´t have said anything right, he would have trashed her no matter what. Just very creepy behavior on his part.

    6 minutes ago, waving feather said:

    Even in recent seasons, there is Luke P. in Hannah B's season, and Yoseph from Clare's season who berated and belittled her.

    Greg would not even make the top 20 in the bad behaviour list for me in all of Bachelor franchise history. 😆

    The difference being that Katie was in love with Greg, he had just told her that he loved her and he knew about her feelings. A person who can do that, humiliate and trash someone that they claim to love and have pretended so hardcore to have feeling for is much worse than when a random loser like Yoseph offends a woman he hardly knows. It can´t be compared.

  17. 1 hour ago, Back Atcha said:

    OUCH!   I think he had some mental health issues and shouldn't have been passed by the franchise's "psychologist."  His mother did seem overly concernet about his being "hurt," so there is probably some history we'll never know.  Althouth I don't agree, I could give in to some creepiness, but vile?  Never.

    He treated her worse than anyone has ever treated a bachelorette or bachelor before. That makes him vile. Why give him an excuse by calling it "mentally ill"? He´s definitely not healthy though.

  18. Greg is the vilest and creepiest bachelorette contestant of all times. IKatie did not deserve this humiliation. I think he was auditioning to become "the bachelor". Ugh, I hope we never see him or hear of him again. He took being a fake asshole to unfathomable extremes.


    ETA: There have been some scummy (to say the least) people on the show before but I´ve never actually been as shocked by anyone as I was by Greg. It´s just my opinion but what I saw during this episode was an unstable individual with abusive tendencies. Yes I´m going there and calling how he acted abusive. I really hope Katie can get away from him and never looks back because he is not a good man (imo). It´s obvious to me that his whole shy persona was an act. He gaslit her and projected his behavior unto her. It was horrible to watch. I was taken in by the last bachelor who pretended to be religious but was then all about sleeping with his top 3 and then treated his f1 like a mean jerk, and some have been very fake and massive liars, but I have never seen such a dark side come out on the show before and I hated to watch poor Katie (who I don´t really like that much) go through that. If they make him the bachelor then I´m DONE lol. I haven´t read this thread yet so I don´t know what other people are thinking and saying about this/him, I just had to get my feelings out because watching the latter half of this episode was awful.

    ETA2: I looked over some replies and I guess I´m in the minority. I did see Greg clearly shifting, it happened in a second and he was suddenly so cold and nothing Katie could have said in that moment would have mattered. He was showing her who he is and it´s lucky that it happened before she was in a real relationship with him.

  19. I have a theory about Mike P, which is that he actually wanted to go home. He´s a smart guy, emotionally intelligent etc, and he knew him and Katie weren´t meant for each other (obvious from the start) and therefore he kept comparing her to his mom on the date. It was so cringe that it actually made me flinch, lol.

    I´m so glad for Andrew to have said no when she asked him if he might want to stay longer if it was possible. But that whole thing actually seemed like a script from start to finish. There is no way she sees more possibilities with Justin than Andrew. I think she´s alread settled on Greg, but she wants to sleep with Blake in the fantasy suite, and then Michael A is there also, because he´s her type and he´s really nice...

    One more thing I was wondering about.. Weren´t the seasons a lot longer once? There were more one on one dates and the bachelor/ette got to know her final 7 a lot better than Katie did. At least that´s the way I remember it. It feels like they rush through it more and more these days.

    • Love 9
  20. To me, I just don´t understand this unwillingness to learn more, like in Salem. If I was anywhere that had a history of such a weird event like the witch trials I would want to know more about it and what led up to it.

    And if they really think that there were no good deeds happening back then, no men with good morals and none who fought against injustice (like slavery), then that is just extremely sad (and ignorant).

    Also, to add: Personally I find it offensive to even insinuate that every homestead had slaves or that the people living there would have wanted to own a slave if that was possible. I can hardly think of anything more hurtful to say about ones ancestors, when it is so far from the truth (servants of all skin tones are not the same as slaves brought over from Africa). It also just bothers me when history is viewed through a narrow and distorted lens.

    • Love 7
  21. 38 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:


    Barshan made comments at the village.  Eboni was uncharacteristically silent.  Barshan insinuated they were slave owners.  Eboni did not. Eboni made a comment in a TH only. 

    Oh sorry. I thought she had said that she wouldn´t be putting on the costume of the colonizers, and some other things. And she pointed to her skin as an explanation, or so I thought. I´m glad to be proven wrong. I must have been so overwhelmed by the disappointment Bershan turned into that I just tuned her out. And also Bershan doesn´t seem like the type to have that attitude so when I was half-watching this terrible episode I could have mixed them up.

    I don´t have a problem with people not doing certain things they are not comfortable with, absolutely not, but I found the delivery of the reasons why from Bershan/Ebony to be smug and disrespectful.

    • Love 6
  22. 12 minutes ago, Lassus said:

    Ah.  Well, slaves arrived in Massachusetts in the 1630s, slaves were legally sanctioned in 1641, and slavery was no legally abolished until 1783.  Salem had slaves during the period being re-enacted by the historical village.

    Extremely few people at that time owned slaves, making it sound that it was common is a fake narrative. She should learn more about the hardships most of the settlers had endured before immigrating and also the morals that so many of them upheld.

    And if she wants to be consistent about not taking part in culture & history in places where people owned slaves I wish her luck with that. Especially if she goes to Africa.

    • Love 7
  23. I agree with many others who think this episode was terrible. I had been so looking forward to it because of the trip to Salem, I thought it might make things pretty fun. But all that drinking and history got totally wasted. I´m not even going to mention that thing on the floor, I can´t believe they showed that, it really makes me angry. It is truly sad to see rhony going down in flames.

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