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Everything posted by Hcw0227

  1. I doubt the (ill-advised) timing of Raven's lecture had anything to do with Kristina's stubbornness in laying blame on Danielle. She was still doing it weeks later at the finale.
  2. Thank you. I was shocked by the amount of hatred D-Lo (?) was receiving. It makes me sad that people feel the need to bash the "other woman" just because they happen to be fans of one; I find it pretty juvenile and pathetic.
  3. Props to Jordan for sticking up for his partner. At the end of the last episode, I was sure he was going to put the blame squarely on Sarah's shoulders and try to avoid all repercussions.
  4. Sarah, I love you. I take back calling you a pathetic asskisser to JEK on the ruins. You throwing in Bananas was nothing short of amazing.
  5. No sympathy for Leroy because he is a quitter, but Bananas' hypocrisy makes me sick. He throws huge hissy fits and sanctimonious rants when things don't go his way yet has absolutely no problem doing the exact same things to others. STFU bananas. I hated Nia on her season, but I would have absolutely no problem with her banging Bananas over the head with a hair dryer once or twice.
  6. Words cannot express how much I despise Bananas, he is the worst kind of douchebag. Whenever someone tries to argue or bring up a point with him, he will somehow twist the words/scenario in his nasty little brain or change the subject to validate his point. Not to mention the fact that he is a huge hypocrite - didn't he get on Zach's case earlier this season about how alliance members don't just not say each other's name, they "stick their neck out" for each other? Way to do that for Leroy, asshole, who is a much closer friend to you than you were to Zach.
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