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Posts posted by Cricket

  1. 8 hours ago, seahag said:

    Well, the good news is that my pneumonia is not back.  The bad news is that I have a terrible bronchial infection.  Got an inhaler and some big drugs.  Hope to be feeling better by next week.

    Do you have a nebulizer? I do and when I am very congested it works more efficiently than an inhaler. Also prednisone via pills help to bring down the inflammation so the meds can work more efficiently

  2. After our mutual melt downs yesterday, we went out on a boat ride on Lake George compliments of younger daughter's thoughtfulness for the free passes. I awoke this morning with the realization that I have to let my oldest daughter go. She causes me too much pain to continue down this path. Grateful for Joe, Kody, Michelle and my brothers and their families... as well as my family here. Because Kody is now certified as a service dog, he was allowed on the boat. Everyone loved him and he was perfectly behaved. Surprised me a little since he is only 3 months old, and it was a 2.5 hr trip.



  3. Thumb has stopped throbbing so just aching. I have the two front double hung windows to wash in the livingroom so going to tackle that now.. let us hope I don't have a matched set of thumbs! Took the day off from work, hang out with Joe. We had a terrible emotional day yesterday. He is going to try to return to work tomorrow, keep his mind off of this horrible disease. I hope it is good for him. Me, I am taking my frustrations out on some trees... they are going to get some severe trimmings. I will try not to channel McTool though... at least I hope the cuts are even and symmetrical.

  4. Tried to get the windows cleaned and old storm windows brought down. Not easy as these windows are shot. I have to use a chunk of wood to hold them up. Well the chunck of wood let me down and down came the window on my right thumb. How that hurt, and being emotional anyway now with Joe, I bawled like I was going to have to be committed. Darker than pictured here, sure to be pretty black by tomorrow. Throbbing like a sonavagun.


  5. 3 hours ago, seasons said:

    For the life of me I don't understand why TWC doesn't have their meteorologists wear a helmet or something to protect their heads from flying debris during these hurricanes. They should also wear a chest protector or something under those blue jackets. And heavy-duty goggles. Mike Bettes looks like he is just wearing flimsy eyeglasses.  SMH.


    ETA- he just got hurt. Something hit his eye I think and they cut back to the studio. But then he was back in seconds.  

    So true. They tell US we should use helmets and yet they don't.

    • Love 1
  6. 9 hours ago, imisspuddy said:

    I'm almost afraid to post anything OT on the other forum any more, so I'll post this here only. 

    My mother is dying. 

    And i can't even put together a coherent post. 

    Cricket, Pearlclutcher, Bronx Babe - sending love and prayers. 

    And for everyone in Irma's path - sending love and prayers. 

    I hurt for you. There is no greater pain or feeling of helplessness then to watch a loved one leave us.

    download (6).jpg

  7. 10 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Oh gosh, Cricket, giving you a HUGE cyber hug.  My sisters have vertigo and I know how awful it is.  Not to mention all the rest you and Joe are dealing with. ❤️

    Thank you, Just returned from the doctor's where he did head maneuvers to try to clean out the misplaced crystals. I have to try to sleep sitting up tonight. :(

    Now that Joe goes to him too, he is well aware of his issues. Told me Joe is worried about ME. Ha. Suggested anti-depressants but I declined because years go I tried to commit suicide while on them. Isn't that ironic?

    Continued prayers to you, Bronx Baby. So frightening. Are you staying put or evacuating north?

    9 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

    Beautiful rainbow, Cricket. I hope it's a good sign. You and Joe need some good luck.

    Dark humor: "If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all."

    You got that right.

  8. 5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Best to those having troubles.  @PearlClutcher, @Cricket - please know that we all wish the best of outcomes for you.

    Thank you. Been a little quiet, so stressed. So terrified Joe' B-raf or whatever it is called, test will return positive indicating treatment will be difficult. Now on the 14th, he has to go in for a brain MRI. This bullshit never seems to end. So fucking hard to keep positive when you get NOTHING back to be positive over.  I was pouring oil in the car tonight when I got home from work, it is SUNNY and suddenly starts raining like a bugger! I did see a rainbow after that, which was nice. I hope it means my friends Darlene and Peter (and now Bronx Baby) will be safe when this hurricane passes. I don't even have a sense of humor anymore. Joe wanted me to watch "Daddy's Home" with Will Farrell and Wahlburg in it, and I did not find it a bit humorus. In fact, it seemed like nasty humor to me. Tomorrow I see my doctor, who is now finally seeing Joe. I need him to do these head/neck exercises on me to stop this vertigo. I won't do them myself because it makes me heave. So, now I will heave there. :(  I hope he is ready to treat a hysterical woman tomorrow.

