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Everything posted by Paradise19

  1. Something that has bothered me about many of these episodes is that the participant will often point out that a "food addiction is the worst addiction to have," because "food is something you have to have." Well, yes, you need the nutrition from food to survive but the way these subjects refer to it is as if they are just passive participants in life; they can't help that there are bags of Doritos and buckets of fried chicken just waiting to be eaten; I mean, someone's got to eat it, right? It's a matter of survival, right? Our ancestors were hunting for animals and living off nuts and berries; THAT'S food for survival. These people have done this to themselves over a lifetime, tricked their stomachs into thinking they need multitudes of calories to survive. I know what they're trying to say; I just feel that the "I need food to survive; that's why I have an addiction" is a cop-out. Toward the end of the episode, when Teretha's husband had cooked dinner for them, she said, "Oh, this has more noodles than I thought," and her plate looked to have a rather large portion size on it. Her attitude seemed to be, "Aw, shucks, this has too many noodles, what can you do." For one, you can just NOT eat the noodles, or have a smaller, more appropriate portion size. And her husband said something like, "Looks like too many VEGETABLES to me, hardy har!" These people won't be successful if they can't change the basic way in which they think/talk about their food. Vegetables are not the enemy, and neither are noodles if consumed in smaller, healthier portion sizes.
  2. Doug didn't bother me as bad in this 2nd episode. It's nice that he has the option to stay with the baby and work from home(?). That's the message I got. His partner Mars does seem to be several years behind in maturity. I'm sure a lot of it was hormones but when they were on the phone with the NICU staff, she was crying and carrying on in the background, demanding to know why she is being singled out, why her infant is being kept, she just doesn't understand, etc. Geez, people, just let the NICU staff do their job! The lady on the phone sounded so flustered in dealing with them. I'm glad to see they got to take the baby home. I can almost cut the resentment with a knife, after Mars got home from her first day of work. It's all too true; of course the baby would be no problem for Doug on his first day of watching her. I wonder if that will be their permanent arrangement or if they'll find another sitter. Like I said, Doug didn't come off as bad this episode. Just more of a younger-mindset type of guy. The poster above me said it better, like he pushes people's buttons and doesn't even realize it. A funny wise guy who isn't so funny at times.
  3. Home birth my ass! More like, let's not plan this out and just rely on emergency medical services to take us to the hospital in the nick of time because we don't want to get our car messy. They really do lack planning skills! That Doug is a piece of work! If I were aware that he had three very young-looking daughters in another state, I would've been running in the other direction. They won't do well as a couple if they are only just now moving in together AND bringing a new baby into the mix. So, he wants to sue the hospital because they want to monitor the health of the baby a few more days? Well then, you should've stuck with your home birth plan instead of relying on "Big Medicine" to help you out.
  4. I agree. She also seems like the type of woman who always talks way louder than what the situation calls for. It could've been creative editing, but the way the promo for next week's episode (tonight) has her yelling, "Our new baby is HOME!" I don't know, she reminds me of girls I went to high school with who were involved in drama club and always had to over-enunciate everything as if they were the star of life. She made several references to "pushing with her face instead of her vag." I honestly couldn't see what problem she was referring to. Did she have broken blood vessels in her eyes or bruising in her face? I couldn't see it. I wish I could snark on her all the way, but I did feel for the poor gal when they showed previews of upcoming episodes where she seems to be depressed taking care of a baby all the time. It must be a huge adjustment going from business-woman to mommy for the first time. I bet it does knock her down a few levels.
  5. I caught that too! I legitimately thought the doula had big splashes of blood on her sleeves from being all up in Kristina's birthing area. Maybe she picked that shirt on purpose? Ugh, horrible.
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