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  1. So I haven't watched since they first brought Louise around, so my opinion isn't really worth Jack (see what I did there?!?!) but I thought it was disappointing. The way they kind of harp on how Emanda has the speshul goodness in her because she never killed anyone is annoying, and David doing the dirty work just rubbed me the wrong way. I obviously watch too much tv, because I saw that last shot from Victoria coming a mile away.

    I get that primetime soap opera/dramas aren't where we should be getting our morals from, but "and then the pretty blonde girl got the guy she wanted all along and lived happily ever after," doesn't really fit. The whole "two graves" thing clearly meant (in the context of the quote, anyway) that Emanda would get herself killed in her pursuit of revenge. But screw continuity ;)

    Also, major eyeroll to the Nolan revenge legacy continuing cliche. Actually, this whole thing seemed so full of cliches that my eyes are probably permanently damaged from the excessive rolling.


    Oh the Nolan thing was supposed to be the 'minor cliffhanger', thankfully the cancellation happened so they didn't drag this out any longer.


    Oh yeah, the whole 'goodness'/'light' thing always made me cringe, so the HEA doesn't really work unless you're a cheesy show like OuaT.


    This ending made me want to create a Razzies for TV (maybe the Sharkies) and nominate this series for worst writing.  The number of times they changed the fundamental aspects of each character in order to force fit relationships and moods into plot twists made me dizzy.  A few points:


    (1) Emanda went from spy-like, Jack Bauer status in season 1 to Get Smart status here, having to depend on a red-headed ditz to show up and tell them Victoria's location.

    (2) The ultimate revenge is not murder, but public shaming ... having one's sins and murders revealed before the world like they did with Conrad.  They should really have saved that kind of unveiling for Victoria.

    (3) So many of the plot twists depended on people not simply stating single sentences about who killed who.  Like, "Hey Margeaux, Conrad killed your dad."  "An assassin killed Daniel."  "And who knows who killed you baby." "Oh, and by the way, Victoria killed Emily's fiance ... that's why she's pissed."  But when these simple words are covered by vague statements like "There are some lines that shouldn't be crossed," it shows a lack of creative writing that cannot create complex story-lines without Three's Company type confusion.


    Conclusion on Finale: big fat yawn.


    It really felt like a rushed checklist of cliches that they needed to get through by the end.


    1. I'm sad that Emily/Amanda had to change completely from the character we grew to like all this time.  This season hasn't been very kind to her as she's been mostly reactive throughout.


    2. Here's where the fake out really hurts the series, she just had an amazingly show fake out death, so this one pales by comparison and feels even more pointless since that one only happened in the last few episodes anyway.


    3. Yeah, character induced stupidity.



    I LOVED the finale! Emily whacking Victoria in the face with a shovel. Victoria ending up in a mental institution while Emily strutted away in the final shot. Best Finale. Ever!

    What's that? The show limped on for another year of nonsense and ended with a far less satisfying ending?

    Nope! I can't hear you! Didn't happen!


    Yeah, it's my ending too and it seemed more closer to the Two graves theme as well.

    • Love 2
  2. Oh, I think Kenny could go and I wouldn't miss him.  Kill Kenny, you bastards.


    The writers never gave a reason to care about him, he's a bland generic villain who's just recently replaced another Royals this season.

  3. Boo to the.ending...wanted the.moral.to.be.that revenge leads to.unhappiness.and.that it doesn't pay.


    Yeah. I'm not sure I understand the two graves thing when her father developed cancer (could happen to anyone) and she got to live happily ever after with an occasional bad dream.


    Maybe Victoria's heart will make her pay.


    Does Margaux get away with her actions? Do Nolan and Emily and Jack for the jail break?


    Poor Nolan.


    It was a better ending than most, but the bar was pretty low for this show.

    That was what the show and the title was supposed to be about before the rushed, cancelled ending.

  4. Did Juliette know they would kill Kelly? Or did she think they just wanted the child? I honestly don't recall.


    I would think so, she knew Diana was with Kelly, she set her up and took the child while Kelly was being beheaded.

  5. Many have responded to this brilliantly, some saying exactly what I planned to post, but TV Anonymous, perhaps this will help. Juliette did not kill Kelly with her own hands, but she put the plan for the murder in motion and actually facilitated the act. It is like she hired a hitman to do the deed for her. In the eyes of the law and common sense, she is just as culpable because we're it not for her actions, Kelly would be alive.


    Exactly, it's all made possible because Juliette sold them all out and told them everything.

  6. .. and then they CGI a big explosion in post and everyone dies. The way the show's been going, I wouldn't be surprised.


    I wish, the finale will probably end up being as predictable with the way the spoilers have been heading.

