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anony mouse

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Posts posted by anony mouse

  1. Honestly, I thought that the powers-that-be would give the immunity to Riker so Rumer and Nastia would face off;, then you would have Robert vs. Noah, and Willow vs. Chris.  Did the judges not get the memo?  Or did Allison screw the pooch by NOT picking Rumer?


    Yeah, I got the sense the Allison went off script there. When they even showed Val beforehand saying you pick someone who is at your level to be "honorable" or whatever, it's been pretty clear in past seasons what the matches were supposed to be. I think it was supposed to be Riker vs. Rumer, Willow vs. Noah/Chris/Robert, and then the other two face off. And that whoever went up against Willow was actually supposed to get the boot. But Allison flubbed it. You could even hear her rambling when they still had her miked - she was going for a strategy, rather than following the script.

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  2. I think that is why she had Slughorn be a slytherin because he wasn't evil. Sure he had favorites but a lot of teachers do that, I got the impression other then not knowing other students names, he didn't mistreat anyone in his class unlike Snape. One thing that did bother me is in the 7th book, not a single slytherin stated to help fight for the school.


    It wasn't really their choice. I read a tumblr post which really articulates my feelings on the matter better than I could. Basically, they were kicked out after Pansy Parkinson said they should turn Harry over to Voldemort. We have no idea who would have stayed and fought.



  3. But it makes absolutely no sense to have an "evil" house, particularly for kids who are eleven when they are sorted. Ambition and cunning aren't bad things, it's how you choose to go after your dreams that really matters. To me, Slughorn and his networking seemed very Slytherin. I never got the impression the house was meant to be solely for bullies and bigots, merely the political climate had just fostered it - and Dumbledore didn't help.

    Plus, the Marauders were little bullying shits, and they were in Gryffindor, Luna's housemates were awful Ravenclaws, etc., so I never thought Slytherin was the only house for bullies.

    • Love 6
  4. Between Dumbles telling the Slytherin kids to go to the dungeon where the troll was, and then the house cup shenanigans, by the end of Sorcerer's Stone, I was thinking the way they were treated was a load of crap. Sometimes it really seemed like Fumbledore was trying to alienate those kids from the get-go.

    Sorry, can you tell Dumbledore isn't my favorite character?

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  5. I am so glad I bailed on this show before the plane crash. Everything that's happened since has confirmed that choice. I've been toying with Scandal but my TV is now officially a No Shonda Zone.


    Yeah, I bailed all the way back at Denny, and every time I hear about some crazy, horrible thing Shonda has written, I know I made the right choice. For everyone who gloated about how Grey's was so much better than ER, I'm pretty sure Shonda has pulled even at this point with things like the chopper crash taking out Dr. Romano (twice!).


    Needless to say, I didn't even bother tuning in to Scandal or How to Get Away with Murder. I know Shonda's shows start out great, but they go off the rails too quick to get invested.

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  6. Who the hell cares about team names? When the whole team concept started it was Team Paso against Team Cha Cha.  Nothing too taxing there.  Syncronicity is for robots and people with no rhythm, I'll take the crazy fun of  the Time Warp over the junk of Itsy Bitsy last season,  or even Gangnam over the damn cheerleading crap we saw in Season 15.  


    BBM. You actually can't have synchronization among dancers without rhythm. It would be near impossible to have a synchronized dance if the dancers lacked rhythm. Synchronized movement in dance is important for timing, dynamics, and to express certain ideas/themes. I can appreciate differences in preference for a dance which is more focused on each individual couple vs. a dance which focuses on all the couples as a whole, but synchronization is necessary at some level for either of those to be shown. It's not for "robots."

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  7. I don't care that Affleck had an ancestor who was a slave-owner; he obviously thinks his public image would be tarnished by that historical fact. I can't say that I care that much about him, really, but I do find it distasteful that his image mattered enough to him that he wanted to cover it up. Does he think the public will imagine having such ancestry makes him a slave owner? That seems kind of ... dumb.


    I think it's more that this was going to air right during his peak movie promo media tours for Gone Girl, and didn't want to take focus away from the movie - but he can't say that without looking like a jerk, so he has to go the OMG!ashamed route.

    • Love 3
  8. Here's my UO: I don't care that Ben Affleck asked to have references to a slave-owning ancestor removed from a show or that Henry Louis Gates agreed to it.


    Agreed. I don't expect these types of shows to cover every past relative. It's not hard-hitting Woodward and Bernstein journalism, after all. It's just supposed to be semi-educational reality tv.

