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Posts posted by howiveaddict

  1. 9 hours ago, magdalene said:

    I don't see it that way.  All I saw was nobody can hurt you like family, nobody will resent you like family, and that's especially true between mothers and daughters sometimes.  I know I am in the minority here but I don't see Joan as a wicked witch who hurt her parents on purpose (sometimes as a young person you have to have distance from family while you are finding yourself and working through things) and who ruined Morse's life - he is an adult, whatever troubles he is having - a lot of it is his family history and the job, and him being a thwarted romantic who has slowly turned into a cynic.

    For all the trouble the Thursdays are having - there clearly is love between them.  I am confused about Sam, have we ever met Sam? Did I forget something? Why should I care about Sam all of a sudden?

    Not a favorite episode of mine. For one thing there was a harlequin in it. I hate clowns, mimes and harlequins. They all give me the heebie jeevies.

    Was this season filmed during the pandemic? It has felt limited in scope and this last episode especially has felt like a bottle episode.

    Joan's behavior was typical of women in the 60s, rebelling and choosing a different path than their parents. It does not make her a bad person.   Also I would choose a different path too with a mother like Win.

    l too dislike clowns.

    They showed a clip about filming in covid  after the episode.  Among other clips. Wonder what part of the episode was left out for that?

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  2. 3 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    Good for Tom for self-reflection, owning his mistakes, and working on maturing.

    I guffawed when Gary objected to the phrase "bang Daisy" and so Andy Cohen (not my fave) switched the phrasing up to "should Daisy and Gary 'make love?'", the disgust for that phrase dripping from his voice!  


    That's Andy.   Always keeping it Klassy!

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  3. 10 hours ago, aghst said:

    They want to milk the drama in some cases.

    Though what's his name got the boot quickly when he screwed up night watch.

    I think that is because of the boat owner and the insurance company. Glen could lose his job if he didn't fire him.  It also  didn't help that the production boat took off and left them when all this happened.

    • Love 4
  4. Loved the scuba scenes.  Lol at the sea sick/drunk women puking in unison.  Jaime remained a horrible bosun.  Culver showed his true colors at the end.  Captain Jason is becoming one of my favorites.  Love Tumi and Aesha.  Hope this chef returns too.

    Saw that Down Under is going to be on Bravo same night as Med. Hope they have a reunion show.  It will be interesting to see Sandy and Jason , on the same night and compare them.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

    I don't know why Marlo has such a raging hard-on of dislike for Kandi. I get that secondhand clothes trigger her because of her foster care experiences, but going on as if Kandi pulled a Marion Brook from The Gilded Age and gifted Marlo old shoes, is too much.

    I love this reference and knew what you meant immediately.  That doesn't happen too much for me. 😁

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  6. 9 hours ago, Passing Strange said:

    I no more believe in Marlo's magical transformation into a caring human being than I did Porsha's. If you know your sister might not be thinking rationally when you call her, first, take the call in a private place and second, leave the boys out of it until you know how the call is going to go. What I could find online indicates that her sister's situation isn't uncommon, which is sad, but that call felt like Marlo was mining it for storyline.

    3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Talk about dredging up old storylines! Sheree got nothing going on. I don't even know what Drew and Sanya are fighting about. This season is a dreadful bore. 

    I thought it was terrible putting those boys on tv with the hopes of filming them talking to their mother. 

    Tired of Marlo and Sheree trying to take down Kandi.  She works more and has more than the other two combined.  She doesn't flaunt brands.  She tried to donate the clothes that Marlo turned her nose up at. Clothes that while used, were probably barely worn. And probably some still had tags on them if truth be told.  Then Sheree all mad because Kandi did not rush to the phone after what happened with her jailbird.  If someone I was marginal friends at called me out of the blue, I would think it was to listen to the gossip of what happened and not to offer support. 

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  7. What's with Ayan wearing a fur coat in the 113 temperature.  Then later she had on this weird outfit with this cut out card board looking circle and square on it.  At that time she complained that her wig was too hot.  Too hot for wig but not for fur coat?  I know she thinks she is a fashionista, but I find her outfits ridiculous looking.  

