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Posts posted by CalicoskiesNC

  1. I love this family. It’s a very enjoyable hour and always makes me feel good. Bill really is fantastic relating with his kids. I am so touched seeing him interact with them. Jens house is so lovely. I too love seeing her with patients. 

    • Love 14
  2. I open bank accounts.  It’s not difficult to open a joint account, you ask and we do it. You can have a joint account with anyone you choose. I explain the ramifications and you get a disclosure. You can also add a person as an authorized signer to your sole owned accounts. This gives that person authority to do any business with the account except for closing it. If you want to remove someone from a joint account you must close that account ( either can do it) and open a sole owned account. 

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  3. I saw Cate had a cigarette in her left hand while reaching in the white truck and helping Nova out. She’s an adult, smoking is a stupid decision but it’s her decision.  I wish she would keep it away from the kids. Letting the girls see and smell cigarettes all the time is normalizing it and they are learning it’s ok to smoke. I can’t imagine her snuggling that baby and transferring smoke stink. Does Cate realize that every person she hugs will smell cigarettes in her hair and on her clothing?

    • Love 14
  4. Yes, I think Amber missed out on a lot of toddler time with Leah so she doesn’t realize the work has not even begun wth that baby yet. Wait till he is 2,3,4 getting into everything, not listening and need real parenting. Same deal with Cate and her 3rd coming.  Babies are adorable and women love all the attention when pregnant. But 1-3 yrs later you are just another tired mom and all the special attention is gone and your cute baby that just laid around cooing is now active and needing real parenting. Have fun! Poor kids, hope they will have other adults the littles can count on for nurture. 

    • Love 8
  5. I have become so bored with Maci, Cate, Amber that it’s really refreshing seeing new people and new stories. The old 3 just have nothing new going on and I fast fwd thru a lot of their segments.  I think Chey and Bristol have some interesting drama going on. I hope Dakota gets ongoing therapy for his ptsd. That’s very real and very difficult for them to live with.  I think Cory is just a dirty dog but he seems to be making strong efforts with his daughter, that’s sweet to see.  Chey is extremely pretty, in fact Bristol is very pretty too.  Yeah, I like pretty people and babies on my tv, so what?

    • Love 18
  6. No defense of her actions, but in defense of the shed...I have one similar. They do not place directly on ground, they usually place concrete blocks underneath and level it so none of the floor touches the ground. Looks like a shed company built and installed. 

    • Love 3
  7. Do Brandi’s girls need therapy? Why do they act and speak like that? I am around lots of littles and rarely ever see one acting or speaking that way toward an adult. Seems those girls get very little actual nurturing.  They both seem to be acting up negatively just for attention. Sad to see girls that age acting so inappropriate and just rude. 

    I don’t live in TX but have similar steamy weather in N.C.  How can these women wear such heavy makeup without it just melting away?  It’s like they are made up for some off broadway show. 

    Carrie and Mark are yucky. They seem so cold and just plain stuck-up.  It’s all about the appearance and the labels. 

    • Love 6
  8. Is that Sharpie marker on her eyebrows? I have never in my like seen more self-absorbed people in this world. All these posted pics of themselves. Everyday is a photo shoot of the mundane stuff. Who really cares?? Those girls are not photogenic, sorry for my superficial comment. 

    • Love 20
  9. I think Diego seems to be learning impaired or on the spectrum maybe. He seems lost in his own head and has so much trouble relating in a normal way. Most of these kids seem slow or just not very bright, sad commentary on public schools if this is typical for 16yo.

    • Love 5
  10. Why are her breasts so lopsided?  She is a young woman and yes very heavy breasted, but one is many inches higher than the other. I guess a side effect from surgery?  

    • Love 3
  11. Spoiler


    What's up with the screen sticking up out of the dash? Mercedes doesn't have an integrated screen?  That's cheap looking. Must be in lower end models. 


    Eta I think I accidentally inserted a spoiler but don't know how to get rid of it. 

    • Love 5
  12. Good grief, what are these families thinking by allowing this show about them to air?? Do they not realize how awful they all look? Where has dignity and humility gone?  I am just disgusted by everyone on this show, adults and teens.  What a bunch of uneducated losers, plain and simple. Ugh, and my family works hard to pay taxes so probably all of them can receive Medicaid and welfare.  

    • Love 13
  13. I love this show. These men remind me of my dad and his friends and my uncles. I like all these guys and appreciate them letting us interlope into their lives. It's fascinating to me how they brainstorm and cope with all these tasks and obstacles. I feel like a lazy a$$ loser when I watch from my recliner munching popcorn. I feel a bit upset with Jason and Mary in AK tho for having their baby 75 miles from a hospital. I don't like putting a newborn and the mother at any kind of risk like that in 2018, seems selfish and irresponsible. Just my opinion.

     I especially enjoy Eustace, he's a fun whackadoodle who I truly admire and respect. Rest in peace dear Preston. I love Tom and Nancy, they are adorable and I think Tom is the original Ironman! Gosh he's tough in good way.  Morgan is always so darn upbeat and smart.  And Marty!  What a hoot! Can't say enough how I enjoy this program. 

    • Love 4
  14. 5 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    It’s a common misconception that you need a CCP to have your gun in your car.

    Legally, your car is considered an extension of your home, so you can absolutely carry your gun in your car without a CCP. 

    I am sorry but in NC this is incorrect. Unless Janelle has CCP that gun cannot be under her seat. I found this explaining:


    For instance, it’s illegal to carry a concealed gun in a car without a concealed carry permit. And if you’re pulled over while driving with a concealed gun, you are legally required to tell the police officer you’re carrying.

    In a car, a weapon is considered concealed if it’s out of sight but readily accessible, like under the seat, in a purse or in an unlocked glove box.

    But if the glove box is locked, or if the gun is in the trunk or in another locked container, it’s not considered a concealed weapon. So that’s one option for people who want to travel with guns but don’t have a concealed carry permit. It’s also legal to travel with a gun, and without a concealed carry permit, if the gun is openly displayed.



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