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Everything posted by Jhem211

  1. As beautiful as that nighttime shot was, I wish Jaha would have fallen off the side of that mountain. I'm really over his righteousness and Moses imagery. I really love the gender flip of Raven telling Bellamy Clarke kept information from him in order to "keep him safe." Ditto for Raven momentarily setting aside her issues with Clarke in order to hug it out. I think when the truth eventually comes about about TonDC and Clarke has gone even further down this dark road, Raven will be one of the few who actually support her. She's good at seeing people from all sides or at least accepting people as they are. And I am completely on board for exploring how dark Clarke can get as it relates to making tough calls as a leader. Of course Abby is appalled. So is Clarke. Abby has shown time and time again that these are the exact decisions she will not make whereas Clarke has shown an increasing ability to do what she deems necessary, even at great cost. Allow hundreds(?) to die and most likely lose the war? Sacrifice hundreds and have a better chance at winning the war? This isn't a new dilemma, but it's a new POV to show the juxtaposition of a mother and daughter as leaders.
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