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Posts posted by RainbowBrite

  1. I've been listening to a LOT of true crime podcasts lately (i.e. Convicted, Up and Vanished, My Favourite Murder, Accused, Undisclosed, and Someone Knows Something...) and am looking for some lighter listening while working at my desk (with headphones on).  I really enjoy Best of Friends, and would like something with a similar vibe/banter. Does anyone have suggestions?

  2. With the exception of a photo being circulated, all of the things that happened to Hannah happened to me. I dealt with it very differently though, to the point that I actually hadn't thought about the sexual assault in years and it only occurred to me after watching this, that that is what it actually was. It's crazy!! It happened to me 18 years ago, and I'm just now putting a name to it. This show's depiction of teenage years is very realistic to me. 

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  3. I really can't get this show out of my head; it has really affected me both from Hannah's/Clay's perspective but also their parents'. 

    One thing I keep coming back to, ruminating over, is where the change needs to begin. Teens are cavalier and insensitive; there is always room for improvement in how they treat each other. On the other hand, you need to take control and not allow what others say/do affect the way you value yourself. 

    Also, what was up with the phone ringing during Hannah's meeting with Mr. Porter? Was it his wife calling him (we had seen that he was under pressure from her, failing to be home on time, etc.)? 

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  4. 3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Now that I'm almost halfway through the episodes, I can definitely say that I don't get a Veronica Mars vibe from this show either. I mean, I get that a high school student died and her friend is working through the mystery, but aside from the Tony/Weevil similarity (which I agree with), the characters, the tone, etc. - nothing reminds me of VM. That's not a bad thing either. I loved VM but it had a very specific feel, none of which I'm getting from 13 Reasons Why. They just seem like very distinctly different shows to me.

    I didn't think of VM when watching, but once mentioned I definitely get the Tony/Weevil association. Other than that, the voice-overs bring another similarity. I also think that both shows represent high school similarly - more accurately and less polished that shows like Gossip Girl. Both shows also have rich kids with a lot of freedom/space (Logan, Dick/Bryce, Zach, et. al).

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  5. 5 minutes ago, MV007 said:

    I don't know how the actors playing Hannah's parents do these parts.  I watch their scenes and I can't understand what their going through.  Like, I can't imagine being relatively normal parents of what seems like a nice young woman who kills herself.  How would they feel?  What would they be thinking?  Every time I try to think of answers to those questions I can't fathom the answers.

    I'm at an age where I relate more to the parents in shows like this, rather than the protagonists who are teens. I mean, I remember how hard it is to be in high school but I was lucky to graduate before social media exploded (MSN Messenger was bad enough, thank you). I don't know how you go on after losing a child, especially to suicide. It's heartbreaking to watch.

    • Love 10
  6. 1 hour ago, laprin said:

    Just finished and will need time to process. My immediate reaction is that I hope the book is better.
    So much of this series seemed preachy and while trying to take a stand against being judgemental, manages to be judgemental. I'm not saying all of these very flawed characters were not worthy of being confronted with their actions and more (Bryce), but Hannah absolutely sat in judgment of each one of them and proclaimed them a contributer to her suicide. She gave every sin equal weight, every slight was intentional. 

    I agree. Teenagers are hormone-filled monsters, learning how to navigate in the world. They will all do something hurtful at some point. Ryan published her anonymous poem and a tape was dedicated to him; is that really equal to how Marcus or Bryce treated her? I understand that the show is making a point that it is a series of potentially inconsequential events that snowballed, but the way Hannah told her story pins (what I feel is) too much blame on certain parties (Ryan). 

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    You know, I might disagree with this. Even though I understand her intentions and why she's done the things that she did in the flashbacks, it doesn't mean that she didn't do anything heinous herself. Not to the extent of Bryce, Justin, Jessica, and company, but she certainly wasn't someone who was the nicest person ever. For example, as much as I understood her reaction toward Zach asking her out, she downright humiliated him in the cafeteria. I think it's possible to be sympathetic and understanding of her actions while still calling her out. I think Jessica expressing her disbelief that Hannah wouldn't tell her if something had happened to her goes to show that Hannah's made some pretty big mistakes. Jessica was right; Hannah could have come to her and told her in the couple of weeks that led to her death. She could have done something and not put it in a tape for others to hear. Especially since Hannah wanted the tapes passed on, she knew that everyone else would hear about Jessica's rape and she allowed for it to happen. 

