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Posts posted by Porkchop

  1. Love2dance ... I am old and this story is older, and there's no one left for me to find out more about it. It probably was about 1935 that the mother left. She never came back, but the boy baby, when grown, was back with the family. The father was left with children ranging in age from toddlers to twenties, with the 15 oldest being girls, so the big kids helped raise the little kids. When I came into this family, about 1960, I knew most of them as adults, and loved some of them with all my heart.

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  2. My mother-in-law was one of 18 live births (including one set of twins). The first 15 (FIFTEEN!) were girls! followed by three boys. We have a newspaper article that was written about her when she had ten little girls, with pictures of the barefoot darlings on the porch with their mother. Her husband had a large but not profitable farm, and she took the train into the city every day to her job in a factory. Talk about having it all! When the 18th baby arrived, she took him and left town, never to return. (It's funny to think that, nowadays, the newspaper article/pictures would probably have gotten her an agent and a book deal, an appearance on Ellen, maybe a show of her own .... how times change!)

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  3. Do you think Sandra might have told Michaela earlier that she knew MIchaela did not steal the sugar? Might even have said, just let JT think you did it and we'll both benefit?

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  4. I applied for a knock-off show called (if I remember right!) Treasure Hunters? They were looking for three-person teams. Auditions were held at a bar in Boston. Our three were my niece Wendy, Wendy's boyfriend's sister and me I was in my early 70s, Wendy and WB'S were both in their 40s. Everyone else in the line to apply was under 25. I thought we were totally wasting our time (but having fun!), but it turned out that we stood out from the crowd because of our ages. A few days later, we got a call-back for a second interview ... to be videotaped and sent to the west coast production offices. Woo hoo, we were SO excited! Those who made it to the next step were to be flown out to California. Sadly, we never got the next call. I think part of the reason we didn't make it was that Wendy's boyfriend's sister and I did not know each other at all, had never met. So we were not a comfortable threesome, in the way that three old friends can be. It was definitely a fun experience though ... if you have a chance to apply, do it!

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  5. This forum is more fun than the show .. but I'll hang in there for a couple of weeks to see if it gets more interesting. It will break my heart if The Amazing Race is not renewed. If only production would look back at some of the early very-entertaining seasons!

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  6. I think it's very likely that Adam's brother told him that the weekly Survivor episode was the highlight of their mother's days ... something she looked forward to with joy. In my family, we are going through the imminent death of a young man, stricken with cancer, and not responding to any treatment. We are desperate for something/anything to brighten his last days. Although I think Adam must've been heartbroken not to get home in time, I hope he is comforted by the Survivor adventure they shared.

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  7. I don't think we can assume Figgy is bitter because Taylor says she is. Seems more likely that Figgy was happy to see the last of Taylor. She might have thought she could stand him while their fame lasted, because it might have been fun ... but I doubt she was planning a future with him.

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  8. I don't think Jeff will be making much of the Figgy/Taylor showmance because it turns out that Taylor's back-home girlfriend is pregnant and expecting their child sometime soon.

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  9. Barb, I had the chemical stress test in the spring ... I was alarmed about it (I am alarmed about everything medical) and someone told me something bad about it (have forgotten the details now!), but my cardiologist was very reassuring so I went for it. And it was easy peasy ... no problems at all. I had the physical stress test about 20 years ago and I certainly wouldn't want to do that again!

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  10. I didn't watch last night, and thought I'd catch up today ... but reading what you all have written here, I guess I'm done watching ... after all these years! I can't believe BB has bored me to the point where I don't miss it at all.

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  11. It seems like the latest fashion is for men to wear suit jackets a size too small and women to not comb their hair ... have you noticed this? I don't often watch The Talk, but I couldn't take my eyes off Aisha's dreadful stringy hair. The girl whose name I don't know also had messy hair.

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  12. When am I supposed to think the talking heads during the competitions were filmed? Do they stop filming and go before a camera? Or do they film a bunch of random quotes first and then use the ones that fit? 

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  13. Have any of you watched the current exercise videos on PBS? Anyone doing it? It looks like no-sweat gentle movement exercise, and the speaker makes it sound like it can make a real difference in the aging process. Basically, she says you don't need to lift weights, you don't need to run, you can just do graceful movements to keep every muscle active. I am 80 and currently going to physical therapy for a weak knee ... and I can see improvement after only 4 visits! And I'm going to try this Aging Backwards stuff ... go to youtube and search for Workout with Miranda Esmonde-White, AGING BACKWARDS author if you're interested.

    • Love 8
  14. This show is kinda fun ... guy meets a bunch of girls, girls decide if they want to see more of him, guy picks two out of the positive thinkers ... and then it's down to one girl/one guy. And a new guy appears on the horizon. Not as meat-markety as the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows.

  15. I've been on four river cruises ... loved three of them! The first was on a Russian ship (just didn't realize what we were booking!), not good. Then Grand Circle's Rhine and Mosell trip ... absolutely wonderful. Next Vantage's Rhone cruise ... pretty good, but not as good as Grand Circle. And last, Grand Circle's Belgium to Holland trip ... just lovely, wonderful food, super guides, great staff on the ship. But my favorite trips have been Grand Circle's Overseas Adventure Travel trips ... a little off the beaten path, unusual accommodations, adventurous options like zip-lining, white-water rafting, etc.

    • Love 3
  16. It's hard to believe that I am not looking forward to next week's Survivor. Anticipation has been a big part of the fun, until now. 


  17. I am ancient and I get up multiple times in the night to pee. Not a problem, really, because I fall back to sleep easily. Recently, however, I had a brownie hot fudge sundae for supper (instead of anything sensible!) and I slept through the night. Hmm....

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