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Posts posted by GoGamecox

  1. I think Team Carson missed a big opportunity to talk about their lives on the road as celebrities and how that gym tool could be easily packed in a suitcase or a tote bag (they said it was only two pounds). They could have focused on a "you could do this in a hotel, you could do this at work" angle that would have made it more accessible and interesting and showcased a quick full-body workout anyone could do with it (other than just the arms that they started with). Boy George should have done more talking with the audience like he was a support club meeting -- "All of you out there like me know how hard it it not only to lose weight but to keep it off. Here is one way you can keep burning some calories with an easy-to-transport tool."  Then they could have showed him using it, too. His testimonial didn't have the marketing angle it needed. 

    But FWIW I think they missed the mark picking that over the trampoline, too (which some of you have said earlier). Much more fun and sexy for TV sales. 

    I giggled several times as Brook was working out on camera and Iseman couldn't stop grinning. He definitely has a huge crush on her. 

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  2. Anyone else think the Quickfire tastings in the kitchen are more bitchy than they used to be? It seems that they used to have a more positive vibe overall. I can't decide whether it's because Tom Colicchio isn't there as much and/or Padma's trying so hard to have a poker face about it or what. It's gotten to the point where my beau (who kind of halfheartedly watches with me here and there -- he isn't really that into the show) commented during the tasting how much he dislikes her and finds her to be condescending to the contestants. (He pointed out that one scene during the biscuit challenge where she makes a "yuck" face with her tongue out when Brooke adds the cornichons to her blender, for example.)  Add that to things like her "you're dismissed" lines, which my beau also called out, and I can see it now. Has she always been like this, and I just didn't see it?

    • Love 1
  3. So much to laugh at in this show! The cheesy Arnold taglines, the over-the-top fake eyelashes (yes, Spunkygal!) and wardrobe for the women, the tired boardroom maneuvering in response to "Who should be fired?" --  it's reality gold! When Trya suggested the women contestents try her makeup for the promotion and show it being used, I immediately envisioned how horrified all those women would be to appear on TV, taking off their existing makeup/eyelashes that their own makeup artists had probably taken at least two hours to apply and using Tyra's products without professional application. NO WAY.  

    • Love 11
  4. Quote

    Ok I just need to know - what dirt does Anfisa have on ALL of them for them to be taking her side and trying to defend her actions/emotions/words throughout the entire tell all.  They all seemed scared of her - to say the truth. 

    I agree, lilsadone! Anfisa seems to have a lot of respect from the other castmates for unknown reasons. All I can conclude is that they all have decided to support one another after reading posts from their own virtual naysayers online. 

    If Alla lived in South Carolina instead of Kentucky, I would totally like to be her friend and hang out. (It's ok, Matt. We won't go to a nightclub.) Seems like a cool chick.

    I thought Nicole looked pretty last night. Big upgrade from the sac-like tiedye T-shirt with the '90s surfer dude necklace! 

    • Love 2
  5. Quote

    Jorge's sister Lourdes is the real star of this season. She's level-headed, calm, and can say everything that needs to be said with just her eyebrows.

    MrSmith, I agree! The Jorge sisters rule! He seems to come from a good family. 

    I can't stop seeing the similarities between Jorge and Scottie Maples in A&E's "60 Days In," to which I am also addicted. Scottie could be Jorge's country cousin. I also can't stop seeing Ellen Barkin as Nicole's Mom. 

    • Love 1
  6. The Zac/Ashleigh footage was some of the most awkward TV I've ever seen. Too much codependency, too much bossiness, too much invasive interviewing. I would have rather talked about the sewer back up drama instead and ventured into the "Why didn't the COs go to Sam's to get a few cases of bottled water for the inmates?" discussion.

    It seems like a big justification for this series is the Sheriff trying to get some political backing for more $ for the jail. I think the average voter/taxpayer doesn't want to pour more money into the jail system for "lawbreakers," because they don't know how the system works and what the needs are. It seems like the program isn't just about getting the insider info from the faux inmates, it's educating the public, too. Interesting premise. 

    • Love 5
  7. My gossip agenda:

    1. That host was wretched! LORD! Could they not find someone with a witty sense of humor, charisma and some sensitivity to lighten up the proceedings -- maybe someone who is a true fan of the show who genuinely is interested in the participants?

    2. Did Daya have a breast enhancement? She looks a lot different up top than she did in that wedding footage.

    • Love 4
  8. While watching this week's episode I was totally distracted by my realization that Jorge looks like a bigger Scottie Maples from "60 Days In" and Nicole's Mom looks like Ellen Barkin. 

    • Love 1
  9. Monalisa mentioned she was having some personal problems when her daughter started to abuse drugs (marriage was failing, divorce was happening, etc.). I wonder if he blaming the cops and COs for her daughter's issues is her way of avoiding feeling guilty and having to process what the pain/disappointment of how her daughter's life turned out?

    • Useful 1
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  10. One more thing -- about Jorge's secret. I wonder if he was ever selling Mary Jane on his own at one point and got busted. A criminal record for selling drugs out of your apartment could make it hard to get another apartment (he may have been evicted). (He said someone broke into his place -- that may have been to get drug $ or the actual goods.) Just another theory.  

