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Posts posted by Apprentice79

  1. I thought Guy did a good job yesterday. He does not bother me like alot of people on here. For some people, Will cannot do anything right and Sonny can do no wrong. What I find disconcerting is how flippant Sonny is about Arianna whom he proclaims to love..He was very cold and indifferent about her. He did not even want to talk about her.  She is his daughter too. I don't think that Will was using her to manipulate him, perhaps on some level, but, Will was right to question him about when he is coming back. They are a family and Ari needs them both. She has already lost her mother. Why would Sonny be so blase about her feelings like that..It is very puzzling. He should go home and see his kid, period. Kiss her, hold her and talk to her, especially since he does not know when he will be back. She must be confused about his absence.  When he left for LA, Sonny had an idea when his family would be back. I just find this aspect of the story line jarring, Sonny was worked up about Will not bringing Arianna to go see Gabi when Will came back from LA. I now see it was another reason for him to come down on Will. Now he cannot even bother to go see his own daughter before he goes away. If Will had done that, Sonny would have flipped out. It really annoyed me how Sonny allowed Sparkle to hear an intimate conversation with his husband. It was so wrong on so many levels. 

  2. There are rumors that when Sonny comes back to Salem, he will come back with his oldest brother Alex. So we might get our wish about the other Kiriakis brothers. At least, one anyway.. I have noticed they have been mentioning him a lot, ever since Sonny's attack. If Alex does come to town, I want him with Theresa.

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  3. Why exactly did Jackson marry Will? Has this ever been articulated on-screen, because I can't think of one single reason why Jackson would want to even associate with Will, aside from having the insta-family that he desperately wanted.

    Beyond that, I need the show to articulate why Jackson would even entertain the idea of being with Will in the future, beyond Ari. Will is such an awful human being, I can't fathom anyone wanting to even stand near him, let alone married to him.

    How is Will an awful human being? Will is a saint compared to some of the people in Salem...He is a young man trying to find his way in life, due to lack of experience and youth. He is a very insecure and a lonesome person. He was always a pawn in the war between Kate, Lucas and Sami. I hated what he did to Sonny and there is something so sad about Will and that makes him a sympathetic character in my eyes. I love Sonny too, but he is not a saint either..I always get the impression that Sonny's dominant persona, is a bit overwhelming for a man like Will. He wants to prove himself worthy of Sonny and it is his insecurity that leads him down the wrong path. That was why his trip to LA was so important to him. He wanted to be successful, stand on his own two feet and make Sonny proud..Sonny has double standards when it comes to Will, he can do whatever he wants, god forbid, Will does not toe the line, it is a problem...I have written many posts detailing my reasons for this, so I don't want to rehash that today....

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  4. Sparkle should not have been in the room listening to a private conversation between two married people. That was rude. He should have excused himself and let them hash it out...I think Will was desperate  when he mentioned Arianna and I don't think that he was using her in a manipulative way. She is  Sonny's daughter too, he should have gone home and kissed his daughter goodbye and spend time with her before leaving...She has only seen him once and she probably misses him. However, Will has to back off and let Sonny go and have his space....I do notice that Sonny knows how to put Will in his place and it is glorious...lol...Will always submits to Sonny no matter what....lol...I also think that sonny is Will's anchor and without him he will be lost and get into trouble....He told him that in his speech when he was sedated after his stabbing. I would like Sonny to be the screw up for once, he is almost too perfect for my liking..He is fast  becoming a mary sue...I like Sonny and I wish that he was a darker character. Freddie can play it..We have seen hints of it in the past....

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  5. They keep trying to make will look so bad in comparison with sparkle. What if they make Will go bad in his efforts to win back Sonny. They make sparkle so noble and honest. Corday did say that you can't have good guys in a love triangle. Some of us have speculated that sparkle is a phony. However, what if it is will who goes down the manipulative, scheming road...will is supposed to blackmail sparkle's mom next week...I hope they don't make him so bad that Sonny divorces him and reunites with sparkle...It seems that will may get the Sharon Newman treatment of the young and the restless. Those of you who watch that show know what I am talking about......

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  6. You are correct in your assertions 271 days. Don't forget Nick told Will snidely that Sonny only wanted him because Will and Arianna provided him  with stability and a home..Sonny had lived his life and settled for average Will...Nick always knew how to get under Will's skin... Will Sonny see Arianna before he goes away? It would be nice to see him with her....

    Can we keep Roxanne? I like her and the actress is engaging and charismatic....

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  7. I read on another board that Will will blackmail Paul's mom and Lucas will talk to Paul about leaving Wilson alone..Are they deliberately trashing Will to make Sparkle a better partner for Sonny...I am not liking where this is going. I don't understand why Will is so surprised that Sonny had proposed to Sparkle in the past..Does he not remember that Sonny had a past before him..He was the virgin and not Sonny. He cheated on Sonny and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and move on...Let Sonny cool off and  let him seek you out, when he is ready...Getting in his face and whining about his past with Paul is not going to help him get Sonny back....I love the conversation between Will and Marlena, she told him what he needed to hear, he was wrong period...

