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Posts posted by paisley

  1. When Alexis stabbed Dante with the syringe my first thought was F**k! Now we gotta deal with Olivia. And the over acting commenced. It was really, really bad. Then the scene outside the chapel when she laid her arm on the wall for support and vowed revenge against the bitch/slut Alexis was so ridiculously over the top. Exactly what kind of revenge can get against a person who has lost her career, the love of her life ex-husband, her recent boyfriend, her sobriety, the respect of family, friends, community, and self- she's bottomed out. What can be done to her that she hasn't already done to herself? 

    • Love 9
  2. I can't remember the last time Show had so many actors appear in an episode. It was kind of old school and very enjoyable, even with useless Lucy, Carly, and Jason. And I think I can go along with Britt and Jason as a hookup simply because it will destroy Carly. Britt can play hardball with Carly and win. Even Franco was good today.

    Another thing I noticed was Sasha's makeup person was named Morgan (at least that's what Lucy called her). I thought that was odd.

    I'm not sure if I believe in Valentin's omniscience but if it moves these stories along, okay.

    They're turning Jax into a big doofus, easily manipulated by any woman with yellow hair. His Prince Charming days are over. Too bad.

    So this big Sonny storyline is about getting MB an Emmy? Hard pass. But you know based on recent recipients it might work. Things ain't what they used to be.

    • Love 2
  3. Dear Ulkis

    With regard to your comment about Sam looking like Morticia Addams, I wanted to make you aware of the possibility of a soap opera convergence because on The Bold and the Beautiful Steffy is currently resembling Cousin Itt and her lips also look like she's been hit with a metal pipe. Coincidence?

    • LOL 7
  4. Yeah, why didn’t we get to see the Elizabeth/Maxie conversation? 
    For some reason (no Sonny) I’m enjoying so much of the show now. Even the Cyrus/Jordan scenes were decent.

    i sincerely hope that MEK gets a contract. I don’t want him to ease over to the AMC reboot. He is sparkling as Martin Grey.

    What happened to Brad? I remember he was at GH after being assaulted in prison and I thought Britt might help him escape but after that I draw a blank.

    When is this hot mess double wedding? 

    As awful as Cyrus is I am enjoying him.

    • Love 7
  5. That was the worst and most useless gunfight ever.

    If the screen had gone blank for all the Corinthii scenes this would have been a really good episode. Corinthian spoil everything.

    Tad being Laura's brother is delightful.

    Jordan looks like she has a big X painted on her. She's not a good wife, commissioner, friend, secret operative or protector. She's got that ' I'm gonna have to sacrifice myself to make up for all my mistakes' face going.

    This show is entertaining when they let the real actors act.

    • Love 8
  6. Steph J:

    I am a big Santa Barbara fan and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I discovered it about the time when Mason and Mary got together and from all reports that was the best time to begin.

    I wish ABC would show some actual classic episodes like Y&R is doing. That would be a treat.

    • Love 2
  7. Hey Geauxaway, I caught Y&R today too. The cost of Nikki's wedding dress alone would probably fund a month's worth of current day GH episodes. 

    Looking at our very special rerun it was amazing to see so many recognizable characters on one set. Too bad that doesn't happen more often. Even at weddings, funerals, and the wretched Nurses Ball they never have as many characters show up.

    I agree, showing old classic episodes busts leads to unpleasant comparisons.


    • Love 1
  8. Someone please explain Elizabeth's hair.

    Violet has a much better grip on her dialogue than Sonny has on his.

    Sam's hair looks better, clothes look worse.

    Which is worse: the continuing stupidity of Jordan or the continuing stupidity of Brook/Lulu?

    Why can't we keep Britt?

    • Love 6
  9. A couple of days ago in this forum I made a list of annoying characters. Miraculously today show managed to feature damn near every one in humongous doses. We got Carly Lulu Jason Lucy Valentin BrookLynn Spinelli plus Anna and Peter. So, writers, are we trying to increase viewers or run the remaining viewers away? What response were we suppose to have to today's ridiculous girl fight? The person responsible for these concepts should be demoted and rehabilitated. This stuff is bad and embarrassing to watch. Especially now when we're forced to exist in close quarters. How do we begin to explain any of these plots to uninitiated viewers who might be sharing a screen? It's not even laughable. 

    Do better.


    • Love 7
  10. Why does wardrobe hate BrookLynn? That red plaid blanket jacket with a spotted sleeve was an atrocity. I don't like Brook (even if she's nice to Mike) but I wouldn't make her wear that.

    I wish we could move on to the 'Find Nell Completely Dead' episode. It's taking too long.

    You guys were  absolutely right, some one should've shown up for Lucas in court, but not the judgy/mouthy ones just someone quietly supportive. If he were an actual character he might have a friend.

    Joss being grief leader is annoying. Shut up.

    Writers: we  don't like it when we can predict your storylines months in advance.

    Welcome back Britt!



    • Love 3
  11. So many voluntarily, aggressively stupid people. It's like a bad science fiction movie from the fifties. And the ignorance crosses storyline boundaries, not just the Heinrik crew. There's the starcrossed stupidity of Sam and Jason believing they can hookup secretly and Delores won't know and that they've got right on their side, Alexis and Neil thinking no one will know they were together in NY, the writers convinced they can create a feasible couple out of Willow and Michael, and Jordan not even trying to do a damn thing about her only child being missing and 3 colleagues murdered.

    At this point, I've found it best to mute the sound, turn on the closed captioning and use the fast forward button frequently. It's better when you can't actually hear their voices.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 2
  12. I'm not feeling any of this.

    Alexis and Neil might make a nice couple in the future but  Alexis is consistent, acting like a very unsophisticated 13 year old in the first stages of Love. I've been down this road too many times, over too many decades to enjoy it.

    I know Leisl has done horrendous things but I feel sorry for her. The speed at which Maxie turned on her and Anna's glee while accusing her were extremely unpleasant to watch.

    Jordan's relentless stupidity since Renault showed up added to her lack of substance as a character makes her so pointless. Just float away-no one will notice, no one will care.

    If Trina's mom is the custodial parent and was at a conference, who was overseeing her while she got ready for the dance? Who there to say "You look beautiful"? Was it suppose to be Taggert? Or is she so strong and independent that she didn't need that kind of support?

    The only enjoyable part for me has been Wylie. If only he could be isolated from the Corinthii. 

    Trina's Mom has come in hot and hostile. Hope she evens out soon. Carly has the bitch character covered already.

    I'm hoping for a Nell murder mystery for May sweeps. I'm also wishing for a Taggert resurrection.

    • Love 4
  13. I didn't realize how invested in Taggert i was until today when I cried after his death. Then when I came here to express my feelings the only words I could come up with were 'stupid MFs'. I am enraged that waste of space Jason Morgan is standing, alive, outside of Taggert's space gossiping with useless Sonny. So much could've been developed with this character but no, we get additional Corinthii- Dev Donna and Brando. The only way I can move past this is if Real wanted to limit his time on this show. GH sucks.

    • Love 14
  14. Why on earth would we need more Dev? An opportunity missed.

    That whole bullet stuff was way overdone. It could've stayed in the bottom of the backpack for  months unnoticed. Just ridiculous.

    What are the likeable qualities of BrookLynn?

    Please remind me: exactly what do Sonny's illegal activities entail? 

    Yay!!! Trina gets a doctor mom!!! And maybe she dislikes Carly!!! And is friends with Delores!!!

    • Love 4
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