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Posts posted by jay741982

  1. 4 hours ago, S.Batts said:

    There are so many starving people in this world, when I see how much Jackson eats, it makes me angry that CBS keeps giving him everything and anything he wants.  No one has to eat that much.

    Hes the biggest Catered to Coddled Babied Production Pet. One of the reasons I cant stand him and want him gone 

    • Love 4
  2. 4 hours ago, S.Batts said:

    These houseguests are so stupid.  Get rid of Christie!  Right now she has the jury house votes if she makes it to the end, not Nick!  If Nick was smart he would have used that angle to stay.  Jack, Sis and Kat would all vote for Christie if she makes final two.

    Christie has only Sis so far I think. Jack's rooting for Jackson and Jackson and Holly has Kats vote.

    5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Oh yeah, I do genuinely believe that somehow (no, literally, HOW?), Nick has gotten quite close to Nicole, where I do think he cares about her and considers her a close friend. I NEVER would have expected that after the way he and Bella bullied Nicole during his HOH, but here we are. I think it helps that Sis is gone; Sis was Nicole's biggest enemy in terms of her friendship with Nick.

    I can see why Jackson and Holly want Nick gone. They are right; once Nick is gone, Nicole is with them 100%. With Nick still around, that would leave Nick/Nicole in the game, and they can't trust that Nicole would choose them over Nick. So, from their standpoint, it IS smart to target Nick over Christie and I can't say I disagree. Plus, they have no idea about the Christie/Tommy connection so of course it makes sense to not get rid of Christie right now.

    Plus...they think Christie/Tommy will target Nicole/Cliff, which we KNOW isn't true. If Nick stayed instead of Christie, Nick would likely target Tommy/Jess, which is funny, given the 180 he did THIS WEEK because of Tommy's big mistake with letting Nick know too early that he was choosing Christie over Nick. I mean, I get being honest, but it's clearly backfired, since Nick doesn't trust Tommy at the moment and has specifically told Nicole not to trust Tommy. 

    Nicole is fucking dumb if she sticks to a showmance with 6 wins that needs broken up. Dont give them more opportunities to win a bunch more comps 

  3. On 8/27/2019 at 9:42 AM, kellog010 said:

    Jackson made a comment to Holly that he plans to throw this HOH. Not sure how truthful he was being but he feels so good he wants others to take the shot at Christie and Tommy while he and Holly sit back.

    This HOH might be one of the most important for moving forward. I think if anyone else but Christie or Tommy win, Tommy is 100% going home against anyone on the block. Nicole wants him out bad as does Cliff. 

    And IMO Nicole and Cliff are two of the dumbest in the house not wanting Jackson and Holly Broken up. You break up the duo with 6 comp wins not 3 

    • Love 3
  4. 22 hours ago, Lamima said:

    Not really. After Nick then the 2 couples will pick off Cliff and his 2 angels. It will be 4 to 3. They needed to keep Nick. Though if Christie went this week, Tommy would team up with Jackson and Holly... and Nick would kiss up to them. I suspect Jess going to jury after Nick. Then maybe Cliff and then they'll try to shoot at each other (the 2 pairs). I guess Nicole is the goat. Unless Cliff, Jess or Nicole can win HoH. Not likely but they NEED to. And they need to put JAckson and Chrisite up so if one wins veto their partner will go up. If Chris or Tom win HoH they need to put up Son and Holly but they won't they'd probably put up Son and Jess...then bye bye Jess. Same for if Son wins HoH again...he'd need to put up Chris and Tom but won't. That's why I think Jess is next to go after Nick.

    Tommy and Christie hell anyone else would be stupid as hell to not target Jackson/Holly. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, mikewho said:

    Hey now. I'm from fuckin' Jersey and I fuckin' NEVER talk like that. What the fuck???

    I must be deaf. I didn't hear the audience groan at all.

    Cause the Audience groan wasnt the Whole audience it was a small section. Probably blinded by BS edit of Jackson. Christie isnt even that bad in my eyes not compared to him

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  6. 1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

    I don’t want Jackson or Christie to win. I’m okay with Holly since she’s played the game. Cliff & Nicole would be fine in my book, too. Jessica would be bad just for the fact she hasn’t done anything before or after her HOH? In general, anyone beside Jackson winning the season is sorta okay with me.

    I dont want Jackson or Holly winning. Or Jess or Nick. 

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  7. 22 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

    That’s a pretty good scenario. I think Jackson has somewhat redeem (tv wise) himself by his current edit and along with Holly I could see them making the Final 4. It depends who the other two are and if they’d know they have to take one or both of them out. 

    UGH them being F4 would be a horrible scenario and Jacksons had a BS Edit all season. 

    Kat pisses me off for not voting out Jackson. Now the horrid Grossmance has a combined 6 wins. Ugh them making F4 would make this season even more of a shit sandwich. They need broken up and Tommy/Christie needs eliminated as well for People like Cliff and Nicole to have a shot

  8. 50 minutes ago, phlebas said:

    I have yet to find Zingbot funny, but that might be over the top. She's already talked openly about what sounds like a rough home life.

    Like AG the horrid Producer who favors assbags like Jackson gives a damn. She takes a lot of opportunities in the edit of the show to tear down a strong woman player while giving BS edits to douchebags like Jackson a good old boy edit. She edited Haleigh last year to look smarter than she was 

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, kellog010 said:

    Cliff better rethink that final 4. Holly and Jackson would be unstoppable. I just don't see Nicole coming through in the clutch.