  8. I wish the show would integrate Theresa more with the Bradys. She is the daughter of Kim and Shayne. They could bring Andrew into the show. She should be interacting with Will, Ari, Sonny, Hope, Marlena,Roman, Caroline, Kayla etc..I sometimes forget that she is related to them...It would be cool for her to be there for Will and Ari when Sonny is away.  It would make her more sympathetic and more human..She is always so angry and bitchy towards other people. I don't have a problem when she is directing it towards the self-righteous Hortons. It would be nice for the show to  nurse their history, instead of ignoring it or changing it to fit whatever plot that they are trying to advance at the moment....

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  9. If Will was written in character, he would never have betrayed Sami and Kate like that by writing a scathing article on them...He would have reamed Sami in private, but, he never would have done that to her..Will loves his mom and he has a complicated relationship  due to his unhappy childhood.  Will always gives Lucas and Kate a pass, when they were just as responsible for his dysfunctional life. The show should have used Sami's complicated relationship with Will to mend fences with Marlena...They had a year to give Sami a fabulous sendoff, but, they failed miserably...

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  10. Look at how Ken Corday and his team treated Chandler Massey after he had announced prematurely to the soap press that he was not going to re-sign with the show...Chandler who gave them great performances with his coming out story and got them lots of good press, Emmys and other awards....If I am not mistaken, the gay storyline got them emmys for outstanding writing. Chandler did not deserve that crappy treatment..I have often wondered if Freddie resented Chandler for getting all of the attention and accolades during their time together as Wilson...He did not seem to be as close to him as he is with Guy now....Perhaps, Freddie prefers Guy because he does not get overshadowed by Guy, like he did with Chandler. The cheating storyline has gotten him lots of good press by everybody ....

  11. Does Corday not realize that the fans get invested in the characters and that is what keeps us watching. The man sounds like he is very incompetent in running a show..Give the fans what they want within reason of course...He has lost touch with his audience and that is why the ratings have fallen and continue to do so. For too long, he built the show around Sami, making her a heroine, when she is nothing of the sort..She is at best an anti-heroine....Corday is a hack, the fact that he rehired Higley is another manifestation of his incompetence...Claire Labine is a good writer, she was good on General Hospital..My only problem with her is that she can be too depressing..I am afraid that if she were to get hired at Days, she would kill off baby Ari to give Wilson more angst....Claire has done that before on other shows, She killed off a baby on Ryan's hope, BJ on General hospital and Blair and Patrick's baby on One life to live...They were great stories, but the shows became too depressing at time. She is a great writer that writes  compelling character driven stories, but, she would need a co-headwriter to balance her penchant of writing depressing stories....

    One another note, the fans of Will/Paul also call themselves Wipa, it is pronounced as  'Whip-ahhh'...lol...Their fans think that they have great sexual chemistry together and that their sex scene in Sonny's fantasy was hot...lol

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  12. Do you really think that the town would really turn on Will? His infidelity is a private matter with his husband. As angry as Sonny may be with Will, he would never hurt Will or let anybody hurt him...They still have a daughter together...If he believes that Will has cheated on him again, then I could see him turning all Kiriakis on him.

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  13. I think you may be right..Paul won't touch Will, because that would destroy his chances with Sonny. However, he might set Will up..He could hire a guy to make it look like Will slept with him. Just like Sami set up Austin years ago, to separate him from Carrie.  Oh the irony! Paul could do the same thing to Will.  He had a smirk when he had a flashback of Sonny screaming at him for sleeping with his husband. He also had a scene with Zoe when discussing Will, and the scene was very abrupt. Like we were not supposed to see the whole conversation in its entirety. Paul could be pulling a long con on everybody. I think he knew that Will and Sonny were married. Plus, Will is much more vulnerable than Sonny and he will not have Sonny around to protect him and Arianna for a while. I thought it was strange that Paul called Will to talk after finding out the truth about Will and Sonny..If Will was smart  he would stay away from Paul..Since he is not, he will accept his overtures of friendship and that will be his undoing...Sonny will believe that Will has betrayed him again and he will get back together with Sparkle. Will may even discover that he got set up, but Sonny will not believe him. He may even divorce Will and marry Sparkle. I remember Sparkle repeating to Will and Adrienne that he regretted not accepting Sonny's proposal all those years ago.  If they do get married, Will will not let them near Arianna...This is my speculation. I think it is going to be a messy ride for Wilson fans...Christopher is still taping, so Paulson is definitely going to happen....Rumor has it that a guy has been brought in for Will on the show.  

  14. The people who don't like  Will and Guy Wilson's version of Will are sending him awful tweets on tweeter and are tagging Christopher and Freddie on them. The nastiness is out of control...My goodness, where does it end..People are using social media to spew their hatred...I feel bad for him. Some people cannot differentiate an actor from his character..Yvette Nicole Brown has stopped live tweeting once upon a time because she said the nastiness got to her. People were out of control on there with their cruelty....

