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anony mouse

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Posts posted by anony mouse

  1. My ex husband (now deceased) was a doctor. The nurse he left me for signed her name as Mrs John Doe, MD. Really? She wasn't the MD. But oh well.

    Reminds me of the later Anne of Green Gables books where Anne is married to Gilbert and he's a doctor, and her housekeeper refers to her as "Mrs. Dr. dear."

    • Love 6
  2. The ABC's of salvation: accept, believe, confess.

    Of course, "accept" has several sub-steps, "believe" has some more, and "confess" is loaded. I'll have to find it and count how many "steps" are actually compacted into those 3 steps. Maybe... we Baptists need the shorthand version. (Bubba only knows as far as "C".) Or maybe we're so close to the fire we need the shortest route possible! ;)

    As a Catholic, that is so foreign to me and fascinating - do they give you a list with all the steps as a how-to guide? Who determines if you've done the steps right? What happens if you change to another Baptist church and they don't think you've done the steps right?

    • Love 2
  3. I used to work in a great big area where our bosses had real offices around the perimeter, and the secretaries were all in the common middle area separated by cubicles (near our respective boss's office). In another cube just across the way was another secretary named Sue Snarker. (I totally made up that name to protect the innocent). She referred to herself by HIS name every time she made a phone call. At the office. As if the copy repair people need to know your husbands name. Are you KIDDING ME??? And she pronounced "Mrs." as "Mizz-Rez". One day, I actually heard her call the trash pickup people and identify herself as "Mizzrez Brian L. Snarker".

    Because you KNOW the person receiving that call sat up straighter and went to full alert... OOOOH!!! WELL THEN!!!

    It happens that her husband was a Lt. Colonel in the Army. I was always waiting/listening for her to say "this is Missrez Lt. Col Brian L. Snarker". Pretty sure I would have lobbed something over that cube wall.

    Ha! I would have liked to see her reaction to "enemy fire!"

  4. Wait, would you really write "Mrs. and Mr. His Name?" I've never seen that, I've only ever seen "Mr. and Mrs. His Name." I guess because he is Mr. His Name and she is Mrs. His Name, so the husband is listed first. I'm positive about this, "Mr. and Mrs." So some folks do the opposite? It's always interesting to find out how many people do things differently.

    Only if I'm being super formal for some sort of correspondence - that's technically the correct way, although Emily Post says it matters less these days (Miss Manners is still hanging on to Mr. and Mrs. order). Otherwise, I just use Mr. first.

    • Love 1
  5. If they're being really old school, aren't they Mr. and Mrs. [husband's name]?

    You'd want the Mrs. first, because you can't separate the Mr. from husband's first and last name. To get real old school, I've seen some conservative Christian circles where the wife is always addressed as Mrs. John Doe, for example. She doesn't even use her own first name. I haven't seen any young people doing that, though.

    To be honest, I don't think the way the names are listed for the event really means anything, I just wanted to crack a joke about Jessa.

    • Love 1
  6. I love the way their names are listed Ben and Jessa Seewald then it is Jill and Derick Dillard we now know who wears the pants in the dill pickle family.

    To be old school, etiquette dictates if the wife has taken the husband's last name, you list them as wife's first name + husband's first and last name (for example, Jane and John Doe). It really doesn't have anything to do with pants-wearing, but instead not breaking up a man's first and last name in a sentence. So it's more an insight in Jessa's marriage, I'd think!

    • Love 3
  7. Well I'd assume he knows he'd ruined his life, along with Anna and the kids. Upon his return to Tontitown he would have been greeted by some pissed off Duggar sisters. I hope he's realised he's figuratively fucked them as well and feels guilty

    You know it. Watch your back, Josh - Jessa's coming for you and it's not going to be pretty.

    • Love 4
  8. Exactly. I understand the premise of the show but if RS is right and she slept with Nick TWICE then I have to side eye her. I am not slut shamming her in any way, but she had already slept with him. Why do it again? And letting him propose? Nagl.

    People don't like Nick because he was overconfident. He clearly wanted to find a wife and didn't play the dude bro game which pissed people off. Then he called Andi out and it was a rampage. Never mind that if Andi would've been a guy and Nick the girl then everyone would've applauded him for it.

    Right. It's not about slut shaming but relationship ethics. I said the same thing about Andi. If you know your partner has strong feelings about sex in relationships, is taking this more serious than you, views sex as a strong commitment, etc. - don't hook up. It's has nothing to do with being a slut, but more about respecting someone's different feelings about sex. If the genders were reversed and Nick were a woman, I think he'd be less reviled for the same feelings.

    • Love 7
  9. Oh yes, he's another who has it all figured out with no grace or humility. But I always thought Jessa was never on board the "keep sweet" bus, and at least in Calvinism you don't have to, even as a woman. She can be as obnoxious in her own right as she wants to be, instead of only allowing her husband or father to speak for her. She's never, likely, going to be compassionate, but at least you'll know where you stand with her. To me, that's something, and for where she started, it's actually growth.

    I agree. As much as I disagree with what she's saying, the fact that she feels free to do so and not just defer to "ask my husband" in a simpering tone is real progress, I think.

  10. I disagree that a "good b-ette" is like a Disney princess. I thought Trista, the first b-ette, was a very good one because she was attractive enough to get the men all interested but not plastic, she was energetic and fun-loving with a sense of humor, and she was intelligent and discerning in her selection process and really tried to draw the men out and get to know them, not just make it all about her. I didn't like Andi as a person, but I thought she was a good b-ette for the same reasons. (And Jen S. was a horrible one, like Deanna, for being the opposite.)

