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Posts posted by tabloidlover

  1. I feel really, really bad for saying this, but Bin even walks dumb. I was kinda awestruck at how dim he appears to be. I couldn't have him around me and he certainly couldn't be my headship. Not even a figureheadship. 


    Seriously?  He isn't bright enough to be his own headship. 


    I also want to suggest that Derick wash his new T-shirts before donning them. He was wearing one that still sported its folds.

    Goodness!  Doesn't Grandma Duggar do enough laundry?  Because you know Princess Jessa ain't doing it and he doesn't look bright enough to understand the complexity of a washing machine.  Give the poor idiot a break on the wrinkles.... he had eggs to scramble for her highness, the FirstEverPregnantOne....

    • Love 4
  2. Are you supposed to serve the prime rib with both the chimichurri  AND au jus?


    Did she also add hot sauce to the ranch dressing? (Sorry. Wasn't paying rapt attention.) And why in the fresh hell did she add ketchup? I can't imagine.


    Color me surprised that there was no multi-tiered dessert overflowing with ice cream toppings, crushed up candy bars, whipped cream and sprinkles.


    Maybe it's my hearing, but I swear Ree was saying "anniver-shary."


    It would have been a nice touch if Ladd and the boys had at least showered and put on fresh clothes to sit down to dinner. After all, Ree made them place their napkins on their laps.

    Ok, it's not your hearing.  I'm watching it now and she is mispronouncing the hell outta anniversary.  So annoying

    • Love 2
  3. It is such a shame and a waste to feud with your family or anyone.  Sigh.  Rick and Kathy, you have plenty of money just stop it.  Of course he left your business; you would not make him a partner.  What did you expect?  Stay around knowing he had a better earning power if he started his own business?   


    I don't buy it that Mauricio was doing anything underhanded and that is why he was not asked to be a partner.  Rick, you are greedy.  You wouldn't make as much money if you brought on another partner.  And I don't believe Mauricio 'stole' any agents.  They left because they wanted to leave you stupid fuck.  


    Kyle, you have to stop giving this any more of your attention.  They will come around or they won't and there is nothing you can do about that.  What would possibly attract a better relationship with Kathy is to just be your loving, positive self. Just be you and focus on what works in your life.  That behavior attracts people.  The more attention you give this feud the bigger it will become.  Stop it. 


    Kudos to Lisa for not socializing with the Hilton's due to loyalty to Kyle. 


    Ok, done.  LOL!  

    Bolding - mine.   If the Hiltons didn't have their heads so far up their own asses, they would be able to see what assholes they are making of themselves.  Seriously - someone with actual class would not want anything like this to look other than all good in public (despite any hard feelings there might be).   In addition, Kathy would benefit from actually being able to see herself in the mirror and make adjustments if she were to remove her  head from said ass. 

    • Love 8
  4. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/jessa-and-jill-duggar-compare-their-pregnancy-bodies-in-counting-on-clip-watch-w159448


    Another new clip. Nursedoctor Jill is in full effect.The men are awful. This show looks SO BORING.

    This is the first time I have watched Ben speak and  WOW, he really seems pretty dim.  I could barely get through the clip, I kept wanting to tell them to hurry up and spit it out (whatever the hell they were trying to say).   No scintillating conversationalist there...

    • Love 6


    Really? Wow. I'm not familiar with them. Do you remember anything they reported that was later verified? Not doubting you, just curious.



    Totally understand, as I was quite skeptical when introduced to that site years ago.  He has called many things over the years, but most recently, he had the scoop on Charlie Sheen's HIV before it hit the news.  He also reported that Josh was part of  the Ashley Madison scandal (in a blind item, as is his norm) right before it went public as well.  Every January 1st and July 4th, he does nothing but reveals on the blind items of the past year. 

    • Love 4
  6. I don't recall any of the posters here thinking that Josh wanted another baby.  No one thought he looked happy when Anna talked about babies.  No one here thought he was pleased with the announcement of the pregnancy.


    He seemed to be a good father, good in daily interactions, very nice in getting them together by himself for a surprise photo shoot to give Anna, and great taking them shopping to a music store.


