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Posts posted by Porkchop

  1. All my dreams are about loss. I am a really upbeat person, possibly genetically blessed never to feel depressed. I feel sad, feel regret, feel sorry ... but I'm never depressed. So it seems odd to me that my dreams are so downbeat ... I have always lost my pocketbook, lost my car, lost my keys ... and the search is fruitless, unending, woeful. Once in a while I am lost myself, in one of those never-ending houses. I am always relieved to wake up and find out it was just a dream.

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  2. Me too! I want to know you all better ... I want you to know me ... so I can become part of the lovely friendships I see here. Don't let the lack of Duggar news keep you away from this thread ... it's the best thing I've ever found on the internet!

    • Love 3
  3. I'm interested in buying some dot-to-dot books for friends. There are hundreds of them on Amazon. Can someone recommend a particular title? The covers are mostly in color, making me wonder if they are coloring books as well as dot to dot? I think I'd prefer books that are just puzzles. Opinions please ... and thanks in advance!

  4. Aja, I'm mostly a lurker here, but I know just what you mean. Reading these conversations, seeing these people caring about each other and trying to help each other (in the limited ways possible through the internet!) ... does actually help all of us, because it shows that friendship grows wherever you tend to it. But on top of the caring part, the snark is priceless! I'd give anything to convene a gathering in my living room!


    • Love 7
  5. Leighroda ... I have two different friends who want me to spend holidays with their families. I love them both, and I'm fond of their families, but I am not happy to be the lone non-family person at a big gathering. Everyone there has lots to say to every other person, but I have to struggle to remember what I know about the ones I only see on holidays. Lunch with two or three of them, a visit to the home of a friend's brother and wife, a movie with a couple of sisters ... those things are totally fine. But I am not able to explain this to my friends without hurting their feelings.


    Besides that, I am now living in a situation with a huge population of active singles. I'm loving it. I'm new here, but already there is always something to do, someplace to go, something to sign up for ... and I know that I will build a "family" here over time. I really don't want to miss a holiday here! (How lucky am I!)


    • Love 12
  6. My mother-in-law (gone but not forgotten) would rather spend $20 on 20 useless gifts at the dollar store than splurge for something I might actuallly use. But ... she took our kids on an adventure every weekend, and when she brought them home on Sunday nights, she cleaned the kitchen, wallpapered a room or two, mowed the lawn and cleaned the fish tank. Well, not all on the same trip, but close ... she was SO much help. She was just a bundle of energy ... very Energizer Bunny-ish. I loved her dearly and miss her a lot.

    • Love 12
  7. PrincessSteel ... .I just popped in to promote the same idea ... they should have picked a week and given every designer a plus-size model. That would have shown who really had talent. I would have been happy with either Edmond or Kelly winning, but when they gave it to Ashley, I guess I am done with Project Runway. Using the junior show to make the finale last soooooooo looooooong was a horrible decision. 


    And why is Tim Gunn wearing his suits so very tight? Do you think he is pleased when he sees himself?



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  8. If you go to the youtube video of news about Josh's drone for sale on Ebay (though the speaker is wrong, it was Josiah's) ... be sure to read the comments. I'm copying one comment for you ...


    "He probably sold it because he crashed it... it's pretty hard to hover a camera-equipped drone, outside the bedroom window of your neighbors teenage daughter, late at night, while naked... using only one hand. xD"



    • Love 17
  9. In my family, we have the word "snisket." As in, I fell off my bike and hurt my snisket. Or ... Good grief, now I have poison ivy on my snisket. Or ... A hornet flew up my pants and bit me right on the snisket. It defines the area visible between your legs from the front. It's not internal, like vagina. It seems to me to be a really useful word. Not demeaning, not crass. 

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  10. I never watched this show, but I knew who the Duggars were because I love magazines ... and I subscribe to many, plus I devour them at the doctor's, the dentist's and the hairdresser's! But now, I am addicted to previously.tv! This forum in particular! I should be working, but I'm checking on Josh! I may need counseling!

    • Love 18
  11. I knew Michelle Collins from a wonderful interview she did with Adam Lambert, back when Adam came in second on American Idol. She was chaming and sharp, and I was really impressed with her. Not so much this time. 

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