    Yep. Holding to a F4 with a Grossmance that now has 6 wins combined would be so stupid. I'll say it again. Kat sucks for Protecting Jackoffson shouldve voted his ass out and had Holly to herself 

    • Love 3
  10. 1 hour ago, missyb said:

    In some way, I hope Nick wins POV and can take himself off. I dont want Nicole to be in a position where she has to choose between someone she really likes ( Nick) and Holly's choice to stay Christie ( as Holly and Jackson are her final 4).

    I am a teensy bit protective of Nicole.Regardless of her ability as a player !

    I think Nicole(and Cliff ) are fucking stupid if they stick to a F4 with a Showmance. They have 5 comp wins combined. I get breaking up Christie/Tommy but The Gross POS Couple need Split up just as bad. Hoping Christie survives and boots Jacksons shitty self out!

    • Love 1
  11. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    That's a fair point but I think it's ironic that so many people seem to have a problem with Christie because she lies and is hypocritical. I mean, that's sort of how the game is played. Meanwhile there is a common defense of Jackson's behavior because he "owns" what an asshole he is, like that's somehow preferable. 

    Maybe it is, from a TV audience standpoint. But just as people go, I'd prefer someone who was polite to my face and talked smack about me behind my back, over someone who's an asshole right to my face.

    It's called manners.

    Yep! Sick of the passes he gets! 

    • Love 1
  12. 54 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

    I actually think she plays him really well. Why wouldn't you cozy up to someone who has no one and says he has your back. When she's away from him she talks trash about him (as much as she is capable) but to his face she plays up the sweet little girl.

    Nicole has an F2 with Cliff and an F4 with Jackson and Holly that she hasn't told him about. She has no real other backup. Promising him to take him down is an empty promise that may get her his vote if she's at the end.

    Me! Me! Me! I waited all season for someone to like last year or for something interesting to happen. All of the stupid people being stupid just isn't entertaining to me. 

    Unfortunately I feel the same about this season personalitywise compounded by the pretty blatant racism early in the season. However, I find these people to be slightly more flexible in their thinking in terms of strategy (as opposed to Go Team! Ugh!) so it's been a bit more interesting...even with the flip from hell.

    Sadly, I think that is all coming to an end. After Nick goes this week, I think it's just a matter of either Holly and Jackson (most likely) or Tommy and Christie going on a  competition run and steamrolling their way to finale.

    Yeah I'm out if Jackson and Holly keep winning I fucking hate them and its sickening that hes been way worse than Christie and shes bashed for Breathing, crying and being annoying at worst. I almost bet if he was female he wouldnt get a pass. Also Nicole and Cliff are losing me as fans playing to protect Jackson and Holly. You break up the showmance not make F4 deal with them. Sick of their blindness to Jackson and Holly. 

    • Love 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

    Ok so the consensus is that noms will likely be Christie as Nicks "secret nom" and Nick as Holly's nom? If Nick wins veto (which production might arrange), then Holly replaces with Jess and Christie goes home. But with all other scenarios Nick likely goes home - despite him being the prankster. 

    Yeah the season gets worse if Christie leaves for me. Hate Jackson Jessica Holly Nick and Tommy. At least Christie plays the game. She leaves and its snoozeville PLUS I dont want Holly Nick Jackson getting benefited. 

    • Love 3
  14. 3 hours ago, Slider said:

    Me to Nick: Now don't fuck this up! Nominate Christi or Tommy!

    Yes! Keep playing to benefit POS Couple! And UGH "America" Sucks! Hes a fucking creep and its alarming the hate Christie gets. When Jackson is the biggest POS but AG Sucks and gives him Golden Boys and cause hes a guy he gets passes for his behavior. Christie has never been as bad as he has been

    • Love 2
  15. 19 hours ago, zorak said:

    Holly won!

    Boooooooooooooooooooo! Fucking hate her and Jackson. And I'm so sick of his horrid behavior getting a pass while Christie is bashed for breathing when shes never been as bad as that Piece of shit Jackson

    19 hours ago, kellog010 said:

    This should be a wake up call to break up Holly and Jackson. No way should anyone be making deals to move forward with them.

    Dumb dumb fan favs Nicole and Cliff made a F4 deal with them 

  16. 23 hours ago, zorak said:

    Nick and Jackson are both saying they don't understand why Analyse is blaming them for her being booted.

    Cause YOU Put her Up Jackasson. You dont put up someone unless it's no big deal If they leave 

    • LOL 3
  17. On 8/17/2019 at 7:42 PM, Melina22 said:

    I can tell Tommy isn't popular here, but has he ever directly done anything cruel or gross or mean-spirited so far? I know he's been present when other people have done those things, but has he done them personally? 

    I wouldn't blame anyone for finding his manic, OTT personality hard to take, but other than that, I'm not sure why he's so unpopular. 

    He was a part of the horrid Nicole Bash sesh

    • Love 9
  18. On 8/16/2019 at 7:58 PM, Callaphera said:

    Christie: "I'd rather be on the block during his HoH than Tommy's."


    Holly to Jackson: "You looked really sexy - and your fly is down. But you looked really sexy."

    OH GAG BARF. Holly is so Pathetic and Starved for Male attention 

    • LOL 1
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  19. 17 hours ago, JD5166 said:

    I can’t wait to never have to look at Christie and her pouty, perma frown jowls ever again. She is absolutely the worst. 

    It’s cute the other girl on the block thinks she’s so well liked in the house...no dummy, everyone knows you just sit around and do nothing, you are of zero threat. 

    The worst is Nick the Disgusting Perv and Jackson the POS Horrible Douchebag.

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