    Godd fathers, however, don't cheat.  They don't spend a couple of thousand or so on sex.  His own father spent a quarter of a million on a hopeless political campaign so he did have an example.  


    Anna, if she left, should be thinking about how SHE will get along, what work SHE will be doing.  Not about getting another husband.  Most men don't really want to take on 4 of somebody else's kids.  That's nature.  


    This is why I think she will stay.  Not only is it all she has been taught, but who would take care of her?  Silly, defrauding womenfolk cannot take care of themselves, people!  

    • Love 3
  7. You know, fat or thin, mumus are very comfortable. I live in a warm area and I don't really like my clothes to touch me. Shorts are not comfortable at all. But a mumu with nothing under it? So much cooler and comfortable. And there are styles that are more flattering than you might think.

    Gotta agree here.  I was in Hawaii a few years ago for a work project and discovered the fabulousness that is a mumu.  It was quite warm and a bit humid, so flowing dresses that didn't stick to my skin were awesome!  I still wear some of them back home in CA.  Surprisingly enough, I receive compliments on them - who knew?  

    • Love 11
  8. I posted this in the Episode thread - but it works here too:



    Yolanda's Health advisor has got to be taking her to the cleaners. She must be getting kick backs from all these nutraceutical companies. I think the best thing Yolanda can do is to get her mind off herself and stop becoming the illness.

    David was so over it at the dentist office. I've never seen a heart monitor used at a dentist office. Maybe for an oral surgeon.


    It is from Radar, so take it for what it's worth, but they are reporting that Yolanda's Health Advocate is $8,000/month and Mo is picking up the tab.  Somehow, I totally believe the rate.

    • Love 2
  9. Yolanda's Health advisor has got to be taking her to the cleaners. She must be getting kick backs from all these nutraceutical companies. I think the best thing Yolanda can do is to get her mind off herself and stop becoming the illness.

    David was so over it at the dentist office. I've never seen a heart monitor used at a dentist office. Maybe for an oral surgeon.

    It is from Radar, so take it for what it's worth, but they are reporting that Yolanda's Health Advocate is $8,000/month and Mo is picking up the tab.  Somehow, I totally believe the rate. 

    • Love 8
  10. Regarding Tammy's red eyes below deck  - There was something about the expression on her face that led me to think she had been crying.  I have no idea why she would have been crying, but she looked sad.  Something wasn't right there.  Since when do someone's eyes get that red when swimming in a lake?  That looked worse than chlorine-red.   

    • Love 2
  11. In LV, if you don't call the trash company to generate an account, they have no way of knowing you exist. For all intents & purposes, she could have been placing her trash at the end of one of her SW's driveways. Perhaps someone from the trash company watches the show, figured it out and then slapped her with a HUGE bill for the last few years. Otherwise, I don't see them placing a lien for $45-50, which is the quarterly amount due per household.

    That's even worse!  Only $45 to $50 per quarter???  In CA, we pay over $30 every.single.month for trash pick up.  I totally see your scenario going down.... These people are such con artists.  Always looking for the freebie.  Have we ever seen them give back anything in any fashion?  Like, ya know, CHARITY?  Ugh

    • Love 4
  12. daptomycin, abendazole, rocephin, bicillin injections, flagyl, azithromycin, acinia, quetiapine, mepron, vancomycin, nystatin, diflucan, rifampin, belsomra, macrobid, tindamax, dmps, zithromax, wellbutrin, plaquenil, edta, tetralysal, adderall, hydrocortisone, hydrocodone, Xanax, minocycline, ativan, ritalyn, hydroxyeholor, lunesta, codeine.



    Very interesting list of meds....  She's on codeine AND hydrocodone (both for pain); Adderall AND Ritalin (both for ADD); Ativan AND Xanax (both for anxiety); AND Lunesta (for sleep)??   Wondering how many doctors are prescribing for her, and if they know what all she is taking?  