    I really appreciate being able to vent here, and the laughs you all bring.


  9. 5 minutes ago, roseha said:

    Hmm I wonder if that's why Keith Carson went back to Maine? I wonder how much their Storm Specialists get in that case?

    I always liked Keith Carson. LOL - I follow him on FB now too.

    I have been wondering why Dr. Forbes has not been getting much air time, instead the dark haired dr. (sorry, forgot her name) is on all the time. I know Dr. Forbes was on vacation till the 28th of August.

    I am not fond of the changes they made to Weather Underground. Really changed in the last couple of years. Gone is the group in the recliners discussing things, playing their cute games. I miss Ryan - not sure if they even have a "social meteorologist" there anymore. I hardly hear them interviewing weather underground watchers across the country anymore either.  It has morphed into just another weather segment, to me. It used to be more fun and light with still educating, and now... not so much.

    • Love 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Barometer123 said:

    Can someone  please explain the following to me?

    Hurricane Irma (Cat 4) is heading for a possible US landfall, and may be wreaking havoc on various islands along the way.

    Why then, on Monday evening, 9/4, are they showing their canned programming? They're telling us to stay prepared/informed, but shirking their responsibility to be there for us. They need to be going 24/7 until this storm is no longer a threat.  As much as I appreciated their round-the-clock Harvey coverage, I am sorely disappointed.

    i wondered this too but then I thought they are probably reeling financially of all the coverage they have put out on the eclipse then Harvey. At the moment, it is not an immediate threat to the US so I think they are taking this time to chill. I hate the canned programming.. I am old school when they reported on the weather 24/7 including giving weather around the world for short segments. Many of us have/had family stationed abroad so it was nice to know what was going on where they were.

    • Love 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Bronx Baby said:

    @Cricket, don't know if this will help, but I've been doing meditation and tai chi in order to deal with anxiety issues and depression due to job loss and the passing of my mother.  I won't say these techniques are panaceas, but they've eased my tensions a bit.  Still have crying jags, though. 

    I went through Wilma in 2005, my first Florida hurricane, and do not want to go through one again. 

    exercise was my go-to for stress relief but now i have problems concentrating on anything, the crying jags are tough to deal with. :(

    guess it is a way the body has to relieve the unbearable stress we carry.

  12. 1 minute ago, Bronx Baby said:

    @Cricket  Very, very sad to hear all the lousy news.  Sending all my blessings to you and Joe for better outcomes and happier days.

    I'm in Boca Raton.  Governor Rick Scott just declared a state of emergency for Florida.  I'm going shopping at my local Publix tomorrow but am afraid everything will be flying off the shelves, particularly water.

    Thank you very much. I'm praying for some better news. It is hard to live in a constant sense of terror.

    Wow, small world... I've been chatting with my friend in Boca all night. She is a wreck. They started to get some things they need. Just watched a live video on FB from an ex-Weather Channel forecaster and he was great in explaining this event. Looks like the Keys are going to really get it.  You hate to hope it veers to someone else to get  hit, but I hope you don't get it directly. last year I know you dodged a hurricane. (and gas up the car!)

  13. Looks like the crew will be busy all this month too... while still covering Harvey, now Irma is closing in. My boss has a home in Antigua in the Leeward Islands and so he is antsy. And I have a friend in Boca Raton, Florida who is a nervous wreck. 

    The remnants of Harvey hit us in the northeast yesterday, poured all day. Miserable. Can't imagine what it was like for those in Texas.

    Weather Underground just said Irma is strengthening to a cat 4 now.

    • Love 1
  14. 7 hours ago, Day2Day said:

    I had a major "Oh No" moment when I read your post, Cricket.   Struggling with something like that can have significant consequences !!  For sure.... I wouldn't let her near Joe, or anyone else, for that matter.... without detailed re-training.    Unfortunately, soooooo stressful for both you & Joe.

    Thank you. I have to take Kody in for his last set of shots tomorrow, and then we have to contact Joe's oncologist about getting the xray done before chemo again on Friday. That nurse really upset us. I understand we are all human, but seems to me these things should be double checked.

    Took Kody for a 2 hr walk up to Lake George again to socialize with people and other dogs. Was nice but we are all exhausted here.  Trying to keep up positive thoughts .. difficult. Asking for signs.... stuck in traffic a huge dragonfly hovered in front of our windshield. Hope I am not grasping at straws.

    Any fun plans from you all here today?

    A friend of mine in Boca Raton is nervous as we watch and see what Hurricane Irma is going to do.

    Pearlclutcher - any news?

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