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  8. I don’t know why they don’t use professional bakers for all the cakes.   Most chefs don’t make desserts in real life.  It’s a different skill set.  Especially for the upcoming vow renewal.   Who wants a sloppy looking wedding cake.  And most cakes on this show have been sloppy.   I guess it will be better than the chef who spread chocolate syrup on the table on sailing yacht last year.  

    • Love 9
  9. 4 hours ago, candall said:

    I don't have children and I haven't seen the first two seasons, so I am completely unqualified to comment, but . . . 

    I think it's CRACKERS that this whole family has been thrown into chaos because one of the kids wants his dad to move out.

    I can just imagine the looks on everyone's faces if one of my childhood friends had insisted Daddy go find a different place to live.  Everyone would have started with the assumption there was sexual molestation involved.

    Yep.  Back in my day we didn’t let the kids  control the family.   
    I felt bad for Paul’s dad’s lover dying and for the mother finding out she was betrayed.   

    • Sad 1
  10. On 6/2/2022 at 4:37 PM, aqusdealer said:

    Jaimes depression begins to set in as he’s frustrated. “Why can’t I get some people fired too” Waaaahhh! Waaaah!!!

    And he’s digging in on social media about aesha and brittini calling him a bitch.   Waaah!    What a tender ego. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, nokat said:

    I worked with a lot of men, and nicknames are something they do with each other. As much as I dislike Ashley, I'd never call her that name. I was not nicknamed.

    I'll elaborate. It is a way for men to fit in. It is not meant as an insult.

    My hubby’s work had nicknames for everyone.  And it was all men.  

    • Useful 2
  12. I can't believe no one is commenting. I'm really enjoying this. But then, I really enjoy tales of Hollywood set during this era.  Also, the Godfather is one of my favorite movie. I remember reading that they wanted Love Story to have a happy ending.  My aunt and uncle went to see it Christmas day while the rest of us were at a family get together. They both came home crying.  

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  13. Before knowing the outcome of this show, I knew it was the cousin who raped her.  The twins are still dispicable after all these years.  I felt the racism oozing from them.

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  14. On 5/21/2022 at 1:24 PM, Irlandesa said:

    I've always been iffy on conviction based on the few details these shows provide but as a doctor, he should know that a bed is not where CPR should be performed. In fact, it's recommended to move someone from the bed to the floor to perform CPR if they're found on a bed.


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  15. On 5/18/2022 at 8:33 PM, MartyQui said:

    She also claims she’s “Harvard trained”…ummm, you’re not Harvard trained unless you did your residency at a Harvard hospital.  Harvard undergrad doesn’t count.

    She probably attended a botox seminar at Harvard and now makes it sounds like she received her education there.

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  16. 12 hours ago, Bobbin said:

    It's always a treat to see Iain Armitage get a chance to show off his acting chops, with a nod to the makeup crew. I wonder what puberty will do to Iain's singing voice -- there came a time when Donnie Osmond could no longer sing his signature song "Puppy Love" on stage without his voice cracking.

    When Peter Brady's voice changed , on the Brady Bunch, they made a song about it.

    The whole point of them picking Vanilla Ice for Missy's crush was so Sheldon, being clueless about pop culture, could make the sno cone joke. I thought it was funny.

    • Love 11
  17. My nit pick is that the sister still had stitches in her head when this case went to trial.  And what a sloppy stitching job the emergency room that took care of her did.  They could have closed that wound so that it didn't have such big scars. Or in reality they would close the wound with something like super glue or steri strips.  

    But, it's nice that the New York court system is so non busy that they can arrest, arraign, prosecute and prevent a case before the original victim's wound has time to heal.  I live in a small city and it takes at least 6 months for cases to go to trial. Guess there isn't as much crime in NYC.

    • Love 13
  18. 9 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    In this case, I don't think anyone else will be eating that spaghetti- the crew all said they were put off of spaghetti for, if not life, a very long time, after that display.  But, yes, it was disgusting.  (And not much better the next morning.)

    I hope you were able to control yourself around him! 😉

    It was hard!!

    • LOL 5
  19. 1 minute ago, jalady said:

    Brooklyn is very cute, but just NO to that party outfit.  With all the black and silver it looked like she was attending a nighttime formal event.  She should have been in something pastel or floral and frilly.  And Kenya should have done something with her hair.  I'm disappointed in you Kenya (although her look was also more nighttime than tea party. *shrug*)

    I thought it looked like that outfit was wearing her!

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