  7. This "Juliette is an adolescent" meme continues to cast Juliette as some idiotic victim who isn't at fault for her actions.  Nothing will explain away how she burned the Grimmibago and how she set up Kelly to die a horrific death.  Nothing.  (I still can't believe this show was doing some Juliette porno while Mama Grimm fighting to survive was heard in the background.)


    That's what makes this whole thing annoying, and then to try and pin the blame on Nick and the gang for the unforseen side effects that she herself willingly chose to do and if anything, she caused way more damaged than what was actually done to her at this point, so yeah, i'm sick and tired of the poor Juliette victim nonsense

    • Love 4
  8. Oh, I would hate that more than any thing else they have done so far.  No resets.  You wrote yourselves into this corner, you have to write yourselves out of it.  I also do not want for Kelly to be alive and this to be some giant ruse where Juliette planned this whole thing to save the world and Kelly is alive and Diana faked the whole thing and Juliette takes the whole Royal Family down by herself and is the hero of the day.  That would be the end of me. 


    I want my Grimm heroes to save the day.  I want Nick and Truble and our Friends in Arms to save the day.  If they keep Juliette I do not want her to continue being the bestest, strongest, most awesome Biest of all time in the whole world.  I hate invincible heroes and I hate invincible villains, neither are interesting. 


    This and I'm sick of the writers having to make the heroes so incompetent that Juliette keeps walking all over them.

    • Love 6
  9. I want to kindle with Renard and enjoy my shirtless rage up close. 



    Wow, when you put it all together like that, it sounds...exactly how horrible it is, and I have to wonder how the writers looked at this outline and thought, "Yep! We've got a winner!"


    Oh, and don't worry. Next season he'll be banging Adalind, but she'll look just like Juliette. 


    You know those horrible trope films where the baby is like the thing that redeems the horrible person? What if? WHAT IF?




    It's so inconsistently put together and this is what it's been like in a matter of a few episodes.

  10. The writers didn't care to set up why the heck Juliette is the most ragey hexie ever. Why should they have a logical way to redeem her? They'll just shoehorn it in like they do everything else.


    Yup, "I want revenge on Adalind, so I'll blame everything on Nick, join up with some Royals that I don't know, destroy Nick's trailer, attack the people trying to help me, sell them all out, set Kelly up, and go along with whatever the Royals want for some reason".


    "I can't help it", "I like this power", has flashbacks/trying to be remorseful, then goes along with whatever the Royals' plan to kill Kelly and then taking Diana.

    • Love 2
  11. I don't think Juliette wants to be redeemed or else she would have drunk the potion Rosalee prepared. She cut all ties with every friend she's ever made both human and wesen. I'm sure even if Nick wanted to believe that Juliette could change Hank or Monroe would talk him out of it. I had no problem believing that Kelly would come to Nick's aid. She regretted leaving him with Marie although it was to keep him safe so she wanted to do whatever she could to help him now. Diana looks like a young Adalind.


    Exactly, which would make it even more ridiculous for a forced redemption ebcause the writers themselves didn't set one up.  They deliberately had her get worse and worse, she turned everyone else against her.

  12. I'm so pissed that Constantine may get the boot, while Juliette's Wild Ride gets renewed. 



    This at least would be centered around an actual Grimm fairy tale and would make sense in the context of the show! 


    Rodents of Unusual Size


    And GLS: Grimm Logic Sucks


    Catchphrase: Grimm, we come up with good ideas and ruin them!


    Ikr, at least Constantine was actually doing his thing, here, we get stuck with these nonsensical storylines and destroying things like the trailer and killing off characters like Kelly for this bs.

    • Love 1
  13. Juliette having flashes of her old life with Nik as she listens to his mother being slaughtered was vile, and I hope the character dies soon, real, soon!


    That's the worst part if they try to force a redemption on her, she showed no inner struggle or at least trying to resist.  We just see her blankly going along with the Royals, selling out Nick and the others, destroying the trailer, getting the neighbors killed off, and setting up Kelly to her fate.



    ...That's quite different from, "So, I hate my boyfriend for giving me powers I've stated I love and am happy he gave them to me, so I'm going to make sure his mom gets beheaded."


    Exactly, the motivation has been piss poor and very inconsistent.  All this has accomplished is destroying important plot points like the trailer and killing Kelly off all for the sake of a terrible storyline, which only pissed off more people to Juliette's character than before.



    Anyway, I still think they spent an awful lot of screen time showing Juliette's regretful looks and flashbacks for it to not mean some sort of redemption arc is coming. I looked on IMDB, and although Bitsie has 3 movies coming out, I don't see any future projects, so it seems unlikely she's dying a martyr's sacrifice--which seems the most logical resolution But why should we expect a logical resolution?


