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Posts posted by Iseut

  1. Quote

    I'm also glad that Ian Eastwood and the Young Lions is gone because I find the name of the group obnoxious

    Thank you! It's so clunky. I get that it's HIS crew, but it's still a crew, and he doesn't need his name plastered over them, Trump-style. If he wants to be solo, then he should go solo.

    The Upper category was the first cut that had me really holding my breath. I absolutely love Keone and Mari and Fikshun, and I like Les Twins a whole lot. Hate to see any of them go out. Fikshun was waaaay underscored though. I also got goosebumps at his routine like JLo, and he made me actually not hate that song for the first time. The way the judges (except Ne-yo) raved, I figured he'd get scores somewhere in the 90s...to see them all score him so low was really upsetting, and made me think (not for the first time) that all of the winners are predetermined. Glad that we at least have more chances to see Fik-shun as a SYTYCD all-star in the coming weeks.

    Derek Hough makes me roll my eyes most of the time, but I was right there with him when he was like "Keoni and Mari's love isn't sunshine and rainbows 100% of the time?!? NOOOOO!" They're my ideal couple! I need to belieeeeve! Their routine was fantastic...I don't know how they didn't become eternally tangled in that band.

    • Love 3
  2. It was telegraphed from the start that Diana Pombo and Eva Igo would be going head to head, which is annoying. They are both talented and performed well, but I really loved the Lab...if they weren't quite so wee, I could see them holding their own in the adult group competition. Their tiny little superstar, at least, is going places. Girl is fierce! Also, ImmaBeast? I guess you were good at one point, but apparently you did not merit a mentoring montage, or even the airing of your full routine. That was lame. I could have done with about twenty minutes less of fawning and crying over Eva if it meant not cutting anyone's routine. 

    Was Diana's choreographer the same one that did Sia's videos? A lot of the movements were very similar.

    Swing Latino is a little too frenetic and all-over-the-place to take a top spot, but they did look like they were just having tons of fun. I don't think I'd vote for them to win (or, sorry, LOCK IN MY SCORES. Are my scores LOCKED? Let me LOCK IN MY SCORES. Gah.), but I totally wanted to just get up there and fling myself around with them. 

    Love SuperCr3w, but did not love that performance. Kudos to them for trying something new and displaying unusually emotional material for B-Boys, but I agree with the judges that it didn't really gel. The only thing that really impressed me was that one guy's solo where he kept bouncing from his hand to his forearm. Amazing. And also, ouch.

    • Love 2
  3. Quote

    I'm not sure about the Kiki pick but I wonder if he cruised because he knew Jenna was going to pick him.  Kiki is good at his thing but calling him the best ballroom auditioner ever is more over the top than ever.  I would easily rank Artem, Dmitry, and Pasha ahead of him.

    Not to mention Paul, who was sitting RIGHT THERE in an All Star chair! Rude! 

    Jenna has always bugged me. 

    • Love 5
  4. I could only stomach about 20 minutes of this...just awful. The parts of the story they "updated" really killed the (very minimal) complexity of the original. Baby just wants to pay for dance lessons? Ok. So why does she need to learn the lift? In the original, at least there were some stakes there...Baby had to learn the exact routine with the lift so that Johnny and Penny could keep their jobs. That urgency was totally lost here.

    Damn, the actor playing Johnny was a charisma suck. Abs alone do not make a leading man. Even when Swayze's Johnny was annoyed by Baby, you could see that he found her interesting and connected with her. This guy just stared at her blankly.

    Debra Messing's Marge telling Jake "you haven't touched me in a year" skeeved me out. I'm all for a healthy sex life at every age, but nobody wants to hear parental figures talking about it in detail. Eeeeeww.

    • Love 3
  5. I was wondering if the ovens were faulty...I'm sure the kids aren't perfect bakers, but for so many of them to have nearly raw cakes, and for Duff to shout "Hey, this just needs to look like a volcano, not a bundt cake!" In the middle of the competition seemed fishy to me.

    Either way, i agree that this crop of kids don't seem as naturally talented, or as naturally cute,  as in previous seasons. Some of them are mugging waaaay too hard. I like science nerd Justice and son-of-a-baker Reese (his mom's purse cakes! Whaaaat?!? Amazing). Keniyah does the mugging a little too much, but she seems to be able to back it up with some great baking (and her voice reminds me of the little girl in the old Sesame Street skit. "A loaf of bread , a container of milk, and a stick of butter." It makes me smile).

