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Posts posted by GoGamecox

  1. I think at one point it was said that Angela's mother was in Hospice care. If that's true, maybe she had malignant melanoma or something similarly awful that has spread throughout her system, so no need to remove the one on her face? 

    Second point: why is Syngin also misspelling "sugar" as "suger"?!??!?!? Is it some kind of inside joke with them? I'm confused.  (It's the way Tania had it spelled on the cheesetastic banner in Times Square.) 

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  2. On 11/22/2019 at 9:17 AM, MrAtoz said:

    People sometimes suggest former contestants as replacements for Alex--usually Ken Jennings--but I don't really see that happening.  Being a good game show contestant doesn't mean that you would make a good game show host.  They're two different skill sets.

    When Alex does leave, I'm sure his replacement will be an experienced broadcasting professional.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if they already have a short list of candidates lined up.

    What about Stephen Colbert? I nominate him. 

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  3. Maria talks SO MUCH. I was running late to work today and had to shut off the Hoda/Maria show about 5 minutes in because she was giving me a headache. I wonder if part of the reason Hoda likes her is that she fills a crapload of time with her rambling, which means Hoda has to talk less. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, seasons said:

    Woo hoo! 

    did you know that hoda's book is out today???


    That "book" is such a crock of s&$*. It sounds like the second author just went to Hoda's Instagram and plucked all the vapid fodder she had posted from there and put it into a book. I can't believe people would want to buy that crap. 

    1 hour ago, OpalNightstream said:

    Why are they celebrating Craig’s wedding anniversary?? Who cares!

    It's too much! It's like they're going way overboard to show these people as loyal spouses and family people. I don't care about their personal lives as long as they're not out there raping people or doing other illegal things. Spare us. 

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  5. One of my very gay friends used to always be attracted to gorgeous women who were way out of his league before he was out of the closet. I started to wonder if he picked them because when he couldn't get them, then he could kind of shrug and do the "well, I tried to date women but they weren't interested in me" thing and thus had a reason to not be dating chicks and to be alone. He just wasn't ready to be out of the closet. I'm wondering if Tim has the same inclination? 

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  6. Tom is actually pretty smart, not taking his conquests to his house right away. It helps keep them compartmentalized into the dating part of his life and not infiltrate other parts of his life until he's ready to have them infiltrate (like inviting Darcey to meet his sister over dinner). Or maybe it's as simple as he just didn't want to have his house filmed? 

    Every time Darcey talks I think of my late father, who would have commented over and over while watching her, "Does she ever go to a museum or read a book??!?" I loved watching "stupid reality TV" with him. He would have tired quickly of her vapid chatter. 

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  7. This is what I see when I see Tim:


    Also I suspect the producers paid for Darcey and Tom to go to Albania instead of them going to the other Grand whatever place (which Tom was going to pay for) because they knew damn well we would get this drama-filled, snark-worthy fare when Darcey and Stacey interacted. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

    I've been watching all along, but didn't think to look for a forum here since I knew the show wasn't getting much buzz. I'm not as bothered by the whole "where did he get the mortgage" than I am "who the hell works for FREE for a month or more, almost fulltime?" (interior designer, t-shirt guy, metal fabricator, etc. etc.) These folks are busting their asses, with no disclosure on what they were told they'd get if it's a success. (Ok, the designer said something about a 10K invoice) I also haven't seen so many middle-aged white folks forming a team in decades. You know you've chosen poorly when your "social media" expert is a 40-year-old inexperienced shlub instead of a hungry young newbie who gets that there is more to social media than Facebook.

    Yes! Another viewer and Primetimer up in here! Excellent.

    I'm with you about the team of unpaid workers. Surely he had some kind of discussion with them about when/how they would be paid, and that's not shown. And, yes, that comment the designer made about the 10K unpaid invoice was interesting, but it was never elaborated on at all. 

    The big "reveal" to the fabricator via the "oops, I signed my real name" was interesting. I wondered if they would just come clean at that point and admit to all what happened. I wonder if that guy had to sign a confidentiality agreement? 

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  9. 9 minutes ago, texassunflower said:

    These people are no longer relatable to everyday working people. They may never have been but it's really noticeable now.

    Yes -- well put. What working mom gets a New Orleans brass band welcoming her back to work after enjoying months off while having a baby? TOO MUCH. I get they're not like us but when it's so over the top like that it just makes me feel resentful. 

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  10. 22 hours ago, Mothra said:

    Well, I think Darcey is an interesting case.  I think she is totally looking for fame and maybe a show of her own (or with her sister; they've tried in the past and may feel they've struck gold with this one), but I'm inclined to agree with you that all the dramatics isn't totally fake.  I believe she really does need men to lust after her, and I believe the fact that Tom, who in her eyes is totally not worthy of her favors, has her flummoxed.  I don't think there is any other way for her to interact with men, and I truly don't think she has any other thoughts in her head.  They're either hot for her to the point of exploding crotches or they don't like her--and I don't think she believes any man doesn't like her.