    It's too late for anything logical, not that there was much of one, but it's gotten worse than ever before.

    • Love 1
  14. There's no point to it. There's no point to the entire Juliette "arc" except, "OOH! This is fun to make Juliette evil!" there seems to be no thought put into it at all. Just, "She's evil." Well, okay?


    As a villain she will suck, because what is she going to do next? Take candy from babies? What can they do to make her more evil? And if they force a redemption on us, which is highly more likely, then they took her too far to do that. Even if "But I had no idea what I was doing!"


    That's also been proven wrong, due to her kind of realizing her evilness while she's doing it. 


    What happened to this show? WHAT?


    Exactly, they will have cornered themselves no matter what they did and the forced redemption would make it worse considering that had to destroy the trailer and kill Kelly off to push this awful storyline, it's also what makes this worse than the other bad storylines we've had in this series.

  15. Did you also catch the brief scene where he is taken over by the spirit and starts writing a message from Jack on the mirror in blood? That is totally out of the Shining scene w Jack Nicholson.


    I think this is another example of what sets Juliette apart from the other characters that are redeemed.  We actually see Renard disoriented when he wakes up in random places, we actually see him getting taken over by Jack the Ripper, we see him getting phantom wounds, etc.


    With Juliette, we're told that this isn't her or that she's can't control it and then we're also told straight up that she likes her power.  We're shown flashback that are supposed to show remorse and then we also have Juliette going along with everything with no hesitation taking Diana while Kelly is attacked and beheaded off screen.  There's a major disconnect with her character's action and motivation with what the writers want to portray.

    • Love 1
  16. See, when Season 1 was running, I loved it because Nick and Monroe were proving the Old Guard wrong-- Grimms and wesen could get along, depending on the Grimm and the personality of the wesen.


    Unfortunately, it feels like the writers have chosen to take darker turns instead of finding light and hope. I realize this is more a horror/ urban fantasy show, where things aren't sweetness, but I thought that was the point of Nick. That Nick was going to stand convention on it's head, win some of his fellow wesen citizens to his version of community Grimming and make waves that way.


    The stories seem to take primarily darker and darker tones. I don't think this show had to go that dark to keep the audience. With "Headache" being one of the darker, if not darkest, episodes aired, TPTB may end up losing the audience that bought into a supernatural cop and his werewolf buddy and his cop partner stopping Bad Guys from fairy tales.


    I will state that this is not as dark as Arrow has been this season, where they killed a semi-regular to start with and went darker from there. Unfortunately, there seems to have been a trend to more bleak feeling storylines this season, across the board. Individually, it happens. It just seemed like a metric ton of shows had dark themes, darker storylines, or were just dark to start with. Taken together, it's  a wonder I decided to stay with as many of the shows I watch.  


    I guess what I am wondering is: Is there a happy medium for the Show- a tone somewhere between S1 naïve and optimistic and the current The Universe Simply Hates Nick, Who Can't Have Nice Things?


    Arrow was already dark and angsty from the very start, I dropped it this season because it just became unwatchable for me this season.


    As for Grimm, darkness was never the problem, my biggest problem stems from the writers' inability to handle story/myth arcs: the Royals, the keys/coins, Juliette/Adalind's drama, etc.


    The trailer before it was destroyed, had a lot of potential for interesting Grimm/wesen mythology and they completely squandered that.

    • Love 3
  17. When they say this has been renewed, it is for another installment totally different from this one, I hope.  


    It's supposed to be an anthology and this storyline would be wrapped up by the finale, so yes, it should be a different story/characters.

    • Love 1
  18. This makes perfect sense to me, I so agree with you :) I have watched since the first episode & this last season has been hard to watch. But I couldn't stop watching because I want to know what happens with the characters, especially Ryan Hardy. Love Kevin Bacon!

    What I won't miss is trying to see what's happening all the time. Lots of the scenes are too dark & I can barely see what is happening!


    The Following only 'works' (and I use that loosely) when it's an over the top train wreck, but this season tried to take itself way too seriously and it just became yet another boring crime drama with even less Joe screen time so it feels less like The Following and more like just another serial killer procedural.

    • Love 4
  19. The 100 started off clunky before finding its footing, but it had way more potential and had more interesting characters than this.


    The Messengers' problem stems from it being just a bunch of contrived walking plot points (cliched science character, cliched religious character, etc.) following around exposition Angel.  The show also made the huge mistake at the start at not getting us situated with the characters and just dumped in a scene after just introducing them.


    The dialogue is just them spouting off exposition at each other and that's never a good thing when a movie or show tries to do that.