    As for Clay, it's already been mentioned that he spread that photo of Tyler for pure revenge, and he keyed Zach's car which almost got both of them in trouble, so he's done heinous things too. Again, not to the extent that the other characters have, but still. 

    You're right that there are much better ways Hannah could have handled telling Jessica what really happened to her, and the way she did communicate it was really insensitive. 

    With Clay, that was done after Hannah's suicide and in reaction to what he heard on the tapes. What I had meant in my previous post was that Clay didn't do anything heinous in the flashbacks. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Does that mean that everything Hannah does needs to be sympathetic or just that we see her sympathetic because of what she's going through? I don't think the show wanted us to make a saint out of Hannah, but wanted us to see her as a real and complex teenager--who sometimes aren't all that likable.

    At the end of the day, IMO, Hannah wasn't really any different than most the other kids on the tapes. She could be cruel and stupid as much as she could be smart and empathetic. With a slightly different twist of fate, she could've been Jessica or Courtney or Sherri or Alex or... .

    I guess all I was saying was, while I didn't always like Hannah or agree with what she was doing, I didn't ever stop sympathizing with what she was going through. Which, I think, is what the show wanted from the audience. Apparently that didn't work for everyone, but it did for this viewer.

    I did find that she was really the only character (with the exception of Clay) who did not do something heinous to someone else during the flashbacks. That being said,  Hannah and Clay were complicit in some of the terrible things that happened to others; Hannah, for her own reasons, was unable to stop Jessica's rape and Clay, on many occasions, stood by while Hannah was mistreated. I did not lose sympathy for Hannah or Clay because they are flawed humans, as we all are. I'd find it less believable if Hannah was presented as perfect. 

    • Love 2
  9. 18 hours ago, ABay said:

    I ended up being really pissed off at John for neglecting his mother. Some of the things that Brian said about the house were awful and I hope Mary Grace is thriving where she is. Even more than that, I'm pissed about the dogs. In my mind, they're all off a beautiful farm with being taken care of by good people. 

    This is what really bothered me about the whole podcast. I understand it's "real life" and life is messy, but


    the man that was interviewed in the first two episodes, and the man spoken about for the following 5, would not have left his mother in that situation. He stayed in that home for his whole life due at least in part to some sort of family loyalty/attachment, and then he decides to abandon her without any safety net? He talked about suicide well before his death so it's not like this was only a heat-of-the-moment act. He had time to plan and ensure she was taken care of (and the dogs too, of course). **I should qualify that by saying that I understand his mother was not getting the quality of life she deserved prior to John's death, but I still do not believe he would have left her without some sort of safety net**

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  10. 14 hours ago, ABay said:

    I have a question I hope someone who has listened beyond episode 3 of S-Town will answer. What has me hesitating over whether to press on

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    is the relatives who show up out of the blue and the dogs. My mother had dementia and the idea of John's mother and these people is a bit too intense. Do the relatives get the property? Is his mom OK (in the sense that she isn't victimized by these people? Cruelty to animals is something I just can't bear, so are the dogs OK?



    I don't think the dog issue is resolved, unless I missed it. There was mention of Tyler bringing a couple home with him, but it sounds like John had a couple dozen... He told the county clerk that he left money in an envelope to euthanize the dogs :(

  11. 2 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

    I am on episode 5 right now and I am loving it!  It has moved me to tears a couple of times.  I"m from Maryland, but so many of these people are familiar to me as well, some in my own family.  So far I really like the narrator/reporter.  He isn't at all condescending and you can feel his empathy and his affection for the people of this town, but also his frustration with many of their actions. Lord, can I relate to that.

    Since it is kind of a separate entity from Serial, I wonder if its possible to get its own forum.  I will contact the mods.  

