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Posts posted by Iseut

  1. Oh, Sookie and Jackson's wedding by far. I don't know if TJ would live if I had to be around him more than 5 minutes, especially in the obnoxiousness of a Ren Faire setting.

    You can eliminate one of Rory's boyfriends from ever existing on the show. WYR eliminate Dean, Jess or Logan?

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  2. It was so funny hearing Lana's explanation of using Archer's sperm through the ringing of his tinnitus/fugue state. I could just make out a few things as her voice got more muffled. "...after all, I love you and.." "...know it's not the most ethical decision ever..."

    Great ending to a season that I liked, if not loved. Curious if my reaction will be different upon repeat viewings. I was somewhat iffy on last season too, but now that I've seen some of the episodes a few times, I've grown to love them.

  3. Yeah, I watched "Run Away Little Boy" this morning too, and didn't understand where Sookie was coming from with the "He's been waiting for you" thing. Yes, Lorelai was engaged, but Luke knew her and was obviously into her way before Max ever came into the picture, and in this episode they make a point of saying that it's been several months since the Max breakup. So what has Luke been "waiting so patiently" for? Sack up and ask her out, Grumpypants. 

    That said, I do think S1-early S2 Luke was mostly sweet and likable among the rants. Even in this ep when Lorelai is asking if she can depend on him and he immediately says that she can, it's nice. It's too bad that he got grumpier and meaner as they finally got together. I know it's said that the actors didn't like each other, but don't the directors and producers have a say in how their actors are behaving? Like, "Hey Patterson, maybe you think Lauren Graham has bad breath or something, but you need to act sweet and in love with her NOW, or Luke may meet a terrible accident with his deep fat fryer."

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  4. So many of the owners on this show are just too annoying and I end up just feeling sorry for the cats and wanting to take them home with me.

    The woman on the ep I saw this weekend who started off with "I have a cat named Princess Puffypants..." I wanted Jackson to just walk in and go, "...aaaaand there's your problem."

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  5. I loved so much what judgey Julianne said about Mark last time, and it was true and he really should have taken it as constructive criticism (but of course he got whiny and defensive). She and the show took that (probably) organic moment and the hype it created and completely ruined it by trying to  come up with something "edgy" for her to say again with another polarizing pro, and it was horrible, not constructive, rude to the pro and the contestant, and completely flopped. Shut up Julianne and shut up show.

    Gah, Derek and Mark sitting there with their stupid little hats. Shut up hats.

    Drew's dance was fun, but he was overscored. So was the Big Time Rush kid who (and this time judgy Julianne was correct and constructive, though still kinda rude) kept sticking his butt out.

    At first I was glad to see that Charlie's hair was slicked back, but the fact that his hair and outfit was so matchy-matchy with Peta's made it look like a weirdly sexy twin brother-sister dance and it creeped me out.

    • Love 5
  6. Pupppiiiiieeees and kittiiiieeeeees! But especially puppiiiiieeeeees! Whoever created this show is a genius. There have been a few dull rainy weekend days where we've started to argue as a family about what to watch, then someone comes across this show, and suddenly we're all happy with "Oh, yay, puppieeeeees, let's watch that!"

    • Love 2
  7. At work I'm hosting a conference called "Thriving Together." The design department just came back with graphics for a brochure saying "Thriving Together!"

    I immediately hear Elaine's voice in my head saying "It's not 'Top of the Muffin...TO YOU!"

    Those damn exclamation points!!!

    • Love 2
  8. There's a really obnoxious girl in a class I take, and Jerry's voice about Kramer's girlfriend just popped into my head, "I can't believe nobody's killed her yet."

    I love that episode when Jerry and Elaine then have to try to take back all the horrible things they said and pretend they're happy for Kramer again.

  9. Ooh, Cranberry, I like your casting much better! I don't really have a problem with Pike as Amy, but I still just cannot with Ben Affleck as Nick. Ryan Gosling has a little more of that slouchy but sexy bad boy thing that I think that character needs.

    • Love 1
  10. Our 15 Minutes was on this morning and it is still hilarious. Anne Ramsay deserved an Emmy for that monologue. That one's gotta be in my top 5, along with the one where they go on the island vacation and pretend to be other people, and the "Giblets for Murray" Thanksgiving ep.

    Least favorite? Pretty much everything after they started trying to get pregnant and Jamie became a raging beeyotch. And Helen Hunt must have too, since it seemed like Paul Reiser was trying harder and harder to avoid being in scenes with her. Why else would he have spent the vast majority of their pregnancy season away from her in scenes with Ira, Marvin and the rest of his annoying family "filming 'Buchman?'"

  11. I probably will eventually watch some of my favorite reruns every so often, mostly the one-offs that have more to do with people in their late-20s/early-30s hanging out in the early '00s. I'm the same age as these characters so a lot of their experiences and pop culture references were relatable and that was a big part of why I liked the show so much.

    But I agree with most here that they will at least be somewhat soured. The first appearance of the blue French horn and then the blue orchestra, which were adorable and hugely romantic at first viewing, will now make me throw things at the TV.

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  12. I like Jamie, but it was hard not to cheer for Mike in that last episode. He and his girlfriend are just the cutest little hipster couple ever.

    I want Jamie FTW, but I'm a little torn because I like Bobby soooo much better than Anne, especially on this show. He seems like a much more insightful teacher. But Nails gotta go. I kind of want the judges to  see her walk out after the meal and lay into her about her nails, all, "I can't believe I ate food prepared by someone with those THINGS!"

  13. I was on the show this past year, up against the now infamous (in Jeopardy-geek circles, at least) Arthur Chu. My show aired Jan. 31. Final Jeopardy killed me (stupid Otis and his stupid safety rope for his stupid elevator!), and I came in 3rd.

    Bitterness aside, it was an incredibly fun and exciting experience, and I'd recommend it to anyone. This was the third time I had tried out (once before in a mass pre-internet audition and twice in the online test era), and a lady at my audition was on her tenth try (not sure if she got The Call or not), so you never know!

    I'm interested to see Arthur's next game(s?) after the college tournament is over, and whether everyone and their mother will start playing in his style.

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