  20. I agree the writers left absolutely NOWHERE for Juliette's character to go. How much more evil could she be? They've had her try and kill her friends, burn down the Grimmebago, and had her BF's mom beheaded. She has nowhere to go but...up, which is where, unfortunately, they are going to take her. Mark my words.


    Juliette took what she know as a trusted confidante and weaponized it, but they are going to "redeem" her, and the rest of the Scooby gang is going to fold like a cheap card table. I cannot see them just continue to have Juliette do more and more and more horrible things to the people that love her. What's the point? There's such a thing as overkill. We got that she was evil when she tried to kill a pregnant woman. We got that she was evil when she tried to get Monroe killed. WE GOT IT. But no, the writers want to make sure we get the point, so she gets Nick's mom killed. WHY? What was the point? The writers are as subtle as a sledgehammer. They were not at all gradual. They had her say she enjoyed her powers before she sought revenge for having them.


    She seems to have control as to when she woges, so it's not like she's woging uncontrollably. She's not numb. She's a monster. I am not getting any of this. And I don't trust the writers to have a bigger plan other than to give Bitsie a juicier role and have her character be more interesting, which is a huge FAIL.  


    Even if they try to force a redemption on her, it wouldn't be believeable, her transformation to a villain has been poorly constructed based on character stupidity allowing her to get away with it and poor character motivation on Juliette's character as a whole.

    • Love 1
  21. So David's going to be dead from cancer anyway?  Bringing him back really served a purpose then.  I wonder if he is going to try to confess to Victoria's murder himself in order to get her off...    I hope this is a two hour finale and that Victoria really, 100% dies this time, and Margeewww too.


    Yup, it's been a waste of time.  He actually served more of a purpose dead than alive.


    I hope the fakeouts are over and we'll get a really satisfying ending for Amanda...


    It is ending, so even if they try to shoehorn in anymore pointless fakeouts, it will already be over.

    • Love 2
  22. I really can't believe we have wasted 12 episodes on this crappy HexenJuliette arc. It is a wonder that the ratings haven't fallen even more.

    It has become worst than the amnesia storyline from season 2 with Juliette. I was just annoyed with her back then, instead of actively hating her like I have this year.


    Exactly, they managed to make an arc worse than that complete waste of time/misfire by giving more focus on the weakest aspects of the series.

    • Love 2
  23. As for the Juliette and Kenneth, I don't understand why these characters must twirl their mustaches so much. That never makes for an interesting villain. I don't even love to hate them. I just hate them.


    That's because they are.  Kenneth is an interchangeable generic baddie, who can easily be replaced by the next Royals stand in because the writers have done nothing substantial with them.


    As for Juliette, the writing is just awful, worse than the previous horrible storylines.  Her sudden descent to villainy was just poorly constructed all around, all that managed to do was piss off more people than before and she was already hated to begin with.

    • Love 2
  24. Juliette is irredeemable. The writers presented a clear parallel with Renard in this episode - he was truly possessed with no control over his actions and cannot be responsible for the events that occurred. If they wanted an exit strategy for Juliette, they would have gone the same route. She was clearly thinking out the consequences as the plan was unfolding and made the decision to continue. I completely agree that the conscience she showed made her actions WORSE. She said "Thank God," when she saw that Diana was unharmed, so maybe the writers are planting the seeds that she hasn't fallen too far... but that's a huge fail. She can't come back from this, and if she gets a redemption arc, I think the viewers will turn on the show. Well, I will. She's gotta go.


    Viewers are already struggling with this storyline, if they try to do anything else, they'll make it even worse than it already is.

  25. All right, all right, all right... I watched this for the first time in a few weeks because of the comments here.


    Juliette may not have killed Kelly with her own hands, but she lured her there, lured her to the house, stood upstairs and gloated - or was she just constipated? - while they were obviously killing her long time boyfriend's mom. So, accessory before, during and after the fact. Also, she tried to get Nick to kill Monroe and even if she wasn't going to actually let it happen, when she messed with Monroe and Rosalee, that was the end of her for me. I'm quite sure they'll redeem her, but next season will likely be the last for sure if everyone who's threatening not to watch follows through.


    Also, re: Adalind not ever killing anyone... it's only because she's the worst hexenbiest in the history of hexenbiests. She TRIED to kill Nick's Aunt Marie right in front of him at the hospital. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's because Renard told her to, but that doesn't matter much in a court of law. I know everyone here really likes Adalind, and honestly, I have no problem with the actress herself, but I really hate Adalind AND Juliette and would live happily ever after if the show would kill them off and Trubel and Josh would come back to Portland to join the Grimmy gang.


    Ratings wise, this show is already struggling so I wouldn't be surprised if they did since I'm already almost there depending on the finale and what they're trying to do.

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