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Posts posted by GoGamecox

  1. I thought it was interesting of the producers to show the pre-game and halftime "pussy" filled pregame and halftime speech and then cut to the team running out as the female AD is standing there alone by the field entrance. In my mind I thought if that I were her in that scene I would be so upset and disappointed in myself to see the juxtaposition of those scenes. There aren't a lot of female ADs in the field; she probably had to work her ass off to get that job. 

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  2. On 7/22/2019 at 8:23 PM, RealReality said:

    I know Larissa does some sort of advertising on social media for particular service based companies so maybe that's how she is getting the "extras"

    Agreed! I am betting she's plugging some kind of dermatologist or skin spa. She's definitely had more stuff done to her face than just the lip filler now. Looks like she's had some fillers injected in her face, too, as well as some Botox, and that stuff isn't cheap. 

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  3. On 7/30/2019 at 8:45 AM, LilMissKnowitall said:

    I'm not understanding the hating on tiffany' s size; yes she's heavy but she's proportioned and she's certainly not seconds away from being on Dr Now's operating table. Wtf with this intense reaction? She's smaller than or similar to others on the shows who never get this much animosity about size; is it just an easy target because people dislike her parenting choices and are redirecting their anger? 

    rs_600x600-190506134827-600-90-day-the-other-way-ch-050619 (1).jpg

    YES. THIS. I think she's got the most attractive personality of all the women on this season (not that that is saying a lot, I guess). And I love her face/makeup and feel like she presents herself well (unlike someone like Nicole or Danielle, say). 

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  4. I can totally see Chantel dating an NBA or NFL player. That would be a perfect fit for her lifestyle and look -- lots of camera time, lots of $, lots of plastic surgery, fake eyelashes, fillers, and Botox. I think she should ditch Pedro and go that route. She could make that transition tomorrow. 


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  5. Christina, you are right on with this:


    I kind of flipped back and forth to this episode and it's practically unwatchable. Every one of these couples should not have been cast. Colt/Larissa and Ashley/Jay have completely played out online months ago, and there is some serious rewriting of history for several of the others. The fact Sharp is continuing the Nicole/Azan farce is insulting to me as a viewer and they are both seriously unlikable. Libby's story is fake as hell and she's probably trying to land some more acting jobs with this show on her reels. 

    I feel like everyone is just trying to hold on to get whatever money they get per episode and there is just a bunch of rehashed crap happening. The leads are all starting to associate more and more with reality tv fame and are willing to do whatever it takes to be a "tv star" for as long as possible. 

    The story lines of Fernanda and Pao are great examples -- people who are trying to capitalize off the fame they get from the show by living in cities versus the rural places their men want to live. They won't get nearly the glory they want in the small towns. They want to be reality celebs who get invited to big bars and other "celebrity appearances" to make $. On one hand, they're pretty smart to do that while they can, but on the other, it shows that their appearances on the show is less about romance and more about opportunity. 

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  6. Two things:

    1. Were the judges told to make some stupid guesses that made no sense, just so everyone didn't call out the masked singers and get an expected result later? Michael Vick seems like a total stupid guess. 

    2. Someone needs to tally how many times the judges said, "Look at him!" or "Look at her!" -- new drinking game? I don't think I've ever heard so many superfluous "judge" comments. 

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  7. I started watching this because I am a fan of Ashley Graham and she plugged the show pretty hard on her Instagram. But I don't feel like I'm getting a good idea of what she's really like. Maybe it's just crappy editing?  I thought her crying reaction to Renaldo was strange when it seems she has not really interacted much or bonded with the contestants. 

  8. I've already ranted some about the judges in another forum but I'm going to bring it here for follow up. Jenny and Nicole drive me crazy, taking themselves and this show so seriously and constantly inserting their inane chatter into the performances. They're not really "judges," as the audience is the party doing the voting, right? So they're more like talking head/commentator types to add interest to the show.

    Jenny needs a new stylist, because whomever is encouraging her to bring the boobs-all-out, fake eyelashes, hair extensions, drag queen makeup (and I love me some drag queens) every time, on top of her obvious fascination with plastic surgery/fillers/etc.,  is making her look like a cartoon character. It's the classic case of doing too much. 

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  9. So I just watched my very first episodes of this show last night, and I saw two episodes with Justin (one where he confronted his mom, one where he moved with his dad to Houston). I liked him instantly and was cheering for him to succeed. Based on what everyone else is writing, it seems like he's a lot more likable than the average person on this show.

    I live in South Carolina, so I know the Rock Hill area a little bit, and it was interesting to see the footage from there. 

    I may be hooked on this show now. Uh oh.

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  10. I like this show a lot more than I thought it would, but I can't take the judges' constant asinine comments (looking at you, Jenny and Nicole -- sorry to have to call out the women, as I'm one myself). And it's silly to characterize them as judges when they're NOT judges, right? Isn't the audience voting and determining who stays and goes? They're more like commentators. I feel like Jenny and Nicole are so starved for attention and camera time that they're interjecting themselves into the performances a lot more than they should be. 

    Jenny and I are about the same age. She's starting to look like a drag queen (and I love some drag queens!) -- just doing too much -- too many boobs-all-out-outfits, excessive hair extensions, fake eyelashes, caricature makeup, plastic surgery/fillers/procedures, etc. It's a shame, because she naturally had such a pretty face. The fear of aging makes us do some crazy crap, doesn't it? I guess it's 100 times worse when you make a living on camera. 

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  11. Mystery said:


    So there's a son who has nothing to do with the restaurant, and they're still claiming the former manager wasn't stealing. I guess for legal purposes, because it surely seems like she was. 

    I agree. Seemed totally legal. 
    It's a little lame that they just returned to the normal menu but then again the locals probably associated that place's branding with all that fried food and the previous menu. 

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  12. As a native Southerner who lives in SC, it seemed a little strange to me that Kelsey's oysters were considered "cooking" at first. Raw oysters with hot sauce aren't anything revolutionary in this part of the world, and I'm not sure how Alabama could claim that as their own. But to her credit she did add some watermelon and that fresh made cocktail/vinegar mix, and she took the extra care to clean the shells so there wouldn't be any grit in the oysters. And they were certainly popular and great for a party. 

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