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Posts posted by jay741982

  1. 44 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    Keep an eye out for this interview - maybe he'll reveal whether or not he's in the spinoff...

    Hopefully they do bring him and William on. They've already set up a Romantic angle with Mia. Plus I really like the dynamic with him William and Mia and dont want it broken up 

    • Love 1
  2. On 9/27/2019 at 11:52 AM, greyhorse said:

    I know I'm one of the few on here that actually like Upton.  I'd love to see her and Jay get together.  Much better than her and Adam.  We know there's always going to be some relationship drama in the unit, because without it, it's just the same thing over and over again.  Burgess and Atwater?  Anyone?  They are running out of options.

    Never liked Antonio, especially when his character was spiraling last year and he was acting all holier than thou with Voight.  Don't know the back story regarding Jon Seda.  Just IMDB'd him and surprised that he's 48.  He doesn't seem to have any pending projects.  There's some articles with Eid saying they hoped he would be on the first episode, but it just didn't work out.  And that we'll find out what happened to him in the next several episodes, but it doesn't seem like we're going to be seeing Antonio back on the screen.  But that the door is always open for him to return.  Why did he leave?  Contract dispute?  Writers just thought his character had nowhere left to go?  I wonder if they plan on replacing him.

    I'd like to see Upton and Halstead NOT Hook up. Dont get this need nor want to see them hook up when both have already banged co workers. Dont hate Upton at all but its gross going for another co worker when's she already boned Ruzek who's fucked Burgess and Halsteads already fucked a former partner. Dont understand why they cant write them to have romantic partners outside the Precinct 

    • Love 3
  3. On 10/3/2019 at 7:24 PM, KaveDweller said:

    I was hoping they'd address if she legally had to turn it over.  Because after she decided not to destroy it, couldn't she have also just done nothing? Or would that be withholding evidence. What the father did is really, really, terrible and he deserves to be turned in, but it's gotta be really hard to turn in one of your parents.

    I liked it overall, will have to wait and see where they go with it. I didn't like Roxy at first, but I felt sympathy for her ones they showed how awful her parents were. Edie was harder to like. It would have been better if they showed why she seems to be so unhappy with her husband. But I guess they don't want to make him a bad person so they can do a love triangle in the future?

    Ugh I hate love Triangles cause I grow to hate the person at the center of it and I'm already not liking Edie and Amanda? The woman who doesnt give a damn shes fucking a married woman 

  4. 22 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    Molly looks like a young Annette Bening, circa "The Grifters".  I don't mind that she is gone but I would rather they have gotten rid of either Jamal or the long haired kid.  Not sure why everyone thought Molly was the biggest threat.

    I find Noura extremely frenetic and irritating.  She's like Debbie Wanner but worse.  

    I like the young red haired guy the most, the one that is a teacher.  He got a lot of airtime but I'm still not sure of his name.  He and Kellee are my favourites on this tribe.

    Vince is irritating for sure, demanding to know why people voted for him.  Probably has something to do with the fact that he appears out of shape and he's annoying.

    As to the Island of the Idols, I'm guessing that everyone will be browbeaten into playing the game, they will just keep increasing the offer or lowering the terms needed for success.  But I'm still meh on the "advice" given.  The extremely mind blowing advice given to Kellee was that she needs to listen to people?  Um, OK.  At least Elizabeth got taught a skill that is useful.  Kellee got the equivalent of "remember to breathe, it is helpful to bring oxygen to your lungs".

    I'm curious to learn what future advice Rob and Sandra might have.  "If you need to take a poop, most people do it in the ocean.  Pick a spot some distance away because you don't want the tide to wash up your yule logs onto your beach.  The beauty of pooping in the ocean is that you don't need paper or leaves to wipe your ass!"

    I find them completely extraneous to the game.  I wonder what will happen once everyone is aware of their existence, are they going to reveal themselves at tribal?