    I really enjoyed the narrator as well; he was able to build rapport with so many people on differing sides of the situation, and he handled tense situations really well. Imagine the patience he must have had, to talk on the phone to all of those people (and in person) for 6+ hours straight. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    There was once a great blog called The Truth About Ruth that chronicled everything, down to individual donations. IIRC, she netted around 12 grand in her Ruth persona. Before that, she posed as an insider who knew a relative of J&K +8. I didn't watch that show, so I missed that particular ruse. I wonder what crowd she's catfishing for cash these days? The woman (forget her name) loves the attention, and I'm sure she's still out there scamming someone.

    I think t\The Truth about Ruth website just tried to kill my phone!! I did find some threads on FreeJinger that I'll be reading tonight.

  13. 14 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand GEML's superior attititude. We have so many other former fundies (and I don't think GEML was as she presented) who post in a far more pleasing way, making me feel like I learned something, not that I was talked down to. 

    As for WW, I wasn't a bit surprised when she was outed. The patterns when compared with Razing Ruth were textbook. 

    I had never heard of Razing Ruth before this WW fiasco, and I still haven't read up on it...I know what I'm doing tonight while I sit in bed with my sleepy kids (who insist I rub their backs until they're asleep - I've created monsters)!! 

    • Love 4
  14. 20 minutes ago, allonsyalice said:

    yeah i used to have this morbid curiosity about the show but its just sad now. I still read all the forums but i can't bring myself to comment. it's just...too sad.

    I haven't watched the Duggars on TV in at least 5 years now, but I still check up on their lives via PTV at least weekly. I'm always holding out a little hope that someone within their family will break free, speak out, or otherwise shake up the status quo. 

    • Love 5
  15. 1 hour ago, enlightenedbum said:

    Sepinwall finally got to talk to Schur about the finale.  They discuss the twist obviously and in some vague generalities plans for next season.  There's one maybe mild spoiler he reveals, which I'll put below.

    Danson and Bell knew the twist from the start, which makes sense.

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    The Medium Place is real and is basically as it was shown.

    I was just coming to share this. I'm glad Schur gave some solid answers (such as the spoiler noted above).

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  16. On 2/25/2017 at 6:39 PM, awaken said:

    Wow wow wow.  I don't post much in this thread, but I, too, am a longtime reader/sometime poster.  Remember GEML and her posts so well!  And always wondered why they abruptly stopped.  She was "actually" local to me at one time, and I wondered how she was such an expert on so many topics- the geographical area, politics, appalachia, religions, midwifery, etc.  I also wonder how someone who was an "actual" author had THAT much time to devote to online forums!  

    Completely missed the wanderwoman thing, to my great regret.  Sounds like a lot of fun :)

    From quite a while ago now, but I just had to add that GEML single-handedly drove me away from reading the 19KAC forums. I don't remember if the mute button was available when she was posting, but I remember really wishing I could skip her posts. I have lurked on the small talk forum for years but infrequently, so I think the progression of WW's story was even more insane-looking to me because I'd check in every month or so, and her story would be another 20% more dramatic each time. 

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  17. I just wanted to plug the podcast Best of Friends, which I discovered about six months ago and absolutely love. They watch two episodes per week and discuss those episodes. I really enjoy the hosts and they often get insightful emails from Friends fans that make you think differently about certain aspects of the show. It's pretty great!

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  18. On 3/3/2017 at 2:03 PM, Yokosmom said:

    Yes.  It is very weird.   Of course, he's perfectly within his rights to just drop out, but to do it with not a single word of explanation?  Not one farewell statement? Not even a "I need to spend time on ME for once"?  So sad to hear him say in interviews that he has no personal life.  Did he have a nervous breakdown?  If he didn't want all this attention, then he should have planned his retirement/withdrawal a bit better.  Of course, everyone is going to wonder if he is being drugged/mind controlled/manipulated.

    The thing I don't understand, if he just wanted to "go away", is why he couldn't have had some sort of final interaction with all of those who he had a relationship with - the old woman he drove to classes and the woman he spoke with over the phone regularly, etc. Why couldn't he have one last conversation to explain why he was retreating? If it's depression, has he really not had one moment of reprieve in the past three years in which he could have tried to ease the minds of those missing him? I try not to subscribe to conspiracy theories, but I just have a bad feeling that he may be held against his will or being blackmailed in some way.