    • Love 3
  9. Opps, you know, You tube is great. We all remember Lens comment that this could be Vals year, I suppose people get their shorts in a knot and forget about what he said just before that...he loved how Rumers Foxtrot  was fire and ice,having a lovely light and shade comment begins at 1:49 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar39aRfXz9E So I agree with Len.  I also agree with Julianne for the Waltz when she said that her dancing was a great juxtaposition, Rumer was vulnerable and yet strong, that is who she is, and that is what I love about her dancing.


    If you read back what I wrote, I was not saying Len said Rumer lacked "light and shade," but merely using Len's expression to denote what I was talking about (see "I feel....") with her style and presentation, and with Val's choreography. And I still feel that way, all judging commentary aside. There's been plenty of times that the comments don't line up with what I saw on my screen, and Rumer is one of them (Nastia is another). Rumer's very talented, but in my opinion, she lacks variety and nuance.

  10. YMMV but the reason I didn't love Rumer's Waltz is because I wanted to see tender and vulnerable and didn't feel like I did. It was dramatic and had an intensity and looked very similar to their Foxtrot which I also thought was more dramatic than soft and elegant (which isn't to say there wasn't some elegance to it, just that I saw a lot of intensity). And for me her Cha Cha, Salsa and Samba were all sexy and power. But again YMMV. For me personally, I don't feel like I have seen soft and quiet from Rumer once. 


    As for the Beyonce comment, yes I am aware of her ripping off the Fosse choreography for Single Ladies which is why I pointed out and yes the Bootylicious video was twerking but my point is, it is not impossible to throw in these types of moves just because you're given that song. It just means thinking a little outside of the box. But again, YMMV. 


    I agree. I like Rumer a lot, but I think Val is doing her a disservice by not bringing in more "light and shade" as Len would say. I've not seen any softness or vulnerability from her. She's focused so much on sexy! power! fierce! that I feel like all her routines are the same character.

    • Love 1
  11. Is the pump an eye dropper?  I have long hair and I can't imagine it being able to hold that much of something.


    No, it's pretty sizeable. The pump also gets larger with the larger bottles you order. With the smallest bottle size (16 oz.), one pump is about the size of a quarter. With the 32 oz. bottle size, one pump is almost double that. When I used the smallest bottle, I used about 6-8 pumps total on my hair. With the 32 oz., I use about 5-6. I can't imagine needing 24-32 pumps for anything. That's almost half the smallest bottle, I would think.

    • Love 1
  12. I'm largely a fan of Tamora Pierce. Her romantic plots can be a bit unsettling (the worst involves a 30 year old guy hooking up with his 15 year old student, after stealing a lock of her hair while she's sleeping), but mostly she's a terrific fantasy author whose work is very empowering to young girls, on top of containing a ton of great ideas (zombie dinosaurs, for one), and characters that grow throughout her stories and it's always a joy to see pop up again.


    And then I hit Mastiff, to date the final entry in her Tortall series (though she's working on more). I hated this book, to the point where I have no idea how the woman who's produced such great work for three decades now could have thought anything in it was a good idea.


    To start, it ditches almost all of those aforementioned great characters. The previous book Bloodhound sort of did this too, but it at least gave us some significant time with them first and introduced new ones that filled the space quite well. This time, we only get a bunch of absurd conservative strawmen who you can sense Aaron Sorkin nodding his silent approval at, the kind who you can just imagine laughing around a poker table while lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills, then head out to club some baby seals on their way to burn down the local orphanage. Pierce has always included these guys before, but until now they've always just been minor villains who didn't need to be anything more than what we got. Here they're the main attraction, so that lack of depth and the sameness of all their personalities quickly gets aggravating.


    Worse, the final act involves a certain character being revealed as a traitor completely out of nowhere, after they'd been a complete hero up until now. It's such an absurd betrayal of the character that I seriously wonder if they were based on a real person who Pierce had some kind of falling out with. Imagine if The Avengers didn't have any of that stuff with Loki's staff, and we were just supposed to accept that Hawkeye woke up one day and decided to turn evil; that's the level of writing cheat we're dealing with here.


    I really hope that this was just a momentary blip in Pierce's career, but it's so terrible from beginning to end that I seriously wonder if she's reached the stage of just not giving a crap anymore, knowing her huge fanbase will buy her stuff no matter how little effort she puts into it anymore.


    See, I thought Mastiff was okay - not Pierce's best, but certainly not the terrible, awful hell that is Aly Cooper. I've been a Pierce fan for fifteen years. While I think she could have done a better job in foreshadowing things with the traitor plot in Mastiff, I liked the book. I found it was more interesting and better paced than Bloodhound. But I've never been able to get through Aly's books. I haaaaaate her character. I'd rather just have more Kel, please.