    On the plus side for Kaitlyn are her sense of fun and enthusiasm and that she doesn't seem to take herself too seriously. On the negative, I don't share her sense of humor (not saying she doesn't have one, she obviously does) and --worst so far--she seems very bad at drawing the men out (good conversation with Shawn this week being the exception). I also hate how she belabors the interpersonal drama in the house week after week rather than just letting them all work it out.

    I particularly didn't like the boxing and wrestling events where she really didn't seem to care that they could be badly injured. She seemed much too self-centered there for me to think "good b-ette". Was it Josh who got the concussion? I've forgotten, but I wonder if that could explain why he seems sort of slow, that he was more badly injured than they realized.

    Also, I didn't like what she did to his hair. Seriously, when you see you've made a mistake, it's time to call for the pros to fix it (TB has many) not go on and make the poor guy's hair--on television--so much worse. I don't think she felt bad enough about it either, from what we saw and heard. Even Andi, I think, would have stopped at the first sign of scalp in the wrong place and called for some help. So I see Kaitlyn as too self-centered and indifferent to any guy not already on her "hook up with him" radar. A good b-ette is nice to/interested in all of them.

    I was horrified about the hair - I got the sense she was drunk and found it all a good laugh when she accidentally shaved the bald patch. Most people would stop and apologize profusely and get someone to fix it, not make it ten times worse. And then, at the end, still no plea to the producers to help him out? That's poorly done and makes me think even less of her.

    • Love 10
  11. I may get a lot of flack for this but my problem with the couple who "outed" the Duggars and Josh`s crimes and cover-up absolutely, imo, revictimized the girls. There were only 5 girls alive at the time of the incidences, it's really not hard to do the math. Ms. Barnfield says she meant no malice towards anyone. Honestly, I'm not sure I believe her. Under any circumstances these poor girls are the collateral damage and nobody was thinking about them. Not the person who released the info, not the person who wanted it released, not the media, not even their own family. And that's the real shame of all this.

    I agree. My concern through all of this has been the girls, and in my opinion, all of this DID re-victimize them, and frankly, the glee in which some parties in the media have done so disgusts me.

    • Love 3
  12. I meant the writing style. Best I can come up with is HP seemed like it was written for a younger fan base than Susan Cooper's series. From what you've described HP is more violent than the other, but what little I read was written in a more juvenile style. It was a huge step down for me having read "The Dark Is Rising" series. I was so disappointed. I love nothing better than anticipating thousands of pages of good reading.

    I find the style becomes more complex as the series moved along - the first two books were certainly written for children around 8-9 years old, I think (although I loved them anyway even as a teen reader!). As the books progressed, I found the writing style grew more complex, with the exception of that epilogue. However, although the style was more complex, I found the later books would have benefitted from tighter editing, as I think JKR's success made her editors more lax.

    • Love 4
  13. She's not. Her emails are available under FOIA and the mag put in a request.

    Ah, I see. I don't give tabloids my clicks so it was difficult to tell it wasn't said directly with that headline.

    As for the FOIA request, I've found that what you're requesting can impact the time it takes to turn it around. Something that requires heavy redaction is going to take longer than general emails. So it's possible they did know.

    • Love 2
  14. I keep thinking about blanket training...I don't have human children but I'm a dog lover and always have had at least two. One really useful skill I've taught several of my puppies is mat training, where you train them to go to a mat and lie down until released. You teach that by rewarding the dog over and over for staying on the mat. It would never cross my mind EVER to mat train them by hurting them if they strayed from the mat...and these are DOGS.

    Seriously...who do you have to be to do that to a baby?????????

    I read some Mormon mommy blogs and that's how I knew of blanket training for a long time. Special toys to play with if you sit quietly, only get them when training or at church, and a treat after for good behavior. Start at a year, and keep the minutes corresponding to age (1 for 1, 3 for 2, etc.) with a slow increase. I was horrified when I discovered the Pearls' interpretation.

    • Love 1
  15. Directly from the crazy woman's mouth. She definitely wrote that.

    Wait just a minute now! In the video, I see girls in swimsuits and the guys in trunks (no shirt). I didn't see a single modesty swimsuit in the video. I'm very defrauded right now.

    Seems that there are contemporary Christian groups playing. They might even dance~~! Oh boy! Sinners!

    Page that I found interesting.


    Well, Ben and Derrick are a slightly different flavor of Christian from the Duggars. It's possible this is a sign that Jill and Jessa may be pushing the boundaries, just like how we saw their clothing change. Baby steps, but steps all the same.

    • Love 1
  16. So many things! Keebler O'Boise chips and I don't remember what brand Pizzeria chips. Those were the highlight of my bag lunches as a kid.

    I also really loved Mauni Lai juice - passion fruit and guava I think. I still crave it!

    • Love 1
  17. Bcca I read on Razing Ruth that a man remains under his father's authority after marriage. The blogger said she has witnessed a sixty year old still under his father's uthority.

    From what I understand, Razing Ruth was a fraud and merely pretending to have come from a fundamentalist lifestyle.

    • Love 7
  18. Actually, I distinctly remember JB stating in one of the early TTH building episodes that he purchased the land with the hope that each child would eventually build a house there. It was part of the 'master plan'.

    JB must be so happy his Joshie is coming home!

    He did say that, in the building the house special, I think. I think the intent was for all the children to stay, and JB would always remain in charge.

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