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Posts posted by jay741982

  1. Oh yeah and Felicity is gonna see a new side of him BARF!! I almost forgot his first scenes were with the man he's copying and the woman being used to try to make him likeable and and is being used to help shove him down viewers throats lol

  2. I'm sorry Limbo I don't wanna depress you. My wish is Oliver comes back sees Felicity last declares his love again than she does. Commence hot make out session than Sexytimes. But MG is an idiot who needs to bombarded by Olicity fans that are tired of the unnecessary angst that they aren't starcrossed and this season has been depressing and we need SOME lightness in this season

  3. If they actually do it like Oliver and Sara ill hurl and want to throw things. There is no reason Felicity should hook up with Ray. But MG is an idiot with his starcrossed BS and seems to think Fans won't shout OOC or some of the fans who only villfiy women even when the man is the one being an idiot like Oliver has been won't villfiy her. But he's also a big Laurel fan so I won't be Surpised if he wants to get Felicitys popularity knocked down cause he's mad Laurel is generally hated by viewers

  4. The guy who asked him that also said keep up the good work stop lying to him if he was doing going work the Oliver less episodes would be more about Diggle Felicity and Thea, his Best friend, Love of his life and his sister not Ray Roy and Laurel.

  5. The stupidest fucking thing they could do is force more Laurel Ray Roy down our throats. I know im gone if Diggle and Felicity are moved out of Arrowcave for unlikable or not very liked characters. Why the Fuck would you take two of the most popular characters and reduce their screen time. Do they want to lose viewers? I love the Action but I also love Felicity and Diggle and how important they are to Oliver. Plus I'm not going to lie Oliver and Felicity and is a fave tv couple of mine and their relationship is one of the main reasons I watch.

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  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Guggenheim wrote in Diggle and Felicity quitting Team Arrow in grief over Oliver then have that Bitch Be the one who pulls them back in. He's a big Laurel fan it seems.

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