    • Love 1
  13. I'm really not surprised - he always seems to be throwing himself into something, which has caused injuries before on the show. With how much he's trying to do at once, it really seemed like a matter of time. The way he was jerking Nastia around in the rehearsal footage, I was bracing myself for her getting injured - Derek has a bad record of his partners getting injured.

  14. One thing that cracked me up, watching Willow and Mark's behind the scenes package: When she seemed low energy, he first asked her if she needed a KitKat. Then he offered, "Ribs?" LOL.


    That had me actually laughing out loud too. And I loved how Willow just threw up her hands and decided to strangle him. I'm actually really liking Mark! I am now questioning everthing I hold dear. Is the sky really blue? Is the Earth really round?

    • Love 5
  15. 2. Amy and Laurie made more sense than Jo and Laurie, and totally belonged together.


    Another Amy and Laurie fan here! To me, they really fit and made so much sense together, and this is coming from a huge Jo fan. Jo and Laurie never would have worked. But I always wished Jo could have ended up with someone better than preachy Bhaer.


    And like a lot of you, I LOATHE Jane Eyre. Hated it with every fiber of my being every time I had to read it in school. It's grown on me, and I've come to really like Jane as a character, but ugh, Rochester is such a creep and I always have to stop reading before she returns to him. I was so rooting for her. She's unbroken by her cruel family, that terrible school, and when she discovers Bertha, she goes marching right out to the moors. When she finally came into money, even if it was contrived, I was like "You go, Jane!" because I wanted her to really make something of herself. And then she goes back to that creep. UGH. He should have died in that fire. Who in the world locks up their wife?!

    • Love 4
  16. I have tried Wen and it was fine.  However, I don't like all the time it takes.  The directions on the one I have (gifted by a friend) says something like "pump 15-20 times, run through wet hair, massage thoroughly to get from roots to ends, run a wide tooth comb through your hair, let sit 5-7 minutes w/o getting wet/rinsing, rinse, pump another 5 into you hand and run through hair and let sit, then dry."  If I have to let it sit, there's no way it's not getting wet while I try to do other things in the shower so it gets partially rinsed off.  I just found it to be a big ol pain.  I have long, normal weight (not thin, not thick), straight-ish hair.  I can wash twice with normal shampoo, lightly condition, wash my body and shave and all that in half the time Wen wants me to spend on my hair alone.


    Yeah, I don't do that. I have shoulder length, fine hair. So, I wet my hair thoroughly and work about 2-3 pumps in on my scalp, give it a good scrub, and rinse. Then I take another 2-3 pumps, scrub a bit into my scalp, and just run my hands with the rest over my hair and get a glop on the ends. Let it sit while I do my usual shower routine, and rinse out. Takes the same amount of time as regular shampoo and conditioner. No need to bother with combing it or anything like that, although with different hair types, that probably varies along with the amount of product you need.

  17. Too bad this will not get Erin fired.  She is awful on this show.  There has to be someone out there who could handle this job better than her or Brooke.


    Drew Lachay did a great job when he subbed for Sam when she had her baby. I wish they'd bring him back. At first I liked Erin for being better than Sam and Brooke, but she's become increasingly grating.

    • Love 2
  18. For those here who have seen great results with Wen, were any of you already doing the routine where you just rinse and condition daily and only shampoo occasionally/use a shampoo alternative?  Because I've tended to assume the "wow, my hair is so much different" testimonials were a result of switching from shampoo to Wen, rather than switching from another conditioner to Wen.  I have naturally curly hair, so I ditched regular shampooing years ago.  Making that switch made a huge difference in my hair, so I've always figured Wen would just be a more expensive way of achieving basically the same result -- I'm already washing with conditioner.


    I tried washing with conditioners a few times, and I also tried the Sally Beauty Supply knockoff for Wen before switching to it. I have fine hair with some wave that tends to not have volume but likes to frizz. Washing with conditioner or Sally's Hair One never worked for me - my hair would be so, so flat no matter what tips and tricks I tried. I always ended up back with regular shampoo and having to wash every day to have decent volume. So I did see a significant difference when I switched to Wen, and it worked a lot better for me than cleansing with other conditioners. It probably has more to do with my hair type than anything, though.

  19. Has anyone ever investigated whether or not the show Kings was even pitched to HBO? I mean did HBO pass on it or was it something that the producers never even thought of originally taking to HBO. I mean if they had it would have been on after The Wire, the Sopranos and Deadwood had all ended. 