    Well the women were the only ones really considering her a threat with that ridiculous Parvati 2.0 garbage. The other women looked like idiots to me just buying what Annoying Grating Noura says and playing into her hands. Cause u know it wasnt possible that Jack and Jamal were running No sir its always the pretty woman RME. No one cared to think Maybe Noura had a Grudge and makes up stuff now shes in a position of power nice job geniuses. 

    • Love 1
  5. Am I supposed to like Edie and the woman so willing to sleep with a married woman? Cause I really dont. I get her marriage is rocky but I despise cheaters, not as much as actual sickos and Murderers but I do. I also hate the "pretend to hate them but actually want them " crap shown earlier in the episode.. I really like the show though. Felt bad for Roxy when she walked in on her horrid Parents talking with the lawyer. Love me some Brittany Snow!

    • Love 6
  6. 23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Well boo, I'd hate to lose Chelsea. I really like her so far. I like Karishma too even though we've haven't seen much of her. 

    If one of them is medevaced, I could see the women's alliance dissolving because of it. Another boo because I wanted to see the women's alliance dominate.

    But Probst would love it. So his male alliance he likes can form 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sarah Heart said:

    "Dang they played her ass."

    Yes,  Sandra they sure did. I friggin love a blindside,and Molly was definitely  Parvati 2.0

    How ya feeling now Jamal? You were maneuvering  this game, were you not?

    Love the twist, I don't care if they tell it don't  tell about Rob/ Sandra.

    How was she Parv 2.0 cause I didn't see it. Molly didn't get hate from me like Parvati did. Couldnt stand that smug arrogant bitch 

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, LanceM said:

    Yeah I am sure it is just a coincidence that Kellee came up with the exact same lie that Elizabeth made last week. lol

    Poor Molly and her minions got a little too damn cocky. Once they showed Jamal sleeping during the day I knew Molly was done.

    And again we know Molly was in control how exactly? Cause bathshit has a grudge against her Noura said so?

    1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

    Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be that bitter after the first vote…ever.  Not sure Aaron handled that well, but Missy sure did (“we need to gain that back” when he talked about losing trust).  Aaron can go next. 

    And Noura-dang girl, Brandon Hantz didn’t even go off his rocker as fast you did.  Not sure if the yoga is working for you.  Jamal was kind of a jerk putting Noura on the spot about why they should vote Jason out and whether she was voting for him.  Not really an unsuspecting alliance since everyone had them pegged. 

    IOTI made even less sense this week.  At least Kellee’s a better liar than Elizabeth.

    All this talk about the orange girls dominating makes me think they are in for a serious downfall.  Chelsea came across a bit cocky this episode (I won’t lie that I giggled a little when she forgot the bag in the water). 

    But hey, maybe I’ll get surprised for once by the editing.

    Something in the preview for next week suggested you could be right but wont discuss here 

  9. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    Wow!  That was great!  I’m so glad Lauren and the rest wiped that smug grin off Molly’s face.  Lauren is my new favorite. 

    Love that Kelly did what I said to do after Idol Island— empty your bag, empty your pockets. Assure people you have no idol. Ha!

    Not me. I fucking cant stand Noura and it just looked to me like the girls were just mad Jack and Jamal werent all buddy with them. The "oh she controls the boys" excuse is so tiring. It did not look like Molly was controlling them. How was she controlling them cause Annoying bossy as Hell Noura said so? Way to do what she wants idiots

    • Love 4
  10. My guess for Skeleton Is Dana Carvey. He talked about being second fiddle and said Party on Dudes which is something Garth from Wayne's world says. My guess for Rottweiler is Singer Chris Daughtry. He was on American idol, same season as Kellie Pickler and Katherine McPhee and all 3 lost to the inferior Taylor Hicks. Daughtry had big hits like "Its not over", "Home" to name a couple 

  11. 30 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

    New Green Arrow, same ol' Canaries. That killed any interest I might have had in the spinoff. But good luck to Kat McNamara. She's a doll (who deserved better than this).

