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She told Willow that Jason was with Michael now, which gave her a chance to come home and deal with a few things. (like finding Drew's tie and losing her shit in public!!) Now, if Sasha doesn't immediately stand up and call Drew a lying liar who's pants are on fire, and denounce any sex with Jason, she's an idiot. I know she'll keep the lie going so no one finds out about Michael but that's stupid. Just tell eveyrone it was some trucker that she met at the bar who was only passing through town.
Line of the day; Tracy: What are you doing here? Anna: Jason is here to explain the booking process and what the inside of a cell looks like Me: BURN!!
How did she play that scene without an ounce of remorse!?! Girl, you are carrying the evidence in your womb! Not a single guilt stricken look behind a bite of meringue. Not that I'm saying it's ok or anything, but Willow and Drew's playroom sex romp happened before the Sasha and Michael baby making. Willow cheated first!!
Me too!! But I deliberately wrote it "check" for our Amarican friends!!
Also, it's not like Laura has an electric fence around her house keeping people out. Even then, Lulu hasn't even spent any time there yet since she's been running around town like a lunatic since the minutes she woke up. Do people still use checks? My house alarm company still takes checks so I still have them on hand, but every other bill is paid through my bank or vie etransfer or credit card.
Or if she must be wearing clothes, than have her in his shirt that he just took off. It covers her and is a sexier look than pjs ANS a housecoat while under the covers, literally moments after having sex.
Right?! Like, there is no middle ground between weeks and weeks of watching her recover and instantly at Maxie's house. Because Michael will raise his hand and proclaim himself 'a random guy'. He's stupid but surely he understands how math works.
That thing was hilariously huge (that's what she said!!) Also, do people walk around with pregnancy tests in their purse? The times I bought them, I took them straight home to use immediately. I didn't head over to the local diner to have breakfast with my new aunt and uncle first.
100%. And both Drew and Jason would have the same contact/relationship that they had when Sam was alive. It would be the best of all worlds.
And i think the paying off was to leave Willow alone, which is just stupid.
They were at a hotel because there was a room number on the door when they left. Maybe the bar has rooms above it for this purpose It was Rocco! I laughed out loud and then started crying because of the look on both their faces. Good facial expressions from Dom and the kid who plays Rocco.
Has he though? Until she started dating Cody, they didn't run in the same circles and Robert has spent a lot of time in offscreen land that I don't think they knew eeach other existed until she showed up in his office.
That's what I said before the Robert reveal because Tracy was being so hard on Sasha about asking MIchael for money. But do we know Luke's whereabouts storyline wise around that time? Grey's Anatomy does it all the time. Random poeple showing up and suddently they know all about that kind of surgery and jumping in. At least Isaiah is a transplant surgeon unlike Lucas who isn't.
What was the stuff Holly dumped out of her purse supposed to be? Gems? diamonds? Because they looked like chunks of cement that some intern found in the vacant lot across from the studio.
I don't know who's directing Tahj but they need to tell him to tone down the absolute disgust and hatred TJ is exhibiting towards Molly. She's talking to Ric and you can feel the pain in her voice that their "marriage" seems to be circling the drain. He's talking to Lucas and there's spittle flying from his mouth and rage in his voice when he talks about her. Excellent scenes between Rick and Kristen. They play very well off each other as father/daughter and give off the vibe that they've been working together for years (like Kirsten and Kristina yesterday when Maxie pulled Felicia in for a hug)