    According to Wikipedia:



    Advance showings received mostly positive critical reviews.[4] The Sunday March 15, 2009 premiere placed fourth in network television ratings for that evening.[5][6] After four episodes aired, NBC moved it to a Saturday slot,[7] but only showed one more episode before pulling the series until summer.[8] The remaining seven episodes were aired on Saturdays in June and July; however, Kings was canceled after failing to find a sufficient audience.[1][9]



    Apparently it was only pitched to NBC, and it was the last pilot picked up before the writers strike - wonder if that played a part with its problems, too. What gets me though is that NBC never gave it a chance. They had something that was reviewed well, but when it didn't immediately take, started bouncing it around the week with no real promos.


    When I think about how it would have done on HBO....

  20. True, but I was thinking about the women who usually come on this show. Not all choose "classically feminine" or "sexy" parts, but for the most part that seems to be what they like. Given the array of Disney characters to choose from, I think most DWTS celebs would not have told Val they wanted to be Ursula. I enjoyed the dance, though, and how she committed to the non-sexy, non-"feminine" character. 


    I'm sorry that CAI's comments and vibe with Tony kind of distracted from what a great job he did choreographing for Suzanne. It was obviously her time, attitude-wise, but I was a little sorry that she went home before others who are worse (Chris, Noah and imo, Patti). And I was surprised at how low Robert's scores were. I thought he deserved better than four 6's. Then again, I thought he was overscored week1 (and received a near-apology for "low scores at the beginning") so I think it may be a testament to his character at this point that he no longer seems intimidating as "The Billionaire" but has shown them he's more like a nice, hard-working "regular guy".


    Eh, see I feel like picking Ursula was an "of course" moment for Rumer. There was no challenge for her in it. It's too in her wheelhouse. And I think there are plenty of other women who have been on the show who would have picked non-princesses. Just last season, Sadie was Ellie from Up. Disney week is fairly recent. I can think of plenty past celebs who would have jumped on Cruella, Maleficent, and Ursula, among others, just for the character factor. Ricki Lake, Margaret Cho, Marissa Winoker, Lil Kim, Debi Mazar, Kelly Osbourne, Hope Solo, Niecy Nash, Kirstie Alley - maybe they would have gone the princess route, but I could easily see them choosing the campy villain route instead.

  21. I know the Disney-ABC connection and appreciate that this show panders to that (and to the Bachelor, its co-ABC show). I just thought this season the level of characters bouncing in and out, whether in costume or superimposed animations, would appeal to preschoolers and wonder why they flooded us with them. It's a very confused show overall.


    Well, I'm thirty and I loved it, so......


    I have no pretensions about this show. It's my mental cotton-candy, and anything that references movies I loved from my childhood just adds to the overall fun. I expect nothing from the show other than cheesiness, so Disney night is great fun. How can you not love Charlie's Mary Poppins routine with the penguins last year or Olaf hopping through Nastia's routine? It just brings a big grin to my face.

    • Love 1
  22. Yes. I don't know what it is, though? It's all very...hard? I don't even know how to describe it. Like he thinks there's a certain style that suits Rumer and he has to stick to it. So he thinks she's "edgy" and "fierce", so everything needs to be going in that direction. Or perhaps that's just an outsider's perspective. Perhaps it's also the added pressure because he knows that he's got a great partner and his chances of winning the MBT are very good. At this point Rumer is probably the frontrunner, or at least she's perceived that way, and Len declared it "his season".


    It reminds me of when Sabrina was on and Len commented on her lack of "light and shade." Rumer is great - but I want to see some softness from her. Everything it too hard, too much, too staccato. She's very talented, but she's one note right now.

  23. My attitude toward Mark has completely changed as well.  I used to delight in hating on his stupid hair, spats and all the "look at meeeee!" skittering around his partner like a flea on a hot brick.  I've come to admire his genuinely considered partnership with the teens and his ability to craft appropriate, entertaining dances that showcase these young ladies.  His intense need (desperation would be to harsh) to shine is always present, but he no longer makes me seethe with loathing.  I shall now go pull the wings off a few flies to cleanse myself.


    I'm the same way. I used to loathe Mark and was constantly complaining about his look at me schtick. But he's definitely improved a lot, and although there are some misses with his crazy routines, when he's on he's really, really good. And he's able to come up with a lot of ways to showcase his partner that aren't solely focused on sexiness. I really liked his partnerships with Candace and Sadie, and I'm enjoying him with Willow as well. Maybe it's just maturity, but I'm really rooting for him. Color me surprised.

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