    Another thought on Richard Simmons: He has phoned into TV shows to refute his "missing" status, so why could he not contact those closest to him that are worrying about him, to provide them with an explanation? I feel they're owed more than the media is.

  19. 2 hours ago, topanga said:

    I haven't listened to it, but it's iTunes #rated podcast--so you definitely aren't the only one gripped by it. 


    If you're a true crime fine, I hope you've checked out "My Favorite Murder." I was turned onto it when the show's hosts were guests on Sklarbro County  oops, it's now called Dumb People Town.  Bow now I feel like I'm cheating on the Sklar Brothers because I'm marathoning through the MFM podcast like there's no tomorrow. 

    I was marathoning MFM as well and even joined their huge Facebook group, but I had to take a step back after about two weeks. I was laying awake at night convinced someone was creeping around my house, and I was concocting all of these horrible scenarios in my mind. Now, I listen to the new eps as they come out but no more marathoning for me!

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  20. On 2/17/2017 at 9:39 PM, starri said:

    Dave Ridgen certainly has a pretty high opinion of himself.  He seemed shocked that Michael LaVoie wouldn't speak to him, even though the guy is, at best, wrongly suspected of murder, and at worst, an actual murderer.  Of course he wasn't going to go on the record.

    In the end, I was really unsatisfied, even more than I was with the first season.  I could have done with a little less editorializing, particularly when he was trying to be deep and failing.

    I think I finally figured out why Odette Fisher's voice drove me so crazy.  I don't know if it's just a speech impediment or a Nova Scotia accent (I've been to Nova Scotia and don't remember hearing people talking like that), but she was this way of emphasizing very strange syllables in words and odd words in a sentence.  I almost wondered if I'd misremembered her being from Newfoundland, but that's not a Newfie accent either.

    Her voice was so painful to listen to. I feel like I was inside her mouth while she was talking, somehow. Ugh. I'm Canadian and I've heard that type of accent around before but I have no idea where it originates. 

    Sheryl definitely ran with a rough crowd and was likely involved in illegal activities; it amazed me that almost everyone he talked to had that hard, gruff voice - they've all lived hard lives. 

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  21. Thank you for your suggestions Lisin and DeLurker! I'm really struggling to find a place for Axl to hide away from Phoebe; he doesn't do stairs, so he's stuck on the main floor which is pretty wide open. I'll have to get creative. 

    Phoebe gets spayed on Friday and I'm hoping she may be a little less aggressive afterwards, which would be good for poor old Axl. 

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  22. I just found this thread and thought this may be a good place to ask my question: 

    Axl, our seven-year-old Shih Tzu has been with us since he was about 8 weeks old. A couple of months ago, we adopted a three-month-old kitten, Phoebe. They have not yet found a comfortable way of living together. Axl is afraid of Phoebe, and Phoebe tries to play with Axl. She has taken over his big dog bed, and he seems to be over-all a little more stressed than he was before she arrived. He has also developed some pretty bad tear stains around his eyes and I'm wondering if he may be allergic to her. I called my vet and they said that as long as he doesn't seem to be in pain there's no need to bring him in, but suggested I give him Benadryl. 

    1. Have you ever given your dog human allergy medicine?

    2. How can I help Axl and Phoebe get more comfortable with each other? I see all the pictures of dogs and cats snuggling and can't imagine that happening in our house. Phoebe.jpgAxl.jpg

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  23. My son is obsessed with the Daily Bumps "vlogs", and I'm looking for commiseration. I swear, just hearing their theme song raises my blood pressure. It took me weeks before I realized that the man's voice I kept hearing was not their fabulous gay uncle, but their father. Then, I got a bit fascinated and starting googling the family. Anyway, their vapid, pointless videos drive me bananas; they eat, they show you how they have arranged their pantry, they eat, they shop at target, they eat, they put their kids down for naps...zzz

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