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  1. Jinger's dress looks absolutely gorgeous, I love the long train. The bridesmaids dresses however.... Yeesh. Bunch of potato sacks. I'm so sad that Joy is courting. She's so young.
  2. I'm still seething with anger and beside myself with fear. On my most petty, hateful, vindictive level I can't wait for Trump supporters to realize that he's only out for himself and he never gave a fuck about them. It won't ease my pain but it'll give me a sick sense of delight.
  3. I've seen the wikileaks emails and there's nothing in there to suggest that the election was stolen. The DNC had every right to be suspicious of Bernie over Hillary, who was actually part of the party and had been for decades. It's not like they literally sat there and said "Hm, yeah, this guy won't win". If you believe that, whatever, I don't care, but I don't. And so fucking what if they weren't persuaded? That's not anybody's fault but their own. Putting their own desire to throw a hissy fit against the wellbeing of millions of Americans. I'm sorry but they don't have my sympathy at all.
  4. Yes. This is not the time their self centered gloating. They sent the message loud and clear that they don't give a fuck about women, minorities or LGBTQ americans. As if Bernie wouldn't have been absolutely slaughtered in the general too. But nooooo, conspiracy this, conspiracy that. Shut the fuck up and try to see past your privilege for three seconds so you can survey the full extent of your damage.
  5. I'm just so struck by the contrast between tonight and 2008. I was ~12 years old and I watched Obama deliver his speech with my father, a black man, and I felt so hopeful about the future. We were all in our pajamas and we had a big bowl of popcorn. Sure I was just a kid, but seeing a man that looked like my dad as a president felt huge. My dad was quick to remind me that it wouldn't magically end racism but damn it still felt like a victory. And then there's tonight. I had a very solemn phone call with my dad while watching MSNBC in tears. I could tell he was choking up too, and he never chokes up. I feel a heaviness in my bones that I've never felt before in my life. This isn't the historic night that I wanted, but it's still historic for all the wrong reasons. How fucked is it that I have to fear for my father's safety, and the safety of every black man in this country? Trump wants Guiliani in his cabinet. Stop and Frisk could be national policy. I'm from Phoenix and I'm ashamed in advance for everything that the latino population there will experience. I'm rambling, I know, but I'm all alone here in my apartment and I need an anonymous outlet away from the Bernie Bros and Trump supporters that dominate my social media outlets. I'm so, so afraid.
  6. I'm so afraid not only for myself as a biracial woman, but for my black family members, every POC in this country and the LGBTQ community. The bigotry that won tonight has been validated and invigorated and I'm terrified of what that means for the next four years. But I have to believe for the sake of my sanity that we can all get through this. Please take care of yourselves, hug your friends, and push through. There's a great quote I saw on Twitter from a black activist- "We've been fighting white supremacy since the first shackle was put on our ankles and will continue to fight moving forward".
  7. I can confirm that I heard a lot of this on my college campus.
  8. But of course! Post-feminist, post-racial, post everything. And if you don't agree, YOU'RE the bigot! I don't SEE color! There's no wage gap, it's all social justice warriors whining about their liberal arts degrees! Sexism doesn't exist! That's the mindset that won tonight.
  9. I don't even know how I would handle that. The white half of my family is probably doing the same, but they're far away. I'm just a nobody on the internet but you have my sympathy and my internet hugs.
  10. I'm so afraid. I'm safe in a blue state but my dad is a black man in a hateful, trump heavy state and I'm terrified for him. And all my black relatives in the South.
  11. No prizes for guessing the demographic of the supporters saying these things. Very white, very male.
  12. this might sound hyperbolic but I don't care, this has been without a doubt one of the worst nights of my life. I've never felt fear like this before. I wish I wasn't so far from home so I could hug my family.
  13. I'm already seeing smug fucking Bernie bros saying "I told you so" and claiming that Bernie would've won. Personally I think that's bullshit and these fuckers plus the third party blowhards have cost us the country.
  14. I can't imagine telling my hypothetical future kids about this night decades from now when they ask where I was when America went to shit, partially because I'm not quite sure America will be here at that point. I can't believe that monster will have our nuclear codes.
  15. I just can't fucking believe this.
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