    And I know there's a strong anti-Tom contingent here, and I understand where you're coming from, but I think he's bright enough and has enough of a sense of humor to understand what she's doing and how to frustrate her for his (and our) entertainment.

    This and @Cammi's posts are RIGHT ON. She sees herself as having tremendous worth as a sex object and that drives her whole existence. She thinks her hotness alone is enough to attract an amazing, good looking, sweet, supportive, rich, International boyfriend/husband. She doesn't think about how to better herself in ways other than her physical appearance. Her emotional neediness sucks the air out of a room. 

    In addition to some self help books and some counseling, Darcy would benefit big time with one of those makeunders. Calm down with the hair extensions, wear some 2-3 inch heels here and there, back off the fillers, etc. Less is more! 


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  11. 13 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    This isn't the kind of thing I normally watch, but something about the previews sucked me in.  I was liking Glenn and finding the story pretty believable till he got sick and had to go to the emergency room.  At that point I was thinking, uh-oh, this is where it falls apart--he won't have health insurance, and there goes what's left of his bankroll.  But I guess he used his actual name and insurance card to get treated, or am I misunderstanding something?  I also felt a little cynical about the tire transaction.  Why would he have the buyer come to the yard where he'd just culled those tires for free so the buyer could see where/how he got them?  And why would the buyer pay $1400 for tires he could've taken for free himself?  There are some holes in this scenario that are making it hard for me to buy into the whole deal.

    I agree! And how was he able to get that home loan? He wouldn't have been able use a fake name and fake home address. 

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  12. So far I'm liking this show (still pretty new) but I've noticed some editing/continuity things like Glenn's hair being clean and styled with product in some scenes but then looking more like he just woke up in others sequentially, which makes it seem not totally credible (but what reality show really is, I guess). Excited to see more. Very interesting idea so far. 

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  13. Did anyone see the episode with the warehouse that got fitted with 4 queen "bunk" beds?  Might be something you think it awesome as a kid but as a chick in her late 40s, I immediately thought about feeling constrained in those spaces, trying to push my boyfriend aside to get out and hit the bathroom in the middle of the night, hearing other people snore, etc. Not my thing, but the college kids may be feeling it. Looked like it would be a pain to change the fitted sheets on those.

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  14. On 8/6/2019 at 12:09 AM, RealReality said:

    1. Oh Darcy....girl....you stay thirsty.....

    What's wrong with her hairline, it's so funky....I wonder if she had a facelift and they like pulled her forehead back.  It's bizarre.  

    She and her sister look like Muppets.  And not in a good and cute way like beaker.

    I have no idea why she wears those horrible extensions.  At a certain age you really have to evaluate if long straight mermaid hair is the right look.  I think she'd have to look better with shorter hair.

    Doesn't she have a clothing line? Like house of 7/11 or something?

    Anyways tom isn't a romantic, but I appreciate him thinking to give her time to prepare. 

    Darcy ALWAYS looks half wilted, so after a long flight .....yikes

    In one of the other chat boards someone theorized that all the heavy hair extensions over the years have pulled her hairline back significantly on the top of her face.
    But I would also say that, yes, she's had a starter facelift, too. But that generally screws with the area around your ears and heals well enough that one can't really see it. 

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  15. On 8/4/2019 at 10:24 PM, Cammi said:

    I don’t feel bad for Cesar salad. He could go right down the street to the nearest church and find a good woman who’s also a great mom. She’d probably be 15lbs overweight, tired a lot from working hard so not in the mood to send half naked selfies all day, and not “Instagram ready” though. His shallow ass wants a model with the personality of a microwaved potato. So let him get played! Tired of people feeling bad for these fools that obviously only care about looks. Sorry, may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think you can fall in love with someone you’ve never met. Friends? Yes. Lust? Yeah sure. In love? Nope. You’re in love with the idea of them. True love requires face time (not the iPhone kind), in person. Caesar salad is seemingly sweet, but shallow as they come. Hope that Ukrainian takes him for all she can get. 

    YES! THIS! Does someone who is maybe a 6 think they are in a relationship with a 10 when they can't ever spend time one-on-one with the person??!? Where is the logic?

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  16. 23 hours ago, Stan39 said:

    Did you watch her the whole season? She’s a complete schill. She completely enables and coddles that coach and seems just as sleazy as he is. That one resident was right when he said the school sold its soul to the devil when it hired that coach. She and the president both should have lost their jobs for bringing in Brown and empowering him the way they did. 

    I haven't finished the whole season yet. Didn't say I admired her -- I'm saying that it may be that the way that scene transition was set up could be a sobering wakeup call to her about her role in that whole mess.  I saw her as more complex than you all did -- someone who probably had to work her ass of in a male dominated field to get that job, and who probably desperately wanted to be part of a big winner (and a very popular Netflix show) and use that opportunity to catapult herself to an even better job/situation. Yes, Coach JB is a clear dick, but her situation is more grey than black and white, in my opinion. 

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