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  15. The story is not over yet..Sonny may still go dark, especially if Sonny believes that Will cheated on him while he was in LA. There are rumors that Will had briefly flirted with a guy out there, but, did not cheat on Sonny. That is why he was not communicating with Sonny while he was out there. That same guy will be coming to Salem..Sonny brought up that possibility when he was confronting Will about his infidelity. Plus, Will had a strange reaction to that accusation. I don't know if those rumors are indeed true. That could be what send Sonny back into Paul's arms, if he believes that Paul  was not Will's only foray in infidelity. The show will definitely explore Paulson, while Wilson is apart...Perhaps, Sonny will come back wanting to work on his marriage and that mystery guy's arrival blows their tentative reconciliation apart...On twitter, someone tweeted that Will may cheat again and Guy Wilson was very coy in his response to that particular fan...However, Guy likes to play with the fans as well, so it could be a red herring....

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  16. Will and Sparkle would be very stupid if they were to sleep with each other again. They would both lose Sonny for good. I don't think that they will go there..Will will be trying to make up to Sonny for his infidelity and  Sparkle will be trying to show Sonny that he is a better man than his duplicitous husband..lol..I have read that Will and Lucas will be teaming up to find out who attacked Sonny and why, while Sonny is away with his brothers.  To answer your question Bantering, not too many people on other boards like Ben with Abifail, they want her with Chad....they call themselves, Chabby.... The tiny Will/Paul fanbase call themselves Horita or Pill....lol..I  think the name Horita was coined By Christopher himself. Dan is also universally reviled as well..So, we are not alone in our hatred of that disgusting character. I think the resentment comes from the way that Jack was destroyed in favor of him. Plus, he was given ties to the show via Maggie, Victor, Carly, Parker and Melanie....When it was not necessary to do so...New Characters can be integrated into the show without biological ties to existing characters....

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  17. Jenn Lilley is awesome on twitter, she seems like a lot of fun. She is super tight with Anne in real life. The cast of Days seems to be a very tight group of people. They seem like they genuinely care and support each other. Some of them hang out with each other on the weekends. Freddie and Guy share a dressing room. They are close as well.  Deidre Hall's facebook is cool as well and the actress that plays Kate is good too..I also think True O'brien and Casey are dating in real life...I get a good vibe from the whole cast, unlike the cast of the young& the restless, that seems like a cesspool of negativity and egotists.....I will say that this board is awesome, because we can have debates and disagreements without nastiness and personal attacks...I have found people who are fans of EJ and Abifail out there, I was shocked...lol...Those two were nasty together..There are even people who want Will to get together with Sparkle...lol.. The dissatisfaction with the show seems to be universal across many different boards....

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  18. Sonny will only be gone for a while...He will be back...It makes sense that Sonny would want to be away from Will for a while, he really hurt him...Sonny never wants to be away from Will and Arianna for too long, so Sonny leaving that shows  the depth of his pain...Plus, he gets to be away from Sparkle who keeps hounding him for a second chance at twu wuv...

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  19. Someone on Twitter told Guy that he was a horrible actor and that he was ugly. This same person told him that he was not as Good looking as Christopher. This person was very rude. I would never attack an actor like that. As an actor these days, you have to have a thick-skin to deal with the nastiness associated with social media. One another note, the actress that plays Abifail seems to be very unpleasant on her Twitter account.

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  20. I have been perusing Guy Wilson's Twitter account and he seems to be a cool guy and he is super close to Freddie. He is friends with Casey and Christopher as well. I don't think he is ugly at all. He is very attractive in my opinion. Abigail is reviled on other boards, but, she has her fans as well.

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  21. I read on another site that Sonny will be back in time for their one year anniversary. They taped something special for their anniversary. Perhaps, sonny comes back wanting his family back and then the guy from LA that Will met comes to Salem and causes trouble for them. Sonny will probably think that will cheated on him in LA and that will cause him to get back together with sparkle. There are pictures of Ariana's second birthday party at tbd on some of the actors' Instagram accounts. The families come together for her. That means that Wilson are coming together for their daughter despite their problems.

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  22. I  think that we could write better stories than these writers..I think the biggest problem with this show is the propping of new characters to the detriment of vets..For example: Jack was trashed to make Dan good....I hate that character with the heat of a thousand suns..I am only watching for Wilson....Even though I think the writing  for them is poor and putrid..I am invested in seeing them find happiness..I also like Theresa, I wish Kim would come back and be there for her....Shane and Kim should be involved in the missing baby storyline....As always the idiots in charge are clueless on what the audience truly wants..We want storylines that respect the history and characters of the show....Steve and Bo should be back as well....Sonny's brothers should come back and be there for him in his time of need...I would love to see their reaction about Will and Arianna. Would they be accepting of Ari? how are they like? I am curious  about them.....Sonny's attack should  have been the perfect time to introduce them to us...

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  23. I always wanted EJ and Sami to be a dark power couple. I wanted them to do bad stuff to everybody else, but never to each other...I loved that Sami had somebody that only had eyes for her and not use her as a place holder for Carrie. Their similar villainous personalities could  have provided lots of storylines for them. EJ should have never been a Dimera. I hate it that everybody is related to one another on some level....

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