    • Love 3
  11. A few observations and thoughts:

    1. Matt and his twin brother could pass for Bobby Flay.

    2. RE: Nicole's size.  During my single years, I would date men of all shapes/sizes and I didn't mind some bigger men as long as it felt that they were trying to take care of themselves and had some self respect/initiative. It was a turnoff to me when bigger men would talk about their dislike of vegetables/salads, joking that the only working out they did was running to a fried food buffet or something like that. But that same sized guy would be very attractive to me if he seemed to be trying to be better tomorrow than he was today in several arenas -- educational, physical, mental, etc. So I didn't think what Azan said was offensive about cooking, exercising, etc. I should add I'm on the thicker side myself (but also work out regularly, try to eat well, etc.), so I am more sensitive about weight stuff than the average person, probably. 

    3. As a self-proclaimed "thicker girl" (see above) I do think we should be sure to represent accurately who we really are in pics on dating sites so that there aren't any surprises like Azan had. He should have known EXACTLY what he was diving into (pun intended). We might be too big for some people, but a lot of men like us as is.  Just represent and work what you've got, right? I also think we have to work a little harder to be cute sometimes by thinking strategically (as it's harder for us to find flattering clothes, well structured bras to lift and support, etc.). Nicole needs a clothing makeover ASAP! (But, alas, that would still leave her with the draining insecurities, the french fry and hot dog thing, etc. Yuck. Watching her clinginess is making me wince. Props to Azan for at least trying, I guess.) 

    4. I think Matt is one of those guys who loses his hotness/masculinity quickly in a relationship. He forces things. He's trying so very hard to show that he isn't turned off by Max (as some men might be, sadly) that he's inadvertently parading him around and overdoing it, rather than building Max's trust and love with time. He's getting his mother to help him pick up his woman at the airport. He's forcing Alla to go to family functions 24/7.  If he were a stronger, more independent, more confident version of himself, he would be a lot more attractive to women. He needs to work on being alone and feeling awesome a few years before he tries to get back in the game. 

    • Love 9
  12. I hate to say this, but I think this show would be much more interesting with someone other than Ryan Ferguson hosting. I think he would be good as a secondary host along with the female advocate (is her name Eva? I'm sorry I can't remember her name right now). He's a good looking. likable guy with an incredible story, but he's just not charismatic or inquisitive enough to be host material for this kind of show.  

    • Love 1
  13. Girl, a Bama Bangs guy from TN with money named Graham with a best friend named Reynolds dating a girl from Long Island? It could happen, but so could a national championship for my Gamecocks in football this year. 

    • Love 3
  14. I just finished binge watching the series, too, and I have mixed feelings. While Titus, Kimmy, Dong, the engaged Mole woman (can't remember her name) and Mrs. Vorhees are likable enough characters that you can put up with some of their shenanigans, some of the other characters just come off as annoying and don't have redeeming characteristics -- Kimmy's stepdad, Kymmy, the prosecutors, Lilian, Logan, etc.  Some of Lilian's lines are delivered in with such an overdone accent that they're hard for me to understand (and, no, it's not because I'm a Southerner -- I have a lot of Northerners in the family, too. Love for all!).  I find myself irritated when Lilian appears onscreen.  There are plenty of other fun sitcoms that have characters that are annoying at times, but they're still somehow likable (Seinfeld, for example, also Big Bang Theory) in spite of it. I think the key to making Unbreakable work is refining these kinds of characters so that we actually care about them and want to know more, in spite of the annoyance factor. Right now, I wouldn't be sad if Kimmy's stepdad, Kymmy, the prosecutors, Lilian and Logan never come back ever again.  I feel like I got through the series in spite of them existing on the show. Kimmy and Titus are such a strong characters that they make me want to stick around for another season. 







  15. I would hate partying with Mattie/Martha, because that crap gets old WAY FAST. Packing and threatening to leave home, crying, throwing things -- needy much? 


    I remember one friend growing up who would always end up crying when she got drunk. It took 2 or 3 episodes before I opted never to drink with her ever again. 

  16. Some observations from this last episode:


    Interesting to see the big "I'm running for office" announcement from my perspective as a SC resident and knowing the outcome. 


    Kathryn's pouting and negative vibe is a total turnoff. It's making her very unattractive -- besides the horrible styling in the dinner scene.  Initially T-Rav was attracted to her fire (as well as "those long legs"). She may need to summon some HoC's Claire Underwood vibe if she wants to keep hanging out with Thomas. I could see him being attracted to that kind of woman. I suspect Kathryn is going to be a much different, stronger woman in 10 years, but her youthful insecurity is a bad pairing with T-Rav's extensive "life experience." 


    The contrast between Cam and Kathryn at the dinner party was startling -- happy, outgoing, joking versus insecure, bitter, stern.  


    I'm dying to know more about Landon's ex-husband and how they met. 

  17. Not to be a buzz kill but I am 45 years old, and I don't remember beer pong being cool when I was in college (nor at the other colleges I road tripped to). It was all about Quarters and Three Man. Beer pong didn't come onto the college drinking scene until about 10-15 years ago. I had a hard time believing Kathy was a queen of beer pong during her college years and that Claire was also known for her beer pong prowess at Harvard. 

    • Love 3
  18. Casting Hannah (a.k.a. Hott Dogg) was one of the lamest decisions ever for this show. I wonder if Lil Bit not signing her contract and refusing to return really did come down to the last minute and the casting directors really did just ask for friend nominations due to time limitations, or what.


    Yes, we hear you, horny men in the house -- Hott Dogg looks great. But a good looking Mattie Jr. only adds the "who is going to hit that first" drama (which has already been resolved, allegedly) and little else. Even the boss' daughter from the last cast there in Mississippi would have been more interesting (Brittany? I can't remember her name.).  


    I think Lil Bit was from NC but now lives in TN. (I'm in SC now and pretty sure she wasn't from here.)

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