    • Love 9
  13. Yes! You took the words right out of my mouth! She's milking that cow dry and then some. I don't know how physically sick she is, but IMO she's definitely emotionally and/or mentally ill. She's desperately begging for attention, which is borderline narcissistic. Nobody in their right mind goes to a party, a party filmed for TV no less, looking like shit AND complaining of ailments the entire time 20 minutes (?) they're there unless they're attention-seeking. I'm anxious to see what will happen the day David files for divorce.

    THIS!!   Years ago, I went through my own health issues that resulted in my being off of work for over a year to have multiple surgeries to correct.  I felt like hell, and looked like hell -- AT HOME.  When I did venture out, I always put some effort into my appearance.  Not simply to make myself look better, but so others wouldn't "notice" how shitty I looked/felt.  The idea was to be as normal as possible to NOT draw attention.  And every time someone asked how I was doing, I inwardly cringed because you just want the focus off of you for a while <imo>  I was living the physical hell and didn't want to be reminded on the times I was trying to be normal.  


    I type all of this out to try to explain why I think Yo is exaggerating her illness.  I believe it is a sympathy grab.  Not sure if she has Lyme's or not - not my business.  I do think she is going through more than that and this is what we are seeing.  I'm thinking  David was done/checked out already, and she was seriously depressed.  Also, possible menopause, but mainly I believe WAAYY too much time to sit around and feel sorry for herself.  It just was ridiculous to watch.  I do not want to watch an entire season of Yo looking/feeling bad.  If she is/was that ill, she should have stepped away to take care of her health.  FOR HER KIDS - you know, the reason she hasn't jumped off the balcony already?  Ugh....

    • Love 20
  14. Thank you for beating me to it! I had a dual reaction to this tweet: 1. So typically Kody Brown to assume that the question about the kids not choosing plural marriage is about HIS VALIDATION. 2. If the adults are convinced that plural marriage, no matter it's pain and sacrifice, is the way to attain the most desirable eternal outcome, how can they NOT be disappointed (or concerned, or sad, or worried) if the kids don't want to take that path? Don't get me wrong--I'm really glad that the Brown adults allow their adult kids to make that choice with no judgement. It just doesn't compute to me. If my religion said--and I wholeheartedly believed--that the ultimate path to the afterlife included eating black jelly beans every day, then I would feel deeply concerned if my own children rejected black jelly beans. (Gawd, I think I just concocted a really terrible religion!)

    The problem with your analogy is that you are attempting to use LOGIC.  This is not a part of the Brown religion (Kody's make it up as you go along version).  Hell, it probably isn't even in their vocabulary if I'm honest. 

    • Love 2
  15. How did I not know about the Alabama pageant coach? He may be the replacement for my Toddlers & Tiaras fix. (Which I stopped watching when the mamas got too mean and crazy)


    The chihuahua (PeeWee?) takes no prisoners. And Julie meets her head-on.


    Love Papa Zeno's joyful laugh.



    Tap dancing coach: What you could use is more sparkle and a lot more of this. *does dance*

    Couch gay (sorry, don't know his name): ......he's not wrong.

    I laughed so freakin hard with the tap dancing coach bit.  So much so that I looked up the show  "Coach Charming"  and have now watched 4 episodes.    It's ok to watch it since the Couchies watch it, right?  Right?   <hanging head in shame>

    • Love 3
  16. But this is most likely his last daughter, who comes at a time when he realizes he doesn't have any relationships with his other biodaughters. He might put everything into the relationship with this baby. Finally a "Daddy's Little Girl."

    Totally agree!  This will be the female   "chosen one".  Not a doubt in my mind.  Just look how he interacts with Robyn's daughters  from.another.man.  

    • Love 1
  17. Non only do I think Ben has a huge WTF look on his face, but I think it's more than just what have I done?  I think he's a bit surprised that Jessa isn't being the "mother" that he has been taught about, but also that her female parts are shot to shit, and it's gonna be a long ass time til he gets some. 


    These two clowns are further proof that you should need to take some kind of test to have kids.  Not necessarily and intelligence test, per se.  More of a common sense type quiz.  Like, have you thought more than 2 minutes into the future? 

    • Love 9
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