    She certainly did! And hopefully they announce later that Connor and William will be in the show, I still dont understand how they seriously think a show with a DESPISED character as one of the mains Is something fans would watch. Why cant we have Mia William and Connor as the 3 leads? So tone deaf its seriously like Juliana Harkavy has dirt on people 

    • Love 2
  12. 55 minutes ago, Trisha said:


    I'm actually heated about this! They are so tone deaf. I DO NOT want Mia with horrible Dinah and With Laurel. Why cant we have Mia Connor and William? Why do they think People will tune for a show where Dinah is even more prominent on screen! I shouldve known that they would greenlight a Spinoff with Mia but not with the characters she works best with! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 

    • Love 4
  13. 4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    But do we even know if Kat is bisexual or anything? I mean, I wouldn't put it past Kat to fake it, but I think she knows that Christie isn't well liked, especially since Christie isn't the one who won America's Prankster. 

    Not that Kat is very nice either. I still can't like her after she bullied Nicole in the storage room before she was evicted. 

    Oh yeah I have my problems with Kat no doubt. Hooking up with Jackson and Nick, playing for Shitty Holly and Jackson which cost her the game, letting Jackson treat her like crap yet still make excuses for him, having the gall to be pissed at Nicole and Cliff for having deals when she was selling them and Jess out staying loyal to BitchieBeth. And I blame her for not getting Cliffs Angel's to switch up and boot Jackson. 

    • Love 3
  14. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    She won the DE HOH. She won the BB Comics veto. Ok, she WAS thrown her second HOH, that's true.

    She has done well the last few weeks. At the very least, the last few weeks, she's had great reads but kept going along with what Cliff wanted. 

    Meanwhile, Entitled Jackson thinks that leaving a bitchy GBM to Cliff is such a great idea because he's so confident that he'll win. Which does make me not want him to win. 

    Somehow, this is starting to turn into a Paul season. 

    Also, Jackson wouldn't leave Nicole alone last night when she asked him several times to leave. Fucking entitled dickbag. Nicole better cream Holly in part 2 and destroy Jackson in part 3.

    Because they REALLY wanted to throw Nick under the bus and show him for his true colours: skeevy disgusting horndog. 

    Seriously, that jury segment made him look AWFUL. And it made Kat look desperate for air time. I mean, I now absolutely believe that they cut the part where Nick told them that he was voted America's Prankster and that's when Kat started becoming interested in Nick. Because we KNOW Kat is clamoring for people to love her. She's similar to Cliff, who's clamoring for AFP. 

    I really don't think Kat/Nick are a real thing. They may have banged because Nick just wants to have sex with everyone and everything, and Kat has probably been desperate for it ever since Jackson dumped her. At the very least, they don't last past a week outside of the jury house. 

    Kat couldve banged Christie then if she was hard up for Sex lol. Christie finds her hot AF and Christie's not disgusting like Nick and Jackson JMO lol

    • LOL 3
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  15. 2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    Chenbot was funny!  She kept telling  Cliff he is the one that screwed up his own game.......by, playing a step ahead. 

    Wow!  Even Julie wants Michie to win!  

    Why is Nicole acting like a complete bitch?  She won nothing and was dragged to F3........like we all knew should would........because, her game is weak! 

    If she was such a tough bitch she would have told Holly during the HOH comp.  

    “You know Holly, this is for a guaranteed 3rd spot in the Finale. 

     Stay up there and let’s play fair and square.”

    Nicole earned......NOTHING!!!!!!

    Cliff also went home..... because, he did not want to play for that last HOH which would guarantee his safety.

    Nicole + Cliff = entitled Cheaters!!!!!

    Jolly for the WIN!!!!! 🍉💋

    Also yes please ignore how much of a bitch Holly is and how much of a piece of shit Jackson is acting like they are such innocent human beings who never did anything wrong is laughable. 

    • Love 12
  16. 2 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    Chenbot was funny!  She kept telling  Cliff he is the one that screwed up his own game.......by, playing a step ahead. 