    • Love 5
  6. Aww, Yigit. I had forgotten about my gay Israeli pastry chef boyfriend. Looooved him. He will make my desserts while Rufus Wainwright sings me to sleep every night, Tim Gunn designs my clothes, and David Sedaris and I make catty comments in movies while we speak French to each other. I heart my imaginary gay harem.


    Sam was my Season 2 boyfriend too...pretty damn sexy, and really clever with the food. I loved that he blew everyone away by serving seasoned popcorn as a palate cleanser. So creative and innovative, and yay, I love popcorn! But then he had to get clique-y with the jerk crowd and they were so middle-school bully with Marcel, so I just couldn't with him anymore. But I would still eat his popcorn, if ya know what I mean.

    I did also love me some Doug and Bryan Voltaggio. And Stephanie is my girl crush.

    Hmmm...Top Chef Marry, F**K, Kill?

    Marry Bryan V
    F**k Sam
    Kill? Blais. Always kill Blais.

    • Love 1
  7. My husband has had a crush on the AT&T girl for awhile  (I tease him about how he always lets go of the FF button when she comes on). Now that he knows she's actually talented and funny too, she's on his "allowables" list.

    Great lineup tonight for the post-break show. Kyle Kinane, especially, was on fire. The "2nd period" joke was genius.

    I was nervous that Hardwick would make it all about himself and his wedding, but he kept it relatively brief. Congrats to him, btw...I just don't like when his personal stuff takes over the comedians too much.

    I would be happy if Ron Funches was on every show. Even when he's not necessarily at his funniest, his joy is just so infectious.

    • Love 2
  8. Yeah, and I assumed that she realized that it means something with Poussey, which changes things. They're in a loving relationship that could extend beyond their prison time. When she was with Nicky, she was still new and was thinking of prison as more of a self-righteous sociological experiment, so she was probably experimenting and not worried that she would ever see Nicky in "real" life.

  9. Taystee Googling Red was awesome, but I loved even more the cat dressed as George Washington that came up when she Googled Poussey Washington. Pussy Washington! Hee hee...I wonder if that was already online (would not be surprised) or if the production team had to Photoshop it.

    I also just love that she was Googling Poussey...theirs is my favorite relationship on the show and I miss their scenes together. I like Poussey and Soso together, too, but I hope we get some more Poussey/Taystee (and Amanda/McKenzie!) before the season ends. 

    I can never quite muster up the Piper hate that so many have. I think Taylor Schilling does a great job and I enjoy a lot of her scenes, even if she makes stupid choices (isn't she in there for making stupid choices in the first place?). Her weak smile when Piscatella told her he'd never find her adorable was hilarious. I also think the white power thing is interesting...she was so horrified when she first entered the prison and saw the clear-cut racial divides. She became a part of that divided culture for survival, and now by "breaking bad" into her panty business, she's fully immersed in the racism and prison culture to the point where she's inciting it at its worst. 

    • Love 4
  10. By highlighting the craziness of the Libertarian convention and the awkwardness of Gary Johnson, I think Sam Bee is doing the same thing she did by being the only one (that I saw) to highlight Kasich's extreme right-wing stance on abortion. She is showing us the dangers of giving up and thinking "Ehh, I don't like the front-runner, so I'll just vote for, oh, say, THIS guy! I don't know much about him, but he doesn't make me want to curl up in the fetal position, so he gets my vote!" Sam Bee is challenging our current system by showing us what that philosophy could lead to. 

    • Love 6
  11. Gotta give an Amen Sister Friend to amensisterfriend! Liz is awful.


    In addition to being just a shitty character in general (abandoning her son, taking advantage of Luke, etc.), the dialogue written for her was just the absolute worst, to the point where I felt sorry for the actress for having to deliver it. One of my biggest pet peeves in when characters reveal their relationships through clunky expository dialogue, and Liz was forced to call Luke "big brother" in pretty much every single episode. Siblings don't do that. They call each other by name. Or a nickname. Or an insult. In most cases, we could have figured out she was his sister by context. Show, don't tell, AS-P.


    And when she met Lorelai and after a long conversation, she's all "Oh, you're The Wiiiiife!" So, Liz knows that Big Brother got married, but doesn't know anything about The Wife, or even her name? Or couldn't say, "Oh, you're Nicole!" Ugh.


    But the worst. "You're going to make someone a good wife to some lucky man someday. Or a good sister-in-law to some lucky girl." Gah, the anvil. I have been hit by a giant anvil and I am now dead so I don't know who is typing this next part. WHO SAYS THAT?!? NOBODY SAYS THAT! Ohhhhh, yes, Liz is the deceptively sage free spirit who has figured out that Luke and Lorelai are perfect for each other. WE. GET. IT. Gah. 


    [breathing into a paper bag] Got a little off topic there. I guess my UO in this post would be that AS-P can be a very, very shitty writer. Even though we all love her for bringing us to this place and consider a lot of the GG writing to be better than a lot of other TV.

    • Love 6
  12. Sookie's weight is probably not super healthy, but the show mercifully spared us characters sitting Sookie down and telling her that she was making Bad Choices and that being obese was Not Okay.

    Sookie very probably ate more healthily than Lorelai and Rory. She had a gourmet palate and she was married to the produce man, often talking about the glories of delicious fruits and vegetables. Sookie may have been heavier, but she had to have been healthier (if Stars Hollow were not Fantasyland, that is).

    • Love 6
  13. It's pretty amazing that Emily would have let Lorelai be a part of her wedding renewal in that dress. Especially considering her comment a few seasons earlier about Lorelai dressing in way that makes her "look like 10 cents a dance." (Which was a rude thing to say, obviously, but it's also a pretty awesome, elegant and withering insult and I kind of love it).

    • Love 4
  14. Maybe they were reminiscing to Luke's high school days, when his apparently perfect butt was visible in track shorts? Which makes it creepier, but Patty did also get a little creepy with Dean and pretty much every other man in Stars Hollow, so it wouldn't be out of the question for her. 

    • Love 1
  15. I may be biased as a curly girl myself, but I think both Lorelai and Rory look better with some curl! They gave Rory quite a bit of curl in Season 5, and I think those are her best looks. The curl is used to especially cute effect in her best man outfit at the vow renewal.



    • Love 3
  16. Lorelai - in the Renaissance dress and wreath at Liz's wedding

    Jess - the wet t-shirt in the sprinkler scene. I don't even like Jess but I'm only human.

    Rory - in that gorgeous gown Logan gave her for "You Jump I Jump, Jack"

    Paris - her first date with Jamie

    Emily - I can't remember what she was wearing, but I thought she looked so lovely in the scene where she tried to tell Trix that she knows what it's like to be humiliated. She just looked so much softer than usual as she was trying to be both humble and assertive with her feelings.

    • Love 2
  17. I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard at a trailer. It was like a great K&P sketch, with the promise of more!

    The kitten visuals are killing me, especially that do-rag. Hilarious.

    Also, best use of George Michael, probably ever.

    • Love 3
  18. I'm not usually much of a kid person, but these kids have all won me over and I am just getting the hugest kick out of them. I also want to put Peggy in my pocket! She's too cute for words. Considering she's contending with adorable Jane and her pigtails, that is some impressive cuteness right there. 


    My favorite, though, is Alex. "I like pandas 'cause they're awesome. They just sit there and they eat their bamboo." Hee. They do! They do do that! And Duff's perfect impression later in the episode made the panda comment even funnier later on.

    • Love 5
  19. And so on... I've always pictured Ashley as resembling Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride, even before I knew who Cary Elwes was.

    "..With eyes like the sea after a storm..." :)


    And even if she is a stereotype, Mammy does have some of the greatest lines. Before the barbecue: "I ain't noticin' Mister Ashley askin' fer to marry you."

    Scarlett's glare and Mammy's slow downward look and tiny smile after this line are priceless. Mammy's expression says "OK, I may have pushed it too far with that one. I'll pretend to be chastened but girl you know I'm right."

    • Love 5
  20. Here's a nitpick.  How was it that Rory didn't get into serious trouble at Chilton for ditching school to go see Jess?   I mean, it's not like it wouldn't have been noticed that she just left, and the Headmaster had shown during the first season that he wasn't enamored by Rory or Lorelai.  I don't remember there ever being any follow up.

    I just watched this episode. Before she leaves for school, Rory also tells her mom that she has "a bunch of newspaper stuff" to do after school before the graduation. So we know she had to have gotten busted in some way. As unlikely as it is that she'd escape being in trouble from the school authorities for ditching, there's noooooo way she'd be able to escape the wrath of Paris for shirking her duties on the Franklin. 

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