    Wow!  Even Julie wants Michie to win!  

    Why is Nicole acting like a complete bitch?  She won nothing and was dragged to F3........like we all knew should would........because, her game is weak! 

    If she was such a tough bitch she would have told Holly during the HOH comp.  

    “You know Holly, this is for a guaranteed 3rd spot in the Finale. 

     Stay up there and let’s play fair and square.”

    Nicole earned......NOTHING!!!!!!

    Cliff also went home..... because, he did not want to play for that last HOH which would guarantee his safety.

    Nicole + Cliff = entitled Cheaters!!!!!

    Jolly for the WIN!!!!! 🍉💋

    RME FUCK BitchieBeth! They have the Entitlement 

    • Love 2
  17. 5 hours ago, kz5 said:

    Yes, usually the jury footage is pretty fun.  Was anyone else disgusted by Tommy and Christie?  I thought they were going to make out at one point. 

    I was disgusted by Kat and Nick. I was hoping Kat would get better taste in men. Kat and Nick are disgusting as Jackson and Holly 

    • Love 6
  18. 10 hours ago, Hanahope said:

    Is Dr will moderating the jury again this year?  He’ll manipulate them into voting for Jackson.  Lie, cheat, steal, do whatever you have to do win.  That’s the BB way since the beginning.

    Dont know about that. KC won last year and Josh beat Paul(though I loved seeing Paul lose again) and Will moderated both 

    • Love 3
  19. 16 hours ago, Cutty said:

    I think the real conspiracy theory is why did production not use the days comp at F4 veto like they usually do. This was the most physical F4 veto I can recall in years. Definitely suspicious. 

    To give their precious Coddled Babied Catered to Production pet a great chance to win

    • Love 7
  20. 13 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:

    Guys, we can't be the bitter jury that we bemoan each year. Jackson deserves to win this season hands down! All counterarguments are welcome.

    I'm so sick of the biggest Babied Coddled and Catered to Production Pet. Its asboulety sickening and Mindboggling why Production helps that piece of shit out so much. Hope he loses 

    • Love 11
  21. 18 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    I'm less impressed when I take into account that a weird forced pressure cooker situation (the Big Brother house itself) is what led to this sudden discovery that there was people in the world aside from Jackson's mommy, the girls he fucks and dumps, and the produce clerk that puts out the watermelons. Oh, and the kids he helped haze in his fraternity in college. Sure, the house makes him look at things differently - in the house, not necessarily when he leaves the house. 

    Did we all forget that it was Jackson that slammed the door in Nicole's face during that disgusting bash session in the HoH room? Sure, he apologized for it. Because he needed Nicole as a number at the time because the Six were putting him and Holly out with the trash. Sure, he's nice to Nicole still. It doesn't change the fact that if it wasn't for the Six deciding to dump him and Holly, he probably still wouldn't have given her the time of day in the house. 

    Nah, Jackson's still a piece of shit. He's just a piece of shit with a good feel for when he needs to change his image to best suit his goals. 

    I'mma just rain on everybody's parade today. You're right, Holly did seem less engaged in the bashing and did say she felt horrible about it. But she also said that for game reasons, she had to let it happen. I know, we (in general) have this debate every season: do you throw away your game - potentially - to stand up for what's right? Or do you essentially rubber stamp the shitty behaviour and keep your mouth shut because gaaaame? 

    Holly may not have encouraged it but she also did nothing to stop it. 

    Holly also spent plenty of time bashing Sis Christie Kat behind their backs calling them Cunts among other things. Shes also called Nicole names 

    • Useful 2
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  22. 56 minutes ago, JD5166 said:

    I guess it makes a little more sense now that I’ve seen this convo with  the snacksons...like how could you be so tight with that sociopath?! Ha I kinda of like Holly more right now! 

    Holly has no fucking room to talk. Her Piece of Crap Boyfriend Jackson is